Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 141 [Who do you choose? 】【Third update! 】

In the afternoon.

The sweep of Hinata Bin and Hatake Kakashi is completed.

Except for the three or two "spy" kittens sent by other ninja villages, no one was found that could threaten Uzumaki Yukina's birth tonight.

Not only that, Hinata Bin didn't even notice a single White Zetsu.

Although Bai Zetsu's concealment ability is very strong, it cannot be hidden from Hyuugabin's evolved Byakugan.

This made Hinata Bin couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara's plan has been shelved this time?

However, even though the risk was eliminated, Hinata Bin still did not lower his vigilance.

He had to wait until little Naruto was born and then the seal in Uzumaki Kyuuna's body was strengthened again before he could completely relax.

Minato Namikaze is a senior he cares about very much, and Yukina Uzumaki is his close sister. Just like he protects Obito Uchiha, he will do his best to protect Minato Namikaze and Yukina Uzumaki. Don’t let the two of them die like in the original story.

After more than ten years of ninja career, Hinata Bin has completely brought into his own identity, and he can no longer watch "Naruto" through the eyes of an audience.

He couldn't be like the protagonists in the fan novels he had read before time travel, who clearly had the ability to change, but were forced to kill the plot just to not lose their understanding of the future plot development.

Until dusk, Kakashi Hatake, who had been working intensively with Hinata Bin all day, went home to rest and look forward to the birth of little Naruto.

Hyuga Bin put on a cat-face mask and secretly came outside the barrier where Uzumaki Yukina was born. He was on duty with several ANBU directly under the Third Hokage to protect Uzumaki Yukina.


Outside Konoha Village, inside the barrier.

Before giving birth, Sarutobi Biwako reminded Kyuuki Uzumaki, whose stomach was already hurting so much that she started to sweat: "Kuzuki Na, even if you have labor pains in a while, you must hold it back and try not to yell. oh."

As a jinchuriki, Uzumaki Kyukina's seal will be the weakest and most dangerous during birth, and can easily be exploited.

"Ah...Okay." Uzumaki Yukina endured the pain and reluctantly agreed.

ten minutes later……

"Wow...it hurts like hell..."

Uzumaki Kyuuna was lying on the bed, her screams of pain echoing within the barrier.

What Sarutobi Biwako said to her before had long been forgotten because of the pain.

"This is the first time I've heard Uzumaki Yukina cry out in pain like this. Is everything going to be okay?" Minato Namikaze put his hands on Uzumaki Yukina's abdomen, controlled the seal of the Nine-Tails, and said to Sarutobi Biwako asked worriedly.

He had heard before that the pain for a woman giving birth was the second most painful in the world.

As for the first, everyone knows that a certain part of the man's body has been hit hard.

"It's okay, just keep an eye on the Kyuubi's seal." Sarutobi Biwako is a person who has been there and is very aware of the pain a woman feels during childbirth.


Namikaze Minato wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Sarutobi Biwako: "You are the Fourth Hokage, don't be so panicked. The pain of giving birth would have been painful to a man, but women are very strong."

"Come on, Kyukina!"

"Come on, masturbate more!"

Seeing this, Namikaze Minato could only look at Uzumaki Kyuuna who was in unbearable pain with distress, and cheer for them in his heart.

While Namikaze Minato was worried, the seal on Uzumaki Kyuuna's abdomen was changing.

This is a sign that Kyuubi wants to break free from the seal.

Seeing this, Namikaze Minato hurriedly strengthened the seal.


Uzumaki Yukina also gritted her teeth and continued to persevere. This was her efforts as a mother.

"Ku Yukina, try harder!"

Sarutobi Biwako saw the baby's head and urged Uzumaki Kyuuna.

Uzumaki Kyukina gritted her teeth, grabbed the sheets tightly with both hands, and continued to exert force.


Along with the baby's cry, everyone present was relieved.

"Aizawa, go get some hot water quickly."

Sarutobi Biwako also took a deep breath, and while making arrangements to her assistant, she picked up the newborn Naruto.

Namikaze Minato instinctively wanted to reach out to pick it up, but Sarutobi Biwako opened it and placed the little Naruto next to Uzumaki Yukina's pillow: "The first time a child looks at his mother is to look at him."

"Naruto." Uzumaki Yukina stretched out her hand and gently touched Naruto's little face, her face full of happiness.

Namikaze Minato stood beside him, his eyes narrowed to a slit and filled with a happy smile.

From today on, they are a family of three.

Seeing his assistant Aizawa fetching hot water, Sarutobi Biwako picked up little Naruto who was lying next to Uzumaki Kyukina's pillow, and said to Uzumaki Kyukina: "Kuyuki Na, you have a good rest first, I'll go first Give the baby a bath."

"Ku Yukina, I will take this opportunity to completely seal the Kyuubi." Namikaze Minato once again placed his hands on Uzumaki Kyukina's abdomen, injected chakra into the seal, and began to strengthen the Kyuubi's seal to prevent the Kyuubi from breaking free.

However, just as Namikaze Minato's seal had just begun, the screams of Sarutobi Biwako and Aizawa suddenly came from behind.

Namikaze Minato hurriedly looked back and saw that Sarutobi Biwako and Aizawa had fallen to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The ones who hurt Sarutobi Biwako and Aizawa were two mysterious men in black robes wearing masks.

The mysterious man in front was holding Uzumaki Naruto with one hand, and the other hand was pinching Naruto's neck.

These two mysterious people are Uchiha Aoki and Black and White Zetsu.

Although Uchiha Aoki does not have divine power, he does have the escape technique of Black and White Zetsu that can break through the barrier.

They still chose to use this opportunity to capture Kyuubi.

The birth of Kyuuki Uzumaki, the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, is their best chance to capture the Nine-Tails, and it is also the only chance in the short term.

"The Fourth Hokage, leave the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, or your son's life will end here." Uchiha Aoki pinched little Naruto's neck and threatened Namikaze Minato.

Facing the scene in front of him, Namikaze Minato was so panicked and helpless that he could do nothing. Sweat poured out from the back of his forehead.

He couldn't choose between Uzumaki Yukina and Naruto-chan.

"If you can't make a choice, then let me help you." Uchiha Qingcheng saw through Namikaze Minato's thoughts and directly covered little Naruto's body with detonating talismans. At the same time, he threw little Naruto into the air and used kunai. Thrust into little Naruto's back.

Uchiha Aoki was feinting to force Namikaze Minato to save little Naruto.

His only target is the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kyuuna.

The result was as he expected. Naruto, who was saved by Minato Namikaze using the Flying Thunder God Technique, used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to avoid the damage of the detonating talisman and disappeared within the barrier.

Uchiha Aoki used this little time to take away the extremely weak Uzumaki Kyuuna with Black and White Zetsu.

(Third update, please subscribe!)

(Spoiler alert, the subsequent plot is completely different from the original work.)

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