Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 222: This Bt Should Let You Be

If you are the first to let Yuhabach enter the Palace of the Spirit King and successfully seize the power of the Spirit King.

Juhbach's form will evolve into omniscience and omnipotence.

At that time, it will be difficult to do something by yourself.

Senju Starry Night decided to go to Orochimaru to study countermeasures first.

As for Matsumoto Rangiku and the others, we can come back and have an in-depth exchange.

But Senju Xingye suddenly thought of a novel thing.

Since these zombies are dead.

What would happen if their cells were used for Impure World Reincarnation?

With this question in mind, Senju Starry Night came to Orochimaru's laboratory.

In the laboratory, because the technology is still being researched.

After seeing Senju Starry Night, Orochimaru approached with a flattering smile:

"My lord, you came just in time, please accept my results.

Under the guidance of Orochimaru, Tian Zi Xing Ye came to a laboratory.

On the table inside was a set of shiny armor.

"My lord, this is a protective armor tailored for ordinary ninjas by me. Even a Genin with average strength can exert extremely powerful power through this armor."

Senju Starry Night picked it up and tried it, and it really contained an astonishing amount of Chakra.

"My lord, this kind of armor only needs to be worn on the body, and then matched and activated with its own Chakra, so that the control of the armor can be realized."

Senju Xingye put on the armor and tried it out, and as expected, he easily sent out a fireball technique when he raised his hand.

Orochimaru's expression is full of anticipation, and he seems to be very satisfied with this work.

However, Senju Xingye frowned slightly.

"Orochimaru, you may have misunderstood, what I asked you to make is not this kind of children's toy.

Orochimaru was stunned: "But my lord..."

In the middle of the conversation, Senju Xingye interrupted: "Orochimaru, you may not have any idea of ​​the upcoming crisis, and the opponent we have to deal with this time is also quite different from usual."

"This kind of thing is okay for ordinary people to hunt, but it is really not enough to face future enemies."

Let me give you an inspiration.

Senju Xingye took off the gauntlet part of this set of armor, and carefully injected his fire attribute Chakra into the cylinder above the forearm.

The Chakra that escaped from the body did not dissipate immediately, but entrenched in the cylinder and rotated rapidly.

"Orochimaru, I will only demonstrate it once, and I can understand it with your understanding and character."

As soon as the words fell, Senju Xingye directly ignited the fire attribute Chakra in the cylinder, and then launched it with the help of wind attribute Chakra.


Where the drum pointed, it exploded instantly.

The lethality was as great as a cannon, and Orochimaru stared blankly.

Senju Xingye continued to explain at this time: "What I want you to develop is this kind of thing that can increase your strength, not the kid's toy just now, understand?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I will make a scientific ninja tool that satisfies you.

Senju Xingye encouraged: "Keep working hard, our time is running out."

"By the way, is the Rinnegan transplant done?"

Orochimaru replied: "It has just been completed, and it is still in the restoration stage."

Senju Xingye nodded: "Okay, I see, this matter will be left for now, I have something else to trouble you."

While talking, Senju Xingye waved his hand and released Matsumoto Rangiku and their three daughters on the ground.

"Can you spot the difference between these people?" Senju Xingye asked.

Orochimaru observed for himself, with a slightly surprised expression: "These people are actually dead!"

Senju Xingye smiled: "As expected of Orochimaru, I saw the clue at a glance.

At the same time, Senju Xingye took a little tissue from each of the three women and released the giant White Zetsu.

"These three women are already dead, if their cells are used for Impure World Reincarnation, what will be the effect?"

After hearing Senju Starry Night's question, Orochimaru couldn't answer it.

Because he doesn't know either.

Until this moment, Orochimaru felt more and more that the title of No. 1 BT in Konoha should be given to Senju Starry Night.

"Master Xingye, I don't know the specific effect, it seems that I can only try it." 797

"Forbidden Technique! Impure World Reincarnation!"

Orochimaru has now been able to cast triple Impure World Reincarnation simultaneously.

With the completion of the mantra seal, the magic circle around the three White Zetsu shines brightly.

A burst of brilliance flashed, Matsumoto Rangiku, Bambietta, and Gadis three women twitched in pain.

Then in the next second, it was directly torn into pieces.

The great pain caused the three girls to scream horribly.

A moment later, the three daughters in the form of Impure World Reincarnation reappeared.

Except for the dirty gray-brown eyes, the skin on his body has turned into the same color as ordinary people.

After opening her eyes, Bambietta was furious: "Senju Starry Night! You actually made this girl suffer so much pain, believe it or not, I'll blow you up!"

While speaking, Pietta directly turned into the Eucharist form.

The huge Reiatsu shot out, covering the whole world.

Orochimaru looked stunned.

"This... this power is simply terrifying!".

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