Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 304: Miss Orihime, You Are Too Hard

After hearing the name Yuhabach, Aizen was still not calm.

"Thanks to Senju-sama's reminder, this prevented Yuhabah from taking advantage of the fisherman."

Seeing the rejoicing expression on Aizen's face, Senju Xingye couldn't help reminding again: "Today's Yuhabach is no longer the same as it was a thousand years ago."

"You must know that it is not only Juhabach alone, but also his invisible empire that is sweeping this time.

"The Invisible Empire?" Aizen's expression was full of doubts.

It was the first time he heard the name.

Senju Starry Night explained: "The Invisible Empire is a country established after the defeat of Yuhabakh thousands of years ago.

"After thousands of years of forbearance and development, it has achieved a considerable scale at this moment."

With Senju Xingye's explanation, although Aizen understood the origin of the invisible empire, he still couldn't imagine its strength.

People who can make Senju Starry Night so terrifying should also be three-pointed, which shows that the invisible empire is indeed 807 scary.

"Master Senju, I understand, I will definitely make good use of the power of Hōgyoku, and try to make these Arrancar's strength to a higher level."

Seeing Aizen's attitude, Senju Xingye nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that this time I can go to this world with peace of mind."

Hearing that he could return to reality, Inoue Orihime was very excited.

"Brother Senju, can we finally return to reality?"

Senju Xingye nodded: "Of course, not only us, but even your friends can go back together.

Hearing that he and his friends could go back, Inoue Orihime was even happier, and jumped directly in front of Senju Xingye and hugged him hard.

"Miss Inoue Orihime, you are too hard!"

Fortunately, it was soft, otherwise the impact would have been a broken bone, to say the least.

But even though it is soft, Grandpa is full of oppression, which makes Qian (jfb) Xingye's blood soaring and almost breathless.

When they were about to say goodbye, Senju Xingye looked back at Nelliel.

After feeling Senju Starry Night's gaze, Nelliel's expression swelled a little.

I didn't expect Nelliel to have such a twitchy little woman's posture, which is a bit interesting.

"Miss Nilu, why do you have such an expression? Could it be that you don't want me to leave?"

Nelliel seemed to have seen through her thoughts, she bit her lips lightly and was speechless.

But at this moment, Senju Xingye smiled even more happily.

"I didn't expect Miss Nilu to miss me so much, how about going to this world with me?"

When I heard that I could return to the present world with Senju star Yoruichi, Niriel burst into tears:


"Can I really return to the present world with you?"

Happiness came too suddenly, which made people a little uneasy.

Nelliel even suspected that she was hallucinating.

However, Senju Xingye directly reached out and touched Nelliel's little head:

"Because your mask was broken before and degenerated to Adjuchas, it is a bit sloppy to perform a second return.

"I originally planned to take you back to the present world for treatment, and then guide you to perform the second stage of returning to the blade."

Hearing what Senju Xingye said, Nelliel was so happy that she almost jumped up.

"Master Senju, you are so kind!"

After explaining the work here, Senju Xingye directly took Inoue Orihime and Nelliel back to Karakura Town in the present world.

Coming to this modern city, Senju Starry Night is really a bit uncomfortable.

Looking at the traffic here, although it is not as developed as it was before crossing, it is definitely much better than in Konoha Village.

"You don't have a place to live yet, do you?"

"Why don't you stay at my house first?"

Inoue Orihime invited Senju Starry Night and Nelliel very warmly, and the latter readily agreed.

A group of three came to Inoue Orihime's house, looking at the empty and dusty room, Nelliel expressed doubts:

"Inoue, don't you live with your family?"

Nelliel asked casually, but Inoue Orihime remained silent with a complex expression.

In this regard, Senju Starry Night actually knows some reasons.

In fact, Inoue Orihime originally had an older brother named Inoue Hao.

Because of the perennial domestic violence of his parents, 18-year-old Inoue Hao escaped from his original family with Inoue Orihime. Since then, he has depended on each other and raised Inoue Orihime.

The relationship between the two is very deep, but one night not long ago, Inoue Hao unfortunately had a traffic accident.

After death, Inoue Hao missed his sister Inoue Orihime too much, so he refused to step into reincarnation. In the end, there was a void in his heart, and he became a void of wandering time.

In the end, although with the help of Ichigo and the others, his brother was successfully transferred to the Soul Society, Inoue Orihime became an orphan.

Looking at Inoue Orihime's lonely expression, Niriel instantly understood the sadness and showed sympathy:

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you unhappy."

Senju Starry Night also took advantage of the opportunity to wipe away the tears from the corners of Inoue Orihime's eyes:

"Yeah, let's have a nice chat...".

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