Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 124 You Go Wherever I Go.

Ye Cang stayed after all.

With nowhere to go, she temporarily lived in the Senju resident.

Just like Konan more than half a year ago.

However, there are still some differences.

"You mean, you don't want to stay at home all the time?"

Senju Xingye groped his chin, frowning slightly.

Ye Cang nodded and said.

"I know I'm wanted by Sunagakure now, but I want to find something to do."

"Without distracting my attention from other things, I..."


Senju Xingye interrupted her by raising his hand.

"In this case, then you can be an assistant by my side."

"Occasionally play a guest role as a bodyguard."

Senju Xingye thought for a long time about the servant, but couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Since Ye Cang wanted to do something to distract his attention, he could take a look at it first.

As for whether it is suitable or not, you have to try it to know.


Ye Cang was a little dazed.

"What does the assistant need to do?"

She has been active on the battlefield, and this is the first time she has heard the word assistant.

Senju Xingye explained with a smile.

"Do what I ask you to do, in short, you must always stand by my side.

"Wherever I go, you will go."

Ye Cang's face suddenly turned red.

"Stay close?"

She couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

Senju Xingye looked at her amusedly.

Ye Cang looks very straightforward, but inside he is very shy.

Almost never dare to look directly into Senju Xingye's eyes.

If the eyes meet for a moment, Ye Cang will immediately turn his eyes away.

"Well, I don't need to do anything else for now, just follow me.

"If there is something I forgot, just remember to remind me."

Thinking of this, Senju Xingye couldn't help but think of the last time he was tricked by Senju Tsunade.

As soon as he thought of Senju Tsunade, he came directly from the opposite side.

Seeing Senju Starry Night, she immediately walked over aggressively.

Senju Tsunade glanced at Hakura first, and then said to Senju Xingye.

"Konan has it."

Senju star Yoruichi froze.

so fast

It's been less than half a month.

But that's a good thing.


Senju Xingye had a happy smile on his face.

"Are we adding another new member?"

(cbfi) Senju Tsunade nodded and said.

"Okay, let's go and stay with him."

"no problem."

Senju Xingye didn't go shopping anymore, and ran back to the station in a blink of an eye.

go home.

Senju Xingye saw Konan surrounded by everyone in Konan's room.

At this moment, her complexion is very complicated.

Full of the apprehension of being a first-time mother, as well as the indescribable sense of happiness.

She clutched her stomach carefully, even if there was no ups and downs at all right now.

The experienced young mothers around her kindly told her what she needed to pay attention to.

Konan blushed slightly, humbly accepting the guidance of his seniors.

Seeing Senju starry night, her cheeks became even more rosy.

"How are you feeling?"

Senju Xingye sat by the bed, and the others snickered and left the room, leaving space for the two of them.


Konan said softly, rubbing his stomach unconsciously.

Senju Xingye put his hand on it and said.

"This is our baby, I will definitely protect him."

"And you."

Konan felt as if the honey pot had been shattered, and the sweetness filled his atrium.


Time passed unknowingly.

Three months passed in a flash.

To say that the village has changed a lot during this period.

All the houses have been renovated by Senju Real Estate, and everyone is happy to live in the new house.

Except Danzo.

Although he also lived in the Senju property, he felt a great crisis.

Now, the common people at the bottom have more and more recognition of Thousand Sons Starry Night.

Other small ninjas also began to leave his side one after another, and turned into the arms of the Senju clan.

In Konoha Village, his Shimura clan was quickly left alone.

Even the recruitment of elite ninjas to join the root, which was very smooth in the past, has now encountered great obstacles.

No one believed his statement that for the sake of Konoha's light, someone must sacrifice himself to the darkness.

Because there is no Danzo root, Konoha is still thriving under the leadership of the Senju clan.

this day.

Senju Xingye brought Ye Cang to the Hokage building.

After three months, Ye Cang has become more and more like a qualified secretary.

The upper body is wearing a simple white shirt and a lady's suit jacket, and the lower body is a matching hip skirt, showing off her wonderful figure.

"According to Mr. Orochimaru's working hours, it should be time for him to conduct experiments."

Ye Cang pushed the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a serious face.

Senju Xingye strongly requested her to wear this pair of plain glasses.

After working so long, she is now able to look straight into Senju's starry eyes.

It also allows you to maintain a calm state of mind.

As soon as he sees Senju Xingye's face, the little deer bumps around.


"Let's go in quietly."

Senju Xingye smiled, pushed the door open and entered.

inside the laboratory.

Orochimaru is indeed doing experiments as Hakura said.

Tilt the test tube steadily in your hand, and slowly pour the Pink liquid inside into another test tube.

The liquids in the two test tubes melted together, and a violent reaction immediately started.

Orochimaru took two steps back immediately, staring at the test tube cautiously.

Soon, with the rupture of the test tube wall, the liquid inside was spilled on the test bench.

"Record, the three hundred and forty-seventh experiment failed."

"The reason for the failure is that the ratio is not stable enough."

Orochimaru took off the goggles, turned to look at Qianzi Xingye and said.

"You came?"

Senju asked curiously.

"What kind of experiment is this?"

Orochimaru smiled and said.

Let the Common people master the experiment of blood inheritance limit. "

Senju Xingye frowned suddenly.

If this experiment is successful, it will be possible to mass-produce Blood Successor Limit Ninjas.

This will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of Ninja Village.

"What kind of blood inheritance boundary is this?"

Senju Xingye asked curiously.

"Lava Style."

"Lao Zi provided the material."

Orochimaru said lightly, and then took out a bottle of medicine from the side cabinet.

"Here, this is the finished product you want."

"The current experimental situation is that it is successful within three times."

"However, no child has been born yet, and it is uncertain when it will have a negative impact on the child's health.

Senju Xingye's originally joyful face suddenly wrinkled.

"Not sure?"

Orochimaru shook his head and said.

"Science must be rigorous, and everything needs to rely on experimental data to make judgments."

"However, one thing I can guarantee is that there will be no problems with my health.

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