Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 231 [Laughing out loud sadly! 】

"Illusion? Interesting..."

"It's ridiculous that a piece of trash who stole the Sharingan wants to use the genjutsu of the Mangekyo Sharingan to control me!"

Under Shimura Danzo's dying counterattack, Uchiha Aoki's consciousness entered a special space.

However, Uchiha Qingcheng was not nervous, but looked relaxed and comfortable.

After Uchiha Qingcheng smiled and said this to himself, the Mangekyou Sharingan glared, slashed with the sword, and the genjutsu in front of him responded...

Well...it's not broken!

Uchiha Aoki: "?"

"I didn't expect this illusion to have two brushes!"

Uchiha Qingcheng sneered again, and then mobilized more eye power, planning to break through the illusion again.

"Break it for me!"

The illusion is still intact.

But a figure appeared in front of him.

Uchiha Qingcheng looked at the ninja who appeared in front of him, and it turned out to be 78% similar to his former disciple Uchiha Shisui.

He knew very well that the person in front of him was not Uchiha Shisui. Uchiha Shisui was three or four years younger than him. In the hotbed of Konoha, there was no way he could awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he was even deprived of it by Shimura Danzo.

"Shisui's elder?"

Uchiha Qingcheng remained cautious and once again mobilized his pupil power to break the illusion in front of him.

He still didn't believe that a dead man's illusion could trap him.

After feeling almost the same, Uchiha Qingcheng roared out again: "Break it for me!"

The picture in front of Uchiha Qingcheng still did not change at all.

The figure standing in front of Uchiha Qingcheng also became solid due to the three injections of pupil power from Uchiha Qingcheng: "Young man, my Mirror Flowers and Water Moon are not broken like this."

Uchiha Qingcheng: "..."

After ten minutes in the consciousness space, Uchiha Qingcheng finally got out of trouble.

The moment his consciousness returned to his original form, Uchiha Aoki's back was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

If the consciousness in the other party's Tongli hadn't intentionally let him go after explaining some words just now, there is a great possibility that he would not be able to escape, indulge in [Flowers in the Mirror, Water and Moon], and eventually lose all power.

He underestimated the ability of this Mangekyou Sharingan, or in other words, he overestimated his own strength.

Uchiha Aojo looked at the dimmed Mangekyō Sharingan in the right eye of Shimura Danzo's corpse, took it off, and put it together with Shimura Danzo's flesh and blood into the petri dish he carried with him.

Such a pair of eyes is perfect for dealing with Hinata Bin.

After Hyuga Bin used the Flying Thunder God to fly to the nearest location to Ta No Kuni, he spent another half a day walking to the location where the ANBU had detected Orochimaru's possible movement track, and began an indiscriminate sweep.

With powerful perception covering dozens of kilometers in radius, it only took Hinata Bin less than a minute to discover Orochimaru.

As a "snake" type of intuition, Orochimaru also sensed that Hinata Bin had no hidden spiritual thoughts.

Hinata and Orochimaru met a few kilometers outside Orochimaru's base.

Hinata Bin didn't fuck Orochimaru when they met because of the content of the mission.

Facing the increasingly charming Orochimaru in front of him, Hyuga Bin took the lead in saying hello with a smile: "Orochimaru-san, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Bin-kun." Orochimaru smiled back.

When he and Hinata Bin met for the first time, he was the Sannin of Konoha who was famous in the ninja world, and Hinata Bin was just a little boy of a few years old.

More than ten years later, Hinata Bin has become the strongest ninja in the world, and he has become a rebel ninja in Konoha.

The opportunities in life are really ever-changing, and the identity changes very quickly.

But what if Hinata Bin is powerful?

A hundred years later, it still turned into a handful of loess.

Only by being immortal like her can we understand all the truths in the world.

After saying hello with a smile, Orochimaru immediately asked Hinata: "Are you here to capture me and take me back to Konoha today?"

After saying this, Orochimaru licked his tongue, which was longer than the average woman.

This action was like a beautiful woman teasing Hinata Bin.

"Yes." Hinata Bin nodded and said unceremoniously: "Lord Orochimaru, I am very strong. There is no need for you to resist. Please just surrender."

"That won't work."

Orochimaru refused with a smile, and assumed an attack stance, taking the initiative to attack Hinata.

[Latent Shadow Snake Hand! 】

Dozens of small snakes emerged from Orochimaru's hands until Hinata Bin.

After all these years, playing with snakes is still Orochimaru's specialty.

[Fire Escape—The art of the powerful fire dragon! 】

Hyuga Bin didn't mind playing with Orochimaru, and used his "Uchiha Fire Release" to roast the snakes directly into snake charcoal, giving off the smell of burnt meat.

[Ninja Technique—The Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes! 】

It's obviously not enough to just play with snakes with your hands. Orochimaru's second move is to directly spray tens of thousands of big snakes of different colors from his mouth.

A ninja with trypophobia would probably fall into coma if he saw so many big snakes.

Hinagabin does not have trypophobia, but when facing so many snakes, his scalp felt numb and goosebumps arose.

After Orochimaru sprayed the snake, he shed his skin and blended into the snake group and began to escape.

He had no intention of having a fight to the death with Hinata Bin from the beginning.

Hinata Bin is now recognized as the strongest person in the ninja world. He has killed the Fourth Ai in an instant and defeated a Jinchuriki. He does not think that he will be Hinata Bin's opponent.

Escape is the wisest choice.

The tens of thousands of snakes shot out of Orochimaru's mouth did not attack Hinata, but fled in all directions.

Orochimaru obviously planned to use this to escape.

He is a snake, confident that he can escape the perception of Hinata Bin's white eyes.

"Running away now? It's boring."

Hinata Bin locked his eyes on the direction of Orochimaru's escape and did not pursue him.

Because of what Namikaze Minato said before he left after accepting the mission, he decided to kill Shemaru today.

Hinata walked directly outside Orochimaru's laboratory, broke through the seal, took away all the experimental results of Orochimaru, and returned to the village to resume his life.

Today I just came to Tian Country to see the scenery.

Returning to the village to hand over the task will be discussed later.

It wasn't until the next day that Hyugabin stayed overnight in Sunagakure Village and stayed up all night before returning to Konoha.

Comparing the bustle of yesterday, Hinata Bin instinctively felt that the atmosphere in Konoha Village today was a bit strange, as if something big had happened.

Hinata Bin hurriedly arrived outside the Hokage Building, and then he saw most of Konoha's top management gathered at the Hokage Building.

Entering the Hokage Building, Hyuga Bin saw Uchiha Fugaku with a red face, and asked: "Senior Fugaku, did something big happen today?"

"The Sandaime and Elder Danzo were killed, and their bodies were chopped into two pieces. There was no complete body left!"

When Uchiha Fugaku said this, he almost couldn't control his sad emotions and laughed out loud.

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