Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 110 Sandai: You will regret it! (12W please subscribe)

Chapter 110 Sandai: You will regret it! (1.2W please subscribe~)

As Konoha's forty-seventh winter slowly passed in the cold winter, and the snowflakes falling from the sky gradually disappeared, Konoha Village has ushered in its forty-eighth year.

Looking back on the entire forty-seven years of Konoha, it can be said that too many things happened in this year.

This is true both for Konoha and the entire ninja world.

During this year, the desperate war finally ended for the time being.

However, looking back on the years of the war, I don’t know how many people either established a new business or reincarnated in such a bleak environment.

Anyone who survives can say that he is a winner, but there are different winners.

Perhaps in the eyes of others in Konoha, the biggest winner of this war should be Orochimaru.

Because he finally got recognition and became the fourth Hokage of Konoha in one fell swoop!

But in fact, the Uchiha Sect knew that perhaps the biggest beneficiary this time was himself.

Although the gloom of the war once made him a little depressed, after all, he really went to the front line to serve as cannon fodder.

But what he had to admit was that because of this war, he not only obtained the Mangekyō Sharingan, but his strength was also greatly improved in all aspects.

In addition, in the village, he made Orochimaru, who was destined to miss the position of Hokage, become Hokage again!

And he even used this incident to get himself the position of ANBU Minister.

In particular, his relationship with Orochimaru is not a superior-subordinate relationship in the traditional sense, but a relationship similar to that of a collaborator!

Within the clan, he not only brought Shisui under his command, he also turned his head and overthrew Uchiha Fugaku and snatched the Mangekyo.

In the end, he asked this guy to 'think about his family', forcing him to cooperate with him, allowing him to gain substantial Uchiha power and become the patriarch of the family!

It can be said that he really made a lot of money this year.

"Besides, Orochimaru has the intention to get rid of Danzo. This is even more good news."

Uchiha Zong silently put on a celebration outfit. Today was a bit special, so he had to dress more formally anyway.

What's more, he had to have a good chat with someone today, and that person was Namikaze Minato!

How to solve the problem of Danzo? It is not particularly difficult to solve Danzo.

As long as Danzo's mission information and records are found, then Danzo will die or die. No matter how tolerant Konoha is, it is impossible to tolerate such a person.

Especially now, there are only a group of trainees who have been training for more than two and a half years, and a group of internal affairs personnel, and there are no more combat field personnel.

But there is also a trouble, that is, the sealing of these data is definitely accompanied by various seals.

Although they could both solve this problem, after some thinking, the two of them tacitly decided that this matter could be left to another person, and this person was Namikaze Minato.

Although Namikaze Minato's destiny had a huge deviation because of the Uchiha Sect, he had an important identity, that is, he was Jiraiya's disciple.

Jiraiya is not in the village for the time being, but it is foreseeable that this guy may have come back now.

And after he comes back, it is unknown whether the Sandaime Hokage will use his identity as master and disciple to hold him back.

However, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, both Orochimaru and Uchiha Sect felt that they needed to take precautions, and the best way was to tie up Jiraiya.

And Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya's only disciple in Konoha, was naturally the one the Uchiha Sect wanted to fight for.

What's more, the Third Hokage may not be too fond of seeing Namikaze Minato. After all, they already know through understanding that Namikaze Minato rejected Sarutobi Hiruzen!

In this case, Uchiha Zongke will naturally not be polite in any way.

"Are you ready?"

Just as Uchiha Zong was thinking, Uchiha Shinyi came behind him. He looked at his dog and finally couldn't help but smile.

"From today on, you will not only be the minister of Konoha ANBU, but also the leader of the Uchiha clan."

"Yes, you will also be the head of Konoha's newly established security department, father."

Uchiha Zong calmed down his thoughts. He turned around with a smile and looked at his dog father. For once, he became serious and formal when addressing him at home.

"Actually, I have always felt that the Minister of Security should not give it to me."

However, Uchiha Shinyi shook his head and said softly.

"You are already the clan leader, and you are also the head of the ANBU. If you give me the security department, this will actually not be conducive to the distribution of family interests.

Although I know that this is also the intention of Elder Setsuna and the others, I still feel somewhat guilty. "

Although Uchiha Nobui is a bit reckless, his biggest characteristic is that he always thinks about how to "kill your whole family" correctly, and he has no management experience.

But he is also a smart man after all, and he also knows that taking over this department that has the power to carry out armed operations in wartime is actually not a good choice.

