Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 158 What's Going On With The Children Of The Senju Clan? !


All the students were stunned.

He actually completed the second combo in the air extremely swiftly.

Although they were all blocked, this kind of attack fluency was something they couldn't do at all.

Uchiha Itachi fell from the sky and stood firmly on the ground, his eyes were a little lost.

He thought he could hit the female teacher, but the second kick was still blocked.

This is also normal.

Itachi is only two years old, and the female teacher is already a Chūnin who has experienced a real battle.

The actual combat gap between the two cannot be ignored.

"Good job, Itachi-san."

The female teacher first gave a compliment, and then looked at the shocked expressions of other students with their mouths open with satisfaction.

"Student Uchiha Itachi's was very successful."

"Other students should continue to work hard, Jian Itachi should not be three or four years younger than you."

However, none of the students responded to the female teacher's words.

They were still immersed in shock, completely unexpected that the little guy who couldn't even throw a shuriken yesterday could use such a smooth chain attack.

It is really beyond their comprehension.

It's just one night, what happened in this world?

Why is there such a huge gap between Uchiha Itachi and the front?

They who are just children naturally can't figure it out.

"Okay, who's coming next?"

"If you don't take the initiative, then I will call names.

The female teacher said with a smile on her face, her eyes scanning the students.

Then, she saw an arm raised high.

"Teacher, I'm coming!"

The corner of the female teacher's mouth twitched, looking at Luffy who not only raised her hand, but also kept jumping up.

She didn't want Luffy or Niu up so early.

Because there is a huge gap between the strength of these two children and other students.

If the two of them were allowed to play early, their amazing performance would directly hit the enthusiasm of other students.

At that time, the most accurate training results will not be obtained.

However, he couldn't dampen Luffy's enthusiasm.

Seeing that the other students had no intention of coming up, they could only nod helplessly and said.

"Then you come on, classmate Luffy."

Luffy immediately stepped forward happily, and then stood ten meters away from the female teacher.

The female teacher is also carefully prepared.


What she never expected was that Luffy's attack was so incredible.

During this period, Luffy kept rotating his right arm, with a happy smile on his face, and shouted loudly.

"Rubber rubber—


A question mark popped up in the female teacher's heart.

And what does that pose mean?

Aren't you going to rush over?



Luffy's arm extended instantly, and his fist rushed in front of the female teacher in the blink of an eye.

It's over!

The female teacher only had time to flash a thought before she was punched and sent flying.

The female teacher never expected it.

Luffy actually attacked from such a distance.

But this is definitely not ninjutsu!

No human arm can stretch that long!

"Oh? Didn't you say you can block it?"

Luffy felt that he had gotten into trouble, and couldn't help scratching his head and putting on a bitter face.

This is bad.

If my mother finds out, a beating will be unavoidable.

It wasn't painful, but it wasn't uncomfortable either.

Especially being looked at by other younger siblings, his dignity as a big brother will be gone.


Niu sighed, she knew that Luffy would definitely get into trouble, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

And beat the teacher.

Now Luffy will be fired.

"Would you like to ask the teacher for a favor later?"

"Forget it, Luffy, the troublemaker, stay at home.

"So as not to let him come out and cause trouble to others."

Niu talked to himself for a while, watching Luffy shake his head helplessly.


The female teacher got up and shook her head.

This punch hit her on the nose unpreparedly, making her dizzy.

And Luffy's punch was very heavy, not like the strength of a three-year-old child at all.

But these are not what the female teacher cares about.

She was more concerned about what happened to Luffy's abnormal arm.

As for other students.

They were all scared.

They all stood in place like stone sculptures, their eyes wide open and their mouths wide open, looking at Luffy in disbelief.

It's like watching a monster.

"Ahem, Luffy, what's the matter with your arm? Is it some kind of secret technique?"

The first thing the female teacher thought of was the secret technique.

The Senju family has a big business, and it's normal for her to have some secret arts that she doesn't know about.

Although Konoha now exchanges all ninjutsu in the form of merit, the secret techniques of each ninja clan are also included.

However, not everyone can learn these secret techniques.

At least the female teacher doesn't know any secret arts, and she doesn't have merits that can be exchanged for any secret arts.

She didn't expect to be able to learn those things, so she had to teach the students to become an Excellent ninja instead.

"My arm? It's not a secret technique, it turns out that's how it is."

Luffy didn't know how to explain it, and scratched his head with a distressed expression.

It was Niu who came out and gave an explanation.

"々`Teacher, Luffy's body is naturally different from others."

"His body stretches like rubber, like this.

As he said that, Niu grabbed Luffy's face and pulled it, it was so long.

Everyone was taken aback again.

Many timid students rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot.

The corner of the female teacher's mouth twitched, thinking it was a secret technique [it turned out to be Misheng?

Is this the limit of blood succession?

What's the use of blood succession limit that turns the body into rubber?

Does it not conduct electricity?

At least the female teacher couldn't think of the use of turning her body into rubber.

It was just by surprise that the female teacher didn't react.

If it was a normal battle, she could easily block this move.

"Well, since it's a physical reason, forget it."

The female teacher waved her hand and said.

"The next one... Forget it, you should come, classmate Niwu."

Seeing the trembling of other (Qian Hao) classmates, the female teacher had no choice but to give up.

She knew that today's gymnastics test was over.

Ni Wu nodded calmly, and stood opposite the female teacher.

Then asked seriously.

"Teacher, I will do my best."

The female teacher's face suddenly became serious.

Having just experienced the incredibleness of Luffy, she knew that the little girl in front of her must also have something extraordinary.

After all, she is the daughter of that Senju starry night!


She clapped the fist target in her hand vigorously, and took a defensive posture.

That way you won't be attacked.

Then lift.

She saw Ni Wu's body, a light appeared!

The light enveloped Niu's body, and Niu's body gradually grew in the light.


The female teacher was dumbfounded.

Luffy's body is rubber, what about your body?

What the hell do the Senju kids do?!.

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