Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 150 Tailed Beast Susanoo (please subscribe)

Chapter 150 Tailed Beast Susanoo (please subscribe~)

"Damn it, what's going on with this chakra consumption?"

Uchiha Zong's face looked a little ugly. He knew very well that the fusion of chakra properties of various attributes would consume a lot of chakra.

After all, he had already merged Fire Escape and Thunder Escape once, and successfully created Flame Escape.

But when he actually started experimenting, he discovered how terrifying it really was.

Maintaining the common operation of the three chakras and combining them with each other is actually such a painful and consuming task!

"This is going to be difficult."

Uchiha Zong's expression was somewhat unnatural, although he really just tried it this time and didn't care whether it was successful or not.

But he also planned to use this experiment to get a glimpse of the quality of the blood stain elimination.

But now, I just operate normally and combine them with each other, but there is such a huge consumption.

This made him suddenly realize a problem, why in the ninja world there is a blood inheritance limit that fuses two kinds of chakra, and there is a blood inheritance that fuses three chakras and is eliminated.

But there is no blood successor that fuses the four chakras, let alone the blood successor snare formed by fusing all the chakras.

Because combining the three attributes of chakra, the chakra control ability required, and the chakra reserves required are unimaginable!

He is confident that his chakra should be fine, after all, his recovery ability is not very strong.

In addition, he still has a lot of confidence in chakra control.

Therefore, he should be able to accomplish the qualitative changes and deformations of Earth Escape and Wind Escape in the future.

But what happens after this?

This is a problem that gives him a huge headache. At least this is a problem that the Uchiha Sect has not thought about carefully or carefully.

"I just wanted to try to fuse the three attributes of chakra to test the effect. I didn't expect to know such a cruel reality."

Uchiha Zong smiled bitterly and shook his head. This result is considered a good result, but the question is, is this result a little too cruel?

But it would be better to be cruel, at least it made him understand that he had really thought of things too simply before.

"But, how to complete this subsequent integration?"

Since the Blood Successor Snare exists, it must be accomplished through some specific methods, otherwise its existence would naturally be unnecessary.

Just how to complete this step gave Uchiha Sect a headache.

"Wait a minute, it seems there is nothing we can do?"

Uchiha Zong frowned and thought for a long time, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something!

In the original work, there are actually some external forces that can complete the final fusion, such as that guy Beilihu.

In the original work, this guy Bei Liuhu created a technique called Oni Yaluo. With this technique as the core, he swallowed up other boundaries of blood inheritance, thus achieving the fusion of blood inheritance.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be a good way, but this Jutsu Uchiha Sect is somewhat worried.

After all, judging from the original work, this guy seems to rely on one word to absorb other people's bloodline - recklessness.

Moreover, this guy makes himself look like a monster, which is not what the Uchiha Sect wants.

"However, although I am a little worried, I can learn from it when necessary."

If he really couldn't successfully complete the fusion, then he might really have to visit some Beilihu in this huge ninja world in order to capture the blood successor.

Regardless of whether his technique can be used by himself, at least his ideas can be used for reference.

What's more, Beiruhu is a defected ninja from Konoha. As the head of ANBU, he goes to arrest a defected ninja. No matter how you look at it, it makes sense.

"In addition to this guy Beilihu, there are also some special ways, such as relying on the power of the sacred tree."

To say it is a sacred tree is actually more straightforward and accurate. It should rely on the power of the Ten-Tails!

Just like these two guys, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, they obtained the power of the Blood Successor Snare and even obtained the Path-seeking Jade. It was completely because they forcibly became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

It's just that the difficulty of this method is countless times more troublesome than finding Beiliuhu.

Not to mention that in order to awaken the Ten-Tails, one must have the body of the Ten-Tails, and at the same time, several other tailed beasts must be sealed in it one by one.

This process is troublesome and difficult enough, even though it is known that the guy named Otsutsuki Ishiki who is now hidden in the ninja world also has a complete ten-tails.

But the question is, can he beat others?

Not to mention whether you can survive the fight, even if you are lucky enough to win and get the Ten-Tails, you will have to suck it into your body in the end, which is even more terrifying.