It's just that he was too happy at the time, so he didn't care. Looking back now, he seems a little uneasy.

"I know what you mean, actually it's not a big deal."

Uchiha Zong smiled, he looked at his dog father and said casually.

"You can definitely try to recruit the juniors of the Great Elder and Elder Setsuna, and then let them serve as captains, or directly as deputy ministers."

"Deputy Minister?" Uchiha Shinyi was a little confused: "Can I set up a deputy minister?"

"You are the minister, why can't you get a deputy minister to help you?" Uchiha asked in a funny tone.

There really is no such thing as a deputy minister in this world. After all, Konoha has only existed for forty or fifty years.

What's more, the second generation is a political strongman, and he has no deputy positions, while the third generation follows the same example, completely locking their power in their hands, and it is even less possible to add any deputy positions.

But now the situation has changed. Setting up a deputy function is equivalent to increasing the cake. Although it may divide the power in one's hands, as long as it is handled well, one deputy function can do too much.

"Is this so?" Uchiha Shinyi thought seriously for a moment, but he quickly stopped.

How could you let this boy leave with you when he was ready, and then in the blink of an eye this boy would teach you how to do things?

"Okay, I still want you to teach me? Let's go, don't keep your mother waiting." Uchiha Shinyi rolled his eyes when he came back to his senses, and he said directly.

"Yes, yes." Uchiha Zong spread his hands indifferently: "Then let's set off."

With that said, Uchiha Zong was about to walk outside, but at this moment, Uchiha Shinyi spoke again: "Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Uchiha Zong turned around strangely.

"Congratulations, Zong."

At this moment, Uchiha Shinyi's expression became serious.

“Congratulations on doing all this, congratulations on getting this far.

Although I have been reluctant to say these words, but..."

Having said this, Uchiha Shinyi took a deep breath, and then he continued.

"I'm really proud of you, Zong."


Konoha Village elected the Fourth Hokage, which had quickly spread throughout the Ninja world many days ago. Other large villages had different reactions to this.

After all, Orochimaru has very clear personality traits. Some villages admire him, but some villages particularly dislike him.

However, as a result, in addition to the Iwa Ninja Village, other villages have also begun to promote the selection of a new generation of Kage.

It's not that Onoki of Iwa Ninja Village doesn't want to pass on the throne, but it's a pity that there is no candidate among the younger generation that satisfies him.

There was an outstanding talent, his son Huang Tu, and he even decided to try to teach him how to escape after the war.

But what made him helpless and angry was that his son was actually captured by Konoha people at the last moment of the war. Such a stain would probably be unacceptable to the people in the village.

Therefore, he could only suspend the advancement of the Fourth Kage and continued to sit on the throne of the Tsuchikage.

Fortunately, he already has great prestige, and coupled with the special characteristics of Chen Escape, although he is getting older, his combat effectiveness has not weakened much.

But all this has little to do with Konoha, because at this moment Konoha is celebrating its own.

The Third Hokage, tonight he will personally hold this grand New Year Festival, and draw a perfect end to his decades-long Hokage career.

At this point, he will become the first Hokage to retire alive!

The celebration hasn't officially started yet, but the crowd gathered around the Konoha Hokage Building is already growing.

"There are so many people, senior."

Shisui followed Uchiha Zong, looking at the crowd around him, he couldn't help but whisper, and he was holding a little guy by his hand.

This little guy is Uchiha Itachi.

Shisui was obedient to the Uchiha Sect. Since it was his senior who asked him to enlighten and teach Uchiha Itachi, it was naturally impossible for him to refuse.

What's more, Itachi has already been trained by Elder Setsuna and the others, so his taking over will only have a supporting effect.

In fact, he also found that this kid was actually quite interesting, and his talent was indeed excellent, so he decided to teach this kid well.

Facts have proved that Shisui, who has been changed by the Uchiha Sect and has been studying hard in the hope that he can keep up with the Uchiha Sect, has indeed grown enough.

He put a lot of effort into teaching Itachi, and with Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Setsuna working together, the current Uchiha Itachi has indeed changed a lot.

At least significant changes can be seen in terms of guidance after the war. At this time, Itachi has become slightly more cheerful.

And when he saw Uchiha Sect, there was no hatred in his eyes, but an indescribable reverence.

If you don't consider that this five-year-old kid has become a sperm, then Uchiha Sect can believe that Uchiha Itachi has been trained to achieve initial results.

