Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 200 [Wanted or distracted! 】

"Is there anything that upsets you?" Hinata Bin, who didn't know the inside story, continued to ask Konan.

"No." Xiaonan shook his head.



"Okay, Xiaonan, if you have anything, don't keep it in your heart. You can tell me and we will discuss it and solve it." Hinata Bin saw that Xiaonan was "unwilling to talk" and it was hard to ask further.


As soon as Hinata Bin finished speaking, the coughing sound of Uzumaki Nagato could be heard not far away.

Konan secretly glanced at Uzumaki Nagato and then took a deep breath. Her eyes focused on the wall behind Hinata Bin. She didn't dare to look at Hinata Bin and said, "Hinata Bin, actually... I have something to say to you. explain."

"Well, you tell me." Hinata Bin smiled and motioned to Konan.


"Xonan, you don't mean to say you like me, do you?" Seeing Xiaonan's overly coy look, Hinata Bin asked jokingly.

"Bin-kun, um, yes, I... like you." After hearing Hinata Bin's joking words, Xiaonan finally plucked up the courage to say this.

She thought she would be relieved, but found that she became more worried about gains and losses.

She was a little afraid of being rejected by Hyuga Bin.

Hinata Bin laughed when he heard Konan's confession.

His Byakugan had long seen Uzumaki Nagato peeking not far away, and knew that this was not Konan's true confession to him.

After all, he and Xiaonan hadn't seen each other for such a long time, and they only communicated through letters. Even if Xiaonan really liked him, she wouldn't have confessed to him as soon as they met.

"Konan, did you lose the bet with Nagato?" Hinata Bin directly stated his guess.

"Binjun, how do you know?" Xiaonan's mood instantly changed from nervousness to surprise.

"I just made a wild guess." Hinata Bin explained to Xiaonan with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for such a long time. How can any good friend confess his love as soon as he meets her?"

"Bin-kun, die Kuyi!" Xiao Nan showed admiration for Hinata Bin.

"You will see a more powerful side of me in the future." Hinata Bin said without any humility.

After half an hour of in-depth emotional communication, Hinata received a notification from the system that the task was completed.

[Option mission completed. 】

[Reward: Paper Escape—Paper Clone*1. 】

As Hinata Bin's strength grows, mere B-level rewards will be at your fingertips.

After continuing to chat for a while, Hinata Bin and Konan's daily emotional exchanges ended and they began to get down to business about the construction of Ninja Village and risk management.

"Xiaonan, when I come this time, I have some things to remind you."

When talking about business, Hinata Bin looked very serious and spoke slower: "According to my prediction, as soon as one month or as slowly as half a year, Yunyin Village and Iwagakure Village will launch an attack on Yuyin Village. The first round of testing.”

"Are there only two major ninja villages? I am mentally prepared to be besieged by four major ninja villages." Xiaonan was slightly surprised to hear Hinata Bin's analysis.

"Both Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village will be allies of Amegakure Village in the future. Kirigakure Village is now in a critical period of selecting Mizukage and cannot get away from it." Hinata Bin said this with a hint of understanding. Smile: ""As long as there are no accidents during the selection process of Kirigakure Village's Fifth Mizukage, Terumi Mei successfully ran for the fifth Mizukage, and there will be no attack on Amegakure Village. Therefore, it is enough to guard against Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village. "

"That's great." Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the result.

Being besieged by the four major ninja villages, Amegakure Village is likely to be "annihilated" in less than a year.

Although her strength reached the Kage level with the help of Hyuga Bin, and Uzumaki Nagato surpassed the scope of ordinary Kage level powerhouses, after all, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

There are only three thousand ninjas in Amegakure Village, and their strength is generally lower than that of the five major ninja villages. It is difficult to deal with 2,000 ninjas from the five major ninja villages of the same level.

"This is the Flying Thunder God Kunai. Whenever you need it, inject chakra into it. I will come to you as soon as I sense it." Hinata Bin took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai from his arms and handed it to Xiaonan.

Konan didn't show any pretense, took the kunai and put it into his personal ninja bag.

"When Iwagakure and Kirigakure launch a war against Amegakure, I will rush over as soon as possible. But at this stage, it is not convenient for me to appear as the Konoha ninja Hinata Bin on behalf of the Konoha village, and I will disguise myself as an Amegakure. Or other identities." After Hinata Bin said this, he also made a joke to Xiao Nan: "You may not recognize me when the time comes."

If a war really breaks out, Kumogakure Village and Iwagakure Village will definitely launch separate attacks on Amegakure Village. At that time, as the strongest people in Amekage Village, Konan and Uzumaki Nagato will definitely fight against the two major ninja villages separately.

With Uzumaki Nagato's strength, there is no big problem if one versus two or one versus three, but Konan may be in danger when facing a strong person of the same level.

He once promised Yahiko to take good care of Konan, and now is the time to keep his promise.

"No, as long as you appear in front of me, no matter what you look like, I will recognize you immediately." Faced with Hinata Bin's joke, Xiaonan answered seriously.

January passed quietly.

In the last week of the Mizukage campaign, Terumi Mei's support rate has jumped from around 30% to nearly 50%.

There is no suspense about the ownership of the Fifth Mizukage.

This month's surge of support by nearly 20% comes from the Minazuki clan to which Minazuki Qian belongs.

The Minazuki clan learned that Minazuki Qian had no chance to become the Mizukage, and that the family ninjas were being attacked by "Fu (Hi) Akira (Mikai) Shi (Ben) force", and received strong assistance from the Terumi clan, and chose to support the Terumi clan. .

Minazuki Qian voluntarily withdrew from the Mizukage election, and the Minazuki clan transferred all their votes to Terumi Mei.

As for the Oni Lan clan and the Kaguya clan, they still participate in the election respectively.

The two tribes already dislike each other, and they have fought many wars in the past few hundred years. It would be a good thing not to stab each other.

A week before the Mizukage campaign meeting was held in Kirigakure Village, Hinata and Mei Terumi met for the last time this month at the beach.

After walking like a friend or a couple, Terumi Mei thanked Hinata Bin: "Hinata-kun, thank you. Without your help, it would be difficult for me to compete with the Ghost Light Mangetsu."

"If you want to thank me, you already said it the day I became a bad guy." Hinata Bin smiled and joked at Mimei: "Instead of thanking you, think about how to repay me with practical actions in the future."

Regarding Hinata's joke, Terumi Mei borrowed an ancient poem that Hinata said to her to give her answer:

"There is nothing I can do to repay you for your great kindness, except..."

After being teased by two girls in just one chapter, Hinata Bin can be regarded as a veritable master of beauty control.

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