Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 245 [Hei Jue takes action! 】

The country of rain, the village hidden in the rain.

Xiaonan, the first generation rain shadow, is handling official business in the office.

After these two years of peace and recuperation, Yuyin Village is rapidly developing and growing.

Of course, even so, there is still a huge gap in the quality and quantity of ninjas in Amegakure Village compared to the other five major ninja villages that will be difficult to erase even for decades.

However, the ninja world is moving towards complete peace.

World peace will be achieved in the future.

When the time comes, it won't matter that there is a gap in strength between Amegakure Village and the Five Ninja Villages.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

While Xiao Nan was dealing with several proposals on "postpartum care for sows in Yuyin Village", there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The door opened in response, and the person who walked into the office was Uzumaki Nagato.

"Nagato, you're back." Konan put down the "postpartum care" document that gave her a headache and said to Uzumaki Nagato with a smile.

Uzumaki Nagato is the most powerful person in Amegakure Village, so now the S-level missions that Amegakure Village can accept, as well as the relatively dangerous A-level missions, are all completed by Uzumaki Nagato.

There are two reasons why Uzumaki Nagato is not allowed to perform such tasks alone, or to send other ninjas to perform them.

On the one hand, for the safety of performing tasks, Uzumaki Nagato can effectively protect the lives of ninjas performing tasks, and on the other hand, it can sharpen ninjas.

If Amegakure Village wants to truly become the sixth largest ninja village in the ninja world, it needs overall development. Simply relying on Uzumaki Nagato's personal strength is obviously not enough.

"Well, this mission is not far from the village and only took two days." Uzumaki Nagato nodded, took out a document bag and handed it to Konan: "This is the completion of this mission."

"Okay." Xiaonan took the document bag, opened it, and looked at it briefly.

"Konan, let me tell you something." Uzumaki Nagato sat down directly opposite Konan and said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Konan looked at Uzumaki Nagato with a puzzled expression.

"About your personal issues." Uzumaki Nagato deliberately said mid-sentence.

"You'd better care about your own personal issues." Xiaonan said angrily.

"I'm a man, don't worry." Uzumaki Nagato said with a smile.

"I'm a woman, so I should be anxious?" Konan felt that there was something wrong with Uzumaki Nagato's statement.

And now that she is Yuying, managing an entire village, she has no time to solve these personal problems.

"Yes, the ratio of men to women in the ninja world is now 1:2. Even if I am forty years old, there are still a lot of young girls willing to fall in love with me. But if you get older, you will become an older leftover girl." Uzumaki Chang The saying is reasonable and well-founded.

Of course, with Uzumaki Nagato's strength, there are many beautiful ladies chasing after him even at fifty, let alone forty.

"Then I won't fall in love at all." Xiao Nan's attitude was very indifferent.

Although she also longed for sweet love when Uzumaki Nagato didn't know it.

But if the other person is not the person she wants to be with, then she would rather stay single.

Don't give in, this is her attitude towards love.

"How can that be done?" Uzumaki Nagato directly rejected Konan's idea of ​​being single.

"Why did you suddenly tell me this?" Konan still felt that something was wrong with Uzumaki Nagato.

"This is my concern for you as a younger brother." Uzumaki Nagato said with a smile.

Xiaonan is one year older than him, and he was always taken care of when he was young, so it is normal to call Xiaonan sister.

It's just that in daily interactions, the two of them are called by their first names.

"You still know that you are a younger brother!"

Konan stood up, imitating Hinata Bin's way of "bullying" a child one time, and poked Uzumaki Nagato's forehead with his finger.


Hinata Bin escaped Uchiha Aoki's attack to the limit, opened his Byakugan, and began to capture the Black Zetsu hidden in the dark.

It only solves Uchiha Aoki, not Black Zetsu, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Uchiha Aojo is just a chess piece, and Black Zetsu is the one playing chess behind the scenes.

After solving Uchiha Aojo this time, decades later, Black Zetsu can find the next "Uchiha Aojo", continue to perform the infinite moon reading, and lift the seal of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

He didn't want to become a centenarian and still have to battle wits and courage with Hei Jue and dance with young people.

As the first attack began, Uchiha Aoki continued to attack Hinata, regardless of the loss of the Mangekyou Sharingan's pupil power.

This series of combos forced Hinata Bin to dodge and defend.

At this moment, Uchiha Qingcheng is like a god of war!

In just one minute after the battle started, Uchiha Aojo launched more than ten rounds of attacks on Hinata.

Hyuga Bin has never found any trace of Black Zetsu, and he began to suspect that Black Zetsu had given up on Uchiha Aoki and chose to remain dormant for decades before taking action.

After all, Hei Zetsu has endured it for a thousand years, so if he endures it for a few more decades, it doesn't seem to be a big deal?

If Black Zetsu planned to abandon Uchiha Aojo, he would not be able to deal with Uchiha Aojo this time.

While Hinata Bin was thinking, a new optional task appeared in his mind:

[Option A: Next, kill the male Uchiha Aoki with one blow. Completion reward: Three Magatama Sharingan (A-level reward). 】

[Option B: Give Uchiha Aoki a chance to regain his dignity and pretend to be defeated by Uchiha Aoki. Completion reward: A specially made refined kunai (D-level reward). 】

[Option C: Fight with the strength of the last fight against Uchiha Aoki, and take the opportunity to test Uchiha Aoki's true purpose. Completion reward: Random attribute point +0.1. 】

For this simple question, Hinata Bin chose option C directly.

Next, he no longer evaded, but directly started a battle with Uchiha Qingcheng.

【Susanohu——Behead! 】

[Gossip - Strange power returns to heaven! 】


A single blow stirred up dust on the ground, and a roaring sound could be heard for several kilometers.

Before the smoke dissipated, Uchiha Aojo inside Susanoo took off his mask, and the third Sharingan on his forehead rotated and turned into the Mangekyo Sharingan.

This is the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha Mirror that he took from Danzo Shimura.

[Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water! 】

As Uchiha Aoki launched the illusion, Hinata's consciousness was brought into a virtual illusion world.

"This illusion?"

Uchiha Qingcheng looked at the mosaic-filled environment around him with some novel eyes.

"Hyuugabin, today is the day you die!"

In the fantasy realm, Uchiha Aojo slashed at Hinata Bin.

Outside the illusion, the black Zetsu hidden in the dark also emerged from behind Hinata Bin, and his black hand inserted into Hinata Bin's heart.

"Did you succeed?"



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