Uchiha Madara can completely withstand the terror of the Ten-Tails entirely because he is powerful enough in his own right, and he opened the Rinnegan Eye by his own will.

Look at this kid Obito, he relied on Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan to seal the Ten-Tails, but in the end he was directly dominated by the Ten-Tails' will.

If he hadn't gone crazy thinking about women and finally got out of trouble, otherwise this guy would really have become a living dead controlled by the Ten-Tails.

"Although my will is strong enough, I don't seem to be as determined as Obito. If I were in such a situation, I'm afraid I would just sink."

When he thought of this, Uchiha Zong shuddered. He suddenly realized that it was not a simple matter for him to take advantage of it. Isn't this too desperate?

"Is there really no other way?"

Uchiha Zong rubbed his eyebrows in distress. He likes to plan for a rainy day, although now he is still far away from being able to obtain and try to integrate these powers.

But it’s better to prepare for many things in advance rather than waiting until then and hastily thinking of ways to deal with them.

After all, he knows what his goal is, he knows what he wants, and he knows so much information about the world.

If he doesn't know how to prepare himself in advance, then he has failed slightly as a time traveler.


Suddenly, Uchiha Zong paused, and he suddenly thought of something.

"The Uchiha stone tablet seems to contain a ray of chakra from the Sage of Six Paths, and the Sage of Six Paths is..."

Almost instantly, Uchiha Zong's eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have a lot of good things in his hand!

"But that ray of chakra is too weak. If you want to strengthen that ray of chakra, you must have a similar powerful force."

Uchiha Zong murmured to himself, and suddenly he raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the training room.

At this moment, he suddenly had a crazy idea in his mind that was slowly spreading.——

"Zongjun, why don't you look good lately? Are you injured?"

In the Hokage's office, Orochimaru looked at the Uchiha who looked a little pale in confusion, and he couldn't help but ask with concern.

"Besides, you still have your Sharingan open, right?"

There is no doubt about the importance of Uchiha Sect to Konoha. If something goes wrong with Uchiha Sect, Orochimaru may have a big problem.

After all, no one in Konoha can do better than him when it comes to dealing with space arts. Namikaze Minato can fly Thunder God, but he is far behind compared to him.

To put it bluntly, the two techniques are no longer the same concept, and there is really not much comparison between them.

"Don't worry, Orochimaru-sama. I'm just a little tired from practicing recently, but it's nothing serious."

Uchiha Zong smiled at Orochimaru. There was indeed nothing wrong with him. It could even be said that his health was getting better and better.

Of course, although his condition is constantly getting better, it is still far from being fully recovered.

After all, the amount of injection this time was too large. Although he had been using a kaleidoscope to balance it, this matter was obviously not as simple as imagined.

What's more, even though he is in the cultivation stage, he is someone who can't stop.

Years of practice, day after day, had already made him accustomed to it, and he couldn't stand it if he really stopped.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to explore the secret of the blood successor's elimination, knowing that he had not fully recovered.

Of course, he also got a very good idea, but this matter also made Uzumaki Xiangcai anxious to death.

In her opinion, the Uchiha Sect is really causing trouble and really doesn't make people worry.

"Practice? It seems that Mr. Zong has made some good gains?" Orochimaru raised his eyebrows and asked slightly curiously: "But why do you keep the kaleidoscope on all the time?"

"Suppress the power within the body that easily goes berserk."

Uchiha thought for a moment, and then spoke directly.

“I tried some very special powers and also made visible fusions, and these powers had a great impact on me.

In order to suppress and balance these forces, I have to think of other ways, so..."

"So use the Sharingan?"

Orochimaru thought for a moment and his eyes lit up slightly.

“The explosion of power requires suppression and balance, and the best way is to use another power that you are good at.

This idea is indeed bold, but it is also difficult to achieve. After all, it is difficult to find something so easy to use and powerful that belongs to your own power.

The Sharingan is really useful beyond imagination. "

Orochimaru was really feeling emotional at this time, he had to admit that he really couldn't do this.

