Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 56 Yuhihong Is Born! (New Book Please Collect!)

Chapter 56: The Setting Sun Turns Red! (New Book Seeking Collection!)

Under Xia Yan's persistent efforts,

Before long, Uzumaki Yangzi also became pregnant.

She seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that she had not let Xia Yan down and finally had the ease of completing her mission.

During this time, she actually sought favor in various ways, and Xia Yan also worked hard.

But it's unknown whether it was because her body was too weak before, she unexpectedly didn't get pregnant for a long time.

Now she has finally succeeded, and she also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that she subconsciously distanced herself from Xiang Lin, perhaps feeling that it was unfair to Xiang Lin, not wanting him to see her growing belly?

Xia Yan, on the other hand, felt quite regretful.

Uzumaki Yangzi herself is not bad-looking, but her body that was too weak made her not look as beautiful.

With the slow recuperation in the Uchiha family, she finally regained the normal demeanor of a ninja.

Her charm is very captivating!

Now that she's pregnant, it's a bit of a pity that she can't do anything more...

However, her child is obviously even more anticipated.


Meanwhile, Xia Yan is worrying about something.

"The Uchiha's money is a bit tight..."

The mighty Uchiha, actually running out of money?

Xia Yan was a bit confused, but upon careful consideration, it doesn't seem so strange.

With the approaching war, prices are rising, consumption is decreasing, and the Uchiha's income is inevitably affected.

And expenses have increased instead.

In order to escape the war, a large number of female shinobi chose to marry into the Uchiha clan, and the rewards they received were quite substantial!

At the same time, Orochimaru's rewards were also a large sum, as he didn't need ninjutsu and his monetary compensation was double that of a regular Jōnin.

In addition, there were some valuable instruments that Shikamaru had previously purchased - although he had already obtained them from the Root, he couldn't return them. Because that would be telling Konoha that he was the one who attacked the Root.

At the same time, the demand for Shikamaru's children was increasing. His first child is now two years old and is about to receive basic ninja education.

The cost of medicinal baths, harmless toy ninja tools, various entertainment facilities... all of these expenses add up to quite a sum!

With all these expenses, even Shikamaru, who inherited the Uchiha wealth, is short on money!

"I need to make money!" Shikamaru sighed. "I never thought that even after inheriting so much wealth, I still can't escape the need to earn a living for my family."

However, he was met with a disdainful look from his wife, Setsuna - "Have you ever thought about how many children we have?"

In any case, there was no other way. It was for the sake of supporting his family.

The old father, Shikamaru, applied to go on a mission!

First, he reviewed the current state of the Uchiha clan's assets.

Affected by the war, the rental income of shops in the Land of Fire had declined, and the profits of merchant caravans had greatly decreased.

Although there were increases in profits from mining and weapon trading...

Overall, the income from these inherited Uchiha assets was on a downward trend.

Of course, it wasn't just the Uchiha clan's income that was declining, other shinobi clans were also not faring well, and the entire Konoha felt the depression.

On the other hand, the Uchiha Entertainment Street that Shikamaru himself established became a unique phenomenon of prosperity in Konoha's economy.

The more chaotic the war, the more prosperous these places became!

Because many people were living day by day, not knowing if they would see the sun rise again, they naturally wanted to enjoy themselves when they had the chance.

Currently, the shinobi were in a phase of crazy consumption.

Of course, most of the people who spend money to vent are men. After all, it's too easy for women to find a one-night stand. Even slightly unattractive women can easily find someone to hook up with.

"It seems like I have to focus on women as my target!" Xia Yan thought to himself.

Male ninjas never know when they will leave the village for a mission, so the housewives are the main force behind spending during this time!

So he started working on the home appliance business, such as cosmetics, juicers, fans, hair dryers, and refrigerators.

He placed cosmetics and skincare products in the club and had his employees promote them to young women who love beauty.

He also placed juicers, fans, hair dryers, and other home appliances in the club, but instead of promoting them, he actively let the housewives experience the feeling of using these appliances, thereby arousing their desire to purchase.

These appliances had actually been developed a long time ago. For example, when Naruto graduated, he took out a box of expired milk from the refrigerator.

But even though they had been developed, because appliances and ninjas didn't go well together, they didn't enter every household.

Xia Yan aimed at this market gap.

While acquiring other factories, he also built his own research institute to develop more modern household appliances.

"Moreover, I have also found a reliable researcher!" Xia Yan looked at the young man below and thought to himself.

"Kakuzawa Toshuke, I appoint you as the director of the Uchiha Research Center. I hope you can research more advanced motors as soon as possible, with low noise, high efficiency, and energy-saving as the standards, and strive to improve product performance as much as possible."

"Yes! Lord Xia Yan, I will do my best!" Kakuzawa Toshuke said excitedly.

"You may go now, work well."

"Yes! Lord Xia Yan!"

Kakuzawa Toshuke respectfully said, his heart filled with passion, but he left Xia Yan's office in a submissive manner.

He was just a young man, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

His ninja rank was only Genin, and in Konoha, he could be considered trash, just slightly better than ordinary civilians.

Such a young and inexperienced youngster received the favor of Jōnin Xia Yan, received a raise, and was appointed as a director. It was obviously a great blessing!

"Xia Yan values me so much, I must not let him down!"

Kakuzawa Toshuke secretly vowed to himself.

Little did he know, Xia Yan was also rejoicing.

"I've found a good thing!" Xia Yan thought to himself.

But who could have imagined that this weak young man was a genuine scientific genius!

Kakuzawa Toshuke, the genius scientist of Konohagakure, head of the special department for scientific ninja tools, ninja rank: special Jōnin.

In simple terms, this guy was the creator of scientific ninja tools in Boruto, and he was also a doctor in engineering, medicine, health sciences, ninjutsu, and more!

However, no matter how strong a genius is, they will have periods of decline.

Despite his great achievements in developing scientific ninja tools in the future, he was only a special Jōnin.

Clearly, his own strength was severely lacking and was holding him back.

At this time, he was just a small Genin, slightly better than someone like Might Guy, but still looked down upon.

But the weakness of his own strength did not affect his research talent.

What Xia Yan saw was his talent!

"I can entrust the industrial side to him, there should be no problem..." Kakuzawa Toshuke's representative work was scientific ninja tools, mainly specializing in industry, unlike Orochimaru, who was an all-around researcher.

But it was enough!


One month later.

The Uchiha clan received good news!

Yuuhi Kurenai gave birth!


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