Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 167 I will sleep with her, but will I marry you? (Please subscribe)

The news that Obito brought to him was indeed very interesting, that is, this guy Nagato actually gained the ability to further develop the Samsara Eye because of White Zetsu's problem!

Although strictly speaking, Uchiha Zong had expected this, but now he only felt that his face was slightly hot.

I think I just said it yesterday, this kid Nagato is an example, even if he has the reincarnation eye, he has not mastered its power.

"As a result, are you being slapped in the face now?"

He was a little embarrassed now, but this matter also aroused his interest, because according to Obito, he felt that Nagato might have already possessed the power of "Wang Tomb and Border Prison".

"As if someone is staring at you from the void, then there should be a shadow appearing. This kid Nagato is really a weakling."

Uchiha Zong silently thought to himself that of course he knew why Obito was so anxious. After all, such an improvement was quite a big improvement.

Especially the pressure from the void, it is difficult to say whether this kid Nagato has also obtained the power of space.

After all, Obito's understanding of Uchiha Madara is not very deep. Faced with such a healthy Nagato who is yet to become stronger, Obito will inevitably feel worried.

Even before the Uchiha sect truly started reincarnation, he might have some worries when encountering such a Nagato.

But it's a pity that now he really doesn't take this kid Nagato seriously!

“The scariest thing about the Wheel Tomb and Border Prison technique is not that the shadows have the actual strength, but the unknown, and the inability to see the shadows and avoid them.

Even a kaleidoscope can't see those shadows, but now I"

The kaleidoscope cannot see it, but the Uchiha Sect can see it all clearly!

He also has the samsara eye, and he opened the samsara eye with his own efforts, not like Nagato who relies on other people's eyes.

So to be honest, he was just surprised to learn this information through the shadow clone, and it didn't make him feel much, but the other information made him slightly interested.

The descendant families in Kirigakure Village were basically in a situation where they could no longer survive due to Obito's sustainability that was like breaking bones and sucking marrow.

To put it bluntly, even a conscientious pig would be stunned by Obito's atrocities against them.

Their current situation makes them feel that they are really lying on the floor in the toilet - they are not far away from death.

If they don't take any action, they will definitely be strangled by Mizukage and the gang of villains, and there will be absolutely no room for survival!

For their own family, they must find a way to save themselves, and there is only one choice they can make - Konoha, Uchiha Sect.

After all, the Uchiha clan's current reputation in the entire ninja world is not just a boast. In addition, he has indeed 'visited' these families, and he also did some things when Kirigakure took action against the Taketori clan.

This also gave these families an idea. They might be able to come to Konoha because of this, so that they could find peace!

"It seems that it is necessary to meet this boy Obito." Uchiha Zong touched his chin.

Obito is in Konoha now, and what's interesting is that this kid came after discussing it with Black Zetsu, which means that he is coming to Konoha openly.

And even if he did something, he could use his 'Konoha identity' to cover it up, and he wouldn't have to worry about White Zetsu coming to investigate.

It can only be said that this guy Obito really spent a lot of time in order to see and contact Lin again.

His performance and approach were completely unlike what Xian Er should be like.

"What's wrong? Why do you have such an expression when you come back?" Tsunade glanced at the Uchiha clan strangely: "Is there something wrong?"

"There are indeed some things, interesting things." Uchiha Zong nodded, and then he looked at Orochimaru: "Lord Orochimaru, the seeds you planted may be about to bear fruit."

"Oh?" Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted: "Is there a lot of movement in the Kirigakure Village?"

Uchiha Sect's words made Orochimaru instantly understand that there might be a big movement in Kirigakure Village. After all, the only one Uchiha Sect left to 'leave seeds' was Kirigakure.

And that time the Uchiha Sect went too far. He directly wiped out all the Genshi, and even caused huge turmoil in Kirigakure.

But after that, they didn't pay too much attention to this matter. On the one hand, Kirigakure was too far away, and Kirigakure's policy prevented them from gradually closing up.

Secondly, everyone in the Akatsuki organization has fled to Kirigakure, which means that Kirigakure may have completely cut off from the ninja world.

