Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 184 Otsutsuki One Style (Part 1) (Please subscribe)

In fact, Orochimaru's problem is really not too much to worry about for the Uchiha Sect.

The Country of Whirlpool and the Country of Tea are not conflict zones between major powers, and the Country of Whirlpool is now considered a frontline, and it itself has a deep hatred for Kirigakure Village.

They simply don't think too much and will fully help Konoha and the others to deal with the group of people in Kirigakure Village. It can be said that they are the most trustworthy.

But there are many small countries bordering the Fire Country, such as the Country of Yu, the Country of the River, the Country of Taki, and the Country of Grass.

The country of Taki is a little special. Although this country is not one of the five major countries, Senju Hashirama left them a tailed beast.

Even though this tailed beast is not a tailed beast with any combat expertise at all, it can still have a good effect in bluffing people.

And this village is not without talents. For example, Kakuzu, who is currently sleeping in the Kingdom of Water, is a talent from Takigakure Village.

As for the River Country, there is no difficulty in that place. After all, one side is Konoha, which has everything, and the other side is Sunagakure, which has nothing.

With such a large desolate land like Sunagakure, they can only seek a breakthrough in the River Kingdom. Under their crazy oppression, there are really no ninjas left in the River Kingdom.

So if you really want to choose to attack these countries, the River Country is the easiest, followed by the Grass Country, and the Taki Country may be the most troublesome.

"Lord Orochimaru, I think we can let Iwagakure communicate with Taki Country, and we can deal with Grass Country ourselves."

Uchiha Zong thought for a long time, and he finally gave an answer.

"The trouble in the Country of Grass is not that big. We want to practice our skills and test the attitudes of those small countries at the same time. So naturally we can't choose something that is too easy, nor can we choose something that is too difficult.

The Country of Grass is just right. After all, I think anyone who has been to the Eastern Front battlefield in the Grass Hidden Village will not find it strange. They have deceived us a lot of information.

In addition, I heard that Ohnoki seemed to have other ideas this time, so our attack on Kusakakure Village can be regarded as giving him some 'reminders'.

As for afterwards, it is enough to give some necessary benefits. "

A big stick and a carrot, this technique is something Uchiha is very skilled at.

What's more, it is said that Onoki has always had the biggest opinion in this negotiation, and is also the one who has the most arguments with Konoha. How could a cautious person like the Uchiha clan just let it go?

It’s okay to give him some benefits afterwards, but he will never be lenient when it comes to giving him a ‘reminder’!

"The country of grass?"

Orochimaru touched his chin. He didn't care at all that the whole meeting turned into a question and answer session between him and the Uchiha clan.

Others didn't speak out to object. It was obvious that such things were already commonplace for them.

After all, one of the two is the current Hokage, and the other is the confirmed next Hokage. As long as there are no obvious mistakes, even the people in Nara will not be stupid enough to interrupt.

"Since Mr. Zong already has an idea, let's go to the Kingdom of Grass. As for the scale, it is up to Mr. Zong himself to control it.

As for the time, I hope it can be resolved within next year. What do you think, Zongjun? "

Next year?

Hearing this request, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but feel slightly relieved.

What he fears most is that Orochimaru is eager for quick success, which will disrupt his own deployment. After all, he now has to specialize in his own blood inheritance.

In this way, you can completely lay a solid foundation and truly obtain the Blood Succession Snare!

What he lacks now is not anything else, but time.

"No problem, within next year I will make Kusayak Village completely disappear."

Uchiha Zong smiled and nodded. He did not feel at all that his words were inappropriate with such a smile.

But no one cares about it now. Kusagakure is a two-faced village. Although this is their way of survival, their approach actually offended two great ninja villages at once!

If it weren't for the fear that they would quickly turn to the other side, and if it didn't appear with the tacit approval of both sides, Caoyin Village shouldn't exist at all.

Now that the conflict between the two large villages has been eliminated due to external forces, under such circumstances, the existence of Caoyin Village has become somewhat redundant!

"In that case, I will wait for news from Mr. Zong."

Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at everyone.

"Then finally, I think we should discuss the situation of the Snow Clan."

This time, Orochimaru obviously had no intention of continuing the two-person discussion mode between him and the Uchiha Sect, and he knew it very well.

Even if he is used to talking to the Uchiha clan about anything, he will get a relatively good result in the end.

But there are so many talents in Konoha, and they must have room to develop. Otherwise, they will feel uncomfortable, and Konoha will spend so much money to support them, right?

What's more, the situation of the Snow Clan is indeed special, and this is really not something that is too easy.

Whether it is to make it easier for them to adapt to life in Konoha, or to make it easier for Konoha to arrange ANBU to monitor them, these are all necessary.

How can they integrate into Konoha if they don't adapt to Konoha? How can Konoha know their true situation if they don't monitor them?

I'm afraid even the Snow Clan themselves know in their hearts that they must be monitored when they first arrive.

For the sake of the safety of the village, no matter how sincere they are in seeking refuge, the necessary procedures must be in place.

This is responsible for the village and the Hokage himself.

"I will not get involved in this matter. After all, I have enough things going on, everyone."

Uchiha Zong smiled, he was still very knowledgeable, and he could just be lazy and leave the rest of the things to these people to handle.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a hint of bad humor, and then he touched his chin and said with a smile.

"But I need to remind you of one thing. Even if everyone knows that the Snow Clan has joined Konoha, I think they should change their surname to one that is more suitable for them.

Even if everyone knows that this is just a show, all they want is face and an excuse, especially with Kirigakure, we still have to negotiate. "

Uchiha Sect's words stunned everyone present, and then they all began to think seriously.

Indeed, the Snow Clan can no longer use this clan name. Even if they retain it, they cannot use it externally.

A ninja family defecting to another ninja village has a really big impact.

Especially for this family, Konoha also fought a lot in the Country of Whirlpool and Kirigakure Village. Being so arrogant and not caring about anything will only make Konoha look too domineering.

Of course, Konoha also has the ability to be domineering, but it is not a bad thing to show off and make everyone feel comfortable.

What's more, changing a family's surname is equivalent to requiring the Snow Clan to give up all their previous honors and completely cut off ties with the past.

This not only gives enough face on the outside, but also allows the Snow Clan to better integrate into Konoha internally.

"It is indeed a good idea. I wonder what Zong Jun thinks about the new surname of the Snow Clan?" Orochimaru directly confirmed the feasibility of this matter, but he was also curious about what surname the Uchiha Zong had in mind.

"I don't know what you think." The smile on Uchiha Zong's face became even brighter: "What do you think of the surname 'Minazuki'?"


"So, there will be no more Snow Clan in the future, and they will all become Sui Wuyue?"

In the Konoha Anbu base, Terumi Mei looked at the Uchiha clan with a funny look on her face. Not only her, but the Senju brothers also looked at the Uchiha clan with a complicated look on their faces.

They didn't expect that their minister, the minister, would play so big. The only one who behaved relatively calmly was Uzumaki Kōsai.

The Snow Clan is also considered a wealthy clan in Kirigakure Village. It is said that their family has been passed down for hundreds of years, and they were also an active family in the Land of Fire.

But at that time, they also rejected the proposal of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and refused to form a new ninja village, preferring to retain the family and private land model to survive.

Therefore, they were also one of the families that was driven into the sea by Madara Uchiha.

Unexpectedly, time had changed and they actually returned to the Country of Fire again, and they still came back in such a mess.

Not only them, but many families who were forced to leave the Country of Fire all came back, and without exception, they looked like bereaved dogs.

It's just that the Snow Clan is even more miserable. After all, from now on, they will even be stripped of their clan name that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

And it is foreseeable that other families who come to Pantao from Kirigakure Village will inevitably have this experience.

"If I had known it would turn out like this, why did I choose to resist in the first place, only for Madara to find an excuse in the end?"

Sometimes, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama couldn't help but think in their hearts, but in the end they felt that power might still be at play.

