Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 194 [Qing Tianzhu, transform! 】

"Oh... Fugaku-senpai is not at home tonight..."

After hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Hinata Bin understood immediately.

Uchiha Mikoto deliberately invited Uchiha Fugaku to her home while he was not at home.

The reason why Uchiha Mikoto did this was very simple. Every time Uchiha Fugaku was around before, she would drink with him. After drinking, she would talk nonsense and keep praising Uchiha Mikoto.

Say things like "What do you think of your sister-in-law's (cooking) skills?" "Is it particularly great?" "How does it compare to the Fourth Hokage's wife?"

This kind of excessive praise made Uchiha Mikoto feel embarrassed.

She obviously just asked her close brother Hinata Bin to come to the house for dinner, but why did she end up praising her all the time.

Moreover, whether her cooking skills are good or not, Hinata Bin will know as soon as she tastes it. Why does she need to insist on it?

Therefore, when Uchiha Fugaku was at home behind her, she did not dare to let Hinata come to her home again.

Other than that, Uchiha Mikoto had no other reason.

Men who can think distorted thoughts after hearing such words should face the wall and think about why their thoughts are so perverted.

"Yes." Uchiha Itachi nodded.

"Then I understand. It just so happens that I haven't seen Sister Mikoto for a long time, so I went to see your brother Sasuke." Hinata Bin accepted with a smile.

"Yes." Uchiha Itachi nodded obediently.

"Itachi-chan, you go back first, I will be here on time in the evening." Hinata smiled and patted Uchiha Itachi's little head.

"Lord Bin, can I ask you a question?" Itachi Uchiha mustered up the courage and asked Hinata Bin.

"Of course." Hinata Bin said with a smile.

"Can you tell me how you became so powerful?" Uchiha Itachi

Although his mind is much more mature than that of his peers, he is still only a seven or eight-year-old child after all, and his thoughts in many aspects remain simple.

However, because Hinata Bin is now "recognized as the strongest person in the ninja world", he has heard his father, Uchiha Fugaku, praise Hinata Bin more than once.

As a ninja of the Hyuga clan, a rival family of the Uchiha clan, and able to be recognized by his father, Uchiha Fugaku, who is the leader of the Uchiha clan, Hyuga Bin undoubtedly has a strong personality.

Therefore, since entering the ninja school, he has always regarded Hinata Bin as his future dream target.

It would be an understatement to say that Hinata Bin is his "idol".

"Because I want to protect my family, my lover, my friends, and the people who are important to me. This belief drives me to keep working hard to become stronger." After thinking about it, Hinata Bin said to Uchiha Itachi.

Now that Uchiha Itachi asked, he naturally didn't mind establishing "correct" values ​​for Uchiha Itachi.

As for whether he was really a "cheating" man, he would naturally not be able to tell Uchiha Itachi about this kind of big breasts that only he could know about.

"The power of love and protection?" Uchiha Itachi seemed to understand.

"It's not love and protection, it's the power of family, friends, and lovers. Because of them, you will want to protect them. Without their existence, there would be no so-called love and protection." Hearing Uchiha Itachi's understanding, Hinata Bin immediately denied it.

"Is this like this? Master Bin, I understand." Hearing Hinata Bin's explanation, Uchiha Itachi nodded.

As for how much he heard it in his heart, only Uchiha Itachi himself knew.

"You are the son of Fugaku-senpai. You will become the leader of the Uchiha clan in the future, protect your family, and become stronger with this belief." Hinata Bin continued to emphasize the importance of family to Uchiha Itachi.

"Lord Bin, why didn't you mention protecting Konoha? We are a part of the village. I have read that the Third Hokage's Will of Fire said that we were born in Konoha and grew up in Konoha... In addition to protecting the family, Besides, shouldn’t we protect the village first? Because without the village, the family will be displaced.”

Uchiha Itachi is indeed an outstanding ninja who graduated from the ninja school ahead of schedule. A theoretical system of the Third Hokage was directly covered on Hinata Bin's face.

Of course, he was not arguing with Hinata Bin, he just wanted to express his inner thoughts.

"Of course you must protect the village, but the order you want to protect in your heart must be family, family, and then the village." Hinata Bin said seriously to Uchiha Itachi.

"Lord Bin, I don't understand." Uchiha Itachi shook his head.

Hinatabin's statement conflicted with the theoretical knowledge he learned in the ninja school.

"Then let me be more direct. There is no need to talk about protecting Konoha for a loser who can't even protect his family. If you can't understand this sentence, then you don't need to understand it, just keep it in your heart." After Hinata Bin finished speaking, he no longer planned to continue chatting with Uchiha Itachi.

He doesn't have a strong mouth, nor is he the king of strong speech. He is not good at talking about these big principles, so he has no intention of arguing with Uchiha Itachi.

To Uchiha Itachi, he could only say so much.

If Uchiha Itachi was still alive when the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato grew up, it would be no wonder that "Hin-san" was unreasonable and brainwashed by force.

After Uchiha Itachi left, Hinata Bin thought more and more something was wrong.

Sister Mikoto is such a gentle person, why did she give birth to such a filial son?


Hinata arrived at the doorstep of Uchiha Mikoto's home in the Uchiha tribe, carrying fruits that were special products of Sunagakure Village.

Along the way into the Uchiha clan, Hinata Bin, as a cataract patient who often visits, became familiar with many pink eye patients in the Uchiha clan.

There are even a few people who have become acquaintances, and they can chat and exchange illnesses, joke, and talk about some dirty jokes, saying that dumplings are more delicious than dumplings and saozi are more fun.

This would have been unthinkable before.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After a knock on the door like a signal, the door was opened.

What appeared in front of Hinata Bin was the cook Uchiha Mikoto wearing an apron.

Hinata Bin and Uchiha Mikoto haven't seen each other for three months. Uchiha Mikoto doesn't know if it's because she has reached the threshold of thirty, and she has become more soaring.

"Sister Mikoto."

Hinata smiled and handed the fruit to Uchiha Mikoto, then put on the exclusive slippers that Uchiha Mikoto had prepared for him and walked into the house.

In the living room, two-year-old Uchiha Sasuke was playing by himself.

Uchiha Itachi was very hardworking. As dinner time approached, he was still practicing alone in the backyard.

Hyuga Bin quickly walked up to the chubby Uchiha Sasuke, smiled, pinched Uchiha Sasuke's cheeks, and hugged Uchiha Sasuke:

"Qingtiansuke, long time no see, you have gained weight again!"

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