But now this boy can be seen to be very depressed, which is of course not a strange thing.

According to the surveillance of his dog father, Uchiha Fugaku did not conceal Uchiha Itachi, but told him clearly that he would die to apologize.

And he has been repeatedly warning him that he deserves it, and he needs to make serious efforts to wash away the sins he has brought to the family.

Although Uchiha Fugaku can be said to be meticulous when doing these things, after all, he is a family man, but he may still be somewhat unconvinced at first.

But now he is completely convinced. After all, he has really seen the huge changes in the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan has kept its promise so that Itachi and Mikoto were not affected in any way.

Therefore, his current teachings are also sincere. He also hopes that his family can live and grow in a more peaceful environment.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Itachi seems a little depressed. This is human nature.

"The large number of people is normal. After all, such celebrations are rare."

Uchiha Zong glanced at Shisui and Itachi, especially the little guy Itachi, and finally he said quietly.

But while he was talking, his eyes were looking around, looking for Namikaze Minato.

There were really many people attending the celebration, and the Uchiha Sect had been looking for them for a long time and still hadn't seen anyone.

But fortunately, even though he didn't take office, he at least had contact with ANBU.

Sometimes, Anbu is indeed more suitable than him.——

"Orochimaru, after my celebration begins, I will officially step down as Hokage, and you will become the Fourth Hokage."

In an empty office in the Hokage Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Orochimaru, who was wearing the Hokage robe, with complicated eyes.

But in the end, he suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and spoke calmly.

"But before that, I want to ask you one last question."

"Teacher, please tell me." Orochimaru glanced at the Hokage robe on his body. He gently licked his lips and said with a smile, "Teacher, if you have questions, as a disciple, you will naturally try your best to answer them."

"That's the best." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and then he asked in a deep voice: "I want to know, can we go back to the past?"

"Go back to the past?" Orochimaru's eyes became a little complicated at this moment.

To be honest, if he could help it, he wouldn't want the matter to get to this point, nor would he want to make the relationship with Sarutobi Hiruzen so tense.

But some things will not develop as he thinks at all, but people will change, especially when desires begin to expand.

Looking at the teacher in front of him, Orochimaru calmed down his emotions and suddenly laughed: "What the teacher said in the past, did you mean that I obeyed you, or did I still respect you?"

"Orochimaru, although I have always known that you are extremely smart, Hokage does not just need to be smart, he also needs to have enough experience."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, took a deep breath and then said quietly.

"Perhaps I should communicate with you more so that our relationship won't reach this point, but I also have my own reasons.

Although the war has ended, the crisis in Konoha has not been resolved. There are crises both inside and outside the village.

The Uchiha in the village is ready to take action. If nothing unexpected happens, the Uchiha Sect should have a kaleidoscope.

Combined with the fact that Uchiha Fugaku was overthrown before, this kid definitely hides a huge evil intention, and he may even become the next Uchiha!

Outside the village, Iwagakure and Kumogakure did not fight, and Kumogakure and us did not sign an armistice agreement. These are huge hidden dangers.

That's why I'm worried about whether you can handle all the troubles if the village is left to you and you are so confident that you have to do everything by yourself.

That's why I took this step. If you feel wronged, then I'm really sorry. "

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen paused. He looked at Orochimaru who fell into silence and then turned around, preparing to leave.

"I've already said what I need to say. I just hope that for the sake of Konoha, you can think about it carefully. After all, we are master and disciple."

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzan left the office without looking back.

However, when he closed the door, he glanced at Orochimaru as if he was deep in thought, which made him feel relieved.

If he starts to think, it means he has planted a seed.

Even if Orochimaru will still 'go his own way' when the time comes, he may be more restrained after considering the current situation in Konoha and why he wants to do this!

However, what he didn't know was that Orochimaru was indeed thinking, but what Orochimaru was thinking was different from what he thought.——

"From today on, I am the Fourth Hokage!"

When the New Year's bell rang, Orochimaru, dressed in Hokage robes and a hat, shouted these words in front of everyone, and the atmosphere of the celebration instantly boiled.

Countless people cheered loudly, huge noises came and went, and fireworks of various colors continued to explode in the sky.

And just when the atmosphere was at its hottest, in a remote corner of the celebration square, Uchiha Mun and Namikaze Minato stood together.

It's just that their expressions were different. Uchiha Mun seemed very calm, while Namikaze Minato seemed a little unresponsive.