In the family model, they have supreme authority within one-third of an acre of land, and the patriarch has the power of life and death.

Even externally, some of their families are so weak that they can only participate in the monkey king struggle in the tropical rainforest, but internally they are the monkey kings!

It can only be said that I cannot see the development of the situation clearly, and I cannot blame others for ending up like this.

"That's right, Minazuki." Uchiha Zong also looked at Terumi Mei in amusement and nodded: "What do you think of this surname?"

"Anyway, I don't know what you think. As long as you feel happy."

Terumi Mei spread her hands indifferently. She had no idea how the Uchiha clan came up with such a strange last name.

But no matter what she thought, Uchiha was enjoying it now.

He thought that when he first came into contact with Naruto, it happened to be at the Naruto Bridge, and Shiro's appearance also made him think that this guy was a girl.

And at that time, there was a theory that was always popular, that is, this guy named "Shiro", his full name is Minazuki Shiro!

To be honest, this statement has been influencing him for more than ten years. It was not until he was bored with the information he searched for that he was shocked to find that there was no such thing as the "Mizumi Moon Clan".

This made him extremely uncomfortable. After all, he had been calling the name 'Mizu Wuyue Clan' for more than ten years and had become comfortable with it. But he found out that it was a fake?

"Now that I'm here and you've fallen into my hands, you must give me your last name even if you don't have this one!"

Uchiha Zong silently murmured in his heart that it was foreseeable that although the boy named Shiro would not become a boy in the future, 'Mizunazuki Shiro' would be there!

"Zong, there must be something more important for you to come to us this time, right?"

Senju Hashirama didn't know what the Uchiha clan was thinking, but he felt that it would definitely not be a simple matter for the young man in front of him to find him.

However, while asking, he did not forget to take a closer look at Xiangcai, a girl from the Uzumaki clan. He had heard about this girl, but he could only lament the injustice of fate.

He was really helpless about what happened to the Uzumaki clan, because he never imagined that the Uzumaki clan, which was so powerful at the time, would slowly become lonely, nor did he expect that Konoha would not rescue the Uzumaki clan when they were in the most critical moment.

Although Konoha may have been in difficulty at the time, such an approach made him feel that the disciple Tobirama was looking for was a heinous person, not to mention someone with a good political background.

At least in his opinion, the country of Uzumaki, which has lost the Uzumaki clan as a barrier, really can't do anything for Konoha.

Moreover, selling the Uzumaki clan in this way would really bring no benefit to Konoha at all!

But now that the matter was over, he had nothing to say. He seemed to understand why the leader of the Akatsuki organization hated the ninja world so much.

After all, he is also a member of the Uzumaki clan, and after all, he is also a member who has been betrayed by Konoha.

"I'm here with you two this time. I actually have something I need to talk to you about."

The Uchiha clan didn't know that Senju Hashirama was already stacking armor on Nagato, so he thought about it and said directly.

"And I also need your help, because I need to create a blood inheritance boundary based on water escape."

What is the limit of blood inheritance for water escape?

Terumi Mei heard this and immediately understood why this guy had found her. It was obvious that he was eyeing her water escape ability!

What makes Terumi Mei feel a little emotional is that the gap in strength between them has become so big that it is incredible, but this guy still seems to be pragmatic.

When he encounters something that he is not good at, he will still find more professional people to help him.

He glanced at himself, then at the second generation Hokage, who was said to be unparalleled in water escape, and the first generation Hokage, who was good at wood escape but was also extremely powerful in other escape techniques.

Terumi Mei suddenly felt a little funny. She never thought that one day she would stand with a group of Kages.

Although she once had the idea of ​​becoming a shadow, no matter how she looked at it, this idea seemed a bit difficult to realize.

But now, the feeling of being taken seriously makes her feel better.

"The limit of blood inheritance?"

Senju Tobirama, who had not spoken yet, frowned after hearing Uchiha Sect's words.

"Your power has reached this level, why do you still care about the power of the Blood Succession Limit?"

Senju Tobirama is very perceptive. He seems to have noticed something unusual just like Orochimaru back then.

