Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 467 Unfavorable First Battle

But unfortunately, the other party grew up very quickly.

Facing the attack of three people, Hua Ye was a little nervous, but he also felt that the pressure was not as great as he thought. It was the best news that the man before did not participate in the battle.

But similarly, maybe the other party was just watching secretly and preparing for a sneak attack, or maybe he was preparing to be the final winner. In the man's eyes, he saw the same look in the other person's eyes as his own. Although there were some differences, some of them were the same. , such as desire.

"You did give me a surprise. After sacrificing a comrade, you really caught me off guard. But I think you have considered a wrong issue. Even if I don't have the support of Tiangong-1, you can't compete with me." ."

Turn on the black hole engine, search for angel genes and start restraint program 13!

As Hua Ye's heart moved, Yan and the others immediately felt as if there was a huge boulder on their bodies, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

"This program deals with all angels. Even if the three of you have entered the Fourth Generation and cannot be destroyed, it can still significantly weaken your combat power."

And this was the trump card why he didn't escape immediately. It was impossible for Karl to watch him die, at least not now. He still needed to do experiments for the other party, and he also needed to help the other party verify and eradicate certain things.

And this genetic program to restrain the angels naturally came from the other side, that is, the angel army did not come, otherwise he can be sure that except for the next three angels, the rest of the angels would not have the ability to fight at all.

But thinking of this, a question arose in Hua Ye's mind, why the angel troops of Lena who went to capture them have not come back yet. Even if Madara, the last ray of the sun, wiped out ninety of the angel troops, the remaining ones were still ten. Remarkable numbers.

There should be at least two full squads, and the troops on the spacecraft have also disappeared.

At this moment, it was quiet around him as if there were only the four of them. Was it Karl or that man? If not, he had to make a quick decision.

Liang Bing glanced at the other two people and felt slightly unhappy. Compared to Ge Xiaolun and Yan, she was the least suppressed because she had already given up her identity as an angel. She was a devil in her heart and had not used tens of millions. The power of angels.

If it weren't for the partial suppression she felt just now, she would have almost forgotten the power of the angel, and she had to fight quickly to prevent Karl from causing trouble.

Soon Liang Bing made up her mind, and the star life in her hand suddenly disappeared. The next moment, the star life flashed in front of Hua Ye's face under her control, showing no mercy.

The opponent is a Fifth Generation god and is almost immortal. Even the star life can only stab the opponent instead of destroying it. The only way to destroy the opponent is to let the power of the galaxy let the opponent use its own anti-void and anti-black hole abilities.

Hua Ye raised his big sword in front of him and easily blocked Liang Bing's attack, but this was just their test. Almost instantly, the two of them fought for several more rounds. Yan wanted to help but found that he Can't keep up with the opponent's speed

Silver Wings, please.

Since the speed of calculation cannot keep up with Yan's, he no longer insists. With a thought in his heart, a pair of silver targets are pointed directly at Hua Ye's body. As long as the opponent slows down for one second, he will be easily cut in half by the silver wings, and the judgment angel is already behind him. Waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Why is this guy always able to calculate the landing point of my wormhole?

After a few rounds of fighting, Liang Bing discovered Hua Ye's problem. No matter how tricky her attacks were, no matter which wormhole her star was attacking from, she could calculate the opponent in advance, catch her own attacks and Take advantage of this to fight back.

She understood Hua Ye's strength, but it was absolutely impossible for the opponent to calculate it. His strength could be improved by upgrading his divine body, but it was impossible with his brain.

If you can't calculate it, you can't calculate it. If you can't think of it, you can't think of it. Could it be that this is the power of the Fifth Generation Divine Body?

In this case, it would be difficult to complete their original plan for 427. The reason why she had not been harmed was entirely due to her fast wormhole calculation speed, but a person's energy cannot remain so good forever.

Sure enough, if Xing Ye did not participate, they would still have a lot of trouble. If there were restrictions from the other party, Hua Ye and the others would be less stressed in this battle.

"Yan, prepare to fight. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, you are protected by your little man. You are said to be an angel, but in fact you are almost the same as a devil."

Liang Bing successfully teleported to Yan's side. With the help of his guardian angel, she was able to take a break. More importantly, she had time to think.

Of course Xingye made his own contribution. The other party held back most of the angel soldiers, and two of Hua Ye's men were caught by the other party. "The other party also contributed a lot in breaking down the defense that has not been reassembled." the power of.

But now they need an output position more than support. I mean, can't you just lower your head?

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