Tonight he brought his wife to attend the celebration, and at the same time he wanted to see the grand occasion of Hokage's succession to the throne.

However, before all this had begun, an ANBU suddenly found him and told him that someone wanted to see him.

The appearance of this ANBU surprised Namikaze Minato. He had cooperated with ANBU before, so he naturally knew who the ANBU in front of him was.

That was one of the five captains in the ANBU. For a captain to come to him, this in itself meant that something was unusual.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato did not hesitate. After bidding farewell to his wife Kushina with a slight apology, he immediately followed the captain and left the square.

He was also guessing who wanted to see him, but when he saw that the person who wanted to see him was actually the Uchiha clan, he was still stunned.

Especially when he saw the ANBU captain who brought him here bowing to the Uchiha Sect, a terrible thought appeared in his mind at this moment.

"Msun-kun, will be the next ANBU minister!"

After having this idea, Namikaze Minato was suddenly filled with doubts. He didn't have any ill feelings towards Uchiha.

Although he knew that the relationship between the village and Uchiha was not harmonious before, he wanted to help both parties resolve the misunderstanding as much as possible, otherwise he would not be so good to Obito.

He was quite happy that the Uchiha clan became the ANBU minister, because it could be seen from this that the problems between the Uchiha and the village seemed to be solved.

He also realized how big the gap between himself and Orochimaru was. If it were him, he might not have figured out how to deal with it.

Now that he gave up the position of Hokage, he felt more at peace with himself.

But what he was confused about was what would happen if the Uchiha Sect came to find him so late?

"Minato-kun seems confused?"

Uchiha Zong listened to the fireworks exploding in the sky, and he smiled and said.

"Are you wondering why I let ANBU come to you?"

"No, I think I can guess that question."

Namikaze Minato came to his senses, he smiled and bowed slightly to the Uchiha clan.

"Congratulations, Sou-kun, or rather, the ANBU Minister."

"Thank you." Uchiha Zong smiled and nodded: "Actually, I am looking for you tonight because I want to discuss something with Minato-kun."

"Discuss?" Namikaze Minato straightened up and asked with some confusion: "Since it is a discussion, if you have anything to do, just tell me, Minister."

Namikaze Minato was now somewhat confused. The future ANBU minister came to him, so this matter might be unusual.

Fortunately, the Uchiha sect used the word 'discuss', so there was some room for discussion, otherwise Minato Namikaze might not have dared to take the initiative.

"Minato-kun, I have read the information and you have also worked with ANBU."

After the Uchiha clan heard Namikaze Minato's 'Sir, Buchou-sama', he had no intention of correcting him.

After all, their relationship is not that close, and Namikaze Minato even has no idea whether he can do things for him, so it is inevitable to maintain the respect that superiors and subordinates deserve.

And someone like Uzumaki Kasai can obviously create value for him, even for people who can only rely on him. Sometimes being polite can make people think you are approachable.

"I think you should have heard of Shimura Danzo's name, and you should also know about the existence of roots?"

"Danzo. Genbe" Namikaze Minato heard this and his eyes changed slightly.

He really knew this, but his understanding was not very deep. He only knew that Danzo was a very powerful elder, the Hokage's assistant, and the Sandaime's best friend.

The roots seemed to have the same functions as the ANBU, but he was not sure about the specifics.

"Mr. Buchou, I have heard a little about Danzo and Nebe, but I'm not familiar with them, so..."

Namikaze Minato's statement was a bit ambiguous, and it was obvious that he knew it. The Uchiha Sect talked to him about Danzo, and the meaning had become clear.

This is probably a high-level fight, but now he really has no intention of joining such a fight, or he is actually not that willing to attack Konoha's own people.

"You don't have to be so nervous, Minato-kun."

When the Uchiha clan saw this, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

"Danzo is a very complex, very dangerous person, full of ambition, and a man who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

And the things he has done are too numerous to describe. To put it bluntly, Konoha White Fang's suicide was inseparable from him. "

Having said this, Uchiha Zong paused slightly, and his expression slowly became serious as he looked at the silent Namikaze Minato.

“But because he and the Third Hokage are close friends, and the Hokage also has a lot of things that he is not suitable for and needs someone to deal with.

Danzo has assumed this role, and his ambitions have begun to expand, and his actions have become more and more unscrupulous.

According to what the Yondaime Hokage and I know, he has done a lot of dirty tricks to the people in the village.