He felt that what the Uchiha Sect was probably not worried about was the bloodline limit or the fusion of two chakras. What this guy was worried about was more!

"Because for a ninja, the limit is never the limit of blood succession or elimination of blood stains."

A smirk flashed in Uchiha Zong's heart. This Senju Tobirama was really keen, and he didn't mind saying anything to this guy.

"Because on top of these powers, there is also a power that can truly break the shackles of ninjas and completely reach an extraordinary level.

And this power is the blood inheritance snare that combines all chakra attributes and can be called the power of the gods! "

"The fusion of all chakras creates a power comparable to the gods?" Uchiha Mun's words instantly made the eyes of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama flicker.

If other people had said such words, they would probably just not believe it, but when these words came out of the mouth of the Uchiha clan, they had to think about it seriously.

"Zong, do you know what you are talking about?" Hashirama frowned, but he finally couldn't help but ask.

"Of course I know, and I also know that normally no one can truly fuse such a power."

A wicked smile appeared on Uchiha Zong's face, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Senju Tobirama.

"Because the fusion of three chakras can be regarded as the limit of human beings, I myself have fused chakras of three attributes to form a bloody elimination.

That kind of huge demand for chakra, that kind of precise control of chakra, it was really difficult for me to control it at the time. If I didn't pay attention, I might just end up with no bones left.

Not only me, I believe Orochimaru-sama will feel the same way. After all, he has also achieved the fusion of blood successor elimination, and has also begun to study the fusion of the four attributes of chakra.

It's just that after so many years, he still hasn't made much progress, so you can know how miserable this is.

However, I do know one or two ways, which are still effective abilities even if you face enemies with blood inheritance snares, or enemies at the so-called 'god' stage. "

"What is that?" Hashirama glanced at Tobirama's somewhat darkened face and asked immediately.

Deliberately throwing out something that might interest his younger brother, and then clearly telling him that it can't be done would make anyone else extremely uncomfortable.

"The answer is actually very simple. You have mastered one of them, Shodaime."

Uchiha Zong looked a little more serious, and he spoke slowly.

"That is magic. Natural chakra is an extraordinary power. Even when faced with those beings who have stepped into an extraordinary level, it can still exert unimaginable effects.

In addition to immortal magic, there is another power that I always think you can try, and that is the ultimate power obtained by fusing the power of Yin and Yang escapes, Yin and Yang escape! "

Yin and Yang escape?

They have been studying this technique for a long time, and they even saw it in documents when they were on the moon, but they really don't know how powerful this technique can be.

But now as Uchiha Sect spoke directly, they suddenly realized that the situation seemed not as simple as they imagined!

"Can the power of Yin-Yang Escape reach the level you mentioned?" Qianju Feijian thought for a moment, and finally asked in a low voice.

"At least as far as I'm concerned now, even if I make further progress, I can still feel that these two techniques are beyond my ability to resist."

Uchiha Zong nodded seriously, and there was no hint of any deception on his expression.

"Never underestimate the power of immortality and yin-yang escape. One of these two powers comes from nature, and the other is the fusion of 'spiritual' and 'physical' power.

If we really talk about these two powers, I’m afraid there is really no concept of limit.”

In the original book, no matter what kind of technique you use, when faced with the absolute defense formed by the Blood Succession Snare, any technique you use will be easily broken.

But there are only two levels of power that can be unrestricted, one is immortality, and the other is Yin Yang Escape.

Although Naruto and Sasuke's powers are the ultimate and single Yin Dun and Yang Dun, their strength can also be regarded as within the scope of Yin Yang Dun.

It's just that their power belongs to the Six Paths, so that they can reach the ultimate level of individual power, which others can't find.

But Yin Yang Dun cannot be created with one's own hands. Even if it is unimaginably difficult, it can still be created through the fusion of one's own strength!

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are people who have mastered Yin Dun and Yang Dun. They have a better foundation in this area than others.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two brothers instantly became firm.

Since their resurrection, they have seen how exaggerated the changes in this world have been, and they even feel like they have become 'remnants of the old era'.

And now that Uchiha Sect told them this, their motivation became even stronger.

They have been studying Yin Escape and Yang Escape. This is their advantage. What they have to do now is to fully utilize this advantage to the extreme!

At this moment, they finally saw the target and the direction.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Senju Tobirama seemed to realize: "Didn't you just say that elimination of blood successors is the limit, then why are you still studying the limits of blood successors?"

Senju Tobirama's words made Senju Hashirama cast a curious look, but facing these two people, Uchiha Zong spread his hands indifferently, and then he showed a smile.

“What I said before was that the ‘former me’ developed blood inheritance elimination, and I did not say that it was the me now.

Moreover, the elimination of blood inheritance is indeed the limit of ordinary people, but this does not mean that this ‘ordinary people’ include me! "

Uchiha Sect's words matched the smile on his face, causing the Senju brothers to fall completely silent almost immediately.

Even though he felt that he had been tricked and was unhappy, Senju Tobirama was completely calm at this moment, because Uchiha Mun's words completely showed a fact.

Now this boy really cannot be considered as an 'ordinary person'. This boy now has more and more of the legend that should be there, that belongs to the shadow of the Immortal of Six Paths!


Time flies so fast, and before you know it, the land of the ninja world has changed from 'autumn leaves all over the sky' to 'snow-covered'.

Finally, after experiencing the traditional Spring Festival festival in the ninja world, the world ushered in "Spring comes and the rivers are as green as blue".

However, all this does not seem to have much to do with Uchiha Madara, who lives alone underground. At this time, his eyes are tightly locked on a white body.

About half a year has passed, and now he has reached the most critical step of the experiment.

Ever since he decided to implant his own bones into Bai Zetsu's body so that Bai Zetsu could fully possess the power of himself and Senju Hashirama, he has been continuously operating.

His work level is so strong that he would have beaten everyone in his previous life.

He had no idea what rest was, and he didn't care what time was.

He doesn't need to eat or sleep. He doesn't feel tired or sleepy. He is conducting research and operations in various aspects twenty-four hours a day.

It can only be said that the reincarnation of the dirty land is really a number that can create extreme residual value. As long as you let him do what you are interested in, he can do it for you 24X7 in minutes!

Therefore, Uchiha Madara only did two things during this period. One was to study the issue of reincarnation in the dirty land, and the other was to observe the situation of this experiment.

I have to say that Uchiha Madara is indeed ridiculously strong. Although he does not seem to be a master of research in the original work, in fact, to reach his level, the analysis of various techniques has reached the extreme.

After all, he has the Sharingan, and as his strength continues to improve, his understanding of the art becomes more and more profound. Even if he is not as famous as Senju Tobirama, it does not mean that he will be inferior.

After his long-term research, he already had some concepts and ideas about the "accurate positioning" of reincarnation in the dirty land.

Now he is almost complete, and there is only one thing left that has not yet been carried out - the physical experiment.

In fact, he was already prepared, but now his other experiment had reached its most important moment, and this experiment was the most critical to him!

"My bones have been completely implanted, and now is the most critical period for response. Success or failure depends now."

Seeing the strange chakra in front of him that was constantly entangled and the body of White Zetsu was constantly distorting, Uchiha Madara didn't move much even though he was anxious.

Along the way, he has seen countless similar situations, but never once did he intervene.

Because in his opinion, once he takes action, he will leave some subtle hidden dangers to the body.

In the final analysis, if this body does not rely on its own strength to achieve what he wants, then there must be some problems that he cannot foresee.

In addition, the power of Uchiha and Senju will inevitably be combined to obtain the power of Senluo Wanxiang to recreate the Six Paths Sage.

If this body couldn't even withstand such power, how could it become his Uchiha Madara's body?


Just as he was thinking, a brand new power suddenly emerged from Bai Zetsu's body, and this power made Uchiha Madara's face reveal an ecstatic smile.

Because he knows he succeeded! ——

"That body."