This made it difficult for them to figure out how those families chose, so they gradually ignored the matter for the time being.

But now it seems that Kirigakure's purge against these disobedient blood successor families is still continuing and even becoming more and more intense.

Otherwise, those people would not have thought of leaving Kirigakure and running to the village that drove them into the sea.

"Kirigakure?" Jiraiya couldn't help but asked curiously after hearing this: "What's going on over there with Kirigakure? Is there anything big happening?"

"Back then, I gave Zongjun a mission, a mission about Kirigakure Village, a mission about Kirigakure."

Orochimaru laughed, and after he explained the matter simply, he licked his tongue gently.

"I really didn't expect that you would have taken action against Kirigakure so long ago?" Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru in disbelief.

Although Tsunade and the Senju brothers were a little surprised, they didn't have much reaction.

Tsunade doesn't care what happens to a Kirigakure, and Hashirama and Tobirama have already experienced the period when the blood successor family was driven into the sea.

That group of people was unwilling to build a village, so they were driven into the sea and eventually went to the Kingdom of Water to build a village. The purpose was also to target Konoha, and they also lacked goodwill towards these people.

Even though Senju Hashirama might feel that Uchiha Sect's actions were a bit excessive, under the current circumstances, he didn't intend to say anything.

Besides, the result is okay, after all, those families decided to come to Konoha, right?

"It seems that after the Akatsuki group has passed, Mizukage will start the final cleansing. I'm afraid these people are in chaos now."

Orochimaru ignored Jiraiya, he chuckled and spoke slowly.

"Zongjun, what are your thoughts?"

"Of course we will pick them up. Moreover, according to the intelligence, I'm afraid Kirigakure will let them go, but they will let people from the Akatsuki organization hunt them down."

Uchiha Zong directly told the information he got from Obito, and he was also thinking about something in his mind.

"Obviously, those in the Akatsuki organization want to test our bottom line, and it is said that Nagato seems to have made some progress, and I'm afraid they also want to test how he compares to me.

In this case, I think I can take action myself, but before that I need to find out when they will take action.

After all, they are probably waiting for our decision. We have been on the moon before, but we have never made a decision. "

If no decision has been made, then this means that Konoha has not made any statement at all about the coming of those families.

And Kirigakure wants the Akatsuki organization to come and have a try with Konoha, and for the time being he can only wait until there is no change. It can be said that the direction of this matter really depends on Konoha's attitude.

"So, are you confident?"

Tsunade glanced at the Uchiha clan and asked curiously.

"Although that guy's eyes don't belong to me, since there is progress, I'm afraid the threat will also increase.

By then this guy may be more difficult to deal with, and you just opened your eyes, this..."

"Don't worry, he will never be able to climb my mountain!" Hearing Tsunade's words, Uchiha showed a confident smile.

He really didn't think he would be able to deal with Nagato, he could handle it even if he was moved now!

What's more, he really has no intention of moving now. He still has some things to try and experiment with, especially since Obito is still his, and he will only move if he lets Obito move.

And Uchiha Sect also discovered an interesting thing, that is, no one discussed whether the Akatsuki organization should exist.

Obviously everyone knows that the existence of the Akatsuki organization is really necessary at this stage. After all, they have really brought peace to the ninja world——

"Really, you're finally back. Do you know how worried I was during your absence?"

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Obito put his head in his hands and couldn't help but complain to the Uchiha Sect.

It has been some time since he came to Konoha, and even more time has passed if you include the fact that he sent messages to the Uchiha Sect in advance to inform them of these things.

As a result, the result he got was that the Uchiha Sect was not in Konoha at all, and it was difficult for him to ask where the Uchiha Sect had gone.

This gave him an unusual headache. After all, the main body was not here, so many things simply couldn't be done.

But now that the Uchiha clan was finally back, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Uchiha clan never comes back, he doesn't know how to deal with some things. After being out for so long, he still has to send some news back there.

"I think you must be worried. What worries you most is that you can't contact Lin for the time being, right?"

