In addition to integrating more Fujiang into Planet Fujiang to make it stronger, making this planet stronger is also a way to make Planet Fujiang stronger.

Ever since!

The Fujiangs also worked hard to create various stones and water to make the planet richer.

There is also Fujiang who desperately mobilizes natural energy to pour into the planet Fujiang, using all methods to make it stronger.

Orochimaru and Tobirama were a little dumbfounded. Did they see something they shouldn't have seen?

One day later, Planet Fujiang's power increased dozens of times, and the attempt started again.

It can only be said that Fujiang's ability is too buggy. In theory, if it fails this time, Fujiang and the others will continue to crazily increase the power of Planet Fujiang, and they can increase its power several times in a short period of time.

It will be more difficult to improve later on. Uchiha Tomie and others must first improve their strength. Otherwise, if quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, the power will be useless if it is too small!

Chapter 230 Journey to the Multiverse


A chakra energy column as wide as the planet struck straight out.

Planet Fujiang does not need to control the direction. There are hidden barriers in any direction, up, down, left, or right, and as long as there is strong force, they can be destroyed.

Uchiha Tomie and others can now smash the void with their fists, but they only destroy the surface space and cannot directly break the deepest barrier.

Faced with such a huge energy column and such majestic and surging power, the space barrier appeared again. This kind of space barrier is actually more appropriately called a world barrier.

This torrent of energy continued to wash away the barrier with a mighty force, and the scratching sounds continued to sound. The cracks were larger and more numerous than before.


After more than ten seconds of erosion, the barrier was completely shattered, and there was endless darkness behind the barrier.

"I come!"

Tomie Kawakami's split body left behind a soul, and then the whole person shuttled through.

The Tomies instantly projected their consciousness onto the split body of Tomie Kawakami.

It's quiet, dark, and empty behind the barrier, but that's the case in many places in the universe.

"Feel it with all your strength. If there is another corner behind the barrier. A universe, then is your position in that universe the same as our current position? You can sense this."

Uchiha Tomie said anxiously, he wanted to know if he succeeded, and said that this was not reaching other Naruto universes, but reaching other worlds, and he might still be in his own universe. He must first figure out what the situation is.

The split body of Tomie Kawakami at the other end is sensing with all its strength. It directly merges into space to increase its sensing ability, which is hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

If the planet Tomie comes, then the perception ability may cover the entire solar system, not counting the solar system of Naruto's world, but the solar system of the world before Tomie traveled through.

A few minutes later, Kawakami Tomie's split body said: "My location is not what you guessed, but it is very close to the planet related to the curse that the soul split body has been to. In my perception, most of this place is the same as where we are. It's the same as the universe, and the possibility of it being other Naruto universes is as high as 90%."

When Kawakami Tomie's split body spoke, the split soul left on Uchiha Tomie's side shuttled over and merged with her.

After the fusion, she went directly to the ninja world.

Seeing this, Uchiha Tomie said to Planet Tomie: "Bombard the space barriers in other places and see if the universe you lead to after breaking through is the same as the one that Tomie Kawakami's split body arrived at."

boom! boom!

Two huge energy pillars blasted towards two different spaces. Not long after, a clicking sound was heard and the barrier shattered.

Uchiha Tomie and Aizen's split bodies passed directly through the barrier, and they sensed it instantly.

"Not the same universe!"

Uchiha Tomie smiled, because if he, Aizen's split body, and Kawakami Tomie's split body were in the same universe, they could completely sense each other based on their distance.

All three of them chose to go to the Ninja World, because this is the core of Naruto's world. If time travelers and reincarnations really appear, 99% of them will be in the Ninja World.

Planet Fu Jiang put away the energy pillar, and at this time, the barrier that was first broken was restored.

The Eagle Eye split body didn't pay attention, but regretted: "It's a pity that the situation is unknown. We still need someone to take charge here, otherwise I would also like to visit other universes."

Since Uchiha Tomie and the other three can go to other universes, other people can also come to this universe if they have the power, so it is necessary to leave the Hawkeye split body with stronger combat effectiveness.

Even if the Hawkeye split body cannot be defeated or consumed by Fujiang's characteristics, then if it is lured to the planet Fujiang, a self-destruction can definitely solve it.

When the barrier disappears, the passage disappears, which Tomie doesn't care about at all. It's not difficult to return to the original universe with Tomie's methods.

The magic circle jointly developed by Tobirama and Tomie has other magical effects. It is not as weak as imagined. It just cannot break the barrier, but it doesn't matter. Now the barrier has a planet Tomie that can break it.

"You should deal with it."

The Hawkeye split shot two chakras into Orochimaru and Tobirama's bodies, and began to modify their memories.

Fujiang's abilities were exposed at the beginning, but some abilities were not exposed, and some abilities were trump cards and had to be kept.

The Hawkeye split body did not completely erase the memories of the two people, which is too suspicious. He did not modify the previous ones at all, but mixed some false memories in the back, making the half-truths and half-falsities difficult to detect.

After the Hawkeye split body modified their memories, they sent them back to the ninja world, and then continued to draw their swords toward the sky to hone their sword heart, sword intention, and sword power.

He found that he still had room for improvement. Even if there were limits to this world, not to mention destroying the world barrier with one sword, he should at least have damaged the barrier like the magic circle.

Planet Fujiang digested the power obtained this time, and suddenly increased his power too much. Even if he had the ability to absolutely control this power, he could not perfectly control this power.

Like Yiyanshen, in the final analysis, absolute control is just a kaleidoscope eye technique, not an unsolvable bug ability.

Except for the Daimyo assimilation body, other Tomie are exploring planets in the universe. The unique power systems of some planets are very useful.

Without the knowledge of those planets, the magic circle cannot be developed at all. The magic circle seems useless, but in fact it is not, and its hidden ability has not yet been exerted.

The other three in the Naruto universe, Uchiha Tomie and the other three were very fast, and it didn't take long to reach the ninja world.

In the past, it took one minute for Hancock's fragmented body to fly for one year, but it would be faster if they used space capabilities.

Although they are in different universes, the actions of the three are surprisingly consistent, directly integrating with the natural energy of the ninja world, and easily monitoring the entire ninja world without exposing themselves.

Even though the channel is closed across the universe, Tomie's unique ability allows them to communicate.

A few minutes later, Aizen's split body was the first to speak, "The timeline here is after the Uchiha clan was exterminated, the plot of the Chuunin exam has passed, and even Sasuke has defected. Judging from this performance, it doesn't look like there is a time traveler, or maybe He is still weak and has not made any waves."

Kawakami Tomie's split body said: "The timeline here is also after the night of the Uchiha genocide, but there is something wrong with Orochimaru here, and it needs to be investigated."

Uchiha Tomie said: "The Third Ninja War is going on here. It's a bit interesting. It seems that the power of Devil Fruit has appeared."

After the three Fujiangs finished talking, they acted separately. If there is anything they want to know, they can just come to the other Fujiang viewers and see.

Uchiha Tomie chuckled and appeared on the battlefield between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

Uchiha Tomie watched a young Konoha ninja killing everyone.

Although he is young, only in his teens, he is really strong. He can often kill a Sunagakure ninja or destroy a puppet with one punch.

This is Uchiha Tomie's suspect, suspected to be a fellow villager, because his whole body has turned into diamonds, which is very similar to the superhuman devil fruit ability in One Piece.

Chapter 231 Battle against the Devil Fruit Boy

He has a very strong ability to transform into diamonds. In the world of pirates, Jozi relies on this ability in conjunction with his powerful domineering to block the swordsman Hawkeye's attacks.

Uