Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 154 The fourth stage Susanoo! (Please subscribe)

The Uchiha clan didn't know how strong the original Moon Otsutsuki was.

But what he knew was that the two people in front of him were definitely not easy guys to deal with.

Their strength, skills and chakra use are like beings of another fighting system in the eyes of the Uchiha Sect.

The use of Yang Release is really beyond imagination. Even the owners of Yang Release and Yang Release such as Uchiha Sect who have reached A level think that it is not easy for them to achieve this step!

However, no matter how different their fighting methods are, if someone else faced them, they would probably be beaten to death directly.

But unfortunately, they are facing the Uchiha Sect now!

"Although I'm not as familiar with it as you are, I still don't know how to use it."

Seeing the palm that launched the attack and reached his eyes in an instant, the Uchiha clan instantly drew out the ninja sword in his hand.

At the same time, the three magatama in the left eye rotated rapidly, a blood-red kaleidoscope pattern emerged, and Huang Quanjin's power suddenly exploded!


Under the shock of his power, the space transformed almost instantly.

Uchiha Zong still stood there without moving, but he rushed in front of him and launched a fierce punch from Otsutsuki Hideno.


However, the next moment, the expressions of Hidenori Otsutsuki and Koji Otsutsuki changed slightly, and Koji Otsutsuki quickly raised his hands, and chakra burst out all over his body.


A huge chakra shock appeared instantly, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to all directions almost instantly.

The surrounding trees instantly turned into ashes at this moment. They didn't even appear to be broken, but turned into powder and flew in the wind.

The most bizarre thing is that as these terrifying energies spread towards the surroundings, they seem to hit the edge for an instant, and then echo back again.

For a time, this area was filled with suffocating power.

"Space is folded? What a weird power!"

Looking around with pure white eyes, Hidenori Otsutsuki and Koji Otsutsuki looked around carefully for a while, with a touch of surprise on their pale faces.

Then both of them involuntarily looked at the open space aside, instead of looking at where the Uchiha Sect was now.

Their move made the Uchiha clan a little surprised, because in this folded space, his exact location was right there!

"I didn't expect your eyes to be able to see this step." Uchiha Zong said incredulously: "It seems that the use of the Byakugan by Hinata and the others is far from enough."

Uchiha Zong was indeed surprised and stunned. Although he was simply using the power of Huang Quanjin, it was the first time that someone had insight into him.

Even Obito couldn't do this, and this situation made the Uchiha clan even more vigilant.

The only thing he feels doubtful about now is that he doesn't know what kind of state his second Huang Quanjin use will be in.

"Those traitors have no idea what the power of the Byakugan is."

While the Uchiha clan was thinking, Koji Otsutsuki snorted coldly.

"And the purity of their Byakugan has also been reduced. Only a few people still have pure Byakugan."

"Really?" Uchiha Zong came back to his senses and nodded slightly. He knew this information.

For example, Hinata will be snatched away by Otsutsuki Toneri in the future, and Hanabi will have her eyes directly gouged out by Otsutsuki Toneri. Those are pure Byakugan.

However, Hinata had little to do with him. He locked his eyes with the two people and then said indifferently: "Tell me, what is the purpose of you running here from the moon."

"It doesn't hurt to tell you. Although you are a difficult guy, you still have a certain connection with us."

Otsutsuki Hide spoke from the side, his chakra was gathering rapidly, and just feeling the huge chakra gave people a suffocating feeling.

"We have only two purposes here. One is to determine the location of those Hinata people you mentioned.

In addition, I wonder if you have any records about heretic demons? "

The Hyuga clan, and the heretic demons?

Hearing the appearance of these two keywords, Uchiha Zong also instantly understood what happened to these two people coming to the ninja world.

They lost the Heretic Golem a few years ago, and I'm afraid they won't let it go easily. In the previous battle between Uchiha Sect and Nagato, Nagato directly summoned the Heretic Golem.

It was probably because of this incident that they couldn't help but come to the ninja world. At the same time, they were investigating the location of the Hyuga clan and preparing for the future of their broken family, right?

After figuring out these things, Uchiha Zong's expression was somewhat strange.

Moon's Otsutsuki had long planned to find them, especially in his plan, the power of the reincarnation eye played a big role.

