Konoha: Reviving Senju, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 76 Fourth Hokage. Senju Tsunade! Cut The Leeks Of The Entire Ninja World! (Seeking Subscript

Chapter 76 Fourth Hokage Senju Tsunade! Cut the leeks of the whole ninja world! (Subscribe)

"Location of Fourth Hokage."

"I don't mix anything more, it's not the material of this piece."

"I opt out.

With the voluntary withdrawal of Shimura Danzō.

Soon, Jiraiya also gave up the opportunity to be the Fourth Hokage.

He was born as a commoner.

Learned from Mount Myōboku in Third Hokage, Summoning Three Holy Lands.

Learn Sage Mode, and in the second and third Ninja World Wars, have excellent performance, at least much better than a certain Shimura Danzō who can only lose

his life story.

It can almost be said that the civilian ninja is determined to pass on.


Everyone has his own ambitions.

Jiraiya has always been used to a free life. After the war, he still wanted to go to various places to collect materials and perfect his "intimate paradise".

As for the position of Hokage, seeing how the old man of the Third Generation worked so hard every day, he was not very interested.

"Jiraiya, you—"

heard the words.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

"I'm not interested in Hokage, Third Generation old man."

"Okay, I won't force you."

Hear Jiraiya's words.

Sarutobi Hiruzen could only sigh silently "Qi Er Qi".

Originally, before the start of the third Ninja World War, he planned to let his favorite disciple, Orochimaru, take his place.


Accompanied by the deduction of war.

Orochimaru's behavior became more and more weird, and he began to pursue the illusory immortality.

For this reason, he not only got together with Danzo secretly, but even started human experiments.

Even Orochimaru is doing it very secretly.

But he couldn't hide it from Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.


as his apprentice.

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't make up his mind to kill relatives, but chose to turn a blind eye and close one eye. Coupled with the need for Kage-level combat power during the war, it was even more impossible for him to go to East Orochimaru.


The position of Fourth Hokage basically has nothing to do with him.

Shimura Danzō and Jiraiya withdrew, Orochimaru basically had no chance, leaving Senju Tsunade and Namikaze Minato as the final candidates.

One is the granddaughter of First Hokage, the princess of the Land of Fire, with a strong root and top medical ninjutsu.

On the Cloud Shinobi battlefield.

It also saved many Konoha Shinobi from the fire and water.

Defeated Third Raikage and Four Tails Jinchūriki head-on, ending the war by himself.

One is the up-and-comer Gold Flash, who masters space-time ninjutsu.

Can compete with Cloud Shinobi's AB combination.

In the war with Rock Shinobi, he also showed his crushing strength. The record of fifty enemy Jōnin in an instant is still familiar to this day.

These two people.

One is his apprentice.

One is his own grandson.

Strictly speaking, they are all from their own lineage.

But, they all have a deep connection with that guy Senju Starry Night!

Senju Tsunade is that guy's wife, and she doesn't care about her teacher at all. If she is asked to choose between the teacher and her husband, then Tsunade will definitely choose Senju Huangye without hesitation.

Namikaze Minato has received the favor of that guy, but because of the fetters of the master-student relationship, at least he can maintain a neutral attitude.


After some calculations.

Thoughts by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzō.

In fact, they all feel that it is better to let Namikaze Minato take over the position of Fourth Hokage.

"Since Jiraiya, Shimura Danzō have quit."

"Then, I announce that the Fourth Hokage candidates are Senju Tsunade, Namikaze Minato, Orochimaru."

"Voting has officially begun!"

"My ticket, hang on Namikaze Minato."

"He has always possessed Kage-level strength at a young age, and he has made countless contributions in this ninja world war. Under his leadership, the future Konohagakure will definitely achieve greater glory!"

Supported by Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Naturally, it is also to let people in his department know what to do.

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu also voted for Namikaze Minato as Fourth Hokage without hesitation.


Including Shimura Danzō.

He knew Orochimaru was out of the question.

The position of Fourth Hokage, in the final analysis, is a choice between Senju Tsunade and Namikaze Minato. Instead of letting Senju Senju become Fourth Hokage, it is better to let Namikaze Minato be Hokage

This guy is still young, easy to fool.

The Jōnin of the Hokage family, the patriarch of the family, also voted for Namikaze Minato sporadically.

"I think so."

"Tsunade is better suited for the position."

"Minato is still young after all, and there is room for better development in the future. It is not much better to polish his strength and reach the top than to sit in Hokage's office all day."

"If he serves as the Fifth Hokage, I have no opinion, and I even support it with both hands and feet."