Uchiha Zong gave Obito a funny look. He believed that Obito was indeed anxious, but he did not believe that Obito would not miss Rin at all.

After all, this guy Obito even changed his mind for Rin. He even competed with the Ten-Tails for consciousness control just to remember Rin, and he actually won in the end.

This dear man, this is an example of "wanting women", although he is really "licking" a little bit.

"I" Obito's face turned red, and he immediately said with a pinched neck: "The business has not been resolved, so there is no point in thinking about it!"

"Really?" Uchiha Zong nodded slightly: "I also said that I would like to introduce you to the current Lin. In that case"

"I'm sorry, maybe what I just said didn't express my meaning clearly." Obito interrupted immediately before Uchiha Zong could finish his words: "Although it's useless to think about it, it will be easier when you come back. I think I can .”

Seeing Obito's coquettish appearance, Uchiha Zong actually found it a bit funny. Obito was really interesting.

Doesn't he understand very well that it's normal to like someone? Why do you have to act so coquettishly?

As an Uchiha, you are already insane anyway. If someone doesn't like you and rejects you directly, don't you know how to use genjutsu to make her change her mind?

Of course, this is just what Uchiha Zong thinks about. Of course he would not do this.

After all, he is not a member of the 'Old Uchiha Righteous Group Fanning the Flag', so his mental illness has nothing to do with him.

"Okay, I understand." Uchiha Zong smiled casually: "I will find an opportunity for you to contact Lin. After all, you are now a real Konoha hero."

Hero of Konoha?

Obito couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard Uchiha Zong's words, and then he smiled slightly.

This smile is very complicated, it seems to have a bit of a bitter smile in it, and at the same time there is a sense of relief.

He once almost gave his life for Konoha. At that time, he was indeed considered a hero of Konoha.

And after learning the truth through the Uchiha Sect, everything he did may also be regarded as a hero of Konoha.

But he really couldn't let go or forget one thing, that is, he almost killed the teacher and his wife who had been thinking about him, and at the same time, many people lost their lives because of him.

Can he really be considered a hero like this?

"It would be great if I could do it all over again without such a middle period."

Obito murmured involuntarily in his heart, but in the end he could only shake his head, because he knew that nothing could go back.

"Lord Zong?"

Just as he was thinking, a voice suddenly came from behind them, which made them all stop in their tracks.

Looking back, he saw Kurenai and Terumi Mei looking at him with strange expressions. Behind them were Anko, Kakashi, Akai, etc., as well as Lin, who had changed her identity.

"Well, it's you." Uchiha Zong glanced at them, then he smiled and nodded.

Although he wanted to say "Long time no see", he thought that his shadow clone had always stayed in Konoha, and he had often seen them because of his training.

Therefore, he thought it would be better not to say these words. His actions this time were very secretive. Even Terumi Mei, his personal ANBU, did not know these things.

He looked calm, but when Obito saw Nohara Rin, his whole body couldn't help but stiffen.

Uchiha Sect had already told Obito about Lin's identity, and he had already had some contact with Lin.

Although they can only be regarded as acquaintances now, this is enough to make Obito excited. After all, this is a new beginning.

But Obito knew Lin's identity, so sometimes it was really difficult for him to let her go.

"It's strange. When I went to greet the teacher in the morning, I clearly saw you in the office."

Anko suddenly came closer at this moment. She looked at the Uchiha clan curiously, and then smiled evilly.

"You guy, you must have missed work again, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Uchiha Zong looked at Anko with disgust: "This is called inspection work, so don't talk nonsense."

"Yes, Hongdou, please don't talk nonsense." Hong looked at the side and couldn't stand it anymore: "How could Mr. Zong do such a thing? If someone else hears it, I'm afraid he will be angry."

As the Uchiha Sect became more and more famous in Konoha, countless young people became his loyal fans.

Although Anko is a disciple of Orochimaru, if the Hokage disciple slanders the top management of Konoha and the idol of the younger generation, she may not have an easy life.

