Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 91 The Three Great Snakes Clear The Level! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 91: Three Snake Princesses Cleared! (Please subscribe!)

Sasuke looked confused.

Hiroshi's disguise was very simple.

Anyway, he himself didn't really take action. Those who knew, knew, and those who didn't know, didn't know, but they could still perceive some small problems to some extent.

But considering the harmonious environment of the Uchiha clan, and the fact that many wives and concubines subconsciously believed that the "distinguished Uchiha" should also have some hidden cards, no one really paid attention to Hiroshi's strength.

Sasuke was one of them.

Not to mention the distant past, when Hiroshi taught Sasuke how to fight, he completely overwhelmed Sasuke!

And Sasuke was not ignorant enough to think that this was a "shame for a Jonin" and that he should have the strength to match it.

"Hiroshi should have the strength of a Jonin, although not as good as Itachi, but definitely not weak!"

This was Sasuke's original impression.

But now...

He could easily defeat ordinary Genin, and Neji could easily defeat him, which meant that he should at least have the strength of a Chunin.

And Neji showed great respect for Yakushi Kabuto, who most likely had the strength of a Jonin, or even an Elite Jonin.

However, Yakushi Kabuto showed utmost respect for Hiroshi.

Is Hiroshi really strong?

Compared to Itachi, is he deceiving?

But if he is really strong, why didn't he directly seek out Itachi to avenge the clan?

Sasuke was a little confused.

However, as the second son of the Uchiha clan, he quickly regained his determined expression.

Xia Yan's thoughts were his own thoughts.

Sasuke would not force others to help him.

Moreover, the idea of seeking revenge against Itachi was Sasuke's own will, and it had nothing to do with whether Xia Yan was strong or not.

Even if Xia Yan was strong and actively wanted to seek revenge against Itachi, Sasuke would feel troubled—Itachi is my enemy, my revenge, and I don't need anyone to interfere!

In that case, what does it matter whether Xia Yan is strong or not?

"Xia Yan-ge has already done a great job. Under his efforts, the Uchiha clan's population has gradually prospered. Although there is still some distance from returning to its peak, he has completed his duty!"

"He is working hard for the revival of the Uchiha clan!"

"So the remaining task of seeking revenge against Itachi should be mine!"

"It's just that I'm thinking of a way to become stronger..."

Sasuke frowned and sighed helplessly.

He had originally planned a complete plan of "taking Naruto to the club to stimulate his own sense of shame and advance his Sharingan."

Unfortunately, this perfect opportunity was disrupted by Naruto's unexpected actions after only a few attempts!

Originally, Naruto was supposed to be a mere "onlooker," providing amplification for his own shame.

But he was not content with just being an onlooker—he joined in!

Yes, Naruto had already started experiencing the beauty of the club!

He saved money and, during one of the times when Sasuke took him to the club, he directly paid for the services.

Sasuke was stunned!

Even he is still a virgin!

Yes, although he has been to the club several times, Sasuke is still a virgin.

Mainly because Sasuke feels that being a virgin is the easiest way to experience shame. The less experience one has, the more one can feel the sweet and sour shyness.

If he really became a regular customer, the club would probably be useless to him.

As a result, Sasuke didn't become a regular customer, but Naruto did!

He even took Sasuke to the club proactively.

In Naruto's words: "All the girls there are talented, beautiful, and sweet-talking. I really like being there!"

Now it's not Sasuke pulling Naruto anymore.

It's Naruto pulling Sasuke!

And Naruto is even gradually improving, making sarcastic remarks and teasing Sasuke, completely acting like a know-it-all.


Maybe it's because he has accumulated enough shame before, or maybe Naruto's sarcastic remarks have had a great effect on Sasuke.

Sasuke's Sharingan has leveled up!

At just eleven years old, he already has the Three Tomoe Sharingan!