Ishiki controlled Ci Xian and felt Uchiha Madara's results from a distance. He had been observing it for the past six months, and he also watched Uchiha Madara continue to improve his body to the current level.

To be honest, looking at that ugly body, Yi Shi was a little tempted.

Although this body has not reached the level he wants at all, in terms of potential, it is definitely no problem!

How could he remain calm under such circumstances?

It's just that after living in the ninja world for thousands of years, he has already learned the importance of patience. What's more, what he wants to see most is the way Uchiha Madara wakes him up.

This is the most critical thing for him, because he has already had enough of his half-dead appearance.

If he could get the technique to awaken himself and not have such high physical requirements, then he would definitely be able to do everything he wants to do!

"It's not a big deal even if you fail. For a person with such potential, even if he can't compare to that Uchiha clan, this guy will definitely not be any worse."

Ishiki silently muttered in his heart that after seeing Uchiha Madara's potential and ability, he already had an idea in his heart.

If this guy is resurrected successfully, then he must leave a wedge for this guy!

This guy is a person who can become a qualified Otsutsuki. If he meets such a person now, how could he allow himself to miss it?

As for the Uchiha clan, this boy's growth experience made him feel a little unreal.

After half a year's investigation of Zaimu's clone, he had basically locked in the person who was just one step away from becoming Otsutsuki.

And this person, not surprisingly, is the acting Hokage of Konoha Village and the current leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sect!

To be honest, no matter who he is, the Hokage or the patriarch of a family, he doesn't take it to heart.

The only thing he cared about was the situation of Uchiha Zong, and after some understanding, he was basically sure that this was the person he was looking for.

And this person's talent, even he can only be described as extraordinary!

"To be able to grow so fast and improve to this level in strength, this guy either has outstanding talent, or there may be someone behind him."

If the talent is outstanding, then this is definitely something worth getting excited about for Yi Shi, but if there is someone behind him, then he must think carefully about it.

After all, he can't exert his full strength now. If he really encounters a complete Otsutsuki, it will be a disaster for him.

Although Ichiki has always been confident in his abilities and strength, since he was sneak attacked by Kaguya Otsutsuki, he knew that he had to be extremely cautious and cautious.

Back then, he would not have taken Kaguya seriously at all, but his excessive arrogance led to his current situation, which he will never forget!

"It's better to wait and see the final result."

Yishi took a deep breath to suppress all the distracting thoughts and thoughts in his heart, and then he muttered silently in his heart.

"I've been waiting for thousands of years, and it's not that long ago. I hope this guy can surprise me, and I also hope that the situation behind the Uchiha clan is not so complicated, right?"

But just as he was thinking, his expression suddenly changed slightly, because he noticed a special aura spreading within the Grass Country.

And this kind of breath made him feel that his soul was excited, and this breath also made him suddenly realize who was coming!

Not surprisingly, this aura is that guy from the Uchiha Sect.

"Why is he here? What's going on?"

Thinking in his heart, Yishi immediately hid himself deeper, and at the same time he followed quietly.

It's not surprising that the wooden clone couldn't detect this information. After all, the wooden clone's strength is limited, and this guy is considered a high-level person. It's unrealistic to completely lock him down.

Now he just wants to figure out what the purpose of this guy is here, and at the same time, he also feels that this is an opportunity.

"Just in time to see if there is really someone behind this guy!"


Walking in the forest of the Land of Grass, Uchiha Zong seemed to be in a good mood.

Although stepping into the Kingdom of Grass again made him feel a little bored, the years of practice here did make him feel that he needed to take a walk.

After all, being bored in Konoha and practicing hard has made his strength grow tremendously, but it also makes him feel a little tired, especially since his current situation cannot be solved by hard training.

"I really didn't expect that the activation of the Blood Succession Snare is actually bound to the Samsara Eye."

While walking in the dense forest, Uchiha Zong thought about his current gains, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

[Blood Successor Snare (SSS): The current fusion degree is 100%, and the current progress is 99%. The reincarnation eye needs to be raised to activate the bloodline before the activation can be completed]

That's right, his Blood Succession Snare has reached 100% integrability!

