Konoha: Start Fusion Tomie Template Author: Flame in the Furnace


As soon as people traveled through time, it was the night of genocide

When he was on the verge of death, he merged with Fujiang's template and used Fujiang's power to resurrect and open a kaleidoscope.

Hiding for revenge, he used Tomie's ability to assimilate Danzo, manipulate public opinion to force the third generation to step down, let Danzo ascend to power, and indirectly control Konoha.

Split into several Fujiangs, some practice alone, or join Xiao

Using the ninja world as a chessboard and all ninjas as the flag, controlling everything, and torturing people with soft knives, this is the era that belongs to Tomie

Chapter 1 Just after people traveled through time, it was the night of genocide?

The night of Konoha 58 was very quiet, and the Uchiha clan was even quieter, because they lived in the most remote place in Konoha and were obviously the most powerful family in Konoha.

Such a silent night was actually filled with undercurrents and a sense of chilling.

From the Uchiha tribe, a boy with long flowing hair and an unbelievably handsome face was filled with sorrow.

Calling him a boy is a bit excessive. Most people would think he is a girl when they see him. If you insist on saying it, this is a Bai-like existence, which belongs to the category of painting girls talking about boys.

"What should we do? Uchiha Itachi is already thirteen years old. This means that Uchiha will be exterminated this year. How can we break the situation?"

The boy was very troubled. Looking at his mental activities, you could tell that he was a time traveler.

The boy's name was Fu Jiang, a writer of Internet articles. He stayed up late to finish typing and browsed a movie, and before he knew it, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes, he found that he had traveled through time, traveled to the world of Naruto, and became Uchiha Tomie of the Uchiha clan.

The name made him feel weird, and with the beautiful face, he almost felt like he had traveled through time and became a woman. When he touched it, the guy was still there.

However, he had no time to be happy that he had traveled through time because the beginning was a dead end!

"The night of genocide cannot be today! Ha! How is it possible? How could I die just after traveling through time?"

Tomie Uchiha was a little panicked, and few people could avoid panicking in this situation. However, he himself didn't notice that his Magatama Sharingan evolved into a second Magatama quietly.

The first magatama was opened after the death of the grandmother who he depended on a few days ago. Now Uchiha Tomie opened the second magatama sharingan because of the extreme inner irritability and the incompetence of his own power.


Suddenly, a man wearing an animal mask and carrying a short sword rushed in.

The person who came didn't say anything. He unsheathed his dagger and stabbed Fu Jiang's heart directly. It seemed that his purpose was very clear.

As a time traveler, Tomie instantly knew that today was the night when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, and he was the one who traveled through time to behead him. He didn't want to die!

Tomie opened his Sharingan. He saw through the movements of the person coming, but he couldn't avoid it. He just shifted his body slightly and stabbed his ribs but not his heart.

"Konoha F4, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Itachi, I remember you."

The endless rage caused Tomie's Sharingan to be upgraded again, becoming the Three Magatama Sharingan.

What a pity! The original person was just a kid from a ninja school, and he could only be said to be quite decent. However, Tomie who traveled through time had never experienced combat at all.

Then, the visitor stabbed out another sword, directly piercing the heart, and the time traveler died like this.

The visitor looked at Tomie's body and was very shocked. At this age, he had a second magatama Sharingan, and he was upgraded to a third magatama before his death. If he didn't die, he would be an Uchiha Itachi or Uchiha Shisui. Uchiha is indeed rich in geniuses. .

"Sir, you will definitely be happy to see these three magatama sharingan."

The people who came dug out Tomie's Sharingan and left. There were not many Uchiha people, so they had to act quickly and dig out a few more pairs of three magatama sharingan for you. This is your order.

[The system starts up and detects that the host is on the verge of death and has lost consciousness. The system automatically matches the template for it. 】

[After calculation, there are one hundred and eight templates that match the host's current situation, and they are now randomly selected. 】

[Extraction completed - Tomie Kawakami template (optimized version), the host is unconscious and on the verge of death, and the power of the template is forcibly fused. 】

[Integration started. Due to the activation of backup hidden energy to rescue the host, the energy was insufficient and the system was temporarily offline. 】

In the silent night, killings occurred everywhere, and every Uchiha fell in a pool of blood. The people involved were like machines without emotions, even the young and old were not spared.