If it weren't for his Chakra not being able to support it, and unable to fully utilize the advantage of learning ninjutsu with the Sharingan, he might not even be Neji's opponent!

"What else can I do to become stronger now?" Sasuke helplessly looked up at the sky.

"Should I let that brat Naruto play around in front of me?"

Meanwhile, at the same time.

Xia Yan has also successfully passed the test of the third Snake Princess, Harutsuji, in Ryūchi Cave!

Of course, just like the previous two cases, he also made a request to have a child.

However, unlike the previous two people, perhaps because he is the strongest among the three Snake Princesses, he became too proud.

Although they had agreed that "if you bite my neck, I will give birth to your child," after Xia Yan did it, she abandoned the agreement and instead looked furious, wanting to eat Xia Yan.

Xia Yan could only gently reprimand her.

With a smile on his face, Xia Yan put his arm into Harutsuji's mouth and said to her, "Come on, eat it. My arm is right here, why aren't you eating it?"

Harutsuji kept whimpering, tears streaming down her face—pity her sharp teeth, all scattered around, what will she use to bite?

"Really, I clearly respect the rules of the game, but some people are just being stupid," Xia Yan shook his head.

Xia Yan is a gentle gentleman, and he will never lay a finger on a woman if she doesn't want it.

Except for that one time with Tsunade, which was an accident, he has always upheld this principle.

This is his most basic respect for women.

But I respect you, can you also respect me?

We agreed on the rules, and I have worked hard for it and fulfilled your requirements.

But now you suddenly break the rules unreasonably?

You don't want face, but I still have to give it to you?

"I'll give you two choices, either help me have a child, or I'll send you to death," Xia Yan still had a smile on his face [voice calm].

Harutsuji: "Wuwuwu..."

"Oh, sorry, I haven't pulled my hand out yet," Xia Yan retracted his hand, slightly disgusted, and shook off the slime on it.

It's also because they are snakes themselves. Otherwise, if a normal person inserts their arm into someone's mouth, their esophagus would rupture.

"So have you decided what you want now?"

Tuanjin Ji burst into tears and said, "Having a child. I choose to have a child!"

"To be honest, I am the best at having children!"


There's something she's the best at?

Xia Yan's mouth twitched as he looked at Tuanjin Ji's submissive appearance.

In Xia Yan's personal opinion, among the three Snake Princesses, Shichijima Ji has the highest facial value and is the most beautiful.

Tianxin Shen Ji comes next, and Tuanjin Ji is the worst...

Although she is beautiful enough compared to ordinary people!

But the two beautiful ones don't do anything, they obediently lower their heads, while the worst one insists on making Xia Yan take action.

Is this because ugly people have more strange things happen to them?

But Tuanjin Ji might have been scared by the beating, her initiative is off the charts.

Indeed, she deserves a beating...

After several days of hard fighting.

Xia Yan, led by Tuanjin Ji, walked into the temple at the deepest part of Ryūchi Cave and met the White Snake Sage.

"Huh, White Snake Sage, you're using your snake form." Xia Yan looked curiously at the coiling White Snake Sage and said, "Didn't you also transform into a human in the field?"

The White Snake Sage often disguises herself as an old lady who is already old, with a short stature, wearing a white long gown and a headscarf.

The fact that the three Snake Princesses are usually in human form indicates that Ryūchi Cave seems to prefer taking human form, and the White Snake Sage is no exception.

"I am worried that you will make a move against me, old man," said the White Snake Immortal, grinning and dangling a cigarette from his mouth. "As an old god, I don't want to engage in a fight with a male and experience the feeling of having my neck bitten."


The body of the White Snake Immortal is connected to the temple that worships it, and everything that happens in the ninja world is transmitted to the White Snake Immortal's ears.

She obviously heard about the recent activities in the Ryūchi Cave.


"You worry too much. With your appearance, even if you were given to me for free, I wouldn't want you."

...Please give me flowers...

Shinichi hasn't reached the point of perverting himself towards the old man.