What's more, he also knows one thing, that is, even if he gets the Sharingan, if he doesn't reach the level of the current Uchiha Sect, I'm afraid he doesn't need to think so much.

All I can say is that this is a personal talent that no one else would envy.

"Then Zongjun, how long will it take for you to recover?"

Orochimaru shook his head like that, and while secretly wondering if he could try using natural power, he asked.

There is no doubt about the strength of natural power. Orochimaru knew that even the Uchiha Sect was pursuing this kind of power, and Jiraiya had also learned such power.

If this power was not strong enough, these two people would not be able to spend so much time on it.

However, his natural power is obtained in the form of curse seals, and there is some inherent instability in it.

This made him start to think about whether there were more possibilities for adjustment and modification. He himself was very optimistic about these powers.

"I'm not sure about this. Orochimaru-sama is worried about those in the Akatsuki organization?" Uchiha Zong shook his head, and then he asked with a smile.

"I'm not worried about them. After all, the leader of the Akatsuki organization was disabled by me. We once suppressed the guy suspected of being Uchiha Madara. I'm afraid he won't dare to come over easily."

Orochimaru also laughed. For a ninja of his level, he could analyze a lot of information even without complete intelligence.

"Besides, they have just arrived in Kirigakure. The most important thing for them now is probably to get a firm foothold, and the Mizukage taking them in will probably require them to do something.

What I'm worried about now is whether you can successfully attend the monthly meeting of the Four Shadows Alliance. Don't forget that you are not only an important member but also the captain of the special mobile team. "

"It will be nice to get a shadow clone to deal with it then." Uchiha Zong thought for a while and said: "I think they don't want to see me staring at them with these eyes, right?"

Being stared at by the kaleidoscope is indeed not an ordinary pressure, even though the Uchiha Sect has been very restrained in not letting the kaleidoscope make too many changes.

But the power of these eyes, even if he deliberately controlled them, would still make others feel unavoidably dazed once they looked at him.

"Okay, you can handle this matter and try to recover as quickly as possible." Orochimaru rubbed his brows, and after a while he said helplessly.

"By the way, Lord Orochimaru, I have something interesting to tell you." Uchiha Zong seemed to have thought of something, and he suddenly smiled and whispered.

"Oh?" Orochimaru raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"Do you know why the Akatsuki organization attacked Iwagakure?"

"Onoki really has something to hide, tell me."

"Because Onoki withheld their money, they went to Iwagakure to get it themselves."


Walking out of the Hokage's office, Uchiha Zong felt a little funny looking at Orochimaru's disbelieving expression.

I'm afraid Orochimaru never dreamed that Iwagakure was attacked for such a ridiculous reason, and this made Orochimaru really dumbfounded.

But no matter how funny it is, it's true, and to put it bluntly, Ohnoki was completely responsible for the attack on Iwagakure. No wonder this guy didn't dare to say anything.

Returning to his office, Uchiha Zong sat down directly. He still felt that his whole body was hot. To be honest, this feeling was not very good.

Fortunately, the feeling of weakness is not less intense, which is a good thing.


But when he just sat down, he suddenly noticed a strange movement, and then he immediately formed seals with his hands.

With a burst of smoke, a lizard holding a scroll appeared in front of him.

"Is this lizard from the Kingdom of Water?" Uchiha Zong just glanced at it and immediately identified it: "Is it Kakuzu or Obito?"

Thinking in his mind, he picked up the scroll in the lizard's mouth and opened it to read. After a while, his expression suddenly became strange.

"Is this guy Nagato a blessing in disguise?"


"My lord, what are you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing, just something interesting."

In the laboratory, Xiangcai frowned and looked at the somewhat unfocused Uchiha clan, and she couldn't help but ask worriedly.

But Uchiha Zong quickly shook his head. He really didn't have any problems now, because he was really thinking about something very interesting.

Obito hurriedly gave the Uchiha clan a piece of information, that is, according to what the Black Zetsu guy said, Nagato probably got White Zetsu's cells!

