Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 139 I Will Definitely Do My Best To Do Research For You!

Under everyone's attention, the grand wedding ended perfectly.

Everyone is blessing the couple.

Although one of them can no longer be regarded as a newcomer.

Only one sad person in the audience left crying.

Just because I didn't see the girl of my dreams.

When he got home, Uchiha Fugaku told his two sons what to do.

"You must protect Mikoto Aunt's children, you know?"

"You must not lose to other children of the Senju clan, but treat the children of Mikoto Aunt as your brothers."

Young Uchiha Itachi had no idea how intricate things were going on inside.

Regarding his father's instructions, he nodded very seriously, his immature face was full of seriousness.

"I see, father."


Uchiha Sasuke, who was only a few months old, couldn't even speak, but just showed a cute baby smile.

Early the next morning.

Senju Xingye looked at Ye Cang who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and after ordering the maid outside the door to take good care of him, he left Senju's residence.

Orochimaru has business with him.

It may be that some research has progressed.

Come to the door of the laboratory.

Still open the door and enter lightly, without disturbing Orochimaru who is doing experiments.

But what surprised Senju Xingye was that besides Orochimaru, there was a boy wearing glasses in the room.

The boy was about seven or eight years old, and when he saw Qianzi Xingye, he immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

Obviously, it is difficult for him to see such a big shot, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Senju Xingye saw that this person looked familiar. Looking at the other person's eyes and silver hair, he suddenly understood the other person's identity.

Yakushi Kabuto, born in the Konoha Orphanage, was taken in by Yakushi Nonou and named him.

Although it is an orphanage on the surface, this orphanage is actually a place to secretly send talents for the "root".

All orphans will be selected to enter the 'root'.

After selection, those who survived join the 'root', and those who died naturally died.


This Yakushi Kabuto should not have touched the 'root' yet, because Senju Xingye bought the orphanage owned by Konoha a long time ago.

Cut off all their connections with the 'root'.

Yakushi Nonoyu is still alive, and he did not die in front of Yakushi Kabuto, which made his world view undergo earth-shaking changes.

Unexpectedly, Yakushi Kabuto still came to Orochimaru's side.

Is this the end of the world line?

Even though Senju Starry Night forcibly changed many things, many things that should have happened will still happen.

Seeing that Yakushi Kabuto was very disturbed, Senju Xingye touched his lips with his fingers, signaling to be quiet and not to disturb Orochimaru's experiment.

Not long after, the experiment ended.

Orochimaru took off his mask and turned to look at Senju Starry Night.

"You came?"

Senju Xingye nodded, and said after licking his tongue.

"Why don't you introduce me?"

Orochimaru looked at Yakushi Kabuto and said.

"A very spiritual little guy, I plan to accept him as an apprentice and do research with me.

Senju Xingye nodded.

Yakushi Kabuto is naturally very sporadic, and is the only person around Orochimaru who can keep up with Orochimaru's research.

He is also the only person who has the Forbidden Technique of Impure World Reincarnation besides Orochimaru in the future.

It can be seen from Orochimaru's plan to accept apprentices that Orochimaru values ​​Yakushi Kabuto very much.

But now, can Yakushi Kabuto, who seems a bit innocent now, be recognized by Orochimaru and get all his inheritance?

Senju Starry Night doesn't know, and doesn't care.

Anyway, Orochimaru is enough.

Orochimaru's research and development capabilities are the strongest in the entire ninja world.

"What's the good news about calling me this time?"

Senju Starry Night goes straight to the point.

Orochimaru took a bag from the cabinet and handed it to Senju Starry Night.

"According to your request, these are rice seeds that can grow in sea water. What do you want to do?"

Senju Xingye's eyes brightened.

"Have you researched it yet?"

"Is there anything else?" (cedd)

Orochimaru took out a few more seeds and said.

"There are also improved seeds of some fruits, which are all according to your requirements, increasing production, increasing moisture and sweetness."

"This kind of research is very simple, except for seawater rice species, I leave it to Dou to deal with it. These are all researched by Dou.

Senju stared at Yakushi Kabuto in surprise.

He knows that Yakushi Kabuto's research ability is very strong, only slightly inferior to Orochimaru.

Unexpectedly, Yakushi Kabuto has such a strong research ability at this age.

Studying this kind of thing is not only based on talent, but also on mentality.

Repeating the same research countless times requires extremely strong patience.

A child like Yakushi Kabuto can have such a strong patience when he is lively and active.

As expected, he was the one Orochimaru took a fancy to.

"Then you really did a good job, Yakushi Kabuto."

Senju Xingye knelt down and rubbed Yakushi Kabuto's little head.

Yakushi Kabuto was surprised when he heard it.

Why do you know my name?

Orochimaru was also taken aback.

"Although I said Dou, I didn't say his full name."

Senju Xingye straightened up and said with a smile.

"I met Yakushi Nonoyu in his orphanage. He was a very shy kid. I didn't expect to be picked by you and brought here."

Orochimaru understood.

He also heard about Senju Xingye's purchase of Konoha Orphanage.

Yakushi Kabuto was indeed brought back from the orphanage by him.

What Senju Xingye said is also very reasonable.

Yakushi Kabuto looked at Senju Starry Night adoringly.

Unexpectedly, the hero who saved the orphanage actually remembered the name of this humble child!

At this moment, a glorious mood was born in his heart.

A great sense of happiness filled his little atrium.

Relying on his courage, he shouted loudly.

"Master Senju Starry Night, I will definitely work hard to research more seeds for you!"

Senju Hoshi Yoruichi was taken aback, then said with a smile.

"Don't be so eager, this is enough for now.

"It's good to do research slowly, this kind of thing can't be rushed."

"You are growing your body now, remember to go to bed early and get up early, and eat more, you know?"

Yakushi Kabuto looked at the heroic idol's smile, couldn't hear what Senju Xingye was saying at all, and just nodded in a daze.

Orochimaru frowned slightly, keenly feeling that Yakushi Kabuto's current state of mind was very wrong.

But Yakushi Kabuto in this state obviously can't listen to the words.

It seems that we have to keep an eye on him for the past two days, lest he do research all night and burn out his body.

Yakushi Kabuto is his recognized apprentice. If he damages his body because of studying these seeds, it will not be worth the candle.

"Hurry up and leave, don't disturb me to continue the experiment."

Orochimaru said with a bad face.

Senju Xingye smiled, turned around and left with the seeds.

I didn't expect Orochimaru to be kind to this apprentice. .

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