Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 204 System improvement and post-war (please subscribe)

[Pupillary Technique: Samsara Eye Gains Experience +30]

[Pupil Technique: Samsara Eye (SSS) has been upgraded: Level 4 (1/400)]

On the desolate land, the barrier deployed by the Six Paths Sage began to retreat, while the Uchiha Sect stood quietly watching the information in his eyes.

He felt very tired now, and even his recovery ability could not withstand such a high-intensity battle.

But now that everything is over, he can take a good breather, and now he is also curious about what kind of message his eyes will give him.

The first piece of information that came into his eyes made him nodded slightly. This information was something he had already expected.

After all, his eyes are bound to the improvement of his bloodline. However, the integration of his bloodline and eyes was not synchronized before, so he needed a time for power to resonate.

This time had already begun when he and Tao Shi were working hard, and he had already guessed the result at that time.

And now when he sees this information, and at this moment he can feel the ultimate control over his own power, he is absolutely sure that he has done it!

"The complete connection and integration of the eyes and blood power not only allows me to focus on improving my eyes in the future, but also completely helps me complete the complete integration of the power in my body."

Uchiha Zong gently clenched his fist. Although he felt very weak at this time, his inner excitement was not less.

The complete integration of power is something he has been doing all his life. It can even be said that he has been working hard since he absorbed the power of Senju Hashirama.

Thanks to his efforts, none of the power he had developed himself was missed, but the power absorbed from outside was still somewhat flawed.

Even if this does not affect his overall combat effectiveness, it will not prevent him from exerting his maximum effectiveness, but there may be some minor problems in the details.

But now, after this upgrade, all these problems have been perfectly solved!

Just like the time he used [Reincarnation and Controlling the Sky] before, it was true that not a single bit of power was wasted. It was a complete mobilization and integration of every part of his power.

Such an extreme feeling really made him obsessed, and it really made him feel that he was constantly transforming.

"Besides this, this complete integration has also solved a doubt in my heart."

Uchiha Zong touched his chin, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"As expected, if your strength reaches Otsutsuki's level, you should indeed have the power of time.

Even though the degree of mastery may not be high, this power will not really be absent!

After all, this is also the true power of ‘god’, and Otsutsuki is really a god in some sense.”

With the completion of this fusion, Uchiha Zong also clearly felt that his eyes could see more things again.

Before, he could see the flow of various forces and the structural changes in the space in front of him, but now he can not only see more, he can even see the flow of time.

The power of time is no longer mysterious to him now, and opening this veil really makes him more aware of the terrifying power of nature.

In addition, he discovered that he could not only see these powers, but also had the related ability to control time in his eyes!

"Although it is a pity that such control ability does not form a separate pupil technique, but it is not a big deal."

Uchiha Zong silently murmured in his heart that although it was a pity that he did not form a separate pupil technique, it was indeed not a big deal to him.

The lack of a separate pupil technique only means that he cannot feel certain specific ways of using the power of time, just like his pupil techniques 'Tian Shihu' and 'Huang Quanjin' are originally ways of using space.

Moreover, the formation of such pupil techniques is a very trouble-free and labor-saving power for him. Perhaps for him in the early stage, the use of these techniques was simply fatal, after all, his eyes could not support it.

But now, these techniques have become his best guarantee to save his own power. It can only be said that it is now and then.

The power of time did not form the pupil technique, but it did not prevent him from using these powers, but this required him to develop it himself.

However, these powers, like his eye skills, can continue to grow as his eyes improve, which makes him feel quite relieved.

"After all, my eyes are the real core now, and this is what I need to pay most attention to. As for the other things, I can take my time, and I'm afraid everything else has basically come to an end."

Uchiha Zong was thinking silently in his heart. At this time, the system interface in his eyes had actually become very simple. This could be regarded as another huge change in his improvement this time.

[Skill proficiency system has been started]

[Pupillary Technique·Sharingan (SS): 10 (MAX)]

[Pupillary Technique: Samsara Eye (SSS): Level 4 (1/100)]

[Skill (Primal Power) (SSS): Level 4 (1/400)]

That's right, this time all the techniques he had practiced so hard had disappeared from the panel, and only the concept of 'skill' remained in their place!

Even the terrifying power of Yin-Yang Escape and the immortal skills he obtained by sealing the dragon veins have been completely classified at this moment.

To put it simply, no matter what technique he performs at this time, it has been completely classified into the collection of a single 'technique'.

