Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 69: If I Beat You, I'll Take You Hehehe!

Chapter 69: Defeat you, and I'll have my way with you! (On sale, seeking first orders!)

"Hey, isn't that enough?"

"We're far enough from Konoha, where else do you want to go?"

"Don't worry, I won't make too much noise when dealing with you... Hey, I said that's enough!"

Ringo Yururi had a dissatisfied expression on her face.

She was still bound tightly, carried on Shayan's shoulder, running on the road.

Ignoring Ringo's dissatisfaction, Shayan continued to run for a full hour.

"We should be about here." Shayan finally put down Ringo Yururi.

We were already far from Konoha, even close to the border.

Looking around, all I could see were mountains, desolate and uninhabited. It would take more than a day to walk to the nearest town at an ordinary person's speed.

"Is it necessary to go this far just to deal with a Jōnin like you?" Ringo Yururi twisted her body in dissatisfaction.

She had been jostled around all the way, feeling very uncomfortable.

"After all, you are the first Kage-level female ninja I've faced. I have to show you respect," Shayan said with a smile.

Ringo pouted.

The first Kage-level female ninja? It's as if you've fought against some Kage-level master...

"Hey, can you untie the rope on me?" Ringo Yururi snorted.

"Sure." Shayan squatted down gently.

He took out a shuriken and began to cut the rope.

The two of them were very close at this moment. Looking at Shayan's handsome face, a hint of something flashed in Ringo Yururi's eyes, but she still waited quietly for her liberation.

Finally, the rope was cut.

Ringo Yururi couldn't help but move her stiff limbs.

This is the feeling of freedom...

"Huh, aren't you going to ambush me?" Xia Yan chuckled and said, "I think this is the perfect opportunity."

"Ambush? On you?" Lin Qingyu Yuli listened and couldn't help but laugh.

Her lips curled up, laughing very loudly, almost doubling over with laughter.

"Hey, kid." Lin Qingyu Yuli glanced at Xia Yan and said, "Are you driven mad by lust, destroying your reason?"

"At least I'm a Kage-level, not someone like you, a disgrace to Jōnin!"

"Do I need to ambush you to defeat you?"

Xia Yan: "I think it's still necessary. As a ninja, ambushing is not shameful."

Ambushing is not shameful, but as a dignified Kage-level expert, ambushing a Jōnin like you is quite embarrassing!

Lin Qingyu Yuli snorted and moved her hands and feet, saying, "Forget it, why am I wasting time with you... Kid, since you have a handsome face and haven't made any moves, I'll spare you."

"You can leave, I won't kill you."

Saying that, she turned her head and was about to leave.

Xia Yan ran a bit far, making her have to travel for a long time before she could return to the Mist Village.

But having fought against that strange masked monster and not losing any limbs, she could already consider herself very lucky...

Lin Qingyu Yuli thought to herself, about to exert force with her footsteps, about to jump up in the next second.

But before she could act, another figure appeared in front of her.

"Forget about sparing you." Xia Yan smiled and said, "I remember our agreement... If I defeat you, you have to bear my child. I've been waiting for several years to find a Kage-level female ninja willing to bear my child!"

"You really are driven mad by lust!" Lin Qingyu Yuli's expression suddenly turned unfriendly.


"Then I'll give you a lesson, so you'll know to respect power!"


Intense lightning flickered.

Ringo Yuuri's hands seemed to grasp the thunder, swiftly moving her body. In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Xia Yan.

She clapped her delicate hands, and two thunderbolts followed her movements, roaring together.

This Lightning Style may not be powerful, but it serves as a lesson!

However, in the next second!


Xia Yan extended both hands and easily caught Ringo Yuuri's hands.

Then, with a twist of his wrist, he effortlessly lifted Ringo Yuuri and spun her around in a cartwheel motion before forcefully throwing her.

Oh no!

"Huh?" Ringo Yuuri was stunned, feeling as if the world was spinning.

In the next second, she crashed into a pile of withered leaves not far away.

Her body didn't hurt, but she was dazed from the impact.

Xia Yan chuckled lightly and walked up to her.

"You lost," Xia Yan revealed a foxy smile and said, "Now it's time for you to fulfill our travel agreement and have my child, right?"

