Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 213 My stupid former patriarch

Now that Uchiha Zong has the idea to end the battle, he will never delay it.

He already understood Uchiha Madara's situation, and the progress was very good but not enough.

This is not enough to make this guy have better value when dealing with those Otsutsuki in the future, so he needs to go further.

Regarding Uchiha Madara's situation, Zong actually had a very clear idea, that is, to suppress him from beginning to end, so that he would be filled with that unhappiness in his heart.

But if he really wants to kill him, maybe Zong needs to think carefully.

From a standpoint, killing Uchiha Madara is a very good choice. After all, this guy's potential is no joke.

In the original work, after devouring the sacred tree, he truly reached the level of the complete Six Paths.

If Hei Jue hadn't ripped out his heart, it's hard to say what the final battle would have been like.

Although Kaguya is strong, she has no combat experience at all, and she also listened to Black Zetsu's blind instructions. After this, Kaguya not only lost her arm but was sealed again.

Uchiha Madara is not as good as Kaguya in terms of physical strength, but this guy's rich combat experience is really amazing.

Zong also took a fancy to this, and with such rich practical experience and strength, he gradually reached the level of Six Paths.

This is not only one of the best candidates to deal with those Otsutsuki, but also one of the best candidates to serve as his own whetstone so that he can continue to improve!

Of course, he actually needs to consider the feelings of that idiot Obito.

That guy Obito's hatred for Uchiha Madara has gone deep into his bones, and Obito is completely his own person, so he will still consider his feelings for his subordinates.

That's why he chose to constantly stimulate Uchiha Madara. Even such stimulation may be equivalent to humiliation in Uchiha Madara's eyes!

With such a premise, even if Uchiha Madara willingly becomes a tool, he will eventually have a final battle with the Uchiha Sect.

Even if he would definitely tell Uchiha Madara that he was deceived like a fool, he would still come to an understanding with the Uchiha clan despite his arrogant personality!

"Huh? Since we have to fight in the end, why don't I tell this guy now?"

Uchiha Zong was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then he simply knocked Uchiha Madara and his Susano away instantly, and the whole person stopped in mid-air and began to think.


Uchiha Madara flew backwards for an unknown distance before he stopped. The space blocked by the Uchiha Sect was not particularly large, but this space seemed to be infinitely folded.

The layers of space seem to be endless and without boundaries. It is impossible to know how far it has been extended.

Uchiha Madara's attack was defeated by Zong, and his first reaction was to immediately prepare for defense. If he was caught at this time, he would have no chance.

Of course, he doesn't actually have any chance now, it's just that the Uchiha Sect hasn't really been cruel to him.

After all, until now, Uchiha Sect has not let his state change into that white-clothed fluttering, seemingly fairy-like posture!

However, when he was carefully prepared to deal with it, he was surprised to find that the Uchiha clan was standing there thinking.

It seemed as if he really didn't take himself seriously, and it seemed as if he didn't put this battle here at all.

This attitude really made Uchiha Madara furious. He would rather be killed by the Uchiha Sect than be so insulted!


Madara Uchiha, who was furious, calmed down instead. He looked indifferently at the Uchiha Sect in the sky, and he suddenly took a deep breath.

Since others have given him a chance, there is no reason why he should not seize the opportunity!

The chakra in his body was running crazily at this moment, especially the power of Yin Yang Escape, which was driven to an extreme by him at this moment.

At this time, he had completely withdrawn the Ring Tomb clone, because he knew that this power could not cause even a little harm to the Uchiha Sect.

In this case, he might as well use some of the characteristics of this power to make some more valuable attacks!

"Don't you have the power to master space? Isn't this the power you are most proud of? Although I can't do this, I can't refer to this power!"

The vast chakra was constantly stirring in his body, and under his desperate extreme operation, he couldn't help but let out a roar.

In an instant, his Susanoo seemed to have grown a lot higher again, and the terrifying pressure had filled the entire space!

"Huh?" Uchiha Zong glanced at Uchiha Madara unexpectedly, and he couldn't help but laugh a little.

This guy really knows how to seize opportunities and has already prepared a fatal blow while he was thinking.

Fortunately, this is also in line with Uchiha Sect's thoughts. What he wants is the understanding he wants to complete.

What's more, he has already thought about it, and he plans to use this last blow to do something more interesting.