This news really shocked Uchiha Zong, because he absolutely did not believe that Obito and Black Zetsu would give this thing to Nagato, a tool man!

Whether it is Madara Uchiha, Black Zetsu, or Obito now, they all look at Nagato in the same way.

One is to use him as a tool to cultivate the samsara eye, and the other is to use him as a tool to take the blame.

Under such circumstances, how could these two people think about improving Nagato's strength?

Let him stay sick and die, this is probably what they desire most!

But now, Nagato is likely to get something he shouldn't get because of his previous battle with him, which has caused him to be seriously injured and endangered.

Such news made the Uchiha clan himself feel dumbfounded. Should he have killed this guy directly in the first place, so that he wouldn't have such a problem?

"But it's just a possibility. I don't know whether Obito has been obtained yet. It's better to wait until we have the final answer before making a conclusion."

Uchiha Zong thought about it and finally got this answer.

To be honest, he was also quite curious about what Nagato would become if he got White Zetsu's cells.

What's certain is that the guy's body will recover and his vitality should be replenished.

Under such circumstances, he may be able to use only his own body to complete all the abilities of the Samsara Eye, and he will not worry about being restrained in movement.

This can be said to be an all-round enhancement. He created so many puppets just because he had a broken leg and was unable to bear the full power of the Samsara Eye.

In addition, I am afraid that his ability to control the ten-tailed body will be further enhanced.

After all, his body has recovered, and with the vitality given by Senju Hashirama's cells, it is really possible for him to control the heretic demon to fight without any injuries.

"The last thing is, to what extent can he master the Samsara Eye, for example, can he gain the power of 'Round Tomb and Border Prison'?"

Wheel Tomb and Border Prison is definitely a very disgusting and very difficult technique to deal with.

Although Uchiha Sect also has Yin Escape and Yang Escape, the key problem is that now he is absolutely unable to see the shadows hidden in different spaces.

You can't even see everything, let alone perceive these powers. If Nagato really obtains this power, I'm afraid the unlucky one will be the Uchiha Sect himself.

"But it's not that easy for him to get this power. After all, those eyes are not his. Even if he can get them, it will definitely take a long time."

Regarding his own growth, Uchiha Sect is absolutely guaranteed, and once he grows up, there is no talk of 'downgrading'.

All he needs is time, and preferably someone strong enough to be his opponent, then he can definitely improve steadily and quickly.

"Forget it, whatever that guy is doing has already been noticed by Black Zetsu and Obito, so I'm afraid they won't give him any more White Zetsu cells. Let's see what kind of fortune he has."

Shaking his head, Uchiha Zong simply put the situation of that guy Nagato out of his mind, and then he looked at Uzumaki Kasai curiously.

"Xiangcai, how am I doing now?"

"Sir, your absorption is very fast, which also makes your cells mutate very quickly."

Xiangcai didn't know what Uchiha Zong was thinking, but since he spoke, Xiangcai immediately spoke.

"Such a mutation is an all-round improvement from a physical perspective, just like before, only more thorough.

From the perspective of cells, your cell repair is also very good. According to judgment, I am afraid that after one or two more visits, your body should be completely 'repaired'. "

"Completely repaired?" Hearing this word, Uchiha Sect was in a daze for a moment.

Completely repairing it, wouldn't it be equivalent to being as good as Otsutsuki in terms of genes or bloodline?

In any case, this is also the result of the fusion of the blood of Senju and Uchiha, the two direct descendants of the Six Paths Sage.

Even if he cannot reach it, I am afraid that in terms of basic bloodline, he will probably surpass all the blood successor families in the entire ninja world!

"That's really good news." Uchiha Zong murmured, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He still really wanted to see what the result would be if he merged the two bloodlines without Indra and Asura chakra.

Even if he has made enough conjectures, and these conjectures are based on facts, they are just conjectures before getting the results.

"By the way, how about that guy Shisui."

Clenching his fists slightly, feeling the power contained in his body, Uchiha smiled and asked about Shisui's situation.

"His absorption performance was good last time. I don't know what will happen this time."

"This time, the energy loss and consumption become less."