"This also means that all the spells I perform in the future can be regarded as the power of 'SSS'."

Understanding this change, Uchiha Zong really couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking back then, he had worked so hard for so long to hone the use of those techniques, but now these powers were directly classified and gathered, which made him feel a little depressed.

After all, this also means that he wasted a lot of time!

But after thinking about it, he quickly recovered. Although it was a waste of time at first, it was something he definitely needed to practice.

He was not that strong at that time. If he had not gone through this training, he was not sure how far he could have grown.

At least when facing some powerful characters, he didn't have these skills to rely on. He really couldn't defeat those enemies so easily!

What's more, in such training and tempering, it can be said that the creed of 'addicted to practice' has been added to his character.

This allowed him to practice hard all the way and get to where he is today.

"And after these powers are completely classified into a unified 'skill', it has brought me a lot of improvement."

Uchiha took a deep breath. Before his technique reached the 'S' level, he could complete an incredible transformation.

And such a transformation would bring him unknown benefits, but there were too many techniques, and it was impossible for him to practice them all to the full level.

Now he can actually do it, after all, he really has too much time, but now he doesn't need it, because he already has it!

And he also understood why the technique transformed when it reached 'S' level, because it meant that his understanding of a 'jutsu' had reached a new level.

What's more, as Otsutsuki at this time, as the original owner of chakra power, it is unimaginable even if he does not hone his understanding of the art!

This change made him more flexible in the use of magic, and also made his combat effectiveness more terrifying.

"However, I still have a long way to go."

Although Uchiha Zong was extremely excited, after all, this time he had truly and completely completed his transformation, he quickly calmed down.

Although he is really strong now, he has just taken this step, and he still has a long way to go.

He already knows that his limits are unimaginable. He can continue to move forward towards the road of the God of Otsutsuki. Naturally, he cannot stop here!


Just as Uchiha Zong was deep in thought, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

Turning around, he saw several figures running towards him quickly. He didn't even need to look carefully to know that it was Orochimaru and Shisui who were coming.

He glanced at Otsutsuki Momoshiki who had fallen to the ground and had completely lost his life breath, but still maintained his unique vitality, and a smile appeared on his face.

Especially when he saw the unique new reincarnation eyes on this guy's forehead and arms, the smile on his face became even brighter.

This is the perfect experimental material. This is the biggest gain from this battle besides the huge improvement!

A complete corpse of Otsutsuki. The current price-performance ratio of this thing is more meaningful than the corpse closest to the God of Otsutsuki in Ishiki Otsutsuki's hands.

Because Momoshiki's body not only has great research value, but also has a very good space for exploration for the Uchiha Sect.

Even if he doesn't use this guy's cells, after all, he has already reached this point and there is no need to use such things to improve himself.

But learning from other people's body secrets is still very valuable for self-improvement, even if you can do it without worrying about any strong rejection reactions.

He is also willing to let Shisui and the others try some Momoshiki cells. After all, this is a real Otsutsuki, and his power may also bring unexpected effects!

But this is just a thought. In the final analysis, Momoshiki and Kaguya are different. Even if they are both Otsutsuki, the ratio of bloodline and strength growth has already determined a lot of things.

"But there is absolutely no problem if you study it carefully. After all, this is Otsutsuki."



In an uninhabited land in the ninja world, suddenly an excessively deep black hole appeared in the sky. The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the black hole, and he fell heavily to the ground.

The severe pain made the figure's body slightly stiff, but he soon seemed to wake up, and then raised his head and looked around confusedly.

"Where is this place?"

This man was wrapped in bandages, and his expression seemed a little confused. He soon woke up and his face became extremely angry.


This person is obviously Beiliuhu. At this time, he has already recalled what happened to him!

He was actually controlled by a mysterious Uchiha without any resistance. The strong difference in power made him feel cold even thinking about it now.

The scarlet, constantly rotating three-magatama Sharingan seemed to be still echoing in his mind.

That kind of feeling of being a slave to someone else, really made him desperate to the extreme!

"But who is this Uchiha, and where am I now?"

Although Bei Liuhu was angry in his heart, he did not forget that he was still a ninja. He immediately adjusted his mood and looked around while thinking.

The purpose of his action this time was naturally to find a suitable Uchiha to obtain the Sharingan, but he did not expect that he would actually meet one right away.

However, this Uchiha was so strong that he never imagined that he would be defeated in just one face-to-face encounter. This was something he never thought about.