Ringo Yuuri finally regained her senses and stared at Xia Yan with wide eyes.

"You... aren't you a Jōnin disgrace?"

"I never said I was a Jōnin disgrace," Xia Yan replied.

Ringo Yuuri: 11

No one would admit to such a thing!

"Anyway, you lost," Xia Yan smiled. "Let's go, mother of my child. Come home with me and have our child!"

Mother of my child... having a child...

Upon hearing these words, Ringo Yuuri's face turned both embarrassed and angry.

"Do you dare to deceive me? Kid, prepare to die!"

She became furious and thunder roared, surging towards him.

Intense thunder, wild flickering.


The thunder struck down!

For a moment, everything turned white!

But there was no sign of Xia Yan.

Lin Qingyu's face was filled with anger as she turned her head to look beside her.

There, Xia Yan's figure appeared without her noticing.

"I knew a Kage-level female ninja wouldn't easily surrender, so I deliberately chose this vast and uninhabited place." Xia Yan sighed, "But we had an agreement, isn't this going a bit too far?"

"I don't care!" Lin Qingyu angrily said, "Just die!"

Shouting, the thunder was about to burst forth again.

However, before the intense lightning could strike, Xia Yan had already approached her directly.

His Sharingan eyes spun rapidly, and his hands quickly and accurately grabbed Lin Qingyu's wrist, then exerted force once again...

I'm done for!

Lin Qingyu was dumbfounded, she was thrown onto a pile of withered leaves again.

But this time, it was a different pile of withered leaves...

"Miss, isn't it not good to break your promise like this?" Xia Yan sighed, casually picking up a grass stem and putting it in his mouth, "What about your reputation?"

"I don't care!" Lin Qingyu's face was filled with anger and embarrassment, "Besides, I'm a ninja! Deception is the most important thing for a ninja!"

"So what if I don't keep my word?" Xia Yan sighed, "Well, then I'll just have to catch you again..."

Speaking, the figure disappeared in an instant.

The next second, it appeared on Lin Qingyu Yuli's body, leaning down, firmly suppressing Lin Qingyu Yuli's arms with both hands, and also pressing down on Lin Qingyu Yuli's legs with the knees.

The entire weight of the person also pressed down.

"Damn it! Let go of me!" Lin Qingyu Yuli felt the man's breath on her body, becoming even more embarrassed and angry, shouting repeatedly.

On the other hand, Xia Yan was still enthusiastically commenting on various topics.

"When you were tied up earlier, I didn't realize it, but now that I see you, you really are small... At a height of 1.4 meters, you look like my child who hasn't graduated yet."

Lin Qingyu Yuli is only 143.5cm tall.

What concept is this?

Hmm, even Sakura, who will graduate in two years, is a full 148.5cm!

This Miss Lin Qingyu is already an adult, but she is still smaller than twelve-year-old Sakura...

And she also has a fierce-looking face, fierce and cute.

What a fierce and cute legal loli!

"You, you!" Lin Qingyu Yuli became even angrier. In the Hidden Mist Village, anyone who commented on her height would have their feet cut off by her, forcing them to be the same height as her.

But now, Xia Yan is suppressing her, and she struggles with all her might, but to no avail.

She can only vent her anger by shouting helplessly and desperately twisting her body.

Feeling Lin Qingyu's struggles, Xia Yan suddenly smiled.

"Hey, how about this?"

"If I let you go, we can fight a few more times... until you surrender."

"Are you really that kind-hearted?" Lin Qingyu Yuli sneered.

"Of course I'm not that kind-hearted," Xia Yan smiled and said, "So every time I defeat you, I get to... do it once."

"Do it once?"

"Just defeating you, I'll hehehe you!"

"You bastard!"

Lin Qingyu Yuli was extremely embarrassed and angry, struggling even more.

But after futile resistance for a while, she finally gave up in helplessness.

Her small body was not skilled in competing with strength.

Even if she used Chakra, she still couldn't match the strength of Xia Yan, who had more abundant Chakra.

In addition to her small stature, even though she was struggling desperately, it looked like she was acting spoiled in Xia Yan's arms... How could she bear it!

