Chapter 36: The Base of the Great Snake Pill (New Book for Collection!) )

Ayako is actually very entangled.

She is indeed as Xia Yan thought, a spy sent by the Great Snake Pill to obtain the Uchiha bloodline, and it is also the order of the Great Snake Pill.

But Uchiha’s treatment is really good!

Maid service, high-end toiletries, expansive house, everything you need, perfect medical care…

If she could, she would totally like to stay in Uchiha for the rest of her life!

But after all, she is a spy, or a spy carefully cultivated by the big snake pill, and she has been favored by the big snake pill since she was a child.

For the sake of the Great Snake Pill, she can die!

Well, in fact, when most female spies joined the Uchiha clan, they had the consciousness of giving up themselves, women’s dignity, and even their lives for the sake of the village.

It’s just that under Uchiha’s sugar-coated cannonballs, few can hold out for long.

However, Orochimaru is a life mentor (brainwashing master) in the end.

Ayako is one of the few who still has a task in mind.

Of course, Ayako also struggled for a long time.

Because the first 3 months of pregnancy are the most critical period for fetal development, it is not suitable for traveling.

In the third trimester (July-September), pregnant women undergo great physiological changes, their ability to adapt to the environment is reduced, and they are not suitable for travel.

So the sixth month of her pregnancy is already the deadline.

She tangled up, tangled to go.

In the end, between Uchiha and Orochimaru, Orochimaru was chosen.

Ayako felt that if she continued to stay in the Uchiha family, Uchiha would definitely be satisfied, but Orochimaru-sama would definitely be injured.

But if you run to Lord Orochimaru, maybe Lord Orochimaru can give himself the best of both worlds…

Maybe in a few years, he can return to Uchiha with his children’s scenery and continue to be his rich wife.

So she seized the last opportunity to facilitate the event and escaped from Uchiha’s station.

And then….

It was immediately discovered by Kakuto.

“How, do you want me to help you catch her?” Kakuto said in a deep voice, and then added: “My mission is only to protect the members of Uchiha’s station from external threats, and this is not my responsibility now.” ”

So have to add money!

Xia Yan glanced helplessly at the corner.

“No need.”

He looked at the back of the woman who was gradually moving away, and shook his head gently: “I can solve this matter by myself.” ”

Xia Yan actually admired the brainwashing level of the big snake pill.

There are many spies in their own concubine room, such as those planted by the three generations of Hokage, Tuanzo, Sand Ninja Village, Yunnin Village…

There are all kinds of people, many of them are high-level spies who have been lurking in Konoha for many years in other ninja villages, and their minds are impeccable.

But more than two years have passed, and not a single defector has been.

Although Orochimaru was defeated by Itachi, and he is very attached to Uchiha’s bloodline, his manpower is limited and his energy is limited, and it is impossible to put too much manpower and mind on Uchiha’s bloodline – Uchiha’s ninety percent of his clansmen are all incomparable to him of the three Shinobi!

In fact, he didn’t even care much about Sasuke until he saw Sasuke’s talent.

Otherwise, the few dark parts arranged by the three generations of Hokage to protect Sasuke could not stop him…

So this should be just a hand of Orochimaru, but it became the only existence of Uchiha to defect.

Of course, Xia Yan did not blame Ayako.

The people themselves came as spies, and Xia Yan also knew that both sides belonged to each other.

If I have to say it, she belongs to the GM warrior who has not been defeated by sugar-coated shells, and her character is much higher than that of ordinary people, and she should be more worthy of respect.

But ahhh

“Big Snake Pill, you can stuff spies into my house, so is it reasonable for me to pay tribute to you a few times?”


Ayako struggled to escape.

Pregnant with Rokka, her movements are more or less inconvenient.

If it weren’t for her hidden strength, she really wouldn’t have the confidence to escape.

“Xia Yan, it should be very sad…” Ayako’s heart darkened, but she immediately cheered up: “It’s okay, when I finish the task of Lord Orochimaru, I beg Lord Orochimaru for grace, maybe we will see you soon!” ”

“When the time comes, I can accept whatever you want to punish me… I know you’ve been thinking about some gameplay for a long time, and I can accompany you! ”

She touched her big belly, with a bit of pity in her eyes.

Although traveling a long distance while pregnant with Rokko is not a good thing for children.

But when the child is born, with the talent of Uchiha’s bloodline, he may be able to get the personal education of Lord Orochimaru.

The Uchiha clan is good at everything, but the strongest is only Natsuhiko, a ninja who is ‘named Shangnin, but actually a Naka-ninja’, and he is definitely not comparable to Orochimaru’s adult in terms of children’s education.

Maybe in the future, there will be another guy named Itachi to attack Uchiha, and my genius son can still defeat him and rename Uchiha!

Dreaming of the best of both worlds.

Ayako gritted her teeth and continued to move forward.

I don’t know which of her pretentious inducements worked, and all the way down safely, she didn’t encounter Konoha’s possible pursuit.

This made Ayako feel even more that she had the illusion of a child of destiny.

The escape is so smooth, then my remaining dreams should also be very smooth, right?

Soon, she crossed the Land of Fire and entered the Land of Fields.

Then following some codes left by the big snake pill, he found an underground base.

“Ayako, you worked this mission.” The big snake pill’s slightly pale face, coupled with the strange various equipment around him, made his whole person look with an evil nature.

“Lord Orochimaru, I have completed the task you gave me!” Ayako’s eyes were full of fanaticism: “I brought Uchiha’s child out!” ”

“yes.” Orochimaru sighed lightly: “It’s just that you not only brought back Uchiha’s child, but also brought back another person.” ”

Ayako was stunned and turned her head abruptly.

But she saw a handsome young man standing behind her so casually.

She couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Xia Yan?!”


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