"In that case, let's do it."

Uchiha Chakra also rippled rapidly, and it was at this moment that Uchiha Madara took action.


As Susanoo swung his sword, the entire space shook in an instant, and the endless chakra roared fiercely.

The ultimate Yin-Yang Escape power, along with Susana's ninja sword, turned into a huge sword light and rushed towards the Uchiha Sect instantly.

And what surprised Uchiha Zong a little was that this sword actually had strong spatial fluctuations. It was obvious that Uchiha Madara used the power of space in this blow!

"Is this the wheel tomb space?"

Uchiha Zong frowned, and soon he discovered the mystery.

Although the Wheel Tomb and the Border Prison create shadows and clones that exist in the Wheel Tomb space, its attack mode can actually be regarded as a kind of space power, because it really spans the dimensions of space.

Uchiha Madara thought of using such a method at this moment, which was somewhat beyond the Uchiha Sect's expectations.

But this makes it even more interesting. This time the battle has not been very intense for him so far. He can't even feel any improvement in his Samsara Eye.

This was really not good for him. He had even planned to gain little, but Uchiha Madara's final blow made him feel threatened.

Dealing with such a threat will definitely bring him extraordinary gains. Even if the gains are not big, at least he can improve his proficiency!

And he also discovered something interesting, that this sword was really similar to the 'Boundless Slash' he had created himself.

"In that case, then"

The three magatama in Uchiha Sect's reincarnation eyes began to rotate rapidly, and at this moment, his body exuded a terrifying aura.

"Let me show you how to use this knife!"

The ninja sword in his hand suddenly gathered huge power, and he swung it down in an instant.

With this knife, the space suddenly became dark, and the condensed power of Yin Yang Escape suddenly exploded!

Nothing flashy, no aftermath leaked out, but it makes people feel a tremor deep in their souls.

Uchiha Madara's expression changed, because he could see that this sword was the same as his own attack.

Is this bastard planning to teach him how to behave? ——


Amidst the earth-shattering sound, ring-shaped rays of light shot out, and the center of the entire space seemed to be shrouded in the light of destruction at this moment.

Terrifying energy soared into the sky, and earth-shattering sounds penetrated the world. The next moment, the invisible impact caused by this force had spread out.

After all, this time it was an attack involving space, and no matter how careful you were, you couldn't avoid everything.

The shattered space and wanton rays of light stunned all the Kumogakure ninjas who were watching this from a distance.

Especially looking at the glass-like space fragments and the huge black holes that suddenly appeared, they felt that the world seemed unreal.

Fortunately, the space has been completely disrupted, and the spread of such power has been projected to extremely distant places.

Otherwise, where they are now, they would have been swallowed up by space long ago and nothing would be left.

At the edge of the ninja world, mountains collapsed instantly and rivers broke.

In a foggy desert, the land covered with yellow sand was devastated in an instant, and countless oases disappeared.

On the sea, the wind raged in an instant, the ocean roared, and countless tornadoes rose into the sky!

Within the sealed space, the ultimate light shrouded it. Under such light, Uchiha Madara was kneeling on the ground and panting continuously. His body was already covered with blood.

Smoke keeps appearing on his body, and he is repairing his body, but what he has sustained is damage from the power of space, which is really not that easy to heal!

Although he can cause more trouble and destruction than Nagato, he really doesn't have much to do when facing a 'Six Paths' enemy who is not careless at all and is absolutely focused even if he doesn't go all out.

But at this time, he seemed particularly excited. There seemed to be flames in his eyes, and his body was trembling slightly.

"This is what I long for, a battle belonging to the Six Paths!"

Although he failed miserably, this battle also allowed him to see a new world and experience the development of a completely different power.

More importantly, he also developed a newer and more powerful attack mode, which made him even more excited.

Even if he was beaten up by the Uchiha Sect, it could not suppress his inner excitement!

"What a miserable loss."

Uchiha Madara stood up hard and looked to one side.

"But it's time to leave."

Before he finished speaking, the space suddenly became distorted, and he knew that Obito was coming.

He had already asked Black Zetsu to notify him. Although he felt that the Uchiha Sect would not kill him, he had to make all preparations. He would never place his life on the enemy's attack on him. kindness.

Of course, if he really died, maybe he would accept his fate. After all, he died in the hands of a six-level master, and there was really nothing he could do about it.

