Chapter 22 Victim: Still Uchiha’s garrison is reliable! (New book for collection!) )

The flames burned on the battlefield, destroying traces.

The surrounding buildings were also burned to ashes directly under such a violent flame.

Xia Yan slowly withdrew his hand, with a bit of playfulness in his eyes, and said in a low voice.

“Tuan Zang, do you really think I’m so weak?”

Under several system rewards, Xia Yan still has the strength to not lose to the elite upper ninja level.

How could you not find a few root ninjas?

Want to kill him?

How can it be!

As for why only now ….


Kakuto stood up with a dissatisfied look.

“You called me out just to see a corpse?”

He thought he could make extra money….

“No, thank you Mr. Kakuto for your protection, fortunately Mr. Kakuto saved my life, otherwise I would have almost died at the hands of such an assassin.” Xia Yan shook his head lightly and said with a smile: “Sir is really worth the money.” ”

Kakuto frowned, he understood what Xia Yan meant, this guy wanted to continue to hide, and then use himself as a shield, but……

“Hey, I only protect your child, this is not within the scope of the agreement.”

“In order to thank Mr. Kakuto for saving his life, I decided to give Mr. 1,000,000 taels in reward for your merits.”

Kakuto was silent for three seconds.

“The buildings around you are affected, if I don’t need to pay compensation, I can’t recognize it.”

“Then thank you Your Excellency.”

Xia Yan smiled softly and slowly walked back to the station.

The women of the family heard the news and had already rushed over.

Another payment arrived!

Kakuto was sweeter than eating honey.

Just looking at the scene where almost the entire street was destroyed by flames, he couldn’t help but take a deep look at Xia Yan’s back.

No wonder this guy didn’t let himself protect him.

Because of him, he doesn’t need protection from others at all!

Everyone underestimated this patriarch of the Uchiha clan…


A ninja assassinates Natsuhiko Uchiha in broad daylight, and the two sides fight bloody battles in Konoha, and eventually the enemy is killed by the bodyguards hired by Uchiha…

This news quickly spread.

Tuan Zang frowned after hearing this: “Failed to kill him? Shouldn’t it? ”

But it became clear to him after reading the detailed report on the matter.

“It turns out that many ninjas with good strength have emerged to disrupt the situation… Natsuhiko Uchiha, your luck is really good! ”

Xia Yan is just a middle ninja, how can he survive the assassination of so many ninjas?

The reason, of course, is that Matt Kay and others have disrupted the situation!

And the last Kakuto… But if he is later, he should have taken Xia Yan’s eyes off, right?

“Jiaodu, a bounty hunter who is famous in the black market, I didn’t expect that the strength was actually a little stronger than the fame…”


Compared to the calm Tuanzang.

The three generations of Hokage directly spewed out a sip of tea.

“Damn Tuanzo, what the hell are you thinking!”

This matter is not a difficult matter to investigate, and under Tuan Zang’s rough plan, there are too many loopholes.

The fighting style of the root ninja is even clearer to everyone.

Before he could blame Tuan Zang, the major families came to the door angrily.

The three generations of Hokage roared angrily in their hearts, but they had to start cleaning up the aftermath.

“This should be Yunnin Village’s peeping into my Konoha Blood Succession Limit!” Three generations of Hokage Chrysostom directly characterized this incident.

Then, in the eyes of the major families in disbelief, they sent a diplomatic notice to Yunnin Village, ordering the other party to compensate.

This is probably the most powerful speech to the outside world during the reign of the three generations of Hokage, right?

Of course, Yunnin Village is expected to take this announcement as a fart….

The patriarchs of the major families would not believe such words at all, but Danzo acted meticulously, and the root ninja died directly, erasing all information.

Even the means of dispatching patrolling ninjas and creating opportunities for assassination were also clear.

Without evidence, coupled with Hokage’s power protection, Danzo once again easily escaped.

In the end, the ninjas of the major families could only swallow their anger and leave.

Danzo is very qualified as a sword, and during the reign of the three generations of Hokage, the power of the major families has been weakened to a certain extent, and they are powerless to resist the Hokage without clear evidence.

But Konoha’s villagers were furious.

In the fifty-nine years since Konoha established the village, no enemy has ever been able to penetrate the interior of Konoha!

Even the Nine-Tails Rebellion eight years ago was essentially a problem within Konoha.

Now there are actually people who assassinate our ninja in the middle of the day in the middle of daylight?

Konoha is still not the first ninja village in the ninja world?

The ninja in charge of patrolling should simply go to seppuku !

Who can guarantee our safety?

The crowd was furious.

At this time, Xia Yan took his wife and concubine, and went door-to-door to find those victims who lost their houses in this battle to apologize.

“Sorry, it’s all because of me, if it weren’t for assassinating me, you wouldn’t have to go through this kind of thing.” Uchiha Natsuhiko looked apologetic.

“No, no, no, this is all a conspiracy of the hostile Shinobi Village.” The victims said, “Lord Xiayan, you are innocent. ”

If nothing else, just looking at the cash compensation that far exceeds the value of the property, Xia Yan must also be innocent!

Xia Yan apologized a few more times, and then cursed the forces in the outer village along with the victims, feeling like a common enemy.

“Damn it! Our Konoha’s patrol is also tired! Xia Yan broke his mouth and cursed: “When we were in charge of the garrison back then, Konoha never had such a blatant assassination!” ”

When the victims heard this, they also sighed with emotion: “Yes! Or when you Uchiha served in the garrison, Konoha was the safest! ”

“Compared with those wastes now, you Uchiha are still reliable!”


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