Xiangcai glanced at the data in her hand, and then she gave her answer.

"The most important thing is that his eyes have adapted to the power and are starting to change.

Based on observation, I have seen the ghost of a new pattern in his eyes.

It's just that this double image is still very blurry, but I think this should be the new way of eye evolution that adults call it, right? "

"Yes, it seems to be another good news."

Uchiha Zong nodded slightly. He had seen two patterns combined with each other in a pair of eyes, but this was the first time he had heard of double images.

However, judging from the fusion of the Eternal Eye, Shisui is definitely on the right path.

After going through so many experiments, his eyes have finally changed. If there are no problems, wait until the double image in his eyes is completely finalized.

And if it blends with the pattern of his current eyes, a new pair of eternal eyes will be born!

"It is indeed good news, sir." Xiangcai nodded, and then her expression became serious: "What about sir, when do you plan to start."

"I have other methods, so you don't have to worry about this." Uchiha Zong immediately understood what Xiangcai meant, and he smiled and shook his head.

His evolution relies on his own efforts and system, and he really doesn't need to absorb the power of others.

"Don't keep thinking about me, think about yourself, Xiangcai." Uchiha Zong looked at it with a smile, and then asked softly: "How are you preparing for the experiment you asked you to do on yourself?"

"It's almost time to start, sir." Xiangcai paused, then nodded slightly.

"That's good, you have to work hard." Uchiha Zong nodded, he reached out and patted Xiangcai on the shoulder: "Our future cannot be without you."

"." Xiangcai was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"


Time flies so fast, and a month has passed quietly in the blink of an eye.

During this month, Uchiha Sect has been silently fighting against Senju Hashirama's cells.

Such a huge amount of injection did cause him a lot of pain, but he was also in pain and happy.

After all, such a large amount of injection allowed his eyes to keep functioning to balance and resist the invasion of those forces.

In such a confrontation, the speed of his eyes' improvement was really faster than before, and this speed of improvement once again made him beat his chest and shout that he had missed it.

[Earn 1 experience point for Eye Technique and Sharingan]

[Pupillary Technique·Sharingan (S): Level 8 (210/800)]

More than a month has passed, and his eyes have incredibly reached level 8.

Such a speed, just like his long battle with a master every day, was really beyond his imagination.

It's a pity that he can't realize this speed for the time being, because under the suppression of the kaleidoscope for a month, he has basically absorbed the potion this time.

Although there are still a lot of residues left in his body, these things no longer require him to use the kaleidoscope to suppress them.

After realizing that he had almost recovered and that all that was left was to adapt to his own changes, Uchiha Sect decisively started a new round of practice.

This time, his training subjects were more numerous and cumbersome, but overall he could try to use tricks.

After all, he sent a shadow clone to this alliance meeting, and now he can completely use the shadow clone to practice.

In the final analysis, what he used his shadow clone to practice was only the two chakra transformations and qualitative changes, Earth Escape and Wind Escape.

This ability accumulated through experience fully highlights the value of shadow clones.

Of course, he himself has not been idle, because now he also plans to do some valuable experiments.

And this experiment is about his tailed beast chakra and his Susanoo!

Speaking of which, Uchiha Zong himself found it interesting, ever since he rescued Lin and obtained the Three-Tails' chakra.

Going around and around now, he has the chakra of the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails again.

And if he wanted to, he could have caused trouble for the Four-Tails and Five-Tails when they attacked Iwagakure.

As long as he asks for the Vulpix Chakra of Kirigakure Village, Obito will probably be able to send it to him in a short time.

It can be said that he didn't take the initiative to ask for it. It was simply that he hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet, or that he hadn't tried to deal with it yet.

"But this window period is quite suitable for me to do something, then..."

In a flash, Uchiha Zong came to a forest in the back mountain of Konoha.

Previously, he tried Susanoo's improvement in the basement of the ANBU. As a result, he not only almost broke the wall of the training room, but also attracted Namikaze Minato.

After learning this lesson, he knew that it would be better to find an open place to deal with Susanoo.

