Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 369: Sheathed Sword Soul, Original Beauty

"What...what's going on?"

"I just want to help!"

Tsuzuki Nomi looked panicked, her behavior just now seemed to have caused a big disaster.

However, Senju Xingye comforted him: "Don't be nervous, Sheabushi will be built soon. This is just the soul of Sheabushi's sword awakening.

"If the sword soul cannot be suppressed, it will most likely be counterattacked."

"I'd rather do this kind of thing myself..."

The main reason why Senju Xingye considered suppressing his sword spirit was to completely tame Zanpakutō.

Indeed, if a knife does not have a soul, it cannot be called a divine weapon.

However, if the soul of a sword is too overbearing, it will definitely be restless and ready to move.

This will also be a big threat to users.

In order to completely eliminate such worries, the first thing to do is to fundamentally subdue Zanpakutō's sword spirit.

Thinking of this, the next second Senju Xingye also came to the world of 863 Zanpakutō.

This is a world full of darkness, and everything around is immersed in the tranquility of Ultimate.

With the appearance of Senju Starry Night, this long and endless darkness seems to have a little light.

In the darkness, a slender woman wandered alone.

"Finally, did someone finally wake me up?"

"It seems that I have really slept for too long this time."

Accompanied by a lazy rant, the slightly bubbly voice reached Senju Xingye's ears.

If you look closely, you will see that the beauty in front of you has a smile on her face, and her eyes are full of brilliance.

Sakura's lips are curved, as pretty as a peach in three springs, and as pure as a chrysanthemum in nine autumns.

Senju Xingye has never seen such a beautiful woman.

Although the beautiful facial features on that face are not as stunning and gorgeous as many beauties I have seen before, they are a return to nature that ordinary people cannot understand.

Far from being holy, let alone being conventional, this most original temperament that directly touches the depths of the heart is immediately eye-catching.

Seeing such a woman, Senju Xingye couldn't help but sigh:

"Is there really such a woman in the world?"

Wang Yue, an old man, is really keen on creating female Zanpakutō.

Even this half-finished sheath is actually a female Zanpakutō.

However, from what she just said, it was obvious that something else could be heard.

It seems that this Zanpakutō has existed even longer than Wang Yue.

Just when Senju Xingye was still wondering in his mind, the sheathed sword soul stood up and walked in front of Senju Xingye. His eyes were still looking at Senju Xingye's eyes calmly, and he said calmly:

"Are you my master?"

As he spoke, there was a little warmth in Sheofu's eyes, and a look of relief seemed to be clearly visible on his expression.

"Looking at your extraordinary strength, you do have the qualifications to become my master."


As soon as the voice changed, Shea Fu waved his hand, and a huge sword energy was generated out of thin air. The sword energy that seemed to be able to split the world went straight towards Senju Star (dbbf) Ye's position.

Since he is in the soul world of Zanpakutō, Senju Xingye's current state is probably also a spirit body.

Most of Rinnegan's abilities are also fully limited.

It may be even more difficult to use your full strength.

The majestic blow in front of him was obviously difficult to handle.

However, Senju Xingye calmly stepped back, and then chose to resist the blow head-on.


The sword energy struck in front of Senju Xingye, but was suddenly blocked by an invisible barrier.

The two collided one after another, causing an unparalleled violent explosion in an instant.

Along with the violent explosion, the fire shot into the sky and illuminated the entire dark space.

A moment ago it was like being in a lightless night, but now it became as bright as day.

At this time, Senju Xingye realized that the woman in front of him was very pale, with no trace of blood.

Although the long black hair hangs down smoothly, there is something indescribably weird about it.

However, just after Senju Xingye successfully dodged the blow just now, the woman's expression turned into a smile.

"Very good, your strength is worthy of mine."

Before the words fell, Senju Xingye had an extra knife in his hand.

It was the sheath he had just made.

However, the woman in front of him changed the topic and sneered: "Although I allow you to touch me, how much power you can exert depends on how much strength you still have."

While speaking, the woman in front of her turned into a gleaming sharp blade, like a divine punishment from the sky.

Accompanied by the thunderbolt and thunder, the sound of the saber energy seemed to split the gap between the sky and the earth, and the space seemed to be distorted.

And Senju Xingye held the sheath in his hand, and also knew the meaning of the moment.

This is to test his strength.

After figuring it out, Senju Xingye didn't hesitate any longer, and went straight up with his saber.

Accompanied by the power of thunder, Senju Xingye also slashed out with a single blow, and the extremely sharp knife energy split the world into two in an instant.

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