"Okay, Anko is like this. I've long been used to it." Uchiha Zong shook his head indifferently, and then he asked curiously: "By the way, what do you want..."

"Of course it's time to get together." Hongdou said dissatisfied at this time: "You are really ruthless as the head of ANBU. There are so few holidays. It is rare for ANBU to have holidays now, so naturally you can't miss it."

Uchiha Zong blinked and looked directly at Terumi Mei beside him.

His action made Mei Terumi swallow softly, and Kakashi, who was behind the crowd, shrank his head involuntarily. Only Lin smiled sheepishly.

Obviously, the Anbu's vacation was indeed a bit pitiful, but they really didn't admit it in front of the leader of the Anbu.

Such a tangled look made Uchiha Zong feel quite interesting, but he was too lazy to embarrass these people. He thought for a moment before nodding.

"Anbu does have fewer holidays, but there is nothing we can do about it. After all, the situation in the ninja world is so stable now, so it is impossible for Anbu to have too much rest time.

But since everyone is here today, let's have a good get-together. I just don't know if you would like me to come here uninvited. "

"Hey?" Hong looked at Uchiha Zong in surprise: "Master Zong, do you also want to participate?"

"It's not time to go to work now, so you don't need to call me sir." Uchiha Zong shook his head and said helplessly: "If this happens during breaks, will I still have friends in the future?"

The Uchiha Sect's peace has deepened completely as his strength and status have changed and deepened. This kind of peace is full of contagion, and the more peaceful he is now, the more people believe in him.

"Yes, I understand." Hong smiled and nodded: "Zong Jun wants to participate, I think it is natural for us to ask for it."

"That's right, you guy, but you haven't been with us for a long time." Hongdou nodded aside.

Behind them, Genma, Akai and others also showed happy eyes, obviously they were particularly happy that Uchiha Sect could participate.

They are not just classmates, the war between the Country of Whirlpool and the Country of Grass has made them keep their sect firmly in their hearts!

With the addition of the Uchiha Sect, the group became more lively, and Kakashi originally wanted to stay with Lin, but was deliberately called to the front by the Uchiha Sect.

As an ANBU, he would not dare to disobey anyone in the Uchiha Sect, especially the old classmate in front of him, who would probably be his Hokage in the future.

But Kakashi is also curious about one thing now, and that is who the Uchiha who is following the Uchiha clan is very familiar to him, but seems to be very strange.

"Buso-kun, who is that?" Kakashi couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"He?" Uchiha Zong glanced at Obito, who was standing behind Lin, in a funny way: "He is a member of our Uchiha, and he is also a member of ANBU."

"Really?" Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and finally he asked in a low voice: "Is he related to Obito?"

"Are you very keen?" Uchiha Zong was a little dumbfounded, but he still nodded: "There is indeed some relationship. They are cousins. Do you feel that they look similar?"

When Uchiha Zong said this, he couldn't help but glance at Obito.

More than just a look, if I hadn't forced him to make some changes, this guy would have dared to run out in his own appearance!

I can only say that this guy is really not afraid of problems, and I can only say that he is really bold.

"It does look very similar." Kakashi murmured, and then followed the Uchiha clan without saying a word.

But his eyes would look behind him from time to time, looking at the person who looked like the only regret in his heart.

This is not only true for Kakashi, but also for Nohara Rin. In fact, he had already met the Uchiha boy in front of him before.

But at that time, the young man seemed particularly shy. He just looked at himself from a distance, nodded shyly to himself, then turned around and ran away.

That look and movement really made her feel trance-like, as if she were seeing Obito, who had been dead for many years.

Unfortunately, she had just acquired a new identity at that time, and as an ANBU she was also very cautious, so she had no way to learn more.

Unexpectedly, they would meet again today, and the feeling before became particularly strong at this moment, which made Lin couldn't help but keep looking at Obito.

"Hello, my name is Tobi Uchiha, nice to meet you." Obito felt Lin's gaze, and he was both excited and cautious.

This feeling is wonderful, but this feeling is also terrible. They all have to hide their identities because their current situation is extraordinary.

However, this can also be regarded as a new beginning, a new beginning that belongs to each other!

