Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 69 Self-Cultivation Of Leek Ninja! Danzo Wants Three Tails? (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 69 Self-cultivation of Leek Ninja! Danzo wants Three Tails? (Subscribe)


The battle on the front line is not over yet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, four Kage-level fighters, and a large number of Konoha Shinobi were all sent to the front line to fight.

It can be said.

If you don't count the Senju people.

The current Konoha can only be described as emptiness, almost without any high-end combat power.


"Are you kidding, what is that?!"

"Tail beast? The number of this tail is Kirigakure's Three Tails!"

"Go and inform everyone!"

"The tailed beasts from the enemy country have invaded. We must protect the village. This is the Senju apartment I bought with a loan for 30 years. You will never be allowed to destroy it!"


A leek ninja is very enlightened.

I have worked hard for several years, and finally paid a down payment.

Afterwards, he signed a 'deed of sale' with Senju Bank and then took out a loan to buy a Senju apartment of his own. If Three Tails broke into the village and wreaked havoc, all his property and savings would be destroyed. It was all in vain.


Even if it's risking your life.

They also want to stop the invasion of Three Tails, they would rather die directly!

If Three Tails destroyed the apartment he bought on loan and he was still alive, it would be an even more hellish scenario.


You TM still have to continue to struggle to repay the loan!

It's like you borrowed ten yuan from the bank and bought a meat bun for breakfast, but the bun accidentally dropped on the ground and you couldn't eat it. You go back and tell the bank that the bun is gone, and I won't repay the loan. The bank won't give you your head. Unscrew it. 730 "No—"

"That figure seems to be Master Xingye?!"

"The state of Three Tails seems to be controlled by Wood Style."

"That is to say, Master Xingye captured Kirigakure's Three Tails, it is indeed the Wood Style that quells troubled times!"

Wait until Senju Starry Night and Hatake Kakashi approach.

In charge of guarding the gate, Konoha guarding the ninja as if facing a big enemy, breathed a sigh of relief like a heavy burden.

At least.

His live.

If this is a Tailed Beast Bomb blowing up his house that has been loaned for 30 years, he will blacken it for you on the spot.

Not to mention the mere Three Tails, even the Sage of Six Paths, he can show you.


The Konoha guard ninja who was responsible for reporting the news before.

Obviously not aware of this information.

In just two or three minutes, hundreds of Konoha Shinobi practitioners gathered at the entrance of the Konohagakure village, most of them were at the level of Chūnin and Jōnin, and even Shimura Danzō, who stayed in the village to recuperate, came out to preside over the overall situation in person up.

in previous wars.

Shimura Danzō was directly beheaded by Third Raikage with his right hand and right eye.


His right eye is bound with a White bandage.

The lost right hand was also commissioned by scientist Orochimaru to recreate one with Hashirama cells, which is still hidden with a White bandage.

his combat effectiveness.

It barely recovered.

Of course, just quasi-kage-level strength is still not worth mentioning in front of Three Tails.

"Everyone, line up!"

"Wait, Lord Danzo, this is Lord Starry Night capturing Three Tails, not an enemy invasion.

"Senju Starry Night?"

heard the words.

Shimura Danzō frowned.

He is most annoyed to hear this name now, this evil Senju, just doesn't fit his character.

The Uchiha clan.

Senju family.

These two families, by the time he becomes Hokage, will sooner or later wipe them all out.

However, looking at Senju Xingye dragging the huge Three Tails with Wood Style in the distance, Shimura Danzō couldn't help but fell into silence. This strength seems to be a little bit of his imagination, and the tail beast of the war weapon is like this in seconds?

"I said, can everyone make room for a little bit?"

"Please inform Kushina to help me seal the tailed beast."

"Otherwise, with such a big body, it would be easy to crush my family's property. This road was built by our Senju."


Senju Xingye said lightly.

For his own property, he still cherishes it very much.

If in the future.

A kid who claims to make the world feel pain, dares to come to Konohagakure to release a "Super God Luo Tian Sign" to destroy Mori Senju's property, Kai Bing Xingye promises to let him know what real pain is.

Twist his head off on the spot and kick it like a ball.

Impure World Reincarnation sliced ​​the chicken a hundred billion times.

You can't live, you can't die.

"Wait! Senju Starry Night!"

"Is there something wrong, a disabled person with a broken hand and a blind eye.

