Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 157 [Are you there? He is sleeping! 】

"Can I just give up?"

At this moment, this thought flashed through Xihihong's heart, but she was suppressed by the unwillingness.

After Yuhi Hongli took a deep breath to adjust her emotions, she asked Ye Cang: "Fengying-san, is Bin at home?"

"Well, he was a little tired this afternoon and fell asleep now." Ye Cang pointed to the location of Hinata Bin's room and said, "I'll help you wake him up."

"No, no need." Yuhihong waved her hand hurriedly.

She heard that Hinata was "tired" and "sleeping", so naturally she didn't want to disturb Hinata's rest.

"Hongjiang, you like Binjun, right?" Ye Cang poured a glass of water, handed it to Yuhihong, smiled and asked a question that Yuhihong didn't dare to answer.

At this moment, Ye Cang, in Yuhi Hong's eyes, was like the mistress of the family.


"You don't have to deny it, Hongjiang, I can see it." Ye Cang continued to say with a smile, without showing any signs of dissatisfaction.

"Kazekage-san, I do like Bin." Yuhi Hong could only admit it.

After saying that, Yuhi Hong discovered a question: "But, how do you know my name?"

"I heard Mr. Bin mention that Hongjiang is a very cute girl." Ye Cang replied with a smile.

This sentence is indeed what Hinata Bin once said, and it is not that Ye Cang was joking to tease Yuhi Kurenai.

It's just that in Hinata Bin's original words, in addition to saying Yuhi Kurenai is cute, there is also the sentence "But she is too young and is not my type."

"Did Bin ever say I was cute?" Yuhi Hong suddenly blushed shyly.

Although Ye Cang has never been in love, he has more than twenty years of life experience after all, and he is the Kazekage of Sunagakure Village.

Facing the innocent Yuhi Hong, she naturally controlled the rhythm of the chat perfectly.

"Yes." Ye Cang smiled and nodded.

"Fengying-san, aren't you angry?" Yuhi Hong asked Ye Cang cautiously.

"Don't be angry. It's not a mistake to like someone." Ye Cang said with a smile.

The girls' secret conversation continued for half an hour.

The relationship between Ye Cang and Yuhi Hong has become very close from the stranger at the beginning.

Of course, Yuhi Hong was a little "flattered" by Ye Cang's friendliness.

After all, she liked Ye Cang's boyfriend Hinata Bin. As a result, Ye Cang not only wasn't angry, but also told her so gently that he didn't mind that she liked Hinata Bin.

Ye Cang also told Hinata that he wouldn't mind having another sister as long as Hinata wanted it. After all, Kazekage's status meant that he couldn't always be by Hinata's side.

This made Yuhi Hong couldn't help but admire Ye Cang's generosity, and she became more determined to be by Hinata Bin's side.

In the end, Ye Cang smiled at Yuhi Hong and said: "Hong-chan, if you don't mind, you can call me sister from now on. Kazekage-san sounds too unfamiliar."

Yuhi Hong: "Can I really do this?"

Ye Cang: "Of course."

"Sister Ye Cang." Yuhi Hong called sweetly.

Although she didn't find love, she was very happy to find such a great sister.

"Sister Ye Cang, don't worry, I will keep your relationship with Bin a secret."

"Okay, Sister Hong. Do you need to wake up Bin Jun now?" Ye Cang smiled and pointed in the direction of Hinata Bin's room again.

"No, let him have a good rest." Yuhi Hong shook her head.

After another full hour, Hinata Bin woke up in a daze.

He just felt so comfortable lying on the bed, and after finishing the work, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Getting up from the bed, Hinata Bin didn't see Ye Cang, but instead saw an open book on the desk.

Hinata Bin walked to the desk, picked up the book and read:

"Ninja Teacher—Mizunazuki Baijie!" 》

"Did she watch such a long plot?"

Hinata Bin looked at this page number. The plot has already written about Bai Jie being raped by Gaoyi...

He wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't expect Ye Cang to be so interested in studying human structure and physiological knowledge.

Immediately, Hinata closed the book, put it back on the bookshelf, and walked out of the room.

He wanted to talk to Ye Cang and let Ye Cang die socially in front of him.

At this time, Ye Cang had just said goodbye to Yuhi Hong and left.

"Well, you're awake? Just now..."

Seeing Hinata walking out of the room, Ye Cang stood up with a smile and planned to talk about Yuhi Kurenai, but was interrupted by Hinata.

"Let me tell you first, my wife, does it look good in white?" Hinata Bin walked up to Ye Cang and said with a smile.

"What did you say?" Ye Cang pretended not to understand.

"I didn't expect that the dignified Kazekage would actually read this kind of book." Seeing Ye Cang's confused expression, Hinata Bin continued teasing with a smile.

"Obviously you bought so much, I just happened to find it." Ye Cang continued not to admit the fact that he was looking.

"I didn't buy this, it was given to me by Jiraiya. I knew it was a romance action novel, so I never read it." Hinata Bin also gave his explanation.

The "idea" for this book was given to him in the first place, so why should he read it again?

"I don't believe it. Didn't you see why you and I... were so skilled before? It's almost the same as what was described in that book."

Ye Cang pointed out that Hinata Bin's movements were too skillful. She also believed that Hinata Bin had never had a girlfriend and had no intimate experience before being with her, so he could only learn from reading books.

"So, you also read the details of that book carefully?" Hinata Bin discovered the blind student.

"I don't……"

Ye Cang realized that it was useless to argue at this time.

"Then let's try it for a long time..." Hinata Bin hugged Ye Cang's waist and gently touched his head on Ye Cang's forehead.

"I don't want to." Ye Cang turned his head, not looking at Hinata Bin.

"That's not up to you." Ri Xiangbin controlled Ye Cang's pretty face with both hands.

"Hongjiang just came here." After the intimacy, Ye Cang lay in Hinata Bin's arms and talked about what Hinata Bin had interrupted before.

"Oh, what's wrong with her?" Hinata Bin's tone was very calm.

He and Yuhi Hong are not having an affair, so naturally he is not worried about being "caught by women" by Ye Cang.

"It's nothing, she just wants to see you." Ye Cang said with a half-smile.

"Oh." Hinata Bin responded and said nothing further.

"Aren't you interested in such a cute girl?" Seeing Hinata Bin's lack of interest, Ye Cang continued to ask tentatively.

"She's too young and not my type." Hinata Bin still had the same reason as before.

"I heard that you and she are classmates, and she is half a year older than you."

Through the in-depth communication for more than an hour before, Ye Cang has a thorough understanding of Yuhi Hong's basic situation.

Hinata Bin: "I'm not talking about age."

Ye Cang: "..."

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