Konoha: Start From Choosing To Become Hokage

Chapter 139 【Tsunade is the best! 】

Saying goodbye to Terumi Mei, Hyuga Bin uses Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to the big tree outside Kirigakure, walks nearby, leaves a permanent technique, and then perceives the position of the next technique, and jumps to the country of waves. Territory.

I have to say that although Flying Thunder God Technique is very expensive for long-distance teleportation, it is really cool to use.

The original journey of a day can be reached in only two blinks, which is much faster than flying.

Except that there is no stewardess to accompany, all aspects of the experience are more enjoyable.

It is precisely because of this that Hyuga Bin's mission time is very sufficient this time, so he plans to stay in the small town of Nami Country for one night, intending to let Tsunade escort him for one day.

(San Pei: accompany eating, drinking, and playing.)

Hyuga Bin walked around the casino in the small town, but didn't find Tsunade. In desperation, he could only use his unique trick-Flying Thunder God Technique!

"call out!"

The next moment, Hyuga Bin suddenly appeared in the dressing room of Nyutang, half-dressing her clothes, Tsunade, who was still exposed... was shocked.

Obviously, Tsunade is here to take a bath in the women's bath. He has just finished soaking and is getting dressed.

Hyuga Bin was also smashed by the scene in front of him.

Unable to respond to Tsunade, Hyuga Bin quickly teleported away again using Flying Thunder God Technique. The whole process lasted less than a second.

If Tsunade didn't know that Hyuga Bin could Flying Thunder God Technique, and if there happened to be a Flying Thunder God Kuma from Hyuga Bin in her Kabuto dress, I would think that she would be dazzled.

After escaping, Hyuga Bin, knowing the location of Tsunade, walked directly outside the female soup to wait for Tsunade.

As a man, he will not shirk responsibility.

He will not deny what he has done, and he will not go back to the village directly now and not meet Tsunade in the short term.


He dared to face Tsunade and tell Tsunade a small, white lie.

"Little hooligan, I didn't call you wrong as expected."

This is Tsunade's first words to Hyuga Bin who is waiting for her when she walks out of the female bath.

"Master Tsunade, let me explain."

Hyuga Bin kept a safe distance from Tsunade, and gave out the excuse he had thought about on the way to Lai Nuyu: "I was discovered by Kirigakure's ninja while performing a mission in Kirigakure. I used it in a hurry. Flying Thunder God Technique escaped, so I appeared next to you."

This excuse, in Hyuga Bin's view, is obviously perfect.

Kirigakure's ninjas are inherently suspicious, and Kirigakure is currently in the "closed village" stage, and the probability of being discovered during missions is inherently high.

"Really?" Tsunade was suspicious of Hyuga Bin's explanation.

"Really, it's more real than real gold. If it was not an emergency, I would definitely not use this method." Hyuga Bin said sincerely.

"Then I will believe you once." Tsunade decided to believe in Hyuga Bin.

Because Hyuga Bin does seldom lie to her, she thinks Hyuga Bin's words still have a certain degree of credibility.

Moreover, Hyuga Bin did not see the key "point" just now.

If Hyuga Bin is replaced by Jiraiya, she will definitely break the hammer first, no matter whether it is intentional or not.

Hearing Tsunade's answer, Hyuga Bin relaxed and walked slowly to Tsunade's side.


Hyuga Bin stayed beside Tsunade for less than a second, and before he could find a topic to chat, he was punched by Tsunade!

Falling to the ground in a perfect parabola, Hyuga Bin rushed to Tsunade again:

"Master Tsunade, I need an explanation."

"You know what you did in Kirigakure." Tsunade's tone was very bad, as if Hyuga Bin did something to her sorry.

"I'm on duty." Hyuga Bin said helplessly.

He came to Kirigakure to perform his mission.

Knowing that the disappeared Konoha Shinobi was not the work of Mist Shinobi, understanding that Mist Shinobi had no intention of having a war with Konoha, and also inquired that Fourth Mizukage Yagura was controlled by illusion, which can be said to have overfulfilled the task.

The intelligence content this time is enough to add an S-level mission to his resume to complete.

"On mission? Why do you have the fragrance of a woman?" Tsunade scoffed at Hyuga Bin's words.

She smelled the woman's scent of Hyuga Bin, which requires close contact between Hyuga Bin and a woman for more than half an hour to be "stained".

Through this, she made a judgment. Hyuga Bin said that the emergency was to deceive her, which is also the reason for her action.

"Scent? Why didn't I smell it?"

Hyuga Bin said innocently, sniffed himself, and found that there was a faint fragrance.

This scent is familiar to Hyuga Bin, and it is the scent of Terumi Mei.

He and Terumi Mei stayed together for more than an hour, probably rubbing over Terumi Mei accidentally.

However, despite being hammered, Hyuga Bin has to continue to explain Tsunade, after all, he and Terumi Mei are also doing tasks, not for dating and fun.

"Master Tsunade, I didn't do the kind of thing you imagined. I stayed in Kirigakure for two hours and were performing tasks. I just ran into an acquaintance during the task." Hyuga Bin explained sincerely.

"Is that acquaintance also your prospective girlfriend?" Tsunade, who was still angry, continued to complain about Hyuga Bin.

"No, it's just an acquaintance who has met twice." Hyuga Bin can only continue to explain this.

He frightened Tsunade with the Flying Thunder God Technique at first, and he did tell a lie later, so it seemed to him that he found it by himself, and Tsunade should be angry.

"The other party is a ninja, right?" Tsunade said with a sneer.

"It's a ninja." Hyuga Bin nodded.

"As a Konoha Shinobi, you came to Kirigakure to inquire about information, and then you came across an acquaintance Wuren who had met twice before. The other party did not expose you to the village, but accompanied you..."

Tsunade felt that the plot was a little illusory.

But compared to Hyuga Bin’s previous “true” lie, this conclusion makes her feel more real.

"Although it sounds unrealistic, it is true." Hyuga Bin said with a helpless smile.

"Then why didn't you tell me the truth at first?" Tsunade told Hyuga Bin

After a brief conversation, after understanding the situation, her anger almost disappeared.

"I'm afraid you will be angry!" Hyuga Bin told the truth.

After all, he just "flyed" to the female soup and saw the fruit of Tsunade.

If there is no reasonable explanation, Tsunade will definitely be unhappy.

As a result, I thought I had found a perfect explanation, but in the end I picked up a rock and smashed myself in the foot.

"Look at you, it's better to tell the truth from the beginning, and I didn't find out in the end." Tsunade smiled triumphantly when he heard Hyuga Bin's words.

"Yes, yes, Tsunade-sama is the best!"

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