Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 372: Higher Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Hearing that the side effects of his hot springs can be avoided, Kirinji Tenshiro also became energetic.

"What do you mean by what you just said?"

"You must know that my hot spring has been improved many times. Although it still has some side effects, it is still very beneficial to the functions of the human body."

"Is there any way you can make up for the shortcomings of my hot spring pool?"

Looking at Kirinji Tenshiro who looked incomprehensible, Senju Xingye also explained impatiently:

"Of course it can be made up for. In fact, it's not difficult at all."

"As you can tell now, the Bone Hell is used to extract human blood and Reiatsu, which can remove impurities from the body. However, if the extraction is done for too long, the soul will be drained from the body, resulting in irreparable effects."

"The red spring water 02 in the Blood Pool Hell has the effect of replenishing strength. If the strength is replenished too much, it will increase the burden on the body, and it will also have the disadvantage of exploding to death."

"Your approach now requires two life and death tests. If you don't pay attention, you will be in danger.

"Can't you ignore such a huge side effect?"

After hearing what Senju Xingye said, Kirin Temple Tenshiro couldn't deny it.

Because this is indeed the biggest shortcoming of his hot spring blood pool, and it cannot be refuted at all.

However, after thinking about it for a while, I found out that I was too stubborn:

“Whenever water is full, it overflows. Everything has its yin and yang sides.

"My hot springs have remarkable effects and are of great benefit to the human body, so it is understandable that they are dangerous!"

Seeing that Tianshi Lang of Qilin Temple was still stubborn, Qian Qian Xingye sneered unceremoniously:

"You only need to merge what you call the Bone Hell and the Blood Pool Hell, so that half of the hot springs turn white and the other half turn red."

"Perform a filling cycle while cutting through the menstruation and cleansing the marrow."

"This will avoid the side effects of two hot spring pools."

"After the white hot spring extracts power, it is replenished by the red hot spring."

"After the red hot spring replenishes the power, the white hot spring will drain it away.

"This will form a perfect closed loop without any danger."

"It will neither suck out the soul because the power is drained out, nor will the body explode because the power is replenished too much."

After carefully analyzing Senju Xingye's statement, Kirin Temple Tenshiro suddenly felt that there was some truth to it.

But after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head again and again:

"Although what you say makes sense, is this approach really possible?"

"Not to mention how much pain the infinite cycle will cause to the body, but how can the water of these two hot springs coexist?"

Faced with the questions raised by Tenshiro of Kirin Temple, ordinary people are absolutely unable to understand them.

Regardless of what Senju Xingye just said, it is only based on the premise that one pool and two waters can coexist and be distinct.

Even if they are in the same pool, the water quality cannot mix with each other.

This is impossible for anyone to do.

But Senju Starry Night smiled:

"This thing is too simple, let me give you a demonstration..."

While talking, Shengsheng Xingye directly used the space ability in Six Paths Rinnegan to transform Qi's hot spring pool.

This transformation method is a bit like the structure of a Klein bottle. Things that can only exist in higher-dimensional space are reorganized and constructed through the ability of the space system.

In this way, the effect of a Klein bottle is achieved. There are overlapping areas between areas, but they do not affect or overlap each other.

In this way, the two hot spring water qualities can coexist, and the Bone Land and the Blood Pool Hell can exist in the same hot spring pool at the same time.

However, Kirin Temple Tenshiro obviously has no knowledge in this area and has never seen the so-called Klein bottle.

When the hot spring structure was constructed, Kirin Temple Tenshiro also conducted experiments immediately.

"It seems like there is no change. Can this kind of thing really achieve the effect you just mentioned?"

With a doubtful mind, Kirin Temple Tenshiro poured two types of hot spring water into the hot spring pool.

However, an incredible scene happened.

287 "This...how is this possible!"

This time, not only Kirinji Tenshiro, but also the rest of Team Zero were shocked.

Based on their age and experience, they have never heard of such a method that can distinguish two liquids so clearly and yet blend them together perfectly.

This phenomenon of jealousy and contradiction simply goes against their knowledge of thousands of years.

I saw that in the hot spring in front of me, the water quality was distinct. One side was as red as fresh blood, but the white spring water on the other side was as pure and flawless as condensed white jade.

Stretching out his hand and wandering in the middle of the two colors of hot spring water, Kirinji Tenshiro's jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

"It actually did it!"

"My God, how did you do that!"

Facing Kirinji's emotion, Senju Xingye just smiled and said nothing.

The main reason is that the ability of the space system is combined with higher-dimensional knowledge. For people who do not have relevant concepts, it is very difficult to explain. .

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