Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 190 [Directions from all directions! 】

The land of the Terumi clan and the clan chief's mansion.

Terumi Mei was dining with her father Terumi Yuya and mother Terumi Duo.

After the dinner conversation in an ordinary family, Terumi Yu also mentioned this time about Terumi Mei's Mizukage campaign: "Ming-chan, Ghost Light Mangetsu was defeated by a mysterious person this time. This is an opportunity for you. I will take you there tomorrow. Visit some small neutral families and try to get some votes before the Jonin meeting."

"Okay, Father."

"One more thing, are you someone who helps you secretly?" Terumi Yuya continued to ask.

As a father, he saw that Mei Terumi was in a good mood recently, without the pressure she felt in the previous period.

"No." Terumi Mei shook her head.

"The timing of the mysterious man's appearance this time is so special that some people suspect that it was arranged by the three of you competitors." Terumi Yuya had previously suspected that Terumi Mei had done this.

"It's not me." Terumi Mei shook her head: "The possibility of Minazuki Qian and Kaguya Zenan is not high."

"Okay, let me ask. Maybe this time it happened to be just an accident." Terumi Yuya naturally believed in his daughter and there was no need to ask further.

"We don't talk about work at the dinner table."

Terumi Duo picked up a piece of Taiyaki and put it into Terumi Mei's bowl, and then asked Mei Mei gently: "Mei-chan, why didn't you go to the blind date I arranged for you last time?"

"Mother, I'm sorry, I've been so busy recently that I forgot." Terumi Mei showed an "I forgot" expression.

"You will forget things like blind dates. You won't make an engagement for someone else later and forget the wedding date, right?" Terumi Duo wanted to hit Terumi Mei's head.

She found that her daughter was good at everything, but she was not active in dating.

You know, boys are very popular nowadays.

If you are not active now, it will be difficult to find a good boy when you are in your twenties or thirties.

As a mother, she naturally hopes that Terumi Mei can find her own happiness. She does not want to see her daughter, who is already in her twenties, not yet married, becoming an older leftover girl.

"Mother, how could you forget about getting married?" Terumi Mei said with a pout as she ate the taiyaki in one bite.

"Ming-chan, your mother is right, you still have to find someone early. At such an old age, it doesn't matter if you are not married. You don't even have a boyfriend. It will give people a feeling of instability, and it will also affect your support rate in competing with Mizukage. .”

Terumi Yuya also helped Terumi Duo, but as a result, he was brought to "work" at the same time.

"Father, there are less than two months until the Mizukage selection meeting. It is too hasty to fall in love in such a short period of time." Terumi Mei expressed her rejection of Miyuya's idea.

Although she also wants to fall in love, she doesn't want to fall in love for the sake of falling in love. She wants to fall in love with the person she wants to fall in love with.

Of course, in the original work, she went on a blind date, and after the meeting, she was engaged by both parents without her knowledge.

Then, when her parents told her, she was busy at work and didn't pay attention.

Then, she forgot about it.

In the end, her blind date died during a mission.

"Two months is not enough..." Terumi Yuya wanted to explain his reasoning to Mi Mei again, but was interrupted by Terumi Duo.

"Don't listen to your dad's nonsense, Mei-chan, do you have a boy you like now?" Terumi Duo asked Mei Mei with a smile.

This was the real topic she wanted to ask tonight, and the previous blind date was just a foreshadowing.

"Uh... no." Terumi Mei shook her head.

"But, I heard the gossip outside that you were dating a commoner on the day that Ghost Man Yue was defeated by the mysterious man?" Terumi Duo continued to ask with a smile.

"Mother, that is my good friend." Terumi Mei directly included Hinata Bin in the ranks of "good friends".

"I thought you really had a boyfriend." Terumi Duo sighed.

From the gossip she heard, the boy who dated Terumi Mei that day, although he was a commoner, was extremely handsome and fully met the criteria for choosing a mate for her precious daughter Terumi Mei.

She still remembers what Terumi Mei said to her when she was twelve years old:

"When I date a boyfriend in the future, it doesn't matter if he is strong or not, it doesn't matter if he has money, it doesn't matter if he is a ninja, but he must be handsome."

Because of these words, Terumi Mei was educated by Terumi Yuya's family that night.

Faced with Terumi Yuya and Terumi Duo's expectations for her to fall in love, Terumi Mei thought of Hinata again and said jokingly: "Father, Mother, if I have a boy I like, but the boy is a ninja from another village..."

"Even if the opponent is a Kage from the other four major ninja villages." Terumi Yu also directly denied it.

Terumi Mei is going to become the Mizukage, and she must not fall in love with other ninjas from the ninja village.

"Father, what if it is a man who is better than the Five Shadows?" Mei Terumi continued to ask with a smile.

"What?" Terumi Yu didn't understand the meaning of Terumi Mei's words.

Terumi Mei: "For example, what about other men who are shinobi village shadows?"

Terumi Yuya: "..."

Terumi Duo: "..."

If Terumi Mei was not an adult, Terumi Yuya and Terumi Duo would both want to beat their children in the dark.

A few days later, Hyugabin said goodbye to Tsunade and returned to the village for a few more days. Finally, he waited for Ye Cang's vacation and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to come to Ye Cang's home in Sunagakure Village.

The saddest thing about being in a relationship with Ye Cang, who is a Kazekage, is that they can only date one day a month, or even half a day.

This is simply not enough for Hinata Bin who is in the period of passionate love!

After Hinata secretly put the small gift prepared for Hagakura under his pillow, he turned his white eyes into black eyes and walked to the streets of Sunagakure Village to go shopping.

When Ye Cang got off work at noon, Hinata arrived at the appointed restaurant and saw Ye Cang sitting alone by the window.

Hinata Bin walked up to Ye Cang and asked with a smile: "Beauty, can I do whatever I want here?"

"You can sit here, but you can't sit anywhere else." Ye Cang raised his head and smiled at Hinata Bin.

Seeing that there was no one around, Hinata Bin sat down, approached Ye Cang's ear, and whispered softly: "Honey, long time no see, I miss you."

Such ambiguous words, coupled with the special title of "wife", made Ye Cang's heart tremble as he fell in love with Hinata Bin not long ago and his immunity was not strong enough.

She is shy, nervous, and...

Two seconds passed before Ye Cang responded to Hinata Bin in a mosquito voice: "Bin-kun, me too."

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