Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 383: Resurrection, The Power Of Gods

Although he felt that the bandaged monster in front of him was a bit strange, as his teammates were monsters of that level, the enemy in front of him could not be as weak as he felt, right?

Observing the opponent in front of him carefully, his upper body and face were covered with bandages. There were strange symbols painted on the black ribbon forehead protector. The whole person looked vaguely impotent.

The most important point is that Miracle Gerald is completely unable to perceive the strength of his strength.

This made him feel very novel.

"What's your name? Do you dare to tell me your name?"


A simple and clear answer, never saying another word.

This person is none other than Iwagakure's Second Tsuchikage. He has a Bloodline elimination that is far more powerful than the Bloodline Limit, and the controller of Dust Release - Wu.

Thinking of this, Muiya, who was mid-sentence, continued to add: "Second Tsuchikage."

In the end, he still couldn't let go of his identity as Second Tsuchikage. However, Miracle Gerald didn't know the so-called Tsuchikage, nor did he know the value of the title "Shadow".

Even though he couldn't sense the power, he still kept talking so brazenly, Miracle Gerald was also a little impatient:

"Don't cause so much trouble, show your true strength and let me enjoy the joy of fighting!"

Under the provocation of Miracle Gerald, Wu Zheng, who was covered in bandages, adjusted his angle, and then smiled coldly:

"Dust Escape! Original Realm Stripping Technique!"

In an instant, a Chakra flashing with white light flashed by, creating an irregular space in place.

Fortunately, Miracle Gerald evaded in time, but even so, he could not completely avoid Wu's attack.

"Looking at the opportunity in front of him, Gerald activated his ninjutsu without any expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, half of Miracle Gerald's body was immediately broken down into atomic-level dust and scattered in the wind.

Looking at his missing lower body, Chigerald smiled instead of getting angry:

"Look, I know this opponent is not simple, but he is still very capable."

Gerald, who had half of his body decomposed in an instant, laughed, and then reorganized his body in an instant, and his figure seemed to be even bigger than before.

Wu, who was originally extremely calm, finally felt a little surprised at this moment.

I didn't expect that the opponent in front of me would be so difficult. It was really unexpected.

At the same time, the previous generation Raikage on the other side also lost his breath.

Facing the new form of Rijebalo that he had never seen before, Raikage ignored everything and directly used the previous method to attack.

The thunder armor, which was like lightning, turned into a thunder spear and penetrated towards Li Jieba Luo who was in the state of eight pairs of light wings.

When it bursts out, its momentum is extremely powerful.

Faced with such a powerful blow, He Jiebalo was very disdainful.

"Stop looking down on others!"

"You dare to offend the gods with your mortal body. I want you to pay the price for your ignorance!"

Amidst the loud shouts, Li Jieba Luo did not dodge or evade, opening his chest to welcome the film's attack.

The intense energy fluctuations caused the Shinigami of the Gotei 13th Division to marvel.

This level of power is far beyond what they can understand.

The scene that happened next was even more cognizant to them.

Raikage's lightning spear hit Rijebalo's chest with the piercing force of thunder.

The next second, golden light suddenly appeared, and the power of thunder with infinite pressure was instantly dispelled.

The light faded, and Que Jie Barrow still stood intact in front of everyone.

Seeing Li Jieba Luo's expression full of disdain, everyone was simply stunned.

Even Impure World Reincarnation's predecessor movie was a surprise.

Although it is Senju Xingye who controls Raikage's body now, the reincarnated Raikage cannot control his body, but his consciousness still exists.

Faced with such a powerful attack, Li Jieba Luo actually did not dodge or dodge, and relied on his strong defense to withstand such an attack.

How can it not be surprising?

After one blow failed to work, he was stopped by Ray.

The effect of the Perfect Holy Body·God's Sanction is indeed extremely powerful.

According to the original ability, it is immune to physical damage and Kidō, but now it seems that it is even immune to Chakra ninjutsu.

It is worthy of the sanction of God "He indeed has a body like a god.

Look at the weird shape of the eight pairs of light wings. The hole-shaped white eight wings on the back (Noli's) can release all things from a long distance, and the body can turn into a spirit to track the opponent.

If such an ability is applied to the battlefield, it will probably cause a devastating blow to one's own lineup.

Thinking of this, Senju Xingye also had to stand up.

The moment everyone saw Senju Xingye stand up from the throne, almost everyone looked at Sōkyoku Hill.

His condescending attitude was like that of an immortal who transcended the world.

Staring proudly, his eyes happened to fall on Li Jieba Luo.

As if feeling Senju Xingye's gaze, Li Jiebaluo, who transformed into the eight-winged form, also turned his head slightly and looked sideways, and the two people's eyes happened to meet each other. .

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