However, just when he was about to come into contact with Obito, the world suddenly seemed to freeze!

He seemed to clearly see that the twisted space began to slow down, and even began to stagnate!

The sound gradually disappeared, and his body and perception continued to slow down. Only the Uchiha Sect in the sky was slowly falling without being affected at all.

At this moment, Uchiha Madara seemed to be trapped in a strange time and space chaos!

Uchiha Zong has now transformed into the state of Otsutsuki. His figure is not fast, and Uchiha Madara can be clearly seen every time he gets closer.

However, he couldn't move at all at this time and could only watch everything happening quietly in front of him. At this moment, his face became a little pale.

He suddenly realized that if the Uchiha Sect had used such power to attack him before, how long could he last?

He didn't dare to think about this problem, and he didn't want to think about it. Now he could only watch the Uchiha Sect come to him.

"It's useless. The gap between us cannot be leveled by faith."

Uchiha Zong fell to the ground, he looked at Uchiha Madara and smiled, and then he walked up to Uchiha Madara.

"Also, don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, you are still of some use to me."

Uchiha Sect's words were not polite at all, but Uchiha Madara, who was affected by time, could not say a word at all.

Under the influence of time, everything he did was in vain. The entire time had been affected, but his consciousness and the Uchiha Sect had not changed at all.

"To be honest, I never thought you would be that stupid."

Uchiha Zong didn't care what Uchiha Madara was thinking, and there was an expression full of ridicule on his face.

"As the first person to open the Rinnegan Eye, and the person who founded Konoha Village, I thought you would be very smart.

But in fact, you are hopelessly stupid, which is beyond my expectation. "

These words made Uchiha Madara want to struggle. Obviously he wanted to refute something, but he couldn't do it at all.

The Uchiha clan didn't pay much attention to Madara, and he continued to speak.

“I admit that the reason why I got to where I am today is because of the tips I got from the information on the family stone tablet.

But I'm different from you. I won't believe the content recorded in a stone tablet so easily.

You and I have both experienced war. Although we understand the evil and darkness of human nature, we cannot exclude the beauty of human nature.

When I saw the information on the stone tablet, I was thinking about one thing. Is a real world where everyone is immersed in their own fantasy and there is no living person really beautiful?

This question has troubled me for a long time, because I believe that some people will be willing to enter unlimited monthly reading, but some people are more willing to give everything to change reality. "

To be honest, the concept of infinite moon reading is actually somewhat similar to the concept of digital life in the "Wandering Earth" in his memory.

They all put people's consciousness in a place that they think is better, thereby escaping from the real world.

Uchiha Zong doesn't know which one is better. After all, if reality is too painful, he would really be willing to enter such a fantasy world.

Just like the Inception he had seen, many people have regarded the dream as their reality.

Zong is not a philosopher, and he doesn’t think about so many things, but he thinks what the guy who ‘smoked backwards’ said makes sense——

Without human civilization, it would be meaningless.

What's more, he doesn't have any real dissatisfaction. Even if he does like to spread his hands, the difference is still very big.

But this does not prevent him from disgusting and training Uchiha Madara, which is what he wants to do now.

"The Sage of Six Paths is obviously a person who is willing to change reality, otherwise he would not have founded any ninja sect, nor would he have thought of extending the power of chakra to everyone."

Uchiha Zong continued, and Uchiha Madara, who was unable to struggle, could only listen honestly.

And following his words, Uchiha Madara seemed to slowly stop struggling and began to think seriously.

"The purpose of Six Paths Sage's ninja sect is to connect everyone and let them feel each other's feelings from chakra, so that people can solve problems through communication.

To be honest, I think this idea is silly, because chakra is a manifestation of power, and ambitious people will naturally use this power instead of using them to communicate.

This is also one of the reasons for the formation of the Warring States Period. Of course, the driving force behind it is also the confrontation between the ancestors of Uchiha and Senju, Indra and Asura.

But let me ask you a question, does such a Six Paths Sage really want the ninja world to become a no-man's land, and the whole world to become lifeless and developmentless?

And I tell you very clearly that the Immortal of Six Paths cannot die. Even if I reach this point, I can feel the majestic vitality in my body.

If he really wants to do this, does he need a guy like you to do it? "

Uchiha Zong's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Uchiha Madara's heart. At this moment, his eyes seemed to widen, as if it was very incredible.