Especially his current Susanoo, its power is getting bigger and bigger, and its size is also getting bigger and bigger.

He casually took out a scroll, which was the chakra of the three tails that was extracted from Nohara Lin and sealed.

Although the chakra sealed inside is not particularly large, it is definitely enough for him now.

Forming a seal with one hand, he tore open the scroll in the next moment. At the same time, his eyes turned into eternal eyes, and azure chakra wrapped around his body.

In just the blink of an eye, these chakras turned into a half-giant wearing armor!

As his eyes continued to improve, his control over his Susanoo became stronger and stronger.

Although it is not yet possible to solve the mobility problem, he can feel that this day is not far away!

"Then, let's begin!"

Looking at the three-tailed chakra that began to float outward, Uchiha focused his attention, and then controlled Susanoo to reach out towards these chakras.

In just an instant, the three-tailed chakra floating out was attracted, and they gathered crazily towards Susanoo.

The speed of such gathering made Uchiha Sect himself a little stunned, although he knew from the original work that there was no problem for him to do so.

After all, Sasuke suppressed all nine tailed beasts at once. Of course, Sasuke Susanoo at that time was already the top.

But Uchiha Zong only has a three-tailed weapon, and it's just chakra. His third stage Susanoo is enough no matter how you look at it.

"But isn't this absorption speed too fast? And what will happen to this chakra after I take back Susanoo?"

Seeing the three-tailed chakra completely disappearing in front of his eyes, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but think silently in his heart.

Soon, he closed his eyes and began to seriously feel Susanoo's changes.

However, just for a moment, Uchiha Zong frowned slightly because he discovered something very interesting.

"The tailed beast's chakra chooses Susanoo, and is it fused with Susanoo?"

Uchiha Zong's face began to look a little incomprehensible, because he found that the chakra of this tailed beast and Susanoo seemed to be resonating with chakra.

And the most interesting thing is that under such resonance, a certain degree of homogeneity began to appear between the two sides.

This homogenization allowed the three-tailed chakra hidden in Susano to begin to possess the aura of Susanoo, and Susano slowly began to possess the aura of the three-tails.

Under such resonance and homogeneity, Uchiha Zong found that he seemed to be able to use the chakra of these three tails!

"What exactly is going on?"

The changes in Susanoo and the tailed beast's chakra made him really indifferent.

If we really want to say that there are any similarities between these two things, I am afraid that their essences are both chakra, and there seems to be no similarity in other aspects?

"If we have to say that they can cooperate with each other, except for Sasuke's ability to fuse the power of nine tailed beasts at once, it seems that it is only as difficult as one beast."

The Uchiha clan secretly thought that the difficulty of the beast could allow Susanoo to completely cover the tailed beast, thereby controlling or cooperating with the tailed beast in battle.

This kind of fusion seems to have hinted at the compatibility between Susanoo and the tailed beasts, right?

"Moreover, after these two chakras resonate, do they still have such an effect?"

While thinking, Uchiha Zong was also observing and feeling carefully, and suddenly he noticed a detail.

That is, the chakra of the tailed beast seems to be supplementing itself through Susanoo, and Susanoo is also absorbing the chakra of the three tails to strengthen itself!

To put it bluntly, these two forces actually formed a self-circulation in an instant.

In such a cycle, the three tails can ensure that their power will not be lost, and with the help of Susano, they will continue to stabilize and strengthen themselves!

"I remember that the guy named Kong in Konoha only had the chakra of the Nine-Tails in his body, but later he seemed to have almost developed into an unconscious Nine-Tails."

When he thought of this, Uchiha Zong's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly. If he could really achieve this step, then the power of his Susanoo would definitely be enhanced even more!

Although the Three-Tails is weak, it is for no one, just like anyone can say that the Kyuubi is scary, but it is not appropriate for Senju Hashirama to say so.

To most people in the ninja world, the Three-Tails is a terrifying existence to the extreme.

If there is a three-tailed amplified Susanoo, such power can only be described as unimaginable.

"Then give it a try!"

Thinking in his mind, the Uchiha clan decisively began to shake his Susanoo's chakra.