Even many members of the Roots were forcibly taken away from some families in Konoha. Minato-kun, do you understand what I mean? "

This was the first time for Namikaze Minato to hear such a thing, and his first reaction was naturally disbelief.

But he couldn't say such words. He was just a Jounin of Konoha, and he was facing the ANBU minister.

After hesitating for a moment, Namikaze Minato said helplessly: "Mr. Buchou, I'm just a jounin, why do you want to tell me such an important thing?"

"Because you are not an ordinary Jonin." Uchiha Sect said bluntly: "Because you are Jiraiya's disciple."

Having said this, Uchiha Sect slowly walked up to Namikaze Minato, and he looked at Namikaze Minato seriously.

"Jiraiya-sama is one of the Sannin of Konoha, and his relationship with the two Hokage-samas is unusual. It's not surprising that we want to win over him.

In addition, I found you because you are very suitable to carry out a mission, a mission to sneak into the root base to find their action files.

If we want to take action, we naturally need evidence. After all, we are not Danzo. After getting these evidences, won't you be able to know whether we are lying to you? "

Uchiha Sect's honesty, no matter how you look at this kind of thing, it would be better to be honest.

And Namikaze Minato obviously seemed to like this kind of frankness, and his expression softened a little.

"Besides, those materials will be protected by sealing techniques, and there may be many traps at their roots. Therefore, Hokage-sama and I both feel that you are the most suitable person."

Uchiha Zong looked at the change in Namikaze Minato's expression, he smiled and continued to speak.

"Minato-kun, I know you have always had a dream, and that is to become Hokage.

But becoming Hokage is not a simple matter. It requires ability and experience. I can give you a platform, and this platform is ANBU.

You have worked with Anbu before, so you are familiar with it. The minister has too many affairs, so I think he needs some assistants.

Although the ANBU's work cannot be compared with that of the Hokage, he manages so many teams, directly obeys the Hokage's orders, and even directly enters the Hokage's office to garrison.

I think you can learn a lot from it and accumulate experience. At least you can understand the Hokage's thoughts from the mission. "

Having said this, Uchiha Zong stopped, and he looked at Namikaze Minato quietly.

Namikaze Minato was also confused at this time. Uchiha Sect had given him too much, and he had to admit that he was really moved.

It's just that he still has some hesitation and struggle in his heart. After all, if he really investigates Danzo and joins the ANBU as an assistant to the Uchiha Sect, this is tantamount to taking a side.

He didn't know what his teacher Jiraiya thought. Even though Jiraiya told him that he would always support him, he still hesitated and worried.

Seeing this, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but smile and shook his head. He took out a scroll from his ninja bag and threw it to Namikaze Minato.

“Think about it carefully, if you don’t want to just pretend we haven’t met tonight, I can send someone else to do it.

If you are willing, it's best to do it early. Danzo is in the Hokage Building now, and you have enough time and opportunity now.

This scroll records the location of the root. As for other information, I can't help because Danzo has long since made the root his own private property. "

After saying this, Uchiha Zong turned around and seemed to be leaving, but he left one sentence before leaving.

"Only those who are good at seizing opportunities can become a truly successful person. I seized the opportunities, and that's why I am where I am today."

After saying this, the Uchiha clan left without looking back, but when leaving, he also made a gesture to the distance.

Namikaze Minato looked at the scroll in his hand, still standing silently, the fireworks in the sky were still brilliant, and the roaring explosions were endless.

But he seemed to be immersed in the ethereal, and there seemed to be silence in his ears.

After a long while, his eyes changed slightly, and then he opened the scroll in his hand and read it seriously.

In just a moment, he lit the scroll, and then disappeared from the spot——

That night, Konoha Village was brightly lit and celebrated all night long.

However, some people are happy while others are sad. In this atmosphere, there will always be some people who are unhappy.

On the towering Hokage Cliff, a figure appeared silently, and the blood-red three magatama under the whirlpool mask looked down coldly at the entire village.

"Can we still celebrate like this after a victory that cost so many lives?"

He whispered to himself, the laughter and laughter of the village in front of him seemed to be the most silent ridicule to him, and he always felt that there was a fire in his heart that could not be released.

"What a hypocritical village, what a twisted world. This world is really hopeless!"

Low words came out of his mouth, the remaining three magatama in his right eye slowly rotated, and the next moment his figure disappeared in the ripples of space.

In the sky, fireworks are still blooming with brilliant colors, and the deafening sounds of celebration and the sound of fireworks are intertwined.