"Hello, you can call me Xia Jiang."

When Lin heard Obito's voice, she was stunned for a moment and then smiled. She stretched out her hand and her smile was still as bright as before.

"This is our first meeting, so please take good care of me, Mr. Yuan."

"the same as you."

Obito suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at Lin's extended hand. At that moment, he seemed to have really gone back to the past.

He also stretched out his hand, held Lin's hand tightly, and then said with a slight trembling.

"This is the first time we meet, please take care of me"

Feeling the real touch coming from his hands, he looked at the girl in front of him who could still see the shadow even though she passed by in disguise.

Obito secretly swore in his heart that this is what he wants to protect, and he must protect the beauty of it all even if he pays his life for it!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that one of his eyes seemed to be moving faintly.——

The exchange between Obito and Lin lasted a bit long, and they were together throughout the party.

Later, Kakashi also joined in. This may be the three of them gathering together again after so many years.

It can be seen that the three of them are very happy. Even though two of the three of them have hidden their identities, the inexplicable tacit understanding is really hard to understand.

Everyone was very happy at this party, and Akimichi Dingza even brought Dingji over.

Looking at the extremely polite Akimichi Choza, and looking at Choji who is now three or four years old but has begun to show the tendency of being a 'little fat boy', Uchiha Zong also feels a little sad that time flies by.

Unknowingly, it has been so long since he came to this world, and it seems that he will really become an adult in a year or two.

But now he doesn't seem to have a high sense of adulthood. On the one hand, his soul has already been 'mature'.

Counting his age before time travel and the ten years he has spent in this world, his mental age is probably much older than Tsunade's.

This is probably why he can communicate with Tsunade, Orochimaru and even Jiraiya without any hindrance.

"And Terumi Mei has integrated well. She has a good relationship with Kurenai and Anko, so I can rest assured."

This was actually the first time he knew that getting a ninja to surrender was such a troublesome thing.

When he watched the drama before, he always thought everything was quite simple, but when he actually operated it, he realized how difficult it is to "employ people without doubting them and use them without suspicion".

No wonder Prime Minister Cao is so suspicious. Uchiha Sect feels that he and Prime Minister Cao are quite similar in many ways.

"Specially, I also have the Jian'an character."

The party didn't end until very late, and everyone had a very happy time. After all, the participation of the Uchiha Sect this time really exceeded their expectations.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan was so approachable and easy-going, and would say something to make everyone happy from time to time, which really brought them closer.

Of course, they also knew that when they returned to their respective posts after the party, the Uchiha clan would be their immediate superiors and one of the absolute leaders of Konoha.

But this made them respect the Uchiha Sect even more in their hearts, and they were more convinced of this fellow student who was ahead of all of them.

"Then, send it here, I'll take my leave first." In front of Hong's house, Uchiha Zong smiled and nodded to Hong: "Thank you also for not rejecting me, an uninvited person, otherwise I would But it’s embarrassing.”

"It is our honor for Zongjun to join us." Hong shook her head: "But speaking of it, Zongjun is really tired. I think you should find more opportunities to rest, otherwise"

"Don't worry, I won't treat myself badly." Uchiha Zong couldn't help but interrupt before Kurenai finished speaking.

I'm sorry to myself, how could something like this happen to him? Didn't you see that during the ANBU period and the 'Acting Hokage' period, wasn't Namikaze Minato always the busiest?

It's just that it's easier to talk about this topic if there's no one else around. There's Terumi Mei beside him now, so no matter how you look at it, it seems that these words shouldn't be said casually.

Obito was probably a little too excited. He left with Kakashi and Lin. It's really hard to imagine that their relationship would be so harmonious.

But it's normal if you think about it carefully. Although Obito is a stranger to them, Obito came with the Uchiha Sect.

This was an invisible endorsement for Obito, and coupled with the strange tacit understanding between them, they were able to get together so quickly.

Of course, this can be considered a good thing, and the Uchiha Sect's next plan is to have Obito and Namikaze Minato meet.

