While Hinata Bin didn't react to Samui's sudden confession, the second option mission of the system tonight came as scheduled.

[Option A: Reject Samyi’s confession and say that he only regards Samyi as a friend. Completion reward: Water Release - Water Dragon Respect Technique (C-level reward). 】

[Option B: Accept Samyi’s confession and experience breathless happiness. Completion reward: Cao-Shuriken Jutsu (C-level reward). 】

[Option C: Ask Samyi and Yumu Ren to team up to confess their love at night, if they want to play three.fly with him, hehehe. Completion reward: Thunder Chakra Mode (S-level reward). 】

[Option D: Reject Samyi by rejecting Yumuren. Completion reward: Random attribute point +0.1. 】

Hinata Bin naturally chose option D and said to Samyi: "Samyi-kun, thank you for your love, but I already have a girlfriend."

[Optional task completed, energy +0.1. 】

Yukito: "Hmm?"

Samyi: "Hmm?"

Samyi (Yumuren): "What's the matter? Does Mr. Bin also like me (Samyi)?"

Three seconds later, the giant Nana Samui reacted and looked at Hinata Bin with a slightly resentful look in his eyes: "Bin-kun, you are really a playboy."

"Why am I bothering?" Hinata Bin didn't understand what Samyi said.

Obviously he rejected Yumu and Samyi all because of Ye Cang, but Samyi actually called him a philanderer.

If he was just being flirty, why would he refuse to do anything?

Wouldn't it be nice to just open up the harem and collect all the girls with names that can be called in the ninja world?

"Your answer to me is exactly the same as what you just said to Yukito." Samui pointed out this point about Hinata Bin.

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?" Hinata Bin didn't understand.

"You like Yukito, right?" Samyi didn't want to get entangled with Hinatabin on these trivial matters, so he directly asked Hinatabin who didn't answer Yukito's question just now.

"Yukito-kun is so beautiful, any man would like it." Hinata Bin's answer was flawless.

"Then you like me too, right?" Samyi continued to ask Hinata Bin.

"Samui-kun, you are so tall and beautiful that every man will like you." Hinata Bin praised Samui with the same words.

"The men in the village have disliked Yuki and I for many years, so your example is not valid. And when you have a girlfriend, you also like other girls. You are a playboy." Samyi took it for granted. said.

Faced with Hinata Bin's sophistry, she didn't get angry. Because she knew very well that Hinata Bin was escaping.

The more he escapes, the more Hinata Bin suppresses himself.

Moreover, Hyuga Bin is countless times cuter than other men when he pretends to be like this.

"It's a man's instinct to be flirtatious, and it doesn't mean anything." After Hinata Bin finished speaking, he turned the topic back to Samyi: "Samyi-kun, you are drunk, that's why you think of so many strange things. "

"Binjun, let's play a thrilling challenge, shall we?" Samyi stood up and said to Hinata Bin.

"Heart-beating challenge?" Neither Hinatabin nor Yukito understood what it meant.

"It means that a man and a woman sit together and look at each other for fifteen seconds to see if their heartbeat speeds up and if they have the urge to kiss each other."

After Samyi briefly explained the rules of the game, he said to Hinata Bin: "Bin-kun, as long as you play this game with me and Yukito once, Yukito and I will leave."

"Well... okay." Hinata Bin did not refuse.

In just fifteen seconds, he believed that with his determination he could resist the urge to kiss the other person.

"Yukito will play with you first. I'll go outside for a walk first and come back in half an hour." When Samui saw Hinata Bin agreeing, he stood up and walked towards the door.

This game is only suitable for two people to play alone. The presence of outsiders will affect the state.

As the door closed, only Hinata Bin and Yukito were left in the room.

"Yukito-kun, are we chatting, or do we really want to play?" Hinata Bin asked Yukito.

"Of course I have to play." Yumu Ren also had enough courage tonight.

"Okay." Hinata Bin sat directly in front of Yumu Ren, with eyes only fifty centimeters apart from Yumu Ren.

"Let's begin." Hinata Bin and Yukito said while looking at each other.

As Hinata Bin's words fell, the room fell into a brief silence.

Hinata Bin and Yukito looked at each other, they could feel each other's breathing and hear each other's heartbeat.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Five seconds...

The flow of time suddenly became very slow.

Ten seconds...

Fifteen seconds...

Hinata's lips were touched by a touch of softness.

Instantly separate.

"Yukito-kun, you..."

Hinata Bin's eyes looked at Yukito full of complicated emotions.

This "heartbeat challenge" was aimed at him alone, and Yumu Ren's behavior obviously crossed the line.

"Binjun, you are leaving tomorrow. After tonight, we may not be able to see each other again within a year or two." Yumu Ren's eyes were affectionate and moving: "So, Binjun, I will regard tonight as the beauty in my heart." Memories, please forgive me for my impulsiveness tonight."

"But, you are causing me to have some thoughts that I shouldn't have."

After Hinata Bin finished speaking, he held Yukito's hot pretty face with his hands and kissed him directly.

Perhaps it was Yukito's affectionate confession, perhaps the loneliness of the night, or perhaps the alcohol that touched Yukito's lips stimulated his brain, so Hinata Bin did the scumbag thing he wanted to do.

Following Hinata's fiery attack, Yukito also began to respond jerkily, reaching out and hugging Hinata's back tightly until he couldn't breathe... his lips parted.

Ye Cang hugged Hinatabin tightly and felt Hinatabin's strong heartbeat.

After several minutes, Yukito raised his head slightly, rested his chin on Hinata Bin's shoulder, and breathed hot breath into Hinata Bin's ear: "Bin-kun, this is my first kiss."

"Yukito-kun, I'm sorry." Hinata Bin could only apologize at this time.

He couldn't give the other party a promise, but took away the most precious thing from the other party.

Facing Yumu Ren, his instinct finally defeated his reason.

"Why are you apologizing? It's your first kiss today, isn't it? Although it's a bit too skillful." Yukito teased Hinata with a joke.

She didn't want the atmosphere to become so heavy while she was spending a simple time with Hinata Bin tonight.

Half an hour passed quickly as Hinata Bin and Yukito deliberately avoided certain topics while chatting.

When Samui returned to the room after walking on the street, Hinata Bin and Yukito had already tidied up their messy hair and clothes, as if nothing had happened.

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