Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 403: The Omniscient And Omnipotent Dog

You must know that the existence of Yhwach is almost a product of the same time as the Soul King and his ancestors.

As the son of the Spirit King, Yhwach also has some of the abilities of the Spirit King.

After devouring the Spirit King, the effect of this ability will reach its peak.

Looking at the Senju starry night in front of him, Yhwach also smiled coldly:

"Indeed, it is undeniable that your strength is relatively strong."

"However, you may have been a little negligent, that is, I sneaked into the Soul King's Palace while you were still fighting.

"I have wiped out all the so-called personal guards of Division Zero, and I have also successfully devoured the Soul King.

"At this moment, I have reached the pinnacle of omniscience and omnipotence."

"Would it be too simplistic to just use your ability to modify your subconscious mind to deal with me?"

"As long as I still retain the ability to be omniscient and omnipotent, even if you exert the effect of subconscious modification on me, I will still be able to know what you have done to me immediately."

"As long as I know that my subconscious has been modified by you, I will naturally know what to do."

"So, your ability to modify your subconscious mind is invalid for me!"

"Without the ability to modify my subconscious, there is nothing you can do against me!"

Yhwach was talking to himself, but Senju Xingye looked disdainful and asked coldly:

"Since you said you are the omniscient and omnipotent Yhwach, and you have indeed seen that my ability is to modify the subconscious mind.

"Then do you want to seriously think about it, is it about modifying consciousness?"

"Should I remind you that modifying the subconscious mind is not modifying the memory."

"I can make you subconsciously think that you are a dog. Even if you know that I modified this subconscious mind for you, you will still sincerely become a dog for me."

"Modifying your subconscious mind does not mean modifying your memory, nor will it cause you to lose your previous memories.

"You won't change your current thoughts just because you think of past memories and know that you have been subconsciously modified.

"Just because that's what I personally instilled in you, do you understand?"

“It’s as if you exploit someone else’s weakness to market yourself as omnipotent and omnipotent.”

"The so-called believer Habach has eternal life, doesn't it mean that you changed the subconscious of those fools through PUA brainwashing?"

"Just like Hasward, he has not forgotten the fact that you killed his whole family, but he still didn't sincerely be your most loyal dog until the moment of death?"

After hearing these words from Senju Xingye, Fahabach finally realized his ignorance.

Unexpectedly, I had always thought of myself as omniscient and omnipotent, and in the end, I made such a childish mistake.

Yes, people are modifying the subconscious mind, not the memory.

So what if I know all the details of the matter through omniscience and omnipotence?

People don't erase their memories at all, they just modify their subconscious.

Is it really impossible for me to cope with it?

Thinking of this, Fahabach felt deeply powerless for a moment.

It turns out that this is how it feels to be a helpless useless person.

No wonder it’s so easy to brainwash yourself with PUA.

It is precisely because those people are useless that they understand the powerlessness of being useless.

In order to get rid of this feeling of powerlessness, even if they know that they are lying to them, those fools would rather deceive themselves and believe the nonsense they say.

After all, they are just using this method to get the power they want.

This world is so crazy.

To think that the ancestor of the five great nobles cruelly cut up the body of the Spirit King and made it into human pigs, this is enough to show the madness of human beings.

Therefore, the reason why he wants to destroy the world is entirely to punish those crazy humans.

What's wrong with this?

Fragments of various previous memories flashed through Yhwach's mind very quickly.

After all the past, thousands of years of forbearance, and at the moment when my plan is finally coming true, why does a character who does not originally belong to my world appear in front of me?

Is the appearance of this person destined?


"Under the omen of my omniscience and omnipotence, you are nowhere to be seen!"

"who are you?"

"Why do you appear in this world?"

"Are you really going to use subliminal modification on me?"

(Wang Lihao) "You must know that what I do is also for the whole world!"

"Why do you have to stop my great plan!"

Facing Yohabach's continuous questions, Senju Xingye was not interested.

Recalling the question just now, Senju Xingye just smiled coldly:

"Enjoyment must be timely. The most important thing in life is to value the present."

"I don't have any lofty ideals or goals. Being happy now is my greatest meaning."

"And you actually want to destroy the world I live in.

"Then of course I won't let you go."

Wild Dog Bar Private. "

"After all, you can only bark."

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