Such a power gap really made him think about whether he was right to put the Sharingan in the power he wanted to obtain.

After all, any Uchiha he meets is so terrifying, so how strong will the other Uchiha be?

"It seems that the plan must be changed."

Biliuhu muttered silently in his heart, but at this moment he felt confused again, because after his observation, he found that he seemed to be in a place that he didn't even know.

For a ninja, they naturally need to have a sufficient understanding of the entire ninja world. Only in this way can it be convenient for them to perform tasks.

But at this moment, he found that the environment around him was really unfamiliar, as if he had arrived in an unknown place.

There is not even a soul in this ghost place. It is dilapidated and desolate everywhere, and it looks like it is not suitable for human habitation at all.

More importantly, he had no idea how he got to this place.

He didn't even know what happened to him after he was controlled by that Uchiha Sect's illusion!

"Forget it, leave as soon as possible no matter where you are, and then slowly understand your own situation."

Bei Liuhu made a quick decision in his heart, and then he immediately stood up and walked towards the distance.

He already has a new plan in his heart, he already has a new plan in his heart.

This failure is terrible, but fortunately he did not die. This is his chance. As long as he is alive, he can start over!

"Sooner or later I will get the power of the Sharingan, and sooner or later I will get everything I need."

Bei Liuhu was thinking silently, but what he didn't notice was that there was an invisible mark under his bandaged arm——

"Are you sure what you said is true?"

A few days later, in the Kirigakure Village of the Land of Water, Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu looked at Nagato and Obito in front of them with solemn expressions.

At this time, they received a shocking message. Both of them had witnessed the so-called real battle of six paths!

No one can tell clearly what the power of Six Paths is, because for now, they have not really reached this state, so it is difficult for them to make any accurate judgment on such power.

All they can know is that this power is really powerful and terrifying. Such power is completely beyond their imagination and understanding.

That's all, very general and irregular, but it also makes people endlessly daydream.

However, now, Obito and Nagato came back in embarrassment, and they also said that they had witnessed the collision of real six-path power, which made Uchiha Madara really couldn't help but feel a little boiling in his heart.

He has been studying the reincarnation of the earth these days. Even though Obito has given him a higher version of the earth reincarnation from Konoha, it is not perfect enough for him.

What he longs for is a stronger, more perfect reincarnation of the dirty earth. Only in this way can he have more powerful power after resurrection.

What's more, there are many things that he doesn't need to worry about now, and he doesn't have the strength to worry about it completely, so he puts all his energy into the transformation of techniques.

But this time he suddenly regretted it. Although he did not reach the top, Uchiha Madara always had the heart to reach the top!

He didn't see such an extreme collision of power, which really made him feel extremely regretful. Why did he regret not going to watch this battle?

"Of course it's true. Everything is happening before our eyes. How can we see or feel wrong?"

Obito sighed and said with a serious expression.

"That kind of power destroys the world and destroys the earth. That kind of power seems to be infinite. I'm afraid no one will admit this feeling."

"It's just that this time, it doesn't seem like the impact was as big as last time?"

Uchiha Madara also looked extremely serious. He did not doubt too much. He had already recognized the power of the Uchiha Sect.

And through the descriptions of Obito and Nagato, the Uchiha Sect seems to have become more powerful this time, but the disaster caused last time is still vivid in his mind.

This time it was obviously stronger, so why did the damage and impact caused become smaller?

"It's a barrier. I don't know whose power set up the barrier." Nagato frowned and looked at Uchiha Madara. He felt somewhat unhappy but still spoke.

This was the first time he had seen Uchiha Madara. Although he didn't know why Obito would take him to see this guy, his inner hostility towards Uchiha Madara was really not small.

After all, he knew that he was completely Uchiha Madara's pawn, and his eyes were the products that Uchiha Madara left behind to resurrect him.

Everything about him was woven by Uchiha Madara. How could he have even a slight affection for Uchiha Madara in his heart?

But he can still control his emotions. He knows very well that now is not the time to show off. He knows very well that what he needs to do now is to cooperate with this guy Obito.

Therefore, even though he was unhappy when he saw Uchiha Madara, he still acted very indifferent and calm, as if he didn't take this person seriously at all.

"Boundary?" Uchiha Madara glanced at Nagato, and finally he nodded slightly.

Although it was somewhat unexpected to meet Nagato now, this kid was brought here by Obito, and he did not have to accept it no matter what the purpose was.