"Good! Let's fight again!" Lin Qingyu Yuli angrily said, "This time I will definitely slaughter you!"

Although she had lost before, she still had strong confidence in herself.

That was the confidence that came from killing in the bloody world of the Mist Village time and time again!

"If I hadn't been careless just now, how could he have won against me!"

She still firmly believed so!

"Then I can let go." Xia Yan smiled and said, "Remember, now that you have agreed to this agreement, you can't play dirty anymore... I will also use force!"

"Let go!" Lin Qingyu Yuli said firmly, "If I play dirty, you can use force as you please! I allow it!"

Anyway, she won't lose!

Upon hearing this, Xia Yan smiled.

He stood up.

Lin Qingyu Yuli also instantly stood up, taking a few steps back. The restless anger in her eyes dissipated, revealing a calm and composed gaze.

This is the gaze that a ninja uses to exert their maximum strength!

Lin Qingyu Yuli's sharp eyes stared at Xia Yan intently, her hands sliding slightly downward. She looked like an arrow ready to be released.

But Xia Yan just smiled calmly and said, "Aren't you going to make a move?"

"Fine, then I'll make the first move this time."


Footsteps halted, rushing over.

Lin Qingyu Yuli also hesitated for a moment, then suddenly rushed over.


Fists and feet collided, emitting a muffled sound.

Sweeping punches, striking palms, poking elbows, kicking legs.

Both sides engaged in a back-and-forth, punches hitting flesh, close-quarters combat, fighting head-on.

This time, Lin Qingyu Yuli displayed the strength of a Kage-level female ninja.

Clean and precise movements, powerful force, and lightning-fast speed. Ordinary ninjas couldn't even catch her shadow.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, had a smile on his face as he continuously threw punches and kicks.

Every punch accurately hit Lin Qingyu Yuli's points of force, every kick perfectly disrupted her balance, every step perfectly avoided where Lin Qingyu Yuli wanted to step...

Xia Yan could teach Sasuke to perfectly control the Uchiha fighting style, so how could he not do it himself?

Lin Qingyu Yuli was trapped,

feeling extremely uncomfortable...

But she was, after all, a Kage-level female ninja. She firmly defended herself and took the opportunity to find a flaw to counterattack.

However, they only exchanged a few moves.

Suddenly, Lin Qingyu Yuli's expression changed slightly, and her movements showed a momentary pause.

It wasn't because Xia Yan did something, but rather her own injuries were affecting her performance!

She had just clashed head-on with Kakuzu and was completely defeated and captured!

She was already injured.

Although Kakuzu intended to sell her for a good price and didn't go all out. (Finished)

But the injuries left behind inevitably became the biggest flaw in the battle!

Xia Yan seized this opportunity.

Just like before, he effortlessly threw Lin Qingyu out and smashed her onto a pile of dry leaves, pressing down on her with his whole body.

"Damn it! If I wasn't injured, how could you have defeated me?" Lin Qingyu's face was full of unwillingness.

She clearly shouldn't have lost so easily!

"That's true, I did take advantage of you this time." Xia Yan nodded in agreement, then smiled. "So let me solve your problem."

As he spoke, his hands emitted a green light and gently touched Lin Qingyu's body.

Suddenly, a warm feeling spread throughout her body.

"Is this medical ninjutsu? Or A-rank Healing Jutsu?" Lin Qingyu was stunned.

Medical ninjas were rare treasures in the Mist Village, which valued combat power.

Not to mention a medical ninja who mastered A-rank healing ninjutsu!

The effect of A-rank healing ninjutsu was very strong.

Before long, Xia Yan withdrew his hands and stood up.

Lin Qingyu was completely healed!

Lin Qingyu stared blankly at her body, no longer feeling any pain.

And all of this was thanks to that man...

Being defeated three times in a row by this man, and having him personally heal her wounds...

A complex feeling arose in her heart.

"Tha... thank you... Xia Yan, wait! Why are you taking off your clothes?!" Lin Qingyu looked at Xia Yan, who had taken off his shirt, revealing a body full of masculinity, and her eyes widened.

"Hmm? Did you forget?" Xia Yan smirked. "We made a deal earlier. If I won, I would... hehehe..."

Lin Qingyu: "!!!"

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