Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 410: I Can Upgrade You To A Third Generation Body

Ten Thousand Years ago, Hua Ye had reached the Third Generation body, but he was still keen on this kind of thing.

So this has nothing to do with which generation of divine body it is.

Hearing what Senju Xingye said, Angel Yan was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, even if you are right, this kind of thing has nothing to do with which generation of divine body, but I am not interested in this kind of thing.

"With my ability, it's just a matter of time to decipher the composition of this space."

"I can get out of here without your help."

While Angel Yan spoke, he looked at the surrounding space.

As a second-class alien space, although the structure here is one dimension more complex than the basic space, Angel Yan, who accepted the inheritance of the Angel King, also inherited part of the database of Holy Guysha.

It is really just a matter of time to break through here.

Looking at Angel Yan with a serious face, Prince Xingye also smiled:

"Even if you are right, it is only a matter of time before we can break through here."

"But have you ever thought about how long this time will be?"

"You must know that your Merlot Heaven is still in the hands of Hua Ye, and your former sisters are suffering from Hua Ye's humiliation.

"As a noble angel, you were born in the era after Hua Ye was overthrown. You may not have experienced this kind of thing.

"But even so, you should know that this kind of thing is a huge humiliation, right?"

"Those of your sisters are just like you. They claim to be holy and holy, but they can only be trampled and humiliated by Hua Ye and Hua Ye's tribe every day."

"Do you think you still have time to slowly decipher the structure of space here?"

Senju Xingye's words hit the soul directly, and Angel Yan's expression was obviously stunned.

That's right, my sisters are still waiting for me to rescue them.

There simply isn't much time left to deconstruct for oneself right now.

Just as he was thinking this way, Senju Xingye struck while the iron was hot and continued:

"Even if your sisters can wait, then Ironhead shouldn't be able to, right?"

Hearing the name Anicid, Angel Yan's eyes widened instantly, and his whole expression became shocked.

"You...you even know this?"

"You must know that this is the secret of my angel clan!"

"How on earth did you know that?"

Looking at the shocked Angel Yan, Senju Xingye just smiled coldly and said disapprovingly:

"This is my little secret."

"All I can say is that I know everything and can do everything."

"Omniscient and omnipotent is my ability."

Looking at the man in front of him, Angel Yan bit his lips lightly, still disdainful in his heart.

You must know that the vastness of the universe is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even the ancient Kamigawa civilization has not been able to understand the mysteries of the universe.

The former supreme god, who had lived in the world for so long since the beginning of chaos, could not say that he had explored all the mysteries of the universe.

The man in front of me actually said that he was omniscient and omnipotent?

I really don’t know if it’s blind confidence or ignorance.

Although he thought so, Angel Yan did not dare to express it.

Currently, her fate is in the hands of Senju Xingye, and her sisters are still waiting for her to rescue them.

The most critical point is that he was able to name the next heir to the Angel King, the Queen of Fraser's South, Aenecid.

You must know that this is the recommendation given to her by the database, and it is also her designated candidate.

If Anicid's identity is exposed, it is very likely that Hua Ye and the others will silence him.

…Please give me flowers…

Although the man in front of her didn't look like Hua Ye's group of scum, she didn't dare to act rashly before her friend and foe could be distinguished.

Looking at Angel Yan who looked cautious, Qianzi Xingye smiled calmly:

"Relax, I'm not your enemy, I just want to negotiate a deal with you."

"Looking at your expression, it seems you have realized the key to the problem."

"Even I know the existence of Anicid. As a broken through Fifth Generation divine body, Hua Ye, it is not difficult to know this confidence."


"What do you think Hua Ye will do after learning about the heir to the Angel King?"

After hearing Senju Xingye's question, Angel Yan's entire expression became very ugly, his brows were furrowed and his face was filled with sadness.

However, Senju Xingye laughed indifferently:

"Your designated successor to the Angel King seems to have encountered some danger. Are you sure you want to slowly deconstruct the structure of space here?"

Faced with Senju Xingye's question that penetrated his soul, Angel Yan had a helpless expression on his face, biting his lips lightly, his eyes full of confusion.

Yes, Aenecid will be in danger if we don't go to Fraser as soon as possible.

But in this situation, how can we get out?

After noticing Angel Yan's wavering, Senju Xingye also smiled slightly and said:

"I have already said that it is not difficult to leave here. As long as you give me enough reward, I can not only take you to Fraser, but also be your personal bodyguard.

Take a breather?"

Faced with Senju Xingye's proposal, the angel said:

"Enough reward?"

"How do you feel about upgrading to the Third Generation Divine Body?"

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