After all, Obito's strength now makes him realize that this brat has the qualifications to bargain with him, and they are now partners.

Even if he always wants to overturn the table in his heart, after all, the only one who can cooperate with him in his heart is Senju Hashirama, but he must also recognize the reality.

Resurrecting and getting back his own power is the key. Things have to be prioritized. He can wait to discuss other issues.

What's more, his mind is full of doubts now, but what kind of power can stop the confrontation between two six-path existence?

This question is really important, and this question is indeed very critical, but now he can't think of a suitable answer at all.

After all, in his opinion, the Uchiha Sect has reached the level of Six Paths, and it is probably very difficult for anyone to stop it.

But now not only does someone appear once again who can fight against this guy, but there is also a more powerful force that can block the aftermath of their battle.

This makes even a proud person like Uchiha Madara feel confused, but unfortunately he really can't think of a reason now.

But Black Zetsu next to him was extremely shocked. Just because Uchiha Madara couldn't think of it doesn't mean it was something he couldn't think of.

He had already thought of a possibility at this time, a possibility that made him feel even more urgent!

"Is it Hagoromo or Hamura?"

Compared to Uchiha Madara and the others, they do have a lot of incomprehension about the world. Black is quite transparent about this world.

Thousands of years have allowed him to know most of the world's secrets, especially those from ancient times. He knows them inside out.

According to what Uchiha Madara said before, and what Obito and Nagato said this time, this made him realize a very serious problem, that is, his mother's enemies may have really arrived!

This situation made him somewhat desperate. He believed that his mother could cope with all this, but he had not yet rescued his mother at all.

Of course, Hamura and Hagoromo, who can seal his mother and can be regarded as his brothers in a real sense, should also have this ability.

He would not believe what the world knew, that these two people were dead now, but what he could believe was that these two people would not easily interfere in this world.

After all, he has really done a lot of things over the course of thousands of years.

Even if this is related to the fact that his body is completely composed of yin and yang escape, and its concealment is so strong that it is unimaginable, and he believes that his mother was sealed but he did not hold it back in the end.

But these two real brothers are not weak, otherwise they would not really reach that point.

It's just that these two brothers, who never seem to take action, are actually motivated this time, which makes him feel a greater sense of urgency.

He no longer has the mind to care about why the Uchiha clan is so strong. After all, no matter how strong this kid is, he can't be stronger than his two nominal brothers.

"This world is really too crazy!"

Hei Jue couldn't help but curse secretly in his heart, but it would be useless to curse anymore, because there were too many variables now, and he had to consider whether this era was really suitable to rescue his mother.

But it's impossible for him to give up. His only mission and the only value of his existence is to save his mother.

"Okay, I think I know." After a while, Uchiha Madara sighed quietly: "I didn't expect that you would encounter so many accidents in this operation."

"There are indeed a lot of surprises, especially those from extraterrestrial visitors." Obito nodded: "But their presence has also relieved our pressure, but I think we need to keep a low profile for a while."

"Well, we need to keep a low profile." Uchiha nodded: "Those ancestors of Kage have probably given a lot of hatred to the ninja world, but now they don't dare to act rashly."

"After all, there are those extraterrestrial visitors, but we have also shown our value." Obito directly took over Uchiha Madara's words.

He has grown tremendously, and he can naturally answer many things, and in this way, Uchiha Madara can be more fearful and cooperative. After all, this is what a collaborator should be like.

"Then protect those Kage materials and don't let the ninja world take them back."

Uchiha Madara thought seriously for a moment, and then he slowly spoke.

"Although the ninja world hates us now, they won't take action easily if they think about it. After all, no one knows when those extraterrestrial visitors will come.

And once we take action and really crush them, they will probably be worried about us cooperating with those extraterrestrial visitors.

Although according to your story, those guys may not have simple goals, and they probably don't want to cooperate. They want to get what they want and destroy the world.

And it is impossible for us to cooperate with them. What we want is a peaceful world rather than a lifeless world, but those in the ninja world dare not gamble.

This is our opportunity. We need to recharge our batteries now and accumulate our strength. Only in this way can we enter the market again.

Thereby creating everything we want and everything our hearts desire! "

Uchiha Madara is very clear-headed. Although the appearance of those extraterrestrial visitors is not a good thing, it is definitely not a bad thing for them now.

The power displayed by Uchiha Zong was too strong, which made him have an irresistible thought in his heart.