He smiled and said, "Besides, I am just a younger generation. Even if I were to really make a move, I wouldn't be your match!"

Only when Shinichi stands in front of the White Snake Immortal can he feel the surging and overwhelming chakra, as well as the extremely cold and powerful aura!

It seems like an infinite amount of natural energy is pouring into that massive body, but it is effortlessly absorbed without overflowing.

Shinichi's chakra is already very strong. With multiple system upgrades, it has exceeded 200 cards, not inferior to the famous chakra-rich ninja clans like Uzumaki and Senju.

In addition to the enhancement of the Immortal's body, the only one in the entire ninja world who can compare chakra with him is probably the already deceased First Hokage.

However, even so, he doesn't think his chakra can match the person in front of him!

The accumulation of thousands of years is truly too powerful!


"But I have to have a few more batches of children before I can do that!" Shinichi thought to himself.

Of course, chakra is chakra, and battles are battles.

The Chakra of the three Snake Sannin cannot be underestimated, but they were easily subdued by Xia Yan - accustomed to exerting dominance through strength, they displayed far less power when faced with Xia Yan, who was weaker in terms of strength compared to ninjas of the same level.

"Great White Snake Sage, I hope to receive the inheritance of the Ryūchi Cave's Sage Arts," Xia Yan said respectfully. "Please grant me permission, Great White Snake Sage."

"Sage Arts inheritance? You don't plan on learning my Sage Mode?" Great White Snake Sage keenly caught onto Xia Yan's words.

Sage Arts inheritance is just knowledge, Sage Mode is the foundation!

"Yes," Xia Yan replied with a smile. "I'm not too fond of rigorous training... it takes up too much time."

After hearing this, the Great White Snake Sage was speechless.

Not fond of training?

Then how did you become so strong now?

By giving birth to children?

Yes, indeed, by giving birth to children!

The training for Sage Mode takes at least a few months - Naruto took a long time to train in Sage Mode, starting off as an incomplete version and gradually becoming proficient.

Xia Yan didn't think he could learn faster than the Child of Prophecy. Maybe if he worked hard for a few years, he would eventually achieve a crude and inferior version of Jiraiya's, and then he would really cry.

With this time, how many children could I have and how many things could I obtain?

Perhaps among these children, someone will achieve the reward of Sage Mode!

"Whatever," the Great White Snake Sage waved its tail. "Tsunade, take him to see."

"Yes, Great White Snake Sage," Tsunade nodded slightly, her eyes showing a hint of unwillingness.

The three Snake Sannin, including herself, were forced by this man to give birth to children, leaving only one Great White Snake Sage in the Ryūchi Cave.

Result Xia

Surprisingly, Xia Yan stopped, and they didn't fight?

It would have been interesting if they fought, regardless of whether Xia Yan won or lost.

If she won, she would be able to see the White Snake Immortal surrendering.

If she lost, it would be even better. She could take revenge on Xia Yan through the White Snake Immortal.

"It's a pity that nothing happened..."

The inheritance of immortality itself is just knowledge.

Although Ryūchi Cave doesn't have any extra backups, Xia Yan was allowed to casually observe.

But as a ninja, his memory is naturally exceptional.

In just one day, he memorized a large number of immortality techniques, some of which are quite similar to the Hyuga Clan's Caged Bird... or rather, they are exactly the same!

"Could it be that the ancestors of the Hyuga Clan came to Ryūchi Cave in the past and obtained the inheritance of Ryūchi Cave?" Xia Yan speculated.

But now he has a clue to unravel the Caged Bird. With further contemplation and gradual experimentation, he will soon be able to break the Hyuga Clan's Caged Bird.

After recording all the immortality techniques, he returned to Konoha and began researching with Yakushi Kabuto.

Of course, there were also other news during this time.

For example...

Ringo Yuriko finally gave birth!

This is the first child born to a Kage-level concubine!


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