It is true that many people died in the Nine-Tails incident, but civilians were a minority, and the majority were Sarutobi Hiruzen and his supporters.

Strictly speaking, it was Minato Namikaze and his wife who caused the greatest and most unimaginable harm to Obito.

Therefore, some things must be dealt with properly. After all, the two of them are the real victims.

As for those civilians and those of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Obito himself needs to make up for and repay these things. After all, he caused all this himself!

"Okay, since there's nothing wrong, I'll take my leave first." Uchiha Zong gathered his thoughts and glanced at Hong's home, and then he said with a smile.

"Why don't you go in and sit down?" Hong hesitated, but still spoke in a low voice.

"Forget it, if I go in, my uncle will probably be angry." Uchiha looked at Kurenai teasingly.

Hong seemed to realize something. She immediately looked back and saw a figure looking at them through the window in a room on the second floor of her house.

This kind of thing made Hong angry and funny, and at the same time she felt shy. She could only nodded slightly and then turned around and ran in.

"Okay, let's go too." Looking at Kurenai's look, Uchiha Zong smiled and said to Mi Mei: "Speaking of which, how long is your vacation?"

"Only three days." Terumi Mei snorted softly: "You are still the ANBU minister. You don't even know the holidays for us ANBU. After all, we are just the lowest-level cowboys of the minister."

"Don't imitate me, thank you." Uchiha Zong glared at Terumi Mei, this girl was really getting more and more presumptuous.

Uchiha sometimes likes to speak with some "past life characteristics" in his speech, especially Anbu, which is his territory. Although he will restrain himself when talking to people he is familiar with and will not make nonsense, his past characteristics will be used involuntarily.

For example, "some people are born in Rome, and some people are born as mules and horses" and so on. Although Terumi Mei and the others don't know where Rome is, they can probably guess that it is probably a very powerful place.

At the same time, they can also understand the meaning of the Uchiha Sect, so many people like to jokingly say that they are ‘mules and horses’, ‘cows and horses’ and the like.

This is really distressing for Uchiha Sect. Although he is indeed 'squeezing' everyone's 'residual value', isn't it impolite for you to say this in front of me?

This is also the case. He felt as if he was getting closer to the street light.

It's not like he hasn't considered dismantling all the street lights in Konoha, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided not to do it. If he really wanted to do this, wouldn't it affect everyone's travel at night?

"Okay." Terumi Mei smiled nonchalantly. She was becoming more and more cheerful now: "So, what do you think our name should be, sir?"

"You?" Uchiha Zong touched his chin. He thought for a moment before quietly speaking: "You are all the same as us, do you understand?"

"It is the same?"

"Why is it different?"

"My lord is the minister, but the acting Hokage of Konoha, and I am just a small ANBU member."

"But we are all humble social servants of Konoha Village."

As soon as Uchiha Zong said this, Terumi Mei immediately showed an incredible expression. She did not expect that Uchiha Zong could actually say such a thing.

Looking at Terumi Mei's expression, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but smile.

Sir Humphrey's words were not a joke. Even the future Prime Minister was stunned by him, let alone a small ANBU now.

"Sir, are you serious about what you said?" After a while, Terumi Mei came back to her senses from the shock, and she couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"Of course, okay, let's go." Uchiha Zong pulled Terumi Mei away without any explanation.

He didn't want to stand in front of Hong's house all the time. It would feel too awkward.

Terumi Mei glanced at her hand that was being held. She didn't have any thoughts of resisting. She just glanced back at Kurenai's house.

After a while, they were far enough away before she said, "Sir, do you know that Hong likes you?"

"I know, I'm not a fool." To Terumi Mei's expectation, the Uchiha clan actually admitted it directly.

This made her a little confused. She had always thought that she was the kind of person with superior IQ and strength, but whose emotional intelligence might be a bit worrying.

But now it seems that is not the case, and when I think about it carefully, my emotional intelligence seems to be always online, whether I am dealing with my own affairs or other matters.

He can control the heat very well, without any surprises or making people feel uncomfortable.

But soon, her expression became strange: "Since you know it, why don't you respond at all?"