But it was absolutely impossible for him not to resist, and in his opinion, his confrontation with the Uchiha Sect was already a confrontation about faith.

His belief was left by the Sage of Six Paths, the real way to bring peace to the ninja world, and he also opened his own reincarnation eye.

Uchiha Sect also opened the Samsara Eye, but he did not believe in the methods of the Six Paths Sage at all. He was using his own will to construct a peaceful world that belonged to him.

The two sides have different philosophies, and both believe that they are orthodox, and both have the Samsara Eye.

Then such a confrontation will never stop easily, and they will continue to fight for their beliefs.

It's really hard to say who will win and who will lose, and based on the current situation, Uchiha Madara is at an absolute disadvantage.

But he has no intention of stopping at all. In addition to proving his ideas, he also has his own pride.

After all, he is a genius of the Uchiha clan. After all, he is the one with the Eternal Eye. After all, he is the first person to open the Reincarnation Eye!

He would never believe that he would lose to the Uchiha Sect so easily.——

"Have you brought it back yet? This is good news."

A few days later, in a forest outside Konoha Village, Ci Xian's eyes were fixed on Konoha in the distance.

At this time, Konoha has been repaired, and even those woods have been rebuilt because of Senju Hashirama.

It can be said that Konoha now looks no different from before, and even Konoha now looks even more majestic!

But Ci Xian's thoughts were not here. He was still thinking about how he was going to get Momoshi's body.

Even a part of the organization is completely enough for him!

If he wants to be resurrected, the most ideal way is to use a 'wedge' to assimilate a potential person, and then turn him into his own carrier to fully resurrect himself.

But after thousands of years, he has not found a suitable candidate. This makes him extremely disappointed and he can only wait secretly. However, the current situation has made it impossible for him to wait any longer.

There is an Ōtsutsuki whose hidden strength is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and there is an existence like the Uchiha Sect that has grown up to Ōtsutsuki and can even kill Momoshiki.

All of this is explaining one thing. If he wants to survive in this world, he can only continue like this, just like a rat in the sewer who will never recover!

This kind of thing would be intolerable to normal people, let alone a powerful Ishiki, and it would be impossible for him to endure such a thing.

But while monitoring and observing Uchiha Madara, he suddenly discovered that some of the techniques in this world were very interesting.

Uchiha Madara's current state was like this, which suddenly made him have some thoughts in his heart.

"If this guy can do it, why can't I try and do it?"

But he didn't take this idea seriously at first, after all, he hadn't been severely beaten by the Uchiha Sect at that time.

But it's different now. Not only was he beaten severely, but he also saw that the Uchiha Sect's promotion had surpassed him at this time.

If he doesn't make some necessary changes and make some necessary preparations, then he will really have to live as a sewer rat for the rest of his life.

Maybe he could try to resurrect and then use his remaining time to explode.

But if he does this, he will really be finished, and there will really be no room for him to turn around!

It was at this time that the idea that had appeared when he was observing Uchiha Madara came to his mind again, and now he really started to think seriously about the feasibility of this matter.

"After observation, it is actually unrealistic to use the technique called Earth Reincarnation to resurrect me. There are many reasons."

Yishi is also a person who has completely mastered the 'skill'. He can understand many things at a glance and quickly analyze the key points.

“The first point is that if I die, my soul will most likely not go to the pure land of this world, but will disappear into ashes.

However, this kind of thing is not impossible to deal with. As long as the operation is good, this step can be completely avoided. Although I am not as good as before my death, it does not mean that I have no power! "

Yishi thought quickly in his mind. If he was as powerful as him, his soul would probably dissipate if he really died.

There's no way around it. If they could keep their souls, they wouldn't have to get something like a 'wedge'. Wouldn't it be better to just change their bodies?

After all, there are only a few people like the Sage of Six Paths who can still maintain great power after giving up their bodies, not to mention that even they stay in the Pure Land after giving up their bodies.

This may be a kind of natural law. Maybe this can be regarded as the feedback they get from following the natural law. They have not devoured endless lives to strengthen themselves.

However, although Ishiki is not sure where his soul will go, he can use his own power to modify this technique.

After all, this is to connect to the pure land to summon the soul, so why can't he change the connection place so that he can directly enter the final process of being summoned?

"Beyond that, the reincarnation of the dirty land cannot bear my power.

It's not that this technique can't fully bring my power, but it's a problem with the carrier. Otsutsuki's power cannot be withstood by an ordinary body! "

Perhaps this issue is the biggest and most troublesome issue for Yi Shi at this time.