"Konohagakure led by First Hokage, Second Hokage."

"It can be said to be a prosperous and prosperous place. Not all cats and dogs dare to touch porcelain. Only the third generation has a little problem. I believe that if Tsunade, the granddaughter of the first generation, takes over the position of Hokage, it will definitely be able to regain its glory peak .

"My vote goes to Tsunade."

Senju Starry Night who has been silent.

At this moment, he stood up slowly, and the heavy power exuded from his body made people involuntarily turn their eyes over.

it's here.

What he sent over was not just a Wood Clone.

But Senju Starry Night his real body.

Kage-level peak strength.

Looking at Konohagakure as a whole, “That’s also one of the best.

After he spoke out in solidarity, and took the initiative to cast a vote representing the 'Senju Patriarch of the Forest'.

Inuzuka, Yamanaka, Kurama, Nara, Akamichi, and the Hyuga clan who are friends with Senju, who are Senju's affiliated families, also chose to recommend Senju Tsunade to become Fourth Hokage.


some of.

There are also many commoner Jōnin who have received the favor of Senju.

All of a sudden, Senju Tsunade's votes also took a turn for the worse, quickly overtaking Namikaze Minato.

This is enough to suppress Hokage's appeal.

It is estimated that only Senju Starry Night can do it.

Watching the soaring votes of the two.

Orochimaru, who was almost unharvested, also had a dark face at the moment.

Although he was mentally prepared long ago, who would have thought that he would be in such a miserable situation? Teacher Sarutobi did not support himself, but instead supported Jiraiya's apprentice.

And Danzo, that bitch.

Well said at the beginning.

If he's hopeless, back yourself up.

As a result, he didn't even discuss it now, so he threw himself aside.

Wait until everyone has cast their votes...


With the victory of Senju Tsunade, the curtain of the Fourth Hokage election has come to an end!

This is the mighty momentum of Senju, which Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzō and others cannot resist. It is naturally the best thing to be able to take over the command of the entire Konohagakure by peaceful means.

"The result is set."

"The position of Fourth Hokage will be succeeded by Senju Tsunade, and the handover ceremony will be scheduled in half a month."

"Before the Hokage handover ceremony begins, I will inform the Fire Nation Daimyo of Senju Tsunade's succession as Fourth Hokage."

have no choice.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally announced the result.

Despite doing nothing, Senju Tsunade has won the support of the vast majority of Konoha Shinobi fans.

It's logical.

Became the Fourth Hokage, in charge of power.

to be honest.

Senju Xingye is not the kind of person who abandons personal interests because of public affairs. Based on the idea that he has power, he doesn’t need to be a bastard, and he ignores Hokage’s privileges. Isn’t he a fool?

When Sarutobi Hiruzen was in charge, the development of Senju still needed to be limited.

Now Senju Tsunade is in charge.

Excuse me.

Starting today, Trapped Leaf Hidden Village is my word.

Who is for and who is against?

It's useless to object, just blow your head off.

The only thing that makes Senju Xingye feel heartbroken is that before the start of the third Ninja World War, Sarutobi Hiruzen borrowed a large sum of money from himself in the name of Hokage, which was used for the village to prepare for the war. Money.

As a result, my daughter-in-law is now Hokage.

He can't ask his wife for this money, because it's difficult for his family, right?

That is more than 20 billion taels with profit, although it is only one tenth of Senju's current industry.


Who hates too much money?

I didn't think of such a thing at the beginning, and I knew I wouldn't borrow the money.

"I wanted to cut the leeks of that old monkey Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"Now it's making me lose a lot of blood."


"This TM must be cut back from Konohagakure, as well as compensation for other defeated countries."

"Now that the war is over, we have to open the Senju real estate to other ninja villages to cut leeks together. In 2.3, the whole ninja world will become house slaves, so we can continue to grow bigger and stronger.

Senju star Yoruichi contemplates.

Although I lost a small amount on the loan I borrowed, it should be regarded as assistance for my own infrastructure.

after all.

Now the whole of Konohagakure has the surname Senju.

Every plant and tree here belongs to one’s own home, and it’s nothing to spend some money on development and construction. This is the mentality change from a “merchant” to a “lord.”


After the ninja war is over.

It seems that I have more ways to make money.

One Konohagakure's real estate leeks made me fat. Wouldn't it be nice if it was connected with the other four major ninja villages and some leeks from small and medium ninja villages.

Not only that.

There is also the collection of indemnities from the defeated countries.

He is not a bad writer, he will not accept compensation, and he wants to show the grandeur of a big country.

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