Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 399: Holy Text B? Can Be Broken Easily

The Senju Starry Night in front of him had been weakened by 99% of his power. Faced with such a situation, Hasward burst into wild laughter again:

"Hahahaha, you see, this is the power that Yhwach gave me!"

"No one is worth mentioning in front of me!"

"I admit your strength, but your strength needs to be discounted by 99% in front of me!"

"In this state, your abilities are almost exhausted, right?"

"How can you, who has lost all your abilities, compete with me, the genius of this invisible empire?"

"How dare you preach to me?"

"Compared to my situation, I advise you to take a closer look at your own situation!"

"How ridiculous!"

Facing Hasward's ridicule, Senju Xingye also smiled coldly and corrected:

"Is weakening 99% of your strength your limit?"

"I need 177 to correct you, that is, weakening 99% does not eliminate all power."

"0 multiplied by any number is 0. Similarly, infinite power is still infinite even when it is weakened by 99%."

"You spread your misfortune through your ability to mediate the world, and you want to make others pay for your cowardice and ignorance.

"This is so ridiculous!"

"It's obviously your own misfortune, and you should bear it yourself.

"They will only lament their misfortunes, speak high-sounding words, but point their finger at others, and dare not face their own enemies."

"How sad."

"Since you have already used your ability to reconcile the world, you think you have completely weakened my ability.

"Then you can attack me now."

As he spoke, Senju Xingye still had his hands behind his back and looked arrogantly, as if he didn't even pay attention to Hasward in front of him.

Looking at Senju Starry Night like this, Hasward was also very angry.

"It seems you are determined to reduce me to worthlessness."

"You'll pay for this!"

While speaking, Hasward directly launched an attack on Senju Starry Night.

"Construct the spirit subspace·Shadow Hexagram!"

The starting point is the more powerful skill among his own abilities. Through special power, the spiritual power is converted into black liquid, which is integrated with the black shadow to build a new spiritual subspace, and then uses the Shadow Hexagram to release the high energy. Condensed spirit flames to attack opponents.

Seeing Hasward displaying such a powerful skill, Tian Zi Xingye did not dare to neglect it.

Even if the ability is weakened by 99%, the ability that could originally travel through various space worlds is now very easy to teleport the black hexagram to a different space.

However, Senju Xingye did not intend to do this.

It is nothing more than an ordinary attack. Even if the destructive power of the attack is different, the single attack mode is its biggest shortcoming.

Facing the black energy rain ahead like a gust of wind, Senju Star (cjbh) Ye just looked at it.

The shadow space constructed by the spirit particles was instantly decomposed into harmless spirit particles, which finally drifted away in the wind, leaving no trace behind.

Hasward looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes.

This is already the strongest skill that he can display, but facing Senju Xingye who has been weakened by 99%, it is still useless.

Is it possible that the strength that I had to bear in exchange for enduring the shame of being a thief and a father was not even 1% of the strength of the man in front of me?

This is really incredible!

If this is really the case, then what is the meaning of my faith for so many years?

Is it really like what Senju Xingye in front of me said, that he has been just escaping for so many years?

Although he had such thoughts in his heart, Hasward was not reluctant to admit it.

Seeing Senju Xingye standing in front of him with a calm look, Hasward felt even more shocked.

"Am I so miserable in your eyes?"

"You didn't even look at me seriously. The power I paid so much for is worthless in your eyes?"

"Do you really look down on me so much?"

As he spoke, Hasward's tone became increasingly gloomy.

In the end, I couldn't help but tremble with anger.

However, in the eyes of Senju Xingye, this kind of Hasward was just angry.

In the final analysis, it's just a clown's self-performance.

Thinking of this, Senju Xingye also smiled disdainfully and said coldly:

"You just want me to look at you properly?"

"A person who is willing to be a dog in the face of the murderer of his parents and clan members is not worthy of being called a human being in my eyes."

"What other abilities you have, I advise you to use them directly."

"What you call world harmony, in my eyes, is nothing more than rubbish power that can be broken at any time."

"The reason why I keep facing you like this is just to completely crush your self-esteem."

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