"Like you just now, although you seem to be successful, if you are weak or mentally exhausted, you may become a completely defeated by your own desires... Well, vixen, even in this way. No problem?"

At this point, Xingye glanced at Ahri's figure and face with interest. According to Xingye's aesthetics, he could be said to be perfect.

The wildness of the fox and the gentle character of the other party are almost perfectly reflected on the other party's face. The eyes are obviously that of a fox, full of danger, but they look weak and lovable. The other party is not at all It's a big killer.

Ah Li thought about Xing Ye's answer just now and her face suddenly turned pale in the other person's sight. If it really turned out like that, she might as well be killed directly, that would be too terrifying.

"So Mr. Xingye, what do you mean?"

Unknowingly, Ahri had been given the honorific title, and Xingye also expressed his opinion directly: "It's very simple, that is, you can still meditate, but you have to have a sense of hierarchy when you control the power, and you have to try to give Your body will give your soul time to adapt, so don’t rush for success. Unlike super soldiers and divine bodies, you cannot become fat."

"But that doesn't mean that your potential isn't strong. In fact, I think your talent is very powerful and pervert, at least so far, I don't see that you need too much material."

The divine body is indeed very powerful, but its power is not given in vain, whether it is the rare materials and energy consumed to build the gene engine, or the hard work spent to upgrade the divine body.

These are all costs.

As for Ah Li, at least for now, the opponent only needs to practice. It doesn't matter if he goes slower, and there is no problem if he can reach the other side.

Ah Li nodded happily. She always felt that she should be in a combat position, but in fact she had gradually changed from a combat position to a functional position.

If it weren't for the fact that they didn't have a search officer for the time being, she estimated that she would be the first person to take over, or an interrogator.

And the diplomacy she was currently in was actually a false position. If it weren't for the arrival of the devil, she really didn't know that she, a diplomat, still needed to work. Before, she felt that she could go to work and just fish, and no one would care anyway.

And now, her dog's stronger fighting power will naturally make Ahri happy.

"Then let's leave now? Lena, do you have a spaceship? I think it's better not to trust the devil too much and fly back on our own initiative."

Ah Li was not overwhelmed by happiness. In fact, she had always been wary of the devil. The other party's atmosphere was really not good, and although they were in alliance, stabbing their allies in the back seemed to be exactly what the devil would do.

"Don't worry, even if something goes wrong, I can take you out safely.

Ye Su took out the button that Liang Bing gave him and pressed it immediately. As expected, it was just as Liang Bing said. They stood there for three minutes and still had no response, so that Xingye even worried that the things the other party gave them were broken. Yes, do I need compensation?

"Well, I checked the signal just now. It seems that it was intercepted by the Lieyang Star, and we may have to go back by ourselves now."

Reina put her palms to her ears and soon brought bad news, but there was also good news. Of course, it was only good news for the Lieyang Star. The devil did not seem to have studied them in depth, so that Pan Zhen Very happy now.

0…Please give me flowers…………

"Okay." Ye Su rubbed his chin and then looked at Reina. The other party also went to the earth. How did the other party go? It seemed to be a wormhole.

He felt that for a civilization like Lieyang Star, opening a wormhole should be a very simple matter. At least wormholes are much safer than spaceships.

"I went with the college, but don't worry about that. Pan Zhen said he would send us back directly as compensation."


Reina patted her chest, which made Xingye feel slightly distressed. Soon he felt a space force condensing around them. This wave was definitely a wormhole.

Xingye nodded secretly and took the initiative to walk to the front. In order to prevent accidents, he felt that it was necessary to walk at the front. Although his sense of the Lieyang Star was pretty good at the moment, he still had to prevent problems.

He was too lazy to use ninjutsu like resurrection, which was too expensive and too shocking.

Ahri and Reina saw Xingye taking the initiative to enter the wormhole. They nodded to each other, and Riqi held each other's hand and walked inside.

After Xingye helped Ahri control her power just now, the charm of Ahri did not decrease, but Rena felt that the emotion in her heart was much less.

At least if it's just physical contact, nothing should happen, but if it's a more intimate action

"General Pan Zhen and the others have left, and so has Goddess Reina."

Pan Zhen was sitting in his seat in the temple, which belonged to the general, and his men had already come to report the situation. .

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