Under his control, the three-tailed chakra hidden in Susanoo also began to respond.

At this moment, he discovered that his control of the three tails did not seem to be much different from his control of Susana.

The only troublesome point is that if he wants to use the power of the three tails, he must go through Susanoo.

"Although it is a little troublesome, all these problems are not particularly big, especially since the power of the three tails is originally used to improve Susana."

Thinking in his heart, Uchiha Sect decisively let the power of the Three-Tails flow into Susanoo.

Originally, the two forces had quietly completed the resonance. At this moment, there were no flaws in the combination of the two forces, and everything seemed exceptionally smooth.


Almost instantly, a terrifying chakra quickly escaped from Susanoo.

In the amplitude of the three tails, Uchiha Zong clearly felt that Susanoo's power began to increase!

At first it was just strength, but as time went by, he found that Susanoo's size began to increase.

These are not the key. The most critical and important thing is that he clearly felt that his eyes seemed to be stimulated by the three-tailed chakra, and his proficiency seemed to have begun to improve again!

"Is this because the three-tailed chakra stimulated Susanoo, and Susanoo itself is a jutsu that belongs to my eyes, so is it starting to feed back to my eyes?"

Feeling the subtle changes in his eyes, Uchiha Zong suppressed the excitement in his heart and calmed down quickly.

Because of the current discovery, he now has the urge to tear open the scroll that seals the Nine-Tails Chakra and the Eight-Tails Chakra, and pour it directly into his Susanoo!

This silent, yet ever-increasing feeling in his eyes was a pleasure that he himself could not describe.

Eyes are really important to an Uchiha, although at this stage his strength is definitely the pinnacle of the battle ninja world.

But knowing the future, he knew very well that a pair of kaleidoscopes really couldn't make any waves.

Regardless of how badly the Fourth Raikage has been taught by him, the ninja world will not be afraid of your simple Susanoo at all in the 14th or 5th year of his life.

Whether it's Sasuke's or Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, he has crushed them all for you!

In addition to the Fourth Raikage, Onoki is definitely a ruthless character who hides his secrets. His dust escape power can only be described as earth-shattering.

To be honest, if his pupil technique hadn't been of a spatial nature, he wouldn't have dared to provoke Onoki!

That's why he wants to improve faster. Only if he is strong enough, he doesn't need to worry so much.

He just calmed down and knew that now was not the time.

Although the Three-Tails and Susanoo have completed a set of their own 'self-circulation' logic, the chakras of both parties have also formed an excellent resonance.

But this is not enough, because the chakra of the three tails is still growing, and although the two forces resonate, the gap between them is still very large.

"The most important thing is that the improvement of my eyes is continuous. If I want to improve immediately, I have to wait until the resonance between the three tails and Susanoo is completely completed.

Only in this way can I safely absorb the next round of tailed beast chakra. "

As for how far Susanoo could reach after completing the complete resonance this time, he was actually very curious.

However, he felt that the most basic ones could at least start the fourth stage of Susanoo!

Although the three-tailed chakra that Uchiha Zong absorbed is not particularly large, if he can really grow an unconscious three-tailed chakra, it will definitely be a big profit for him.

Moreover, the three tails directly affect Susano, so it must be extremely important for Susano's improvement.

"As long as Susanoo successfully absorbs and fuses it, then the fourth stage of Susanoo will be within easy reach!"

Of course, the fourth stage is not as unsolvable and scary as imagined.

After all, there is a fifth stage above him, which is the complete Susanoo!

Such a display of power can already be called a 'god'.

The meaning of this 'god' is really not comparable to that of Nagato, who was severely taught by himself and considered himself a 'god'.

But in the true sense, the power that can destroy heaven and earth is comparable to that of a 'god'!

"But even with such power, he was beaten violently by the First Hokage."

Uchiha Zong sighed, he felt a little emotional about the fate of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke.

Both of them had a tragic encounter with Asura's chakra, and both of them were severely beaten.

But when it fell to him, he wasn't that worried because he didn't have the 'Asura' that belonged to his opponent.

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