Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 186 Messy Senju Residence

As long as there are people living, there must be industries under Senju.

Whether it's dry hand real estate that cares about everyone's living environment, or dry hand takeaway that takes care of everyone's diet, etc., it has become an inseparable part of people's lives in the ninja world.

When people have gotten used to it, it is impossible for them to give up these things.

Maybe a small number of people can do it, but most people can't.

When this influence is converted into a value such as money, it is equal to an inestimable wealth.


Senju Xingye no longer cares about how much money is in Senju Silver's "400" line.

Because that has lost its meaning.

On his side, money is just a bunch of meaningless numbers.

In the entire ninja world, there is no one richer than him.

To say that he is as rich as an enemy is to underestimate him.

He can be as rich as the five major countries!

Such is the contrast to the riches that Senju Starry Night possesses!

As long as someone sells it, he can definitely buy one of the five great nations right now!

To be honest, the Kingdom of the Winds is now on the verge of betrayal.

Because of the greening problem, the big customers of the Land of the Winds owe a lot of loans to Senju Bank.

If the debt cannot be paid off within ten years, the daimyo of the country of wind will really betray the country!


The nobles of other Wind Kingdoms may be happy to see the results.

After all, the value of Senju Starry Night is much greater than that of a daimyo from the Land of Winds.

Not only rich, but also powerful.

When this kind of person is their boss, of course they welcome it with both hands and feet.

If it wasn't for not daring to hire someone to assassinate the daimyo of the land of wind, the body of daimyo of the land of wind would have been completely cold.

Even so, the Daimyo of the Land of Winds, who had sensed some signs of it, went directly to live in Sunagakure to seek the protection of the Sand Shinobi ninja, so as not to be sacrificed by the group of nobles who were blind to money.

Children are very cute, especially when they are young, just looking at them is full of protective thoughts.

But if there are more children, things will become troublesome.

Especially when these kids have unique talents.

Things are more troublesome.

"Robin, don't play tricks on other people, they will be scared!

"Be careful, Daz's body is very sharp, remember to wear iron gloves!"

"Pay attention to the light of Fox, don't get caught!"

"Who's going to coax Monet? It's not an option if it's snowing all the time!"

"Where is the smoke? Are you sure it's not on fire?"

"Molia, don't touch other people's shadows!"

Senju Starry Night is literally falling apart.

Especially after the talents of these children awakened one by one with age, it made him feel even more tired.

Robin likes to play pranks, conjuring his limbs on other people to scare others.

Daz was still unable to control his body well, so that those who touched him were accidentally injured, causing others to wear wire gloves if they wanted to touch him.

This made Daz very sad.

Fox also couldn't control his ability well, and slow light burst out from his fingertips from time to time.

Senju Xingye tried the ability to slow down the light curiously.

Then he discovered that the light was really awesome!

Even if it is him, after being irradiated, his body will fall into a state of almost stagnation.

It will not be until thirty seconds later that the body regains its ability to move, and the ten seconds of the frozen master will be over in an instant.

This ability, if Uchiha Madara is irradiated, I am afraid that he will be powerless to resist, right?

However, the only downside to this ability is that the speed of light is too slow.

For ninjas who are generally very fast, it is too easy to dodge.

Monet also couldn't control his abilities well, and it snowed when he was in a bad mood. Obviously, now is the time to gradually become warmer.

The result is whether it will snow at the Senju station.

This has become an after-dinner conversation among Konoha Village residents.

Smoker, like Monet, can't control his own abilities, and often makes the courtyard smoky, and staying in it for a long time is very unfriendly to the lungs.

And the smoke was so big that it was impossible to tell whether it was a fire or the Smoker's ability was out of control.

Moriah is a naughty ghost, she wants to touch other people's shadows when she sees them.

Every time was blocked by Senju Starry Night.

After all, Senju Xingye knew how terrible the consequences would be for someone whose shadow was taken away by Molly 3.0.

They cannot be exposed to the sun for a lifetime, and as long as they are exposed, they will turn into ashes and disappear like vampires.

Senju Xingye does not want to lose his family because of an accident.

Therefore, he has been separating a clone to keep an eye on Moria's actions.

Once she is dishonest, immediately come out and stop her.

Except for these six guys, the other kids didn't stop either.

The twins Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are naturally at odds and always like to fight each other.

Kurumi's clones will always appear everywhere in Senju's residence, making it impossible to tell which one is the right one. .

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