But in Konoha's Heroes Cemetery, everything seemed extremely silent.

Kakashi stood in the cemetery. He slowly put down the white lily in his hand. At this time, there was no one else in the cemetery except him.

Looking up, the sky is full of brilliant fireworks, looking down, it's a silent and cold cemetery, but Kakashi prefers it here.

"Obito, Rin, today is the New Year's Eve Festival, I wish you a happy new year."

Kakashi whispered, his tone a bit sad, but he didn't stop talking.

His voice sounded like he was talking to an old friend for many years, and he began to talk about everything that had happened recently.

The content of what he said was also very casual, ranging from Orochimaru becoming the Fourth Hokage to someone's house losing a cat in the village. He described everything one by one.

He spoke very slowly and in great detail, as if there were really two people sitting in front of him listening to what he was saying.

The low conversation lasted for about an hour, until the sound of fireworks in the distance gradually faded, and he got up and left.

"Obito, Lin, take care, to be honest, I really want to come and accompany you.

But recently the teacher has been accompanying me on tasks. He seems to be worried that I am drowning in sadness and is unable to extricate myself. He hopes that I can divert my attention and focus on the task, so he keeps asking me not to stop.

But what he didn't know was that my heart had already followed me in breaking my promise, and I had already died when I watched Lin die in my hands.

I'm sorry to disappoint him, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I think we should meet soon.

Obito, Lin, wait for me."

After saying this, Kakashi left here with endless sadness.

Today's celebration has nothing to do with him. People like him are not suitable to appear at the celebration.

However, not long after Kakashi left, a figure shrouded in black robes quietly appeared. He silently looked at the tombstone in front of him.

On the tombstone is a familiar photo from the past, in which the woman's cheerful smile appears, just like before.

Next to Lin's grave is Obito's own grave.

There was a bouquet of white lilies placed in front of both graveyards, which Kakashi had just put down when he arrived.

Obito Uchiha watched all this quietly through his mask, and suddenly grabbed the lilies in front of Lin's grave and scattered them with his hands, remaining silent during this period.

Then, he took out a copy of the same white lily from his arms and placed it in front of Lin's grave, but he never said a word from beginning to end.

The night falls, and time passes by. The long nights are always extremely cold, not to mention the temperature is a few minutes lower in the cemetery.

The cold wind rustled his robes, and in front of Lin's grave, Obito just stood there quietly without saying a word.

Perhaps, he himself didn't know what to say at this time.

I don't know how long it took, but a streak of white clouds appeared on the horizon. He sighed softly, and his figure gradually disappeared in the ripples of space.

"Lin, wait for me..."

In an underground cave somewhere in the Land of Fire, the space rippled slightly, and Obito's figure quietly emerged.

"White guy, come out." He glanced around and then shouted in a low voice.

"Obito, what's wrong?" Underground, Bai Jue's body jumped up quickly, and he asked strangely: "You are so anxious to find me, what's the matter?"

Uchiha Obito nodded, and then said calmly: "Orochimaru took over as the Fourth Hokage, and Konoha Village is singing and dancing. There is nothing else to say."

Then he found a place to sit down and changed the topic: "By the way, is there any information about the Kyuubi? I need all the jinchūriki, strength, and other related aspects."

"What do you want to do?" Bai Zetsu was a little surprised: "Actually, you know the Jinchuuriki of Konoha, she is your teacher's wife."


Obito couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his face turned gloomy.

"Huh, it's her, so of course it's great!

As for what I want to do, of course it is to start executing the plan. Nagato has joined us, and the Heretic Golem has also been channeled.

Most of the conditions have been gathered, so let’s start with the strongest Kyuubi. Isn’t it great! "

Konoha, teacher and Kyuubi, this time I will completely destroy the roots of Konoha, destroy this hypocritical and twisted village, and officially start the plan to create a new world!

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at the sky indifferently.

That flash of scarlet looked strange and ghostly at this moment, as cold as the unbreakable ice.——

An hour after the celebration started, Orochimaru had quietly arrived at the Hokage's office, and many people came with him.

The formal appointment will be issued after dawn, but there will still be a brief announcement before it is issued.

This kind of notification actually gives other people an opportunity to get to know each other and understand each other.

Of course, the more important thing is to know who is more important in the new Hokage's heart, so as not to offend or cause trouble easily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu and Mito Monobu were all in the Hokage's office, and there were also many unfamiliar faces in this office.