Do the Six Paths have infinite vitality?

In this case, why didn't the Sage of Six Paths do it himself?

So, what exactly is on the stone tablet?

For a moment, Uchiha Madara's mind was filled with questions, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"That's why I said you are hopelessly stupid."

Uchiha Zong seemed to sense Uchiha Madara's thoughts, he sneered and continued to speak.

"I haven't believed much of this since I saw the stone tablet, but the fact that the powers of Senju and Uchiha can merge with each other also shows that its content is true.

So he fell into thinking. I guessed that the stone tablet might be real, but there might be some problems with its content. For example, had someone tampered with it?

With such doubts, I have been exploring the situation of the stone tablet, and at the same time, I have been collecting information. When my eyes reached the stage of eternal eyes, I really discovered some problems.

I discovered that there are actually two different chakras in the stone tablet. One chakra can resonate strongly with me, while the other chakra is similar to mine, but its essence is hugely different.

This made me completely realize that the information on the stone tablet was probably not true, because the traces of those words left on the stone tablet were the same as the chakra that was incompatible with me!

As for the chakra I found that is compatible with me."

At this point, Uchiha Zong paused slightly. In fact, he had already started talking nonsense, but talking nonsense was not nonsense. He had experienced some things personally.

It can only be said that what he said is eight percent true and two percent false. The false part is actually true in a certain sense, but he has no evidence.

After glancing at Uchiha Madara, he continued.

"Before I was about to open the Samsara Eye, I completely integrated that chakra into my body, and it was at that moment that he saw the Sage of Six Paths!

Although it is just a memory left by chakra, it is the Sage of Six Paths who officially broke through the shackles and obtained the power of Blood Succession Snare, but this can completely prove my conjecture.

The stone tablet was indeed left by the Immortal of Six Paths, but the content of the stone tablet was not his original intention. These things had been tampered with, and the content he left behind had been changed beyond recognition.

Although I have always wondered who did this, because the traces left behind are a very wonderful chakra, full of yin and yang escape.

It's secretive, deep, and seemingly impossible to penetrate. I haven't found any clues until now, but no matter what he wants to do, his conspiracy has been exposed.

It just never occurred to me that someone would actually fall for such a stupid lie, and that the person who would fall for it would actually be you. "

Uchiha Madara was doubtful about Uchiha Zong's words, but soon he felt that Uchiha Zong's words were absolutely credible!

Being so powerful, he really couldn't find any reason for the Uchiha clan to cheat.

Apart from anything else, if the other person wants to squeeze him to death, he really shouldn't be too relaxed, even if he wants to struggle, he won't be able to do it!

Just thinking about this, he couldn't help but want to grit his teeth, because if all this was true, wouldn't he make people laugh like a clown?

At this moment, Uchiha Madara's anger could no longer be controlled, although he had obtained a secret of the Uchiha Sect - the power of the Blood Successor Snare.

But he also knew that he was acting like a clown, which was really hard for him to accept and even more unacceptable.

"Okay, that's pretty much what I need to say. The rest is up to you to understand as you wish."

Uchiha Zong felt that the heat had reached the point and there was no need to continue talking. He also planned to let Obito pick up the person.

"There is still value in your life now. I very much support your idea, that is, the ninja world must be unified. Only in this way can peace be maintained.

However, Senju Hashirama ruined this incident, which allowed other villages to shape their own cognition and will, and it was difficult to break it through pure force.

So now we also need to reshape a perception. After all, compared to ‘who we are’, a simpler approach is ‘who we are not’.

The value of your existence and those of the Akatsuki organization is to differentiate between 'us' and 'you'. This is why I let you go time and time again.

Whether it's you, the impostor, or you, of course I hope you can play some value, at least be able to deal with those outsiders.

At least, it's for this ninja world. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. After all, I don't really need you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, time seemed to be moving again.

While telling Uchiha Madara the truth, he also stimulated him severely. Zong's goal was basically achieved, and now he also needs to let him go.

Seeing that everything seemed to be back on track, Uchiha Zong was about to leave, but before leaving, he suddenly thought of something.

"I will leave the power of those tailed beasts to you, and I will give you a message——

A world without humans would be meaningless!

Remember these words, my stupid former clan leader."

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