Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 517: Guidance From The Locals (Please Subscribe!)

What he said seemed mysterious and mysterious.

Xia Yan must not have understood what he meant at first.

But there is an unclear feeling.

So he followed the mechanical enemy Rambo and headed to a very tall canyon.

The rocks around here are as sharp as a knife.

Very smooth.

And there is a waterfall flying down from the sky in the middle.

The water flow is very fast, and the sound of the surging water can be heard from a long distance away.

The surroundings also look relatively ethereal.

What surprised Xia Yan the most was that the air here didn't have any energy fluctuations at all.

This is the only pure place Xia Yan encountered during his travels among the three worlds.

"It's interesting." Xia Yan felt very incredible in his heart.

Because even the most barren places may have a trace of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Normal humans need to rely on the energy provided by breathing the vitality of heaven and earth to restore their body's functions.

If there is a place where there is no vitality.

Then there is basically no way for humans here to survive.

But the flowers, plants and trees here grow very strong.

"Do you also feel the difference between this place and the outside world?"

Not only that, these stones are also carved with some ancient 247 inscriptions. Xia Yan didn't pay attention to it when he came here at first, but when he looked carefully, he found that the style of these inscriptions was the same as what he had seen on the golden giant door before. Not much different from what you see above.

So this place is definitely a Feng Shui treasure.

It's just that it hasn't been really developed yet.

"Then why did you bring me here?" Xia Yan frowned and looked at the little guy in front of him.

Mechanical Enemy Rambo walked to the front with small steps.

Although his body is relatively short, the mecha pocket behind him contains a lot of things.

"There is one thing I believe you can help me with."

A huge smile spread across his face.

"How can I help you?" Xia Yan was almost stunned by these words.

Because the two of them just met.

Not friends either.

There's no help at all.

"Then you must have misunderstood me. Just now you had the idea of ​​giving me the fragment. Then I want to repay you."

Mechanical Enemy Rambo took out two mechanical chips from his pocket, and then found two places on the ground to place them (chfg).

Following a burst of dazzling light, the entire earth began to shake violently.

The surrounding flowers, plants and trees all made a buzzing sound.

Then a huge mechanical basement appeared in front of the two of them.

"The power I control is mechanical synthesis."

After Mechanical Enemy Rambo finished speaking, he took out a huge blue light ball from the base of the idea.

"I accidentally discovered it half a month ago. The energy displayed on it was very swollen. I didn't have any confidence that I could take it out, so I hid it in my secret basement."

When he finished speaking, Xia Yan walked forward and touched him gently.

At this time, his eyes were shining with surging light.

"nice one!"

If you just look at it from the outside.

There really is no way to tell any clues.

But when Xia Yan carefully felt the power displayed in it, he suddenly discovered that wasn't this the fragment of Bandle City he was looking for?

The energy collection in this place is different from other cities.

These fragments will exist in this contract in various forms.

When Xia Yan came into contact, the system immediately made the sound of absorbing energy.

After the mechanical sound ended, Xia Yan received a prompt from the system.

"You have collected three fragments of Bandle City!"

Unexpectedly, I had to go through all kinds of iron shoes to find it, and it took no effort to get it.

It seems that the little yordle in front of me is indeed very sincere.

Xia Yan laughed a few times and then walked forward and patted his head gently with his hand.

"You are such a good guy."

With this Bandle City fragment, Xia Yan's success rate in continuing his search will be much higher.

Because he can fully utilize the power of the system and deploy a full-range radar based on the attributes of this capability.

Finding other fragments becomes a little easier.

Mechanical Enemy Rambo's eyes showed a sincere light.

"Because you are the person in the prophecy who can save our entire city, so I must be good to you."

After hearing this, Xia Yan suddenly remembered the conversation between the two of them when they first arrived.

So they sat on the ground and started chatting.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Rambo can be considered a pitiful person.

Because he makes and collects materials here, basically all by himself.

From a very young age, he lived alone.

Therefore, Xia Yan's emotions towards Xia Yan were not entirely due to his previous prophecies.

"Why do you feel so fatalistic?" Xia Yan took out a very flat tablecloth from his system space.

There are many delicacies he collected from outside.

In the system space, time stops.

Therefore, the food tube inside will not be damaged no matter how long it is stored.

"Wow, where did you get these things recently?" After seeing these real objects, Rambo's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

Completely ignored Xia Yan's question.

He immediately rushed forward, grabbed the food with his two little hands, and stuffed it into his mouth.

I ate until my mouth was full of oil and then I stopped for a while.

Then he sat on the ground with a little contentment and patted his swollen belly.

"You really taught me a lot today. I have never eaten such good food before."

After resting for a while, he began to reply to Xia Yan's previous questions.

"If we really want to take it seriously, this is not fatalism, but in our Bandle City, this kind of prediction is basically very accurate." Every prediction made by the high priest has been successful.

Xia Yan picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip.

"What is a high priest?"

It sounds like this is also a unique power system.

Maybe we can also get Bandle City's energy fragments from here.

Rambo, on the other hand, thought about it and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, if you ask me this, I don't know much about the high priest. I just know a little bit from various rumors.

But after finishing speaking, he still told Xia Yan very enthusiastically.

"After eating, I can take you to a place where you should have what you want."

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