What he didn't expect was that before he went to find these people on the moon, they had already come to his door.

What's even more coincidental is that they actually found themselves here.

"Okay, that's enough nonsense."

Koji Otsutsuki felt the power in his body, and he spoke indifferently.

"I'll give you one last chance. Come with us or die."

"To be honest, I really don't know where you got the confidence to think you can defeat me."

Uchiha Zong sighed slightly, the strange kaleidoscope in his eyes was slowly rotating.

"Just rely on your Baguazhang, or rely on your Yang Escape?"

"It seems that you are stubborn." Otsutsuki Hideze shook his head.

"Then, I can only give you a ride." Koji Otsutsuki also sighed,

The next moment, the two men moved at the same time, and the chakra that had been brewing for a long time formed a strong wind, making his robes rustle.

The two of them locked their eyes on the location of Uchiha Zong's real body. Koji Otsutsuki rushed over first and launched an attack with both hands!

"Yang escape·Baguazhang!"

His fists struck directly into the sky like raindrops, and the successive attacks instantly connected into a screen of light!

A violent explosion sounded, and the aftermath swept out. With the blessing of Yang Dun's power, his power almost reached an extreme.

"Yang Escape: Fire Dragon Technique!"

Upon seeing this, the Uchiha Sect immediately fought back. Huang Tu was outside and he did not dare to use Flame Release.

Although Su Ran Yang Dun's use of him is not as good as the two in front of him, it does not mean that he is not good at it!

Under the explosion of Yang Eun Chakra, the original red flames suddenly turned into gold.

A burst of dragon roar came out, and several golden behemoths emerged, roaring and rushing towards each other.

"Yang escape?"

A look of surprise appeared on Otsutsuki Koji's face, but he reacted quickly and jumped up immediately.

The golden fire dragon suddenly touched the sandy ground, and the fierce flames began to twist and burn.

"Yang escape·Baguazhang!"

The moment he dodged, the terrifying chakra suddenly came from behind Uchiha Sect again.

Otsutsuki Hidezawa obviously seized the opportunity, and he launched an attack on the Uchiha Sect without hesitation!

“It’s really troublesome”

Uchiha Sect felt the surprise attack from behind, and his eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

However, his expression still seemed relatively calm. Although these two people were difficult enough, the experience they brought him was unprecedented.

Looking at the two people who were launching attacks, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he put his hand into the ninja bag.

Almost immediately, a special natural aura appeared in his body, and a touch of eye shadow appeared on his face.

"But just in time, let me see where your limits are, and let me see where my limits are!"

Uchiha Zong looked at the attack that seemed to come through space, and he suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura.

"Immortal Technique·Yin Escape·Raikiri!"

The ninja sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, and the blade with black thunder was directly aimed at Otsutsuki Hidezawa's hands!

He had learned the art of Raikiri a long time ago, but he always chose to use it with a knife in order to avoid some trouble.

Over time, his fighting style has been basically fixed. Even if he were to use his hands to use such moves now, he might not be familiar with them.

While breathing, the ninja sword in his hand collided with Hidezawa Otsutsuki's palm.

Almost instantly, a white light appeared, followed by a violent explosion!

The strong magical chakra transformed into an endless energy burst with Yin Escape and Thunder Escape, and the dazzling white light turned into a semicircular thunder shield, and the terrifying thunder fell at will in this shield.

The chakra of senjutsu is essentially natural energy and can be used naturally in sage mode to enhance the power of various ninjutsu.

It can be said that the power currently used by Uchiha Sect may be beyond the endurance of Otsutsuki Hidezawa!

"Damn, this power!"

Sure enough, Otsutsuki Hideze's expression changed instantly. Facing this force, he understood the intensity of these forces even more.

He did not expect that the person in front of him who stayed in the primitive land was actually so strong. After all, although they had not set foot here for such a long time, they had been observing the changes here.

As they observed, they came to the conclusion that this primitive place had long lost its charm.

Even those who mastered Yin Dun and Yang Dun fell into the hands of a very small number of people. Such a primitive place was no match for people with 'pure blood' like them.

But now, Otsutsuki Hideze was shocked to find that the guy in front of him seemed to be one of the very few people who had mastered the power.

