Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 301: The King's Second Return To Blade

"Yes, I am Vasto Lorde!"

"I am the original Vasto Lorde of Hueco Mundo!"

"The emperor of Hueco Mundo is me!"

"How can I be content with the status quo?"


"Baraggan Louisenbairn!"

"I am the king of Hueco Mundo!!!"


"The Skeleton King!"

Accompanied by the incantation of Returning Edge, the white bone crown turned golden again, and the flesh on the body was also burned by the black flames. Ten golden chains symbolizing death came down from the sleeping chain above the imperial garden.

Accompanied by a flame from hell, the ax of death reappeared in Baraggan's hand "Twenty Zero".

However, what is different from before is that this time the ax of death actually carries the flames from hell.

However, the difference was that the purple battle ax turned blood red.

The original white skeleton also started to glow red at this moment.

"The mistake of disobeying the king will eventually turn into dust!"

"Repent, God's Response!"

Accompanied by a dazzling red light, the pitch-black flame on Baraggan's body instantly turned red.

A gate of hell rose slowly from the sky, and the soul-invading light from the underworld descended from the sky, directly landing on Baraggan's position.

Under the light of the underworld, Baraggan's figure suddenly rose, and the multiple golden crowns also exploded instantly.

The whole person exudes a mass of fiery blood-colored fluorescence.

The whole person looks oppressive.

Seeing the changes in Baraggan, everyone present was amazed.

"What's happening here?"

"On top of Returning Blade, there are actually two stages of Returning Blade?"

"How come I've never heard of that?"

"how did you do that?"

Does the Great Emperor have this ability?"

At this moment, Harribel is not calm: "Does this ability really exist?"

And Starrk has obviously touched the threshold of the second stage of returning to the blade by himself. After his ability reaches a certain height, he will naturally spy on the higher-level power.

"These two returning blades are different from ordinary returning blades."

"Ordinary Returning Edge is just the ability to regain life, while the second stage Returning Edge is more like an evolution.

In this regard, Aizen also expressed his agreement.

After all, it has been transformed by Hōgyoku, so it is natural to know about evolution.

Kurosaki Ichigo's Moonless at the time was also a dimensional level evolution, as was Aizen's Hōgyoku evolution.

Although the paths of evolution are different, they all evolve towards a higher dimension.

Hearing that Starrk can also touch the knowledge of evolution, Aizen can't help but be a little impressed.

"Starrk is right, as long as the ability reaches a certain level, the conditions for evolution will naturally be triggered."

"It only needs to meet the level of leaping, and it can successfully evolve into a higher level of existence."

"Ordinary Hollow can evolve into Killian, and Killian can evolve into Adjuchas, and eventually until it evolves into Vasto Lorde, it's actually not the end."

"The second stage of returning to the blade should be an evolutionary path that belongs exclusively to Arrancar."

"For ordinary people, Shinigami is not a kind of evolution?"

"It's just a different form."

After hearing Aizen's explanation, everyone finally had an original understanding of the second-stage return to the blade.

Senju Xingye asked casually at this time: "Captain Aizen, in fact, Baraggan is not the only Menos Grande who can return to the sword in two stages.

Before he finished speaking, Aizen interrupted directly, and asked in a firm tone: "Ulukiola Cifer?"

Senju Xingye nodded: "It seems that you are really smart, because I mentioned his name first, so you guessed it?"

Aizen nodded: "To a certain extent, it can be said that..."

"Actually, I knew that Ulukiola had hidden part of his strength, but I didn't know that this strength was a second-stage return.

"It wasn't until I saw our once great Hueco Mundo perform a double return, that I realized it instantly.

For Aizen's savvy, Senju Xingye also expressed his appreciation.

"As expected of Captain Aizen, you know all this!"

At this moment, faint blue flames also began to erupt around Starrk.

That's Reiatsu exclusive to Starrk.

Tiya Hribel was stunned in place:

"Coyote Starrk, even you want to go back to the blade?"

Compared to Harribel's surprise, Senju Xingye's expression remained calm.

Looking at the eyes of everyone in front of him, Stark's expression was a little bit worried, and the blooming blue spiritual flame also temporarily stopped its upward momentum.

Once the 3.9 times return to the blade, I am afraid that my Reiatsu will have a more powerful breakthrough.

You must know that because Reiatsu was too tyrannical back then, the other ghosts didn't dare to approach him at all.

Loneliness is definitely the most terrifying way that can devour a soul.

Now because of Aizen’s Hōgyoku, someone can finally become a partner with me. If the second stage does not return, my power will break through again [Will those former partners go away from me again?

Thinking of this, Starrk hesitated.

Senju Xingye next to him looked at Starrk's hesitant expression, and guessed his concerns all at once. .

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