It was easy to revive himself, but in the end, how to choose the carrier of power put him in a dilemma.

This was also the reason why he decisively did not continue to explore this technique at that time, because he knew that no one in this world could carry his own power unless he was a person like the Uchiha Sect.

However, now he thought of one more thing. He had not forgotten that Uchiha Madara was constantly adjusting his body in the basement!

This scene appeared in his mind, which decisively made him think of some possibilities. Perhaps he could use Otsutsuki's body tissue to cultivate the body he needed?

Once this thought appeared, he could never stop it, and this thought also drove him to do something now!

"Momo's body, even if it's just a small part"

He could predict that Momoshiki would fail, especially since he could feel Momoshiki's aura becoming weaker and weaker, which also doomed this guy's death.

He had to admit that it was Uchiha Madara who inspired him, after all, he had observed what Uchiha Madara did for so long.

But now he can learn from it. He can get Tao Shi's body tissues, and then use these tissues as seeds to cultivate a body that he can use!

"This is the only thing I can do at the moment. This is an opportunity I must seize."

Ishiki silently muttered to himself that it was precisely because of this that he appeared on the outskirts of Konoha, because he was going to do something extremely dangerous.

He believed that Momoshiki's body could not have been randomly discarded by the Uchiha Sect. The most likely thing for this guy was to bring the body back and study it carefully.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in this world, not to mention that it was the body of an Otsutsuki!

And this is exactly the case. Even though he was extremely cautious at this time and did not dare to use his own power to explore, he also locked on a trace of Taoshi's power.

"You have to be careful next. They will definitely hide Tao Shi's body. Finding the body is not an easy task."

Yi Shi muttered silently, suppressing the excitement in his heart and controlling his breath, not letting himself be exposed even a little bit.

"As long as I get it, then I will have a chance. There must be no accidents in this matter, absolutely not!"


"Okay, don't worry about me so much, I'm really fine."

Within Konoha, Uchiha Sect was helplessly surrounded by a group of people, which made him feel that his head was a little big.

It's true that he spent a lot of money in this battle, and he also suffered a lot of injuries. After all, he was a real Otsutsuki.

It would be truly unbelievable if he was not injured when facing such an enemy.

But the problem is that the opponent is Otsutsuki, and so is he!

His recovery ability is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people. He has recovered well in a few days, and now he has no problem if he is allowed to fight again.

But the problem was that he thought he was fine, but Xiangcai and Tsunade were completely worried, which really made him feel a little headache.

"Besides, instead of worrying about my body, I think you should think more about how to deal with Otsutsuki's body."

Uchiha Zong helplessly spread his hands, and he spoke slowly.

"This is a real Otsutsuki. Although he is dead, I believe you can feel it. His body is more active than the original one after the death of the first generation."

"This." Senju Hashirama couldn't help but touch his head in embarrassment after hearing Uchiha Sect's words. He always felt that it was inappropriate to say this in front of him.

"It is indeed much stronger, and this body is indeed more worthy of study." Orochimaru nodded seriously, and Senju Tobirama also nodded.

This scene made Senju Hashirama purse his lips. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he simply shut up and stood aside.

"Research is inevitable. After all, with such a powerful power and such a terrifying body, it would be inappropriate if we don't study it carefully."

Uchiha Zong nodded, he had quietly changed the topic, and naturally he would not let the topic come back again.

"But I must tell you that research is possible but experiments must be done with extreme caution. After all, there were many, many accidents in the original experiment.

The reason why we were able to succeed in the follow-up was not only the optimization carried out by Uchiha Madara, but also the issue of bloodline, but this Momoshiki has nothing to do with us.

Therefore, I suggest that it is best to study the chakra left in his body. After all, it is the true power of the Blood Succession Snare. "

"I understand." Orochimaru nodded directly, and he had absolutely no objection to Uchiha Sect's suggestion.

After all, Uchiha Sect is already ahead of all of them, and his advice is definitely the most worth listening to.

Looking at the extremely young man in front of him, and recalling his step-by-step journey to where he is today, Orochimaru's heart was suddenly filled with emotion.

However, he was filled with emotion and excitement at the same time, because he had truly witnessed the emergence of a legend.

I have seen an ordinary person step by step reach the point where he can stir up troubles in the entire ninja world, and reach the point where he is the Sage of Six Paths.

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