Most of these Uchiha died in their sleep. Even if someone discovered them, they would be killed quickly. The resistance time was less than thirty seconds. Some of them were killed instantly if they were discovered.

In this way, the Uchiha clan, whether they had their Sharingan opened or not, whether they were male or female, old or young, all died, leaving only Uchiha Sasuke.

The next day, the news about the genocide of Uchiha began to spread. Whether it was the villagers or the ninja clan, some were happy and some were worried.

The villagers are ignorant and can easily be taken advantage of, which is why the White Fang incident happened and Naruto was targeted like that.

But there are also a small number of villagers who know how to think. What they think about is not why the Uchiha were exterminated. What they think about is that the Uchiha were exterminated. Will this affect the power of Konoha and will it start a ninja war?

Konoha had won the previous three ninja wars, but no one wanted a war. During the war, there were more restrictions. For example, leaving the village to do business would become more dangerous.

The ninjas are scared too! The Uchiha were so powerful that they were exterminated, but what about them! If the Third Hokage wants to do something one day, they won't be able to resist.

Regarding the Uchiha genocide incident, some great ninjas knew the inside story. What they didn't expect was that the high-level officials of Konoha really did it and did it so cruelly. Except for Uchiha Sasuke, no one was left alive.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was great at what he did. Although Uchiha was a little arrogant, not everyone was like that, and Uchiha founded Konoha with the Senju, and then it was gone. Those great ninjas felt like a rabbit died and a fox died.

The Sarutobi clan and the Shimura clan are exceptions. They are growing up by absorbing the heritage of other ninja clans in Konoha.

This is also the plot in which Orochimaru carried out the Konoha collapse plan, asking his subordinates to use the Four Purple Flame Formation to create a barrier so that he could fight the third generation decisively. As a result, few people went to save the third generation, and as soon as the third generation died, those high-level combat forces came out to clean up the situation.

The Anbu and Root ninjas were moving, and Uchiha's corpses needed to be disposed of. Some corpses were buried, but a few corpses were quietly transported to the Roots.

Those are all Uchiha with powerful power. They are not as good as Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui, but their power exceeds that of ordinary jounin. They are too spicy to be looked down upon by the King of Chicken Pot.

In fact, what Danzo wants to study most is Uchiha Fugaku. After all, he is the most powerful existence in the Uchiha clan except Itachi. It is a pity that he cannot study it because of Uchiha Itachi.

Corpses were buried one after another. These Uchihas were not buried at the memorial monument. They were not qualified. Both Konoha F4 and civilians thought so.

It's really sad. Uchiha put in a lot of effort in the three great ninja wars.

In this way, five days passed, and everyone in the ninja world who was well-informed knew that Uchiha had been exterminated.

Kumogakure and Iwagakure began to make small moves to test Konoha, while Sunagakure and Kirigakure were weak-minded.

At this time, in the dark coffin, Tomie opened his eyes. It was not the Magatama Sharingan, but a pattern similar to a dart. This was the Mangekyo Sharingan.

The resurrected Uchiha Tomie has become stronger. Even if he is just a student of the Ninja School, when he turns on the Mangekyō Sharingan, he will sooner or later be able to rival the Five Shadows or even surpass them.

Chapter 2 Fu Jiang’s Ability

After Uchiha Tomie was resurrected, his mood was very complicated, including happiness, resentment, and doubts.

Uchiha Tomie quickly regained his composure and looked at his offline golden finger. Although he was temporarily offline due to lack of energy, he could still check some of his information.

