Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 538: Amplifying The Power Of The Formation (Please Subscribe!)

after that.

Demacia has entered a state of general martial law.

Others may not know the seriousness of the matter.

Only Galen understood what the magic riot in his sister meant.

"Have you ever visited her?" Galen asked.

"Not yet. I've been too busy lately with a lot of things going on. You also know what Valoran is facing.

Xia Yan was slightly embarrassed.

But what he said is very true.

After all, Lux has his child. Even if he doesn't have time, he should go back and take a look.

Otherwise it would be too unreasonable.

So after thinking for a while, Xia Yan said, "After the things here are settled, I will go see her, don't worry - that's it."

Galen nodded, raised the lightsaber in his hand, smiled, showing his white teeth.

"I knew you wouldn't be so heartless. My nephew is very cute. You will definitely like him when you see him.

Xia Yan also smiled and said carelessly.

"Hahaha, it's necessary, and you don't even look at whose cub it is!"

Then, the two of them joked with each other.

But when it comes to talking about key issues.

Even Xia Yan became serious.

According to the fluctuations displayed by the previous space coordinates.

The divine power from the universe will arrive in fifteen minutes.

Xia Yan sided with Galen.

How should we deal with the situation after the discussion?

At this time, another group of people were ready to go and walked out from the other side of the canyon.

They all wore jet black armor.

Everyone is high-spirited and full of bloody killing.

The person on the pillow wore dark orange heavy armor and had a blood-red cloak behind him.

Only the big ax he was holding.

The most eye-catching and eye-catching.

Xia Yan and Galen were chatting when they suddenly saw the scene ahead.

"Why is he here too?"

Galen asked with a frown.

Although the two of them had fought together against the enemy the last time they were in Piltover.

But from the bottom of my heart, there is still no way to reconcile the conflict between Galen and Darius.

"This is also someone else's territory. If those guys really attack, you, Demacia, won't be the only one who suffers losses.

Xia Yan said calmly.

Wait until he finishes saying this.

Galen fell silent.

Because he felt that what Xia Yan said did make sense.

Not long after, Darius came over from the opposite side.

"Long time no see."

He spoke with great emotion.

Xia Yan also went up to say hello to him.

Then he asked about Katarina's current situation.

Since the last time Xia Yan separated from her, the two of them haven't had much interaction. In addition, Xia Yan has been training in Bandle City for a period of time, so he doesn't know much about what is happening in other places on this continent?

However, Catalina once expressed her love for Xia Yan, which he still remembered very clearly, so he asked about this situation because Xia Yan wanted to see if he could find an opportunity to have a child with Catalina.

"He has been at the border recently because there are still a few remaining demons that have not been dealt with."

Darius said slowly.

The last time the abyss demon Mephisto left, he did not take all the demons away.

Because the crack in the abyss closed too quickly.

Therefore, those demons that expanded outwards were forced to stay where they were before they had time to return.

"It seems that your border has not been going well recently."

Xia Yan asked.

Darius smiled bitterly and put away the ax in his hand.

"It's a long story, but now is a crisis, so I won't tell you that much.

Compared with Galen, Darius's ideas are relatively unified.

He felt that Xia Yan was very strong.

Then Xia Yan’s idea should be the core theme.

This is a completely different place between him and Galen.

Deliles, including the entire Nosas Empire, respect the strong.

If it weren't for Katarina and Commander Swain, they had something to deal with.

Then they will definitely be standing here now.

This is the attitude of Noxus.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Originally, I was worried about how to deal with this matter. After all, there are too many people on the other side, but now that both of you have brought so many troops, it will be easier to handle."

………Please give me flowers…0

After Xia Yan finished speaking, Galen and Darius next to him didn't understand at all.

"We do have an army, but compared with those troops who have the power of gods, they are definitely far behind. The death-to-injury ratio will probably be one to one hundred.

The two men sighed.

However, at this time, there were only five minutes left before the time when the god's army would arrive.

Some of the surrounding space cracks have gradually begun to become unstable.

In the center of the two armies, there is a very vast open space.

Countless silver snakes like silk threads are densely spread in the air.

It was as if the surrounding air had been cracked.

"They are coming." Xia Yan squinted his eyes and looked at what was happening in front of him.

Galen next to him also had a serious face.

"This power is too powerful."

And Xia Yan wanted to relieve their anxiety.

So he pulled out part of the Devil Fruit's power from his body.

Then he carved the amplification formation obtained from Gu Tianyuan on the ground.

After everyone saw this scene, they were very shocked and confused.

Because they didn't know that the decisive battle was about to begin in a few minutes.

Xia Yan still does all these bells and whistles, what’s the point?

Some soldiers in the front row also didn't understand very much.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know, but Xia Yan's combat effectiveness should be considered the best in Valoran. Let's not speculate on other people's thoughts."

"His silk thread seems to contain extremely terrifying power. I was bounced away by the power when I came closer."

One of the soldiers was next to the amplification formation drawn by Xia Yan, and he spoke with lingering fear.

Because of the red formation line, he found it very interesting, so he wanted to go up and study it.

But before he could reach the soldier, he was knocked back by the energy in the formation.

And the body was covered with blood-red scars.

This soldier's strength should be considered second-rate among Demacia's forward troops.

But even so, he couldn't hold back the subtle energy spilled from the formation lines. .

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