This strangeness made Sarutobi Hiruzen very dissatisfied, but he did not have an attack.

Although he had talked with Orochimaru, he also knew that some things were not easy to change once they were settled.

After all, his previous communication with Orochimaru was focused on the future. Having been the Hokage for so long, he knew that some things cannot be rushed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited quietly, and at the same time silently stared at the strangers present.

These people will all be members of important positions in Konoha in the future. If we understand their situation, we might be able to have some contact with them in the future.


However, at this moment, the door to the Hokage's office was pushed open again, and a person walked in slowly.

The appearance of this person instantly caused Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression to change. Not only him, but Danzo's, Koharu's and Mito Kado's expressions also became gloomy in an instant.

"Uchiha Sect."

Everyone present was muttering this name silently in their hearts, but compared to the four of them and other people present, their expressions looked a little weird when they saw this scene.

It doesn't seem appropriate no matter how you look at it, for a mature member of the Uchiha clan to appear here, right?

"Kid, is this where you should be?" Danzo stood up indifferently, staring at the Uchiha Sect with cold eyes.

"Why can't I come here?" Uchiha Zong looked at Danzo strangely.

"Even if he comes, it should be Uchiha Fugaku, the head of the security department, right?" Mito Kadoyan also stood up, and his attitude seemed much better than Danzo's.

But his question seemed a little inappropriate.

No one in Konoha knew that Uchiha Fugaku had resigned from the position of clan leader. Although the security department had been re-opened, it was not clear who the minister was.

Now it's time to mention it again, and the Uchiha Sect is here again. This guy is obviously giving everyone eye candy.

"Whether it's the new clan leader or the new minister, there will be answers tomorrow morning."

Uchiha Zong smiled nonchalantly, looked at Orochimaru, and then spoke.

"And I came here this time because Lord Hokage asked me to come. Elder Mitomon, if you have any questions, you can ask Lord Hokage."

Uchiha Zong's words made the scene involuntarily quiet for a moment, and the faces of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the four others looked even more ugly.

Especially for Hiruzen Sarutobi, what he was most worried about seemed to have really happened!

He found that he had been deceived by Orochimaru. He originally thought that Orochimaru, as his disciple, would at least not have anything to do with Uchiha.

But the appearance of Uchiha Zong has explained everything. How can he not feel angry in such a situation?

But he didn't speak, because he knew that no matter what he said, it would be useless, and he also needed to see what benefits Orochimaru had given Uchiha!

"Zongjun was invited by me, and I think everyone is already here."

Orochimaru glanced at Uchiha Zong, and when he saw Uchiha Zong glanced at Danzo sideways and then nodded slightly, he immediately knew what to do.

“Actually, everyone coming here tonight, I think they all know the reason, so I won’t waste everyone’s time.

I am making some small-scale adjustments to various departments in Konoha. Such adjustments are naturally intended to make Konoha better.

I think everyone is also curious, so let me start now. "

As Orochimaru spoke, he took out the scroll, and then slowly began to read out the positions and names one by one.

The people who were called here tonight were all mentally prepared, but when Orochimaru announced all this at this time, they were extremely excited.

Therefore, such a boring manuscript reading did not arouse anyone's dissatisfaction. They were all waiting and looking forward to it with excitement.

Danzo was also one of them, although the appearance of an Uchiha in this place made him very dissatisfied.

However, considering that he is the future head of both Anbu and Roots, he decided to put this matter aside for the time being. In the future, he will have many opportunities to eliminate these remnants of Konoha!

However, after waiting silently for a long time, it seemed that only the ANBU and the security department were left without extreme time. Danzo knew that it was finally his turn.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face next to him was slightly solemn, because he seemed to feel something wrong.

And as Orochimaru spoke, his expression changed instantly, and he knew that things were bad!

"Okay, everyone, there is only the last department left."

Orochimaru spoke for so long without any fatigue. He gently licked his lips with his tongue, and his eyes swept over the excited Danzo and the calm Uchiha Sect.

Finally, he spoke in that hoarse, low voice.

"The last department is ANBU, and I have decided to appoint the head of the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan, to this position."

His words were calm and accompanied by the roar of fireworks outside the window and the gorgeous fireworks reaching everyone's ears.

For a moment, everyone present was in a daze, but Hiruzen Sarutobi had clenched his fists and stared at Uchiha Sect and Orochimaru.

As for Danzo, he froze in place at this moment. He looked at Orochimaru in disbelief, and pointed at Uchiha Sect with a trembling finger in disbelief.