"We are all underage, so what's the point of responding?"

Uchiha Zong turned his head and he spoke in a funny tone.

"Besides, to be honest, I don't know what my future marriage will be like.

But I tell her now that I know you like me and we can try. But what if I marry someone other than her in the future because of family needs? What will she think?

Of course, it’s not unusual for a big family to have a few more women, and I’m sure he’s not the only one who likes me.

But at least let her know about this kind of thing first, otherwise"

Uchiha Mun's words once again stunned Terumi Mei. She had never seen such a shameless person!

But thinking about it carefully, this guy Uchiha seems to be really qualified to say such things.

This guy must be strong and good-looking, and he has become the acting Hokage at a young age, and it is basically certain that he will definitely be the Fifth Hokage in the future.

There are definitely not a few people like him who like him, but they just say it so unscrupulously and act like it's not unusual for a big family to have more women. Is this really good?

In Terumi Mei's opinion, this guy's attitude shows the essence of a scumbag. To sum it up in one sentence - I will sleep with you, but I will marry her.

"You know what?" Terumi glanced at the Uchiha clan faintly: "Anyone else would have been beaten if you said that."

"Really?" Uchiha Zong was a little amused: "It seems so, but there is nothing we can do about it. After all, there are some rules that we can't easily break."

Terumi Mei nodded slightly, she needed to acknowledge what this guy Uchiha said.

After all, this guy is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and his descendants are likely to inherit the Uchiha clan, so he may have to be engaged in the family for the purity of his bloodline.

This is also a common problem among the major ninja clans, especially the bloodline limited clans. Who knows if other bloodlines enter, can their bloodlines still remain pure?

Shaking his head helplessly, Terumi Mei suddenly discovered that this guy Uchiha Sect sometimes had very low emotional intelligence.

If you say this casually, wouldn't it make people feel that their dreams are broken?

Of course, there are some benefits to saying this in advance, at least to make people realize the reality.

"By the way, where is your home?" But while Terumi Mei was thinking, Uchiha suddenly asked.


Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment. She lowered her head and looked at the hand she was holding, then raised her head and glanced at the confused Uchiha Zong. For a moment, she was really angry and funny.

"Please, haven't you been holding my hand all this time, and now you're asking me where I live?

Didn't you choose the place where I live? Sir, have you forgotten it? "

"I didn't choose where you live. It's unified by ANBU." Uchiha Zong touched his chin: "And there are so many 'dormitory areas' in ANBU, I don't know which one it is."

Terumi Mei was speechless for a moment, "You don't know the road and you still lead me all the way?"

Looking at the quiet streets around her, there were only the cries of babies, the slight sounds of cats meowing and dogs barking from the alley, and the echo of the breeze blowing through the streets. Terumi Mei felt a little depressed.

She found that she was being led by the Uchiha clan all the way towards the Uchiha clan, which was getting farther and farther away from her home.

"Forget it, I'll go back by myself." Terumi Mei shook her head helplessly: "You guy, this is the first time I've found you so unreliable."

"Are you going back by yourself?" Uchiha Zong glanced at the moonlight in the sky, and then he shook his head: "Forget it, we are already here, don't run away so far, just come and live in my house. My house is big anyway."

"Huh?" Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the Uchiha clan in disbelief: "No, what do you want to do, you..."

"Okay, it's not a big deal just to stay at my house for one night, right?" Uchiha Zong rolled his eyes: "You are not even an adult yet, what can I think, and Xiangcai has already been to my house to stay."

"Kangsai?" A look of sudden realization appeared on Terumi Mei's face: "Sure enough, sister Xiangcai, you won't let me go!"

"." Uchiha Zong rolled his eyes. He simply stopped talking and took Terumi Mei away.

It's just a one-night stay, what else can they really do?

Of course, he wouldn't refuse if he could, but he had something else to try tonight.

For example, he should take a closer look at the research on the Blood Successor Snare, not to mention that he has been thinking about the Dust Escape Scroll he got.

Newbie please subscribe, thank you all Onz

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