Konoha: Start From Choosing To Become Hokage

Chapter 105 【Bin-kun, no! 】【Subscribe! 】

"Ah? Bin-kun, why did you give it to me?" Ye Cang didn't know for a while whether he should accept the bunch of flowers Hyuga Bin gave her.

She knows that the meaning of bouquets is to pass on happiness, and the boy who grabs the bouquets to give the bouquets to his beloved girl means confession and even marriage proposal.

In that case...

Why did Hyuga Bin choose to give her the bouquet?

Does Hyuga Bin really like her?

So what I said to her before was all hinting at her?

How to do?

Do you want to accept it?

"I have no place for a boy to put flowers." Hyuga Bin gave an answer that made Ye Cang very dissatisfied, who had already made up his mind to "marry".

"You gave me the bouquet for this reason?" Ye Cang's tone was a little angry, and his expression when looking at Hyuga Bin seemed to be a little bit...satisfied besides being embarrassed.

"One more thing, flowers match beauties, and for all the audience present today, you are the best match for this bunch of flowers." Hyuga Bin added another compliment to Ye Cang.

Today, Ye Cang didn't wear the halter outfit that Hyuga is so tired of. Instead, she wore a long skirt and high heels. Together with her own natural beauty, she became the focus of men's attention.

Except for Uzumaki Kuna, who was married today, there was no one who could play in the entire venue.

Ye Cang smiled when he heard Hyuga Bin's words.

Hyuga Bin couldn't help sighing. As expected, all women like to be praised, even if they want to be a Fengying woman...it is no exception.

Seeing Ye Cang accepting the bouquet, he happily fiddled with the petals, Hyuga Bin talked to Ye Cang about what he forgot to ask yesterday: "By the way, Ye Cang-kun, how is Sunagakure's situation? Are you sure to be Fifth Kazekage?"

"There is no absolute certainty about this kind of thing. After all, the people who made the decision to sacrifice me, besides Luosha, there are still one-third of the high-level." Ye Cang smiled and shook his head: "I'm going back to the village to report this time. After Luosha and some of Sand Shinobi's high-level executives passed, the support rate of Luosha is now almost equal to that of Luosha. However, because of the exposure of this incident, the village held an emergency meeting and suspended the right of Luosha as a wind shadow. All orders were issued by the Chiyo elders Take care of it, and then hold a Jōnin meeting three months later to vote to decide whether to oust the identity of Luosha Fourth Kazekage and select a new style."

Because he trusts Hyuga Bin enough, Ye Cang has nothing to hide.

"If you want me to say that Luosha and the high-level people in the village who agreed to betray you should all be eliminated." Hyuga Bin said in an uncomfortable tone: "They can even sacrifice for your benefit as a Sunagakure hero. That sacrifice. Other ordinary ninjas, I’m afraid it’s even more of a sentence or two."

"It's not that simple." Ye Cang showed a wry smile.

She didn't want to solve all the moral high-levels, but in reality, unless she betrayed Sunagakure and became a traitor, it would be impossible to attack the high-levels.

"Is there anything I can help you?" Hyuga Bin asked Ye Cang.

"You have helped me a lot. If I go on, I really don't know what to do to repay you enough." Ye Cang said.

"You are the best reward for being Fengying." Hyuga Bin said with a smile.

He helped his friend and never thought that he must get something back from him.

The "world peace" he said to Ye Cang is just a joke at this stage.

"My current identity can be Rennin. But if I become Fengying, I can't do the things I'm sorry for the village." Ye Cang looked at Hyuga Bin and said in a serious tone.

Her life was originally saved by Hyuga Bin, even if Hyuga Bin asked her to do anything, she could accept it.

But if she becomes the shadow of Sunagakure, it will not only represent her personally.

"Don't worry, I won't let you do things that are sorry for the village."


The afternoon after the wedding.

Hyuga Bin and Yecang are still walking and chatting in the streets of Konoha Village.

Today is the second and last day Yekura came to Konoha Village this time.

Early tomorrow morning, she will set off to rush back to Sunagakure.

When passing by a pub, Ye Cang turned his head and smiled at Hyuga Bin and said, "Bin-kun, I would like to have a drink tonight."

Unlike last time when Hyuga Bin was accidentally drunk, she wanted to get herself drunk tonight, so she can relax for a night without burden.

During this time, she was too depressed in Sunagakure.

"Well, it's still early. I will take you to buy some Konoha Village specialties and bring back Sunagakure, and then I will invite you to drink the best shochu in Konoha Village." Hyuga Bindang made arrangements.

"I'm not going to travel this time, why do you bring special products?" Ye Cang came to Konoha Village this time, and didn't plan to buy anything.

Her seal scrolls were filled with combat supplies. She didn't know how to pack and take several sets of clothes that Hyuga Bin gave away yesterday.

"You can use it yourself or give it away. Don't you have a good relationship with the mother-in-law of the thousand generations? Buy some and send her back. For her kind of elderly, I will be very touched to receive the special products you brought her specially." Hyuga Bin He spoke casually.

"Forget it, there are too many things, it is not convenient for me to take them home." Ye Cang refused again.

She doesn't have the coins of the country of fire, so it costs Hyuga Bin's money to buy special products, and then how to bring back Sunagakure is a troublesome matter.

Moreover, she wants to get along with Hyuga-bin on an equal footing, instead of Hyuga-bin's giving her carelessly, but she just always enjoys Hyuga-bin's kindness to her.

"Don't worry, I have a way." Regardless of Ye Cang's refusal, Hyuga Bin took Ye Cang directly to start shopping.

Since receiving the "dividends" from Jiraiya's novels every month, money has become an extra thing to Hyuga Bin.

He spends his money normally in the village every day, and it's hard to spend his money.


In the evening, Hyuga Bin and Hakura's hands were full of Konoha's specialties.

After bringing all the special products back to the hotel room and putting them away, Hyuga Bin took Ye Cang to a special rotisserie and started dinner.

Different from the past, Ye Cang tonight is not interested in barbecue. He only knows that he keeps drinking, which is obviously to relieve his sorrows.

Hyuga Bin knew that Ye Cang wanted to get drunk arbitrarily tonight. Not only did he not persuade Ye Cang to drink less, he filled Ye Cang's glass as soon as it was empty.

It wasn't until late at night that Hyuga Bin was carrying the drunk person on his back and was unconscious. He tightly tightened his hands, as if Ye Cang who wanted to hold him into his body, walked back to the hotel step by step.

After entering the hotel room, Hyugabin gently put Ye Cang on the bed, took off Ye Cang's high heels, put the quilt on Ye Cang, and turned around to leave.

Before Hyuga Bin took two steps, Ye Cang's pleading words came into his ears:

"Bin-kun, can you not leave tonight?"

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