At this moment, there was no sound in his ears, only the endless buzzing, and his brain could not think, only Orochimaru's words, 'The ANBU Minister appointed Uchiha Sect'.

Endless rage reverberated in his chest, and crazy killing intent spread throughout his body, but he suddenly calmed down in the end.

He just glanced indifferently at Orochimaru who was smiling but not smiling, and Uchiha who was calm beside him. Finally, he turned around and walked outside.

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched his best friend leave, and he wanted to follow him out, but in the end he didn't move.

He is also full of anger now, and he needs an answer!

"Okay, everyone, the general arrangements have been finalized."

Orochimaru licked his lips with his tongue again. He didn't seem to see Danzo's figure leaving angrily, but continued to speak in a hoarse voice.

"As for other arrangements, they will be supplemented later. You have wasted so much time. I think you should also go to the celebration."

Everyone present stood up immediately. Although they were all filled with doubts, they had no intention of questioning Orochimaru's thoughts.

They just glanced at Uchiha Zong from the corner of their eyes, and then they ignored the matter and shouted in unison as the gorgeous smoke filled the sky.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


In the root base, Namikaze Minato looked at the manuscript in his hand, and his face became extremely ugly at this moment.

These manuscripts recorded Root's actions one after another, and within these words, he seemed to hear the wailing of countless innocent souls.

For a moment, he suddenly felt that Konoha was so dark, but he soon calmed down.

"Teacher, I finally know why you don't want to be Hokage."

Namikaze Minato thought silently in his heart, and the next moment his eyes suddenly became more determined.

He remembered that the Uchiha Sect said that the things Danzo had done were too numerous to describe, and all of these were what the third generation needed Danzo to do, and remaining tolerant of Danzo allowed his ambitions to continue to expand.

This is the Third Hokage's problem, and it's also Danzo's problem!

"If you want to change all this, you can only truly do it by becoming Hokage."

Namikaze Minato was thinking silently, but at this moment, a shadow clone he left in the outside world suddenly disappeared, and chakra and memories poured into his body at this moment.

"are you back?"

Namikaze Minato's eyes exuded a murderous intent. After all, he was a man on the battlefield, and he had no mercy towards his enemies.

But in the end, he still suppressed the surging murderous intention in his heart. Uchiha Zong said that he was only responsible for getting the evidence in this matter, and the rest had nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Namikaze Minato's body turned slightly, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant——

"Orochimaru, do you know what you are doing?"

In the Hokage's office, everyone else had left, leaving only the master and disciple Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen had a scowl on his face at this moment. He never expected that his disciple would fall to this level.

He actually joined forces with the Uchiha clan, and even handed over the ANBU to the Uchiha clan, who in his opinion was the same person as Uchiha Madara in the future!

"You have no idea how crazy those Uchiha people are. Now that you have given them a chance, their ambitions will only continue to expand in the future. You will only harm Konoha!"

"Sandaime, are Uchiha from Konoha?" Facing the angry Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru's face also turned cold, and he asked such a question directly.

"They. They"

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this question, he was speechless for a moment, but he soon became serious.

"They are naturally members of Konoha, but they are different from others. You have not experienced the era of the first Hokage. Otherwise, why would the second Hokage keep a close eye on them?"

"Then, why did the Nidaime Hokage-sama give them the Security Department?"

Orochimaru remained calm, and his questions became more and more sharp.

"How big the responsibilities of the Security Department are. The Sandaime should know that although they are marginalized, the essence is to gather them, but now?"

"You and your self-confidence are really hopeless!" The anger on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face could no longer be controlled: "You will only harm Konoha."

"You have gone too far, Sandaime." Orochimaru no longer wanted to talk nonsense: "I have already made a decision, and you don't need to say any more."

"You will regret it sooner or later, Orochimaru." Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at his troubled disciple, clenched his fists and shouted in a low voice.

Then he walked towards the door without looking back, but before he could remember to leave, Orochimaru's faint voice came from behind.

"Sorry, I'm the Hokage now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but stiffen when he heard these words. He looked back at Orochimaru blankly, and finally he closed the door and left the office indifferently.

For a moment, Orochimaru was the only one left in the entire office.

Orochimaru stood quietly, his eyes always on the closed door, and he frowned for a long time.

"Why is it so familiar? Have I ever said this before?"

All the things that need to be paved are finally laid. Please subscribe and vote monthly. Thank you all~

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