With the help of the Senju brothers and the four generations of Mizukage in the original work, his development of the Blood Succession Limit led by Shui Dun was particularly smooth.

You must know that the people he found are all very good at water escape. With their help, he himself has sufficient experience in developing blood inheritance boundaries.

This made him particularly comfortable in the development of new blood successors, and when he completely developed the limits of water escape blood successors, the biggest test for him came.

That is whether his system's blood inheritance snare can completely integrate the blood inheritance limits he developed!

Although he has always felt that his system can do all this, he has never tried it, not to mention that his system did not give him many prompts.

This kind of urine really makes him feel helpless. Fortunately, his system has always preferred to explore and discover by himself, but there seems to be nothing worth hiding about this kind of thing, right?

However, he had long been used to it and was relatively skilled in this situation, so he started trying as soon as possible.

The result made him quite happy, because just as he thought, his system could indeed help him achieve everything he wanted!

After he introduced the last 'Boiling Escape' into the Blood Succession Snare in his system, his prompt reached 100%. At the same time, he also felt that the chakra in his body began to become extremely chaotic.

And amidst such chaotic 'stirring', he clearly felt that his chakras were constantly intertwined and fused with each other!

This kind of fusion allowed him to clearly feel that his blood was constantly boiling, his chakra was also constantly leaping forward, and he also discovered the operating rules of his system.

While it is integrating the Uchiha Sect chakra, it is also constantly stimulating his chakra to fill the unbalanced chakra ratio in those blood inheritance limits!

To be honest, all this frightened him, because the amount of chakra consumed by such an inducement was too huge.

In order to allow himself to pass smoothly, he even turned on Susanoo and guided the power of the Tsangikan to provide chakra!

Finally, under such a huge chakra, his system operation became stable.

Fortunately, these powers are bound within the framework of the system, otherwise they would have exploded long ago if he had been allowed to control them!

"If it really explodes, I'm afraid I will become the first time traveler to fuse with the Blood Successor Snare but blow myself up to death."

Uchiha Zong smiled bitterly in his heart, and this kind of integration did not happen overnight. This was what caused him the most pain.

And what was most painful to him was that after he spent a long time basically condensing these chakras together, he suddenly discovered that the last one percent would no longer change at all.

But this time his system gave him a prompt, but this prompt made him somewhat depressed.

Looking at this prompt, Uchiha Zong couldn't help but touch his chin. He felt that his system was really interesting.

The improvement of the Samsara Eye requires the foundation of the Blood Successor Snare, and the activation of the Blood Succession Snare requires the improvement of the Samsara Eye to activate blood vessels. This means that these two abilities need to be upgraded at the same time to achieve the effect!

"Although I have always known that there are some pitfalls in my system, it is really true that such important information was not disclosed at all."

He shook his head helplessly. Although he had been screwed by his system so many times, he really didn't feel much about it before.

After all, he had a clear understanding of Sharingan, Mangekyou and Eternal Eye before this. Even if the system hid some information, he could prepare in advance.

But after reaching the Samsara Eye and raising himself to the level of Otsutsuki, apart from knowing how to seal the Ten-Tails or swallow the sacred tree, he really doesn't know anything else!

It can be said that he is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and he doesn't know exactly how far he can reach it.

But fortunately, even if he is crossing the river by feeling for stones, he has reached this point.

He has now reached the final step in a true sense. The last step will allow him to completely enter the level of Otsutsuki, or reach the so-called "Six Paths" level!


As he walked, Uchiha Zong suddenly frowned because he suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be watching him.

He is very confident in his perception. After all, with his strength at his level, he basically doesn't have many weaknesses.

And he also noticed that the person who was constantly probing him looked very strange. His chakra seemed so chaotic, as if it was mixed together.

In addition, he also noticed that this guy seemed to have two souls and consciousnesses!

Such a strange feeling made him feel a little weird, and he was now very curious about who was exploring him.

After all, he hasn't felt like this for a long time.

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