"You humiliated me?!"

"When will it be humiliating you to repeat your true situation, don't you lose your hands and eyes?"

Senju Xingye looked at Shimura Danzō with 'sincere' eyes and said.

most of the time.

Sincerity is the greatest nirvana.

Originally, the relationship between Senju Xingye and Shimura Danzō could be described as like water and fire, so he didn't care about these words at all, whether he would offend this old bastard, come and bite me if he has the ability.

A Konoha Chūnin couldn't help laughing out loud: "Poof——"

Shimura Danzō immediately turned his head and glared at him with only one remaining eye: "Why are you laughing!"

This Konoha Chūnin quickly said: "I remembered a happy thing. My wife gave birth, and it is definitely not aimed at you, Mr. Danzo."

As the saying goes.

The tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs.

Shimura Danzō, former leader of Roots and good friend of Third Hokage, is so majestic.

No one dared to say a word, even Hatake Moshuo, who was forced to die with illustrious military exploits, and even Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent and did not punish his family members.


Today's Shimura Danzō.

Not only was his hand broken and his eyes were blinded, but the 'root' under his command also suffered heavy losses.

There are only more than a hundred dead soldiers left, and the power can be said to be much worse than before, not even comparable to some medium-sized families.

This name is Chūnin.

A ninja of the Hyuga family.

As far as Shimura Danzō's current strength is concerned, he really doesn't dare to challenge the Hyuga clan. Only when his 'roots' regain their combat power and numbers can he continue to dominate.

"Tail beast."

"It is the common property of the village."

"Although you captured Three Tails, you should turn it over to the village."

"Now that Hokage is not here, leave it to me for safekeeping."

Shimura Danzō has a good plan.

Although, Senju Starry Night was able to easily suppress the captive Three Tails.

However, this is a tailed beast after all, as long as it is handed over to him, he can completely cultivate it into a war weapon that only obeys his orders, which can be regarded as an addition to his hands.

'Kage-level' combat effectiveness.

As for return?

After getting what is in Shimura Danzō's hands, is there any reason not to go back?

As long as he has the power of Three Tails, most of the loss of his "root" can be restored, at least he won't be afraid of the mere Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

"Want a tail beast?"

"Go to hell."

What is Shimura Danzō's thoughts and thoughts, can't Tate Xingya not be clear?

The tailed beast that I caught myself, why should I use it for you.

Even if it's not used to feed the Kabbalah Tree of Life, wouldn't Senju Starry Night be kept as a pet to play with? Anyway, it can be regarded as a Kage-level combat power.


"Want to fight?"

Although Shimura Danzō would love to cut him.

However, reason told him that if he did it directly, Senju Xingye might take this opportunity to accidentally 'beat him to death' on the spot.


Now he can only swallow his anger and dare not beep more.

Damn Senju Starry Night, when I Shimura Danzō returns to the top, I will kill you sooner or later.

"Tap Tat Tat!"

Received the message from the vortex Kushina.

It was also quickly driven out from Senju's resident.

Look at the huge Three Tails.

She doesn't have any other thoughts, after all, she still has a Nine Tails in her body.

He started the sealing process with ease, shrunk the body of Three Tails, and then brought him back to Mori's abandoned station.

during this period.

Shimura Danzō could only look with envy.

He kept staring at this tailed beast, but didn't dare to make any small moves.

"go in."


Three Tails, who was in a coma, also let out a miserable cry.

The body containing a lot of Chakra was also swallowed up by the Kabbalah tree of life.

as nourishment for its growth.

【Kabbala Tree of Life (seed form)】

【Remaining maturity time: 2800 years】



Successfully sacrificed one each of Three Tails and Four Tails.

After they were revived again, they continued to gather wool for sacrifice.

As long as they die a few more times, their own Six Paths level peak pass pass will be available.


Let the Three Tails and Four Tails who are still in the revived state.

Knowing Senju Xingye's devil-like thoughts, I guess he would rather end it on the spot outside than be brought back to experience the pain of being completely swallowed again, this guy is too inhuman!

My Senju Hashirama.

Back then, they were sealed and distributed to Kegehu Village.

This fellow Senju Xingye directly regards the tailed beasts as food, and feeds them to a horrible thing!

Ps: The new book is on the shelves, please subscribe automatically, and the readers' great support is the motivation for the author to add more code words!

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