Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 529 Everyone’S Rapidly Increasing Combat Power (Please Subscribe!)

There's just one thing Crocodile doesn't know.

Because Xia Yan doesn't need to find beautiful wives one after another because he is too strong.

It's because these wives themselves can provide Xia Yan with a steady stream of strength.

Xia Yan also noticed it when the door to space opened.

The female heroes from Zaun did not come.

Because they have been pregnant for several months.

Give them a little more time.

They will be able to give birth to several more children for Xia Yan.

And by that time, Xia Yan's strength will also be greatly improved!

"How are you all okay?" Xia Yan comforted each one.

A large hand brushed across Nami's face.

"You don't seem to have had much rest these past few days. Why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"

Nami leaned in Xia "Zero Sixty" Yan's arms.

She said coquettishly, "It's not because I'm thinking about you. How can I sleep well at night without you?"

Xia Yan laughed, "Do you really just miss me? Don't you miss something else?"

Nami's face suddenly turned red.

Of course she knew what Xia Yan was talking about.

If you say it in private, it's okay.

But there are so many people around.

Nami seemed a little embarrassed.

The women next to him obviously understood the implication of Xia Yan's words.

They all covered their mouths and smiled softly.

Everyone's face also has some shyness.

If these women were alone, they would be at the level of a country and a city. Now gathered together, they are like countless beautiful flowers blooming between heaven and earth, eclipsing all the surrounding scenery.

The warblers and swallows here seemed to make Xia Yan temporarily forget that in less than a day, a large number of gods would descend from the outside world.

These protoss were all expelled from Valoran in ancient times.

There are even some who were the helping hands brought from other dimensions during the Protoss’ years of wandering.

Of course, they did not come here to attack Valoran, they just wanted to return to their homeland.

That's why they will release their divine power and let the indigenous people in Valoran accept their power.

And not far ahead, there was a protoss who took the lead and passed through the space crack and successfully arrived.

His body was shrouded in various steel mechas, and even his blood was shrouded and wrapped in this special memory steel.

And what flows in his body is not just blood, but also various fossil energies.

This is an extremely terrifying existence.

If he is allowed to obtain resources from the special world around him, then he can continuously provide himself with subsequent energy.

It can be said that he alone is equivalent to a large army.

And it’s the kind that requires no logistics at all.

"It seems that an interesting guy has finally arrived." Xia Yan let go of the arms of several women.

Then ask them all to stand in the back.

"Have your abilities been improved since you came to this world?"

The question Xia Yan wants to ask is whether these people with Devil Fruit abilities can absorb the power of runes in Valoran and evolve their abilities.

In this case, whether it is the rule of the entire continent or the struggle against these gods.

can all play a vital role.

So Xia Yan is now eager to know whether the abilities of these people have been greatly improved.

After hearing this question, the eyes of the women behind them shone brightly, as if they were waiting for Xia Yan to ask them.

"I'll say it first, I'll say it first, I'll do it!"

Among them, Nami has been following Xia Yan for a relatively long time, starting from Grand Line.

It's just that her strength is very weak.

Even in the world of pirates, Nami actually doesn't have much ability.

The weather stick she used was just a weapon to communicate the thunder attribute energy between heaven and earth.

Therefore, Xia Yan is considered the weakest among the women.

But her figure and appearance are superb.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you don't have strength.

But for Nami herself, this is a wound she can never erase.

So after coming to Piltover.

Seeing the Hextech here opened her eyes.

In addition, there is rarely sea in this place.

There is no place for navigator power to use 0...

Therefore, Nami set its sights on the development and use of Hex Technology.

I have to say that she is indeed a gifted person.

Soon he had mastered all the core of Hextech.

And you can create it.

The weapons created are extremely powerful.

In recent times, Nami has made many armors and offensive weapons for herself.

All crafted using Hex Cores.

Moreover, these Hex cores are also connected with the power of runes.

If everything breaks out.

I'm afraid even the weapons made by the future guardian Jace can't compare.

So when Xia Yan just asked this question, Nami immediately took out a metal ball similar to a Poke Ball from his mouth.

It is made of colorful colors. There is a button on top of it. As soon as Nami presses his finger on it, the Poké Ball will expand rapidly, and the mechanical particles blooming from it will instantly reorganize in the air.

Then a giant fort was formed that could float in the air.

It looks like Haki is leaking sideways.

It even has the same purpose as the other mechanical life form.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect your research to be so in-depth and powerful."

Originally, he thought that Nami and others were just eating, drinking, and having fun in the villa he gave them.

But Zhenyan never expected that they would be so serious about improving their abilities.

The protoss who came over did not react at first.

When he found out, he immediately locked his eyes on Nami.

"You either submit to me or die." His voice seemed a little hoarse, as if he had just mastered the language.

At the same time, his body began to expand continuously.

The mechanical body stretched out like a Gundam.

At the same time, everyone also saw his famous official from the markings on his body.

God of Machinery!

He is one of the original gods in this universe.

His body was damaged by Aurelion Sol from the ancient war, and he has been sleeping ever since.

In the past hundred years, it has slowly awakened and recovered. .

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