Although this is normal, after all, this person is a descendant of Indra's family, but the problem is, hasn't the blood power of Indra's descendants degenerated long ago?

Otsutsuki Hideze couldn't understand, but he didn't have time to think too much now.

Facing this terrifying power, he had no choice but to deal with it with gritted teeth.


He shouted loudly and then quickly stopped his attack.

Then chakra spurted out from all his acupoints all over his body, and his whole body began to spin rapidly!

"Yang Escape·Return to Heaven!"

The power used by these lunar Otsutsuki is basically the same as that of the Hyuga clan, whether it is their Baguazhang or the current Kaiten.

And their power is really much stronger than Hinata, with chakra gushing and spinning all over his body.

A white arc of light emerged from his body, and as he continued to rotate, he actually opened a gap in the spreading light shield of thunder!

"It's really not that easy to deal with."

Uchiha Zong secretly thought, but at this moment, the sound of breaking through the air came from behind him.


With a cold snort, he activated the kaleidoscope's pupil power without even looking back, and a fist with light in the twisted space directly penetrated his body. The ground in front of him was evaporated under the punch!

"Immortal Technique, Yin Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

Suddenly turning around, Uchiha Zong directly used Fire Release this time. With the help of celestial magic, a violent explosion appeared instantly, and a large amount of smoke and dust directly blocked the sight of the two people.

In the gloom, the long sword in Uchiha Zong's hand suddenly swung back. Koji Otsutsuki's reaction was extremely quick, his head quickly lowered, and the ninja sword almost touched his scalp.

But the moment he lowered his head, he suddenly turned around and dodged towards another open space, and waved his hand fiercely towards that open space!

"It's really troublesome."

Uchiha Zong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this scene. Huang Quanjin's first paragraph being seen through really had a big impact on him.

But fortunately, it was only one stage. He had not used the second stage yet. This was not because he didn't want to, but because he was considering whether to try to use this opportunity to develop the third stage.

Huangquanjin in the first section can only be regarded as a simple distorted space, causing the place presented by itself to be distorted and intertwined with the actual place.

The second section is improved on the original basis. In this twisted space, there are more nodes in the space, which changes the enemy's attack.

No matter which direction the attack is directed towards you, the final focus will be to return to the original enemy!

As for the third stage, he is still thinking about the main development direction, but today's event gave him a wake-up call.

He didn't know how these moon Ōtsutsuki could see through his pupil technique, but he thought that all the real Ōtsutsuki were good at space magic.

They already know enough about space. To deal with them, we must start from other aspects. A simple retracement attack is obviously not suitable anymore.

He needs more power to achieve the effect of hiding himself in the space. Only in this way can he be safer and attack the enemy better!

"Perhaps it should be paired with the ability of my left eye, Aishido, so that I can attack anytime, anywhere and in any way within a specific space."

Uchiha Zong secretly thought, and he also thought of one thing.

"Integrating Tian Shihu's power into the second stage is actually not that difficult. The most important thing is to strengthen the control of space.

Even if the other party can see through my true position, they still can't actually attack me when they attack me. This is the most important thing! "

Sure enough, people will continue to improve only when they play against people who are powerful enough.

Uchiha Sect developed his space ability to the second stage, thanks to Nagato, and this time he encountered a more powerful opponent and he once again realized it.

He also knew what he should do.——

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this?"

Outside the alley-oop arc, Huang Tu spit out the mud in his mouth. Then he stood up and looked at the visible distortion of space in the distance. He couldn't help but curse.

But after scolding him, his expression changed slightly. He had heard that the Uchiha clan was a very vengeful person. If this guy remembered him because of this incident, it would be more of a loss than a gain.

However, although he was worried, he still couldn't help but think like this, because in his opinion, no matter those Hyugas from the Uchiha Sect who claimed to be Otsutsuki, they were really monsters!

But soon he thought of something again, and finally couldn't help but look back at Tsunade, who had also just gotten up from the ground.

"Tsunade-dono, do you know what is going on?"

Huangtu patted the dust on his body, and then he quickly came to Tsunade's side.

"What do Master Som and those two Hinata guys mean?"

"Actually, you shouldn't ask me, because I don't know either." Tsunade shook her head, she was also confused at this time.

The Uchiha clan seemed to know something about the two Hinata who called themselves Otsutsuki. Not only did they easily tell their identities, they even told some things about themselves.

Tsunade really didn't know what Indra and Asura the Uchiha clan was talking about.

These two names seemed to exist in myths. She seemed to have heard them before but didn't seem to have much impression of them.

But according to the Uchiha Sect, this Indra and Asura seem to be the ancestors of their Uchiha and Senju?

Tsunade was also extremely confused as to what was going on, but now there was an unprecedented desire to explore in her heart.

The amount of things this Uchiha Sect knows is truly astonishing, but this guy always talks half of his words and never finishes anything easily.

This made Tsunade curious about how many secrets the Uchiha Sect had hidden.

However, while she was curious, she was also worried that these two people who called themselves Otsutsuki were obviously not easy to deal with.

Although the Uchiha Sect is terrifyingly strong, no one can really tell whether it can really deal with these two people.

"I think we should stay away from here."

After sighing slightly, Tsunade suddenly spoke quietly.

"Don't forget how much damage the Uchiha Sect's battle caused before. If you continue to stay here."

"That's true." Huang Tu also recalled something, and he couldn't help but nodded.

Just looking at the twisted space, he couldn't help clenching his fists. At this moment, he really felt that he was too weak.——

The battle between the Uchiha clan was a little more difficult than expected, and the two people in front of them cooperated in tandem and seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Moreover, their fighting style also destined them to have terrifyingly strong defenses, which was basically the same as Hinata's.

But the difference is that they also master the power of Yang Dun, which also gives them unparalleled attack power.

As a result, while Uchiha Sect was secretly improving his own space, he had to deal with the attacks of these two people, which really made him a little confused.

But the only good news is that there seems to be something wrong with the way these two fight.

"Go to hell!"

Otsutsuki Koji and Otsutsuki Hidenori were in tandem, and the two of them were like cannonballs heading towards the Uchiha Sect.

Their hands continued to strike, and chakra covered their palms, sealing the acupuncture points all over the Uchiha Sect.

However, such attacks were not as troublesome to him as he imagined. Even as he continued to improve his space, such attacks still passed through his body without exception and could not cause any substantial harm to him.

And the Uchiha clan did not stop his offensive. When Otsutsuki Hideze's pupils suddenly shrank, he swung the sword on the spot, but the edge of the ninja sword had already hit Otsutsuki Hideze's chest!

"Yang Escape·Kong Palm!"

At the critical moment, the chakra in Yingze's palm exploded with all its strength. With the impact of the palm, his body instantly retreated.

"Yang Escape·Shattering Mountain Strike!"

The moment Yingzawa retreated, Koji did not give Uchiha Zong any possibility of pursuit. He had already rushed behind Uchiha Zong's body, and he struck hard at Uchiha Zong directly with one hand.


With a slight snort, Uchiha Zong had a sneer on his lips, and his eyes instantly looked at this guy.

Although the transformation has not been completed, this does not prevent him from making some attempts, such as...


Suddenly, Yingze, who had blocked Uchiha Zong's attack and retreated quickly, suddenly felt a suffocating force erupting.

He didn't have time to think about it. In an instant, he clenched his fist and punched hard.


A huge torrent of power exploded instantly, and Hidezawa Otsutsuki in the distance and Koji Otsutsuki who was just behind Uchiha Sect were instantly smashed back like cannonballs.

Their bodies hit the ground heavily, forming a huge deep pit, and their bodies continued to fly backwards under the tremendous strength of each other.

However, the strange thing is that the two of them seemed to be locked in place, not moving at all!

"It's a little bit forced, but it's much better than the performance in the second stage."

Uchiha Zong didn't move at all, he seemed to be standing there from beginning to end, but at this time he was slightly panting.

What he just did seemed to be similar to when he faced Nagato, but that time he just faced Nagato's Tendo Payne.

And now he is facing two Moon Otsutsuki who can see through his true body position and are also ridiculously strong.

In order to avoid being truly discovered, Uchiha Sect set up more space nodes and space folding this time.

To put it bluntly, the space in this area has been completely disrupted by him. Only in his eyes can the full picture of this space be seen!

And he also needs to constantly use Tian Shihu's power to constantly adjust his position in the nodes, so as to achieve a more complete avoidance of being locked.

All of this made him feel a little cumbersome, and he needed to think carefully about how to make his 'space' more controllable.

In other words, we can achieve better performance in actual combat!

But it doesn't matter, because he has a clearer direction through this battle.

He already knows how to transform his own space. This is the most important thing. The only thing left is that he keeps polishing it!

"Damn it, this guy has some strong control over space."

While Uchiha Zong was thinking, Otsutsuki and the two had stood up. They seemed to be fine.

Although one of his own people was attacked by him, they were obviously not so easy to deal with.

However, the faces of these two people have become paler at this time. With such paleness, the Uchiha clan seems to be aware that their vitality is passing quickly.

This speed of passage is really scary. Uchiha Zong felt that if these two people were not killed by him, they wouldn't be able to survive for long.

"I'm curious how you can see through my space magic."

Anyway, every time they consume more, they are closer to death, and the Uchiha Sect is also willing to consume more of them.

He noticed in the previous battle that there seemed to be some problems with the combat experience of these two people. There were not many changes in their actions.

Moreover, they say that they have almost no force once they take action, as if every action is to 'determine life and death as well as victory or defeat'.

This kind of fighting method is absolutely no problem against ordinary people, but it seems that the problem is a bit serious when it is placed in a confrontation between experts, but they seem to be completely unaware of it.

Otherwise, he had used space magic to divert his attack before, which would not have made the two of them so embarrassed in an instant.


Koji Otsutsuki snorted coldly, and the chakra in his body surged crazily again.

"Although space magic is powerful, we still have to study it. Otherwise, how can we maintain the channel to communicate with the primitive land?"

"Descendant of Indra, you are indeed very powerful and have great control over space."

Otsutsuki Hideze also stood up, his eyes staring blankly at Uchiha Sect.

"But that's it for you. You are really strong. I'm not even sure where you are anymore, but"


Before he finished speaking, powerful chakra had already penetrated his body, not only him, but also Koji Otsutsuki.

"Do you really think there's nothing we can do?"

With a bang, the two men took action almost instantly. This time they only used one move, but this move made their pale faces become even paler.

And this move also made Uchiha Zong's expression change.

"Yang Escape·Eighty Gods Air Strike·One Style!"

Yagogami air strike?

That move from Otsutsuki Kaguya?

Seeing the two men suddenly punching, under the influence of chakra, a shadow condensed with golden chakra suddenly appeared in mid-air.

These two chakras erupted with a violent roar and hit the Uchiha Sect hard!

Under the scorching Yang Escape Chakra, the space was unnaturally distorted at this moment.

These two punches seemed to be condensed with terrifying and explosive chakra energy. Once it exploded, the space forcibly constructed by the Uchiha Sect would definitely burst!

"It is truly worthy of the Yasugami Aerial Strike, and truly worthy of the power of Kaguya Otsutsuki."

Uchiha Zong felt the terrifying power spreading, and he couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

"But fortunately, it seems that they only used one move. If they use the eighty-step Shen Kong strike at the same time, I'm afraid."

Uchiha Zong did not dare to continue thinking. He looked coldly at the two golden chakra shadows one behind the other. Then his pupils rotated and cold chakra rose into the sky.

"In that case, Susanoo!"

The ribs of the skeleton suddenly appeared, and in the next moment they swelled, turning into a half-length giant dozens of meters tall and wearing armor!

Uchiha Zong did not choose to use Tian Shihu to run away directly. Although the two people's techniques had affected the space, he could still do it if he wanted to.

It's just that he has been fighting in the ninja world for so long, and now he basically doesn't have much emotion to avoid fighting, not to mention that now he also wants to see the strength of his Susanoo.

Especially at this moment, his Susanoo has reached an extreme level. Although his eyes are still a little short of upgrades, his Susanoo has absorbed the three-tailed chakra!

"The power of the kaleidoscope is the third stage of Susanoo, but it is not impossible to reach the fourth stage, just like the guy Shisui in the original work."

As soon as Susan appeared, the two chakra shadows were about to hit him. Feeling the scorching power full of Yang Era coming from Susan, the Uchiha clan gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

"Although that guy's Susana doesn't look like the fourth stage at all, it at least gave me an obvious message. Besides, Shisui and I are very different!"


Amidst the roar, the two chakra phantoms hit Susanoo one after another.

He seemed to have lost his balance when he was more than ten meters high. Under the huge force, the ground under Susan's feet was constantly collapsing.

Not only that, at this moment, Susan was still making squeaking sounds. It was obvious that Susan, who had strong defense, was about to be penetrated by these two powers!


Feeling Susanoo's condition, the Uchiha clan snorted, and an even colder chakra rose from him!

In the third stage, it was really unexpected that Susan was hit like this by a single blow. Although he could repair it instantly with his own power, this was enough to prove the power of Yasugami's air strike.

What's more, the Uchiha Sect has no intention of repairing it, so he can just use the energy disorder of Susanoo to reshape Susanoo!

"After all, Susana in the third stage and Susana in the fourth stage are completely different concepts."

Although it only has a lower body, in terms of body shape, it is many times larger than the third stage.

After all, the fourth stage can also be called Susanoo's mature body.

Although that height is probably less than a hundred meters, it is definitely seventy or eighty meters high.

At that stage, the caster no longer stood in Susanoo's torso, but moved to Susanoo's head.

This means that the original construction order of Susano needs to be changed, and everything has to be re-established!

Just like Uchiha Madara in the original work, when he was building the fifth stage of Susanoo, Ohnoki clearly noticed that his chakra was disordered.

But when Madara Uchiha successfully constructed the fifth stage of Susanoo, Onoki also clearly felt that 'the huge chakra has completely stabilized'!

Why does this happen? It's not because the chakra agitation leads to collapse, and then the chakra becomes 'stable' after the Susanoo is reorganized.

Naturally, the Uchiha sect cannot be compared with Uchiha Madara, and the fourth stage Susana cannot be compared with the fifth stage.

But the construction of the fourth stage can also refer to Uchiha Madara's approach. After all, the fourth stage is also recast based on the third stage.

Thinking of this, looking at Susan's body that collapsed due to ignoring it, he suddenly controlled the power of the three tails and began to channel it into it.


Susanoo seemed to let out a roar, but it also seemed to be a violent vibration caused by chakra friction.

He formed seals with his hands, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes began to slowly rotate.

With the introduction of the three-tailed chakra, he really felt the limits of Susanoo.

But this extreme change caused Susan, who was already collapsed, to collapse even more!


Uchiha Zong was a little dumbfounded. This situation was not very good, especially when the two forces belonging to the Eighty Gods' air strikes were constantly impacting. He knew that he had to be faster.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Zong slowly closed his eyes while preparing for the power of Amishito to teleport away at any time.

“We haven’t seen each other for so long, it’s time to meet up.”

His vision instantly became dim, and his chakra and spirit were constantly contacting Susanoo. In an instant, he seemed to feel that time began to stand still.

The dim space began to become brighter, and his vision seemed to have recovered, and the location he was in now was the space where he first saw Susanoo!

Staring at the huge Susanoo not far away, exuding so dark and suffocating chakra.

Staring at the pair of scarlet eyes that were as red as his own, the chakras of both sides suddenly resonated fiercely.

Susan's power continued to spread into his body. This chakra was so strong and the quality was so high.

This terrifying chakra made him feel like he couldn't control it.

But this was just a feeling, because he clearly realized that this chakra belonged to him!

Feeling this strong chakra, he slowly withdrew his consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, an incredible amount of chakra had gathered around him!

This huge chakra was completely attached to his body, and it swept over the three tails' power, constantly intertwining and merging, and finally they began to recombine quickly according to his control.

At this moment, the earth began to tremble crazily, and the chakra quickly gathered in Susan's lower body to form leg bones, and meridians and flesh also appeared!

The surge of these chakras has not stopped yet, and it has begun to continuously increase Susanoo's size.

It is getting bigger and bigger, and it is getting higher and higher, and the position of Uchiha Sect is also rising.

When he reached nearly eighty meters, his ascent finally stopped, and at this time he also found that he had arrived in the crystal chamber above Susan's head.

It's just that Susanoo seems to be a little unstable at this time, but this is considered a normal situation.

Taking a deep breath, the rotation speed of Uchiha Zong's kaleidoscope slowly began to slow down. When the rotation completely stopped, his own body burst out with terrifying chakra!

At this moment, the chakra gathered by Susanoo exploded with strong vibrations.

The oscillations became more and more violent, and Susanoo's stability became better and better. When the oscillations stopped, this new fourth-stage Susan had completely stabilized!

Under his control, this huge giant, nearly eighty meters tall, opened his eyes.


Along with Susan's movements, the frightening cold chakra was continuously emitted.

"What's this?"

The expressions of Hideze Otsutsuki and Koji Otsutsuki changed dramatically. They seemed to feel the breath of death spreading towards them!

"What kind of power is this?"

Outside the forest, Loess, Tsunade and others also changed their expressions. Even though they were isolated by space and they were very far away, the terrifying power and aura still spread to them!


The Uchiha clan suddenly snorted coldly, and the mature Susanoo drew out a long knife with his backhand. Cold chakra flowed on the blade, and he immediately slashed towards the chakra shadow that was still attacking it.

Two earth-shattering chakras collided together. Susanoo was the embodiment of Yin Escape power, and the power used by those two guys was the embodiment of Yang Escape power.

The convergence of Yin Escape and Yang Escape forces caused an indescribable force to explode in an instant, and became more and more intense.

The next moment, extremely intense energy suddenly burst out, and that magnificent power permeated the entire space, as if it was going to tear everything apart!


Ōtsutsuki Hideze and Ōtsutsuki Koji frantically mobilized the chakra in their bodies almost instantly to protect themselves firmly.

"Is this guy really a human?"

As for Tsunade, Loess and others outside the forest, after feeling such an explosion of energy, they were now really glad that they had left long ago.

It's just that they are somewhat confused. Hasn't the Uchiha Sect never gone all out before?


Finally, the space constructed by Uchiha Sect could no longer withstand the collision of these two forces, and shattered after a violent tremor.

The power that had been gathered here for a long time was no longer restrained and swept across the earth in an instant!

Silently, the earth was collapsing crazily, and countless trees disappeared without a trace at this moment, as if they had never appeared before.

The earth was cut apart at this moment, and some peaks not far away disappeared almost instantly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the smoke dissipated. The entire forest had turned into scorched earth, and the earth had become riddled with holes. As far as the eye could see, only a desolation remained!

"Such power"

In the towering huge Susanouchi, Uchiha Zong took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. He felt a dull pain all over his body.

This is only Susan in the fourth stage, and it is really incredible for him to be able to explode with such power!

Of course, he also knew that this was the inevitable result of the collision between Yin Dun and Yang Dun, but this was a casual blow of his own. Such power was really terrifying!

"It's just that Susan's defense has been severely reduced now."

In the third stage, Susan had always been very protective of the Uchiha clan because of his armor.

However, in the fourth stage, Susano has no armor, thus gaining great mobility, and at the same time, his strength is also greatly enhanced due to the increase in level.

The result is that in such a power struggle, the Uchiha Sect feels quite bad.

If he hadn't absorbed Senju Hashirama's cells, his body would have undergone tremendous changes, and his recovery ability would also have been greatly enhanced.

Now, he might have been seriously injured!

But he didn't feel well, and the situation of Hidezawa Otsutsuki and Koji Otsutsuki at this time was even more miserable.

Their white robes were completely torn at this time, and their bodies were stained with blood.

One of them even turned into a bloody man because of this violent explosion.

His hair, eyebrows, and all the hair on his body had all evaporated, and his face was so hideous that his original appearance was completely unrecognizable.

Moreover, the vitality in their bodies seems to have been almost exhausted due to such a battle. Their lives are now literally hanging by a thread!

"You" are just that they are still struggling to get up, but it is really difficult for them to do so now.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Zong's eyes started to spin again. He had already understood these truths after being in the ninja world for so long.

"Speaking of which, I still want to thank you, but that's it for you."

His voice suddenly rang out, and under the influence of chakra, his voice resounded throughout the world.

The next moment, the huge Susan suddenly drew his sword, and the terrifying power was like destroying the world, hitting the two people alive.

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