Name: Uchiha Tomie (successfully integrated with Kawakami Tomie template)

Abilities: Infinite reproduction, desire for beauty, super-speed regeneration, amplified desire, Mangekyō Sharingan, assimilation, absolute dominance

Uchiha Tomie couldn't help but complain, it was really short! But can’t the Uchiha clan’s ninjutsu be used on this panel? It's still too low-level and won't be displayed directly.

Tomie in the coffin was actually excited. With these abilities, his life-saving ability was even stronger than Orochimaru's.

Otherwise, just the kaleidoscope ability is simply not enough, let alone those six-level combat power in the later period, even dealing with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo will be a problem.

It's not that Mangekyo is weak, but that Tomie is too weak now. He doesn't know any B-level ninjutsu, let alone the stronger ones.

Tomie Uchiha was not in a hurry to break out of the coffin. He lay in the coffin and analyzed what advantages these abilities could bring to him.

He is very lucky to have the skill of absolute dominance. You must know that Tomie will kill each other in the Tomie series.

Absolute dominance: the main body occupies the absolute advantage and completely dominates the split body

Without this skill, Uchiha Tomie would have to be careful when making a split body, lest he be killed by the split body.

Other skills are also very powerful, such as unlimited reproduction.

Unlimited reproduction: It is not affected by the law of conservation of energy and various laws, and can reproduce infinitely. Even a pool of blood or a piece of meat can reproduce and grow into Fujiang (the only flaw is that the split body only has 80% of the power of the original body at the beginning, and the split body can also reproduce indefinitely. can grow)

The skill of infinite reproduction is Uchiha Tomie's biggest reliance. He can divide automatically and does not need to wait for others to kill him before passively dividing. And as long as there is one cell, he can be resurrected.

Beauty turns into desire: Possessing a unique charm that can make anyone fascinated by you, fall in love with you and become your puppet without knowing it. (Can be freely controlled to turn on and off, or can be controlled to take effect on a single individual)

Amplify desire: Can amplify the desire in the heart of living things

Assimilation: When your blood, meat, saliva, etc. are swallowed by others, or your organs are transplanted, as long as other organisms have your cells in their bodies, you can activate the assimilation skill and quietly transform them into your clones. The transformation time depends on the difference in strength. If you are stronger than the opponent, the transformation will be completed quickly. If the opponent is stronger than you, it will take a lot of time. If the opponent is ten or even a hundred times stronger than you, you can only lurk and wait for the opportunity.

Super-speed regeneration: possesses super recovery ability

Uchiha Tomie carefully read the skill introduction, and he felt that Meicheng Desire and Amplified Desire can be used together.

Also, the skill of super speed regeneration may seem useless, but it is not. This allows him to recover quickly if he is injured. This is how his Mangekyou Sharingan comes from.

His original three-magatama Sharingan was poached, and after his resurrection, the super-speed regeneration skill automatically activated, and he had another pair of Sharingan after more than ten seconds.

When he was first resurrected, because he recalled the scene of being killed and knew the truth about the Uchiha genocide, his endless anger caused his three-seduction Sharingan to evolve into a kaleidoscope.

Uchiha Tomie feels that if this skill is used with Izanagi, he can use Izanagi unlimitedly, which will make his immortality more perfect and his life-saving ability ten times stronger.

If he uses one of Izanagi's Sharingan, he will be blinded, but he will be invincible for one minute. During this minute, relying on the passive ability of super speed regeneration, the Sharingan will be restored.

The more Tomie Uchiha thought about it, the more he felt that Tomie Kawakami's template was so awesome and so suitable for Uchiha that he wouldn't change it even if he had a Garp template or an Aizen template.

Also, he can completely detach his Mangekyō Sharingan, and after growing a pair, the two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan will be fused to form the Eternal Mangekyō.

Even if there is no super-speed regeneration, there is the skill of infinite reproduction, and it is the same with the Mangekyō Sharingan fusion of the split body. Tomie's ability is too buggy.

However, now is not the time. His body is too weak. Even if the amount of chakra has been increased due to the continuous upgrade of Sharingan, it is hard to say whether his current chakra has one tenth of the card.

After a year or two, when the body grows and becomes stronger, you can merge with the kaleidoscope to open the eternal kaleidoscope.

With his current strength, he would run out of chakra within thirty seconds of opening the kaleidoscope, and he couldn't even open the three magatama for too long.

Speaking of kaleidoscope, we have to talk about the ability of kaleidoscope. Uchiha Tomie's left eye's pupil technique is empathy, and the ability of his right eye is absolute control.

Both abilities are related to his thoughts when he opened the Mangekyou Sharingan. He wanted Konoha F4, Obito, and Itachi to regret, and wanted them to taste his own feelings, so he had the ability to empathize with his left eye.

This ability is similar to Hidan's ability, which can cause the enemy to suffer the same level of damage as himself. The difference is that he does not need blood as a medium, he only needs to look at the person with a kaleidoscope.

The right eye's ability is absolute control, which stems from his desire to have great power and control his own destiny.

Absolute control sounds awesome, but it is actually an auxiliary ability. This ability allows Uchiha Tomie to perfectly control his own power.

Just now, he turned on the Mangekyou Sharingan before and then closed it soon, but during this period he activated his ability, and his mastery of the various ninjutsu he had learned became more perfect. He can now release the giant fire ball without a seal. The art of the Three Body Skills, the Three Body Art, and the art of shuriken are no worse than those who have practiced hard for ten years.

Even so, it can only be said that Uchiha Tomie has extremely strong potential, but he does not need too much time. If he has three years to grow, he is sure to defeat the current Five Shadows head-on, and in one year, he is sure to kill the Five Shadows. .

However, what he lacks is time. He cannot stay here forever. It will be difficult to grow if he stays here. Moreover, he is not a dead person. If a ninja detects the breath of life, he will be exposed.

Uchiha Tomie was thinking about how to quietly create more split bodies after he left, and how to keep the Third Generation and Danzo from killing him for the time being and give him time to grow.

"By the way, the Sharingan that was taken away."

Uchiha Tomie thought of his three magatama sharingan eyes that had been dug away, and he quickly sensed that the sharingan eyes had been transplanted.

"There is only one Sharingan, and the other one disappeared. Was it destroyed? Impossible, no one would waste the Sharingan like that, so did someone use Izanagi to consume it?"

Tomie Uchiha didn't have much time to think. He quickly determined what was going on with that eye through Tomie Kawakami's template ability.

A few minutes later, Tomie smiled. His eye was transplanted by Danzo. Danzo was so fast! In this case, you can activate the ability of assimilation, slowly influence Danzo through that eye, and make Danzo his clone. In this case, instead of being domineering in Konoha, at least safety is guaranteed and training resources are available.

However, the strength gap between him and Danzo is a bit big, and it will take a long time to completely assimilate him.

Chapter 3 Conversation at the Hokage Tower

One day later, Uchiha Tomie emerged from the coffin. On this day, he continued to speculate on various possibilities, and even gained absolute mastery of the ability to use the kaleidoscope, improving his ninjutsu skills.

What's more important is that he can assimilate Danzo through his own Sharingan in Danzo Shimura's hand. To completely assimilate Danzo, it will take a lot of time to transform him into a clone, because the strength gap between him and Danzo is too big.

If it weren't for his Mangekyou Sharingan, with his current power, he might not be able to assimilate Danzo in ten years.

Fortunately, he had a backup plan. Even if Sandai and Danzo killed him, he could still be resurrected, so he had the capital to waste.

Uchiha Tomie walking on the street quickly attracted the attention of the villagers. Whether they knew Tomie or not, there was a look of horror on their faces, because the Uchiha clan emblem behind Tomie showed his identity as an Uchiha. .

How is this possible, Uchiha has been exterminated, how did Tomie escape, or is this not a human being?

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three people wearing black tights and animal masks appeared and surrounded Uchiha Tomie.

"Come with us to see the Hokage-sama."

The three of them said indifferently, there were four people in the ANBU team, and now three are here, and one of them went to the Hokage Tower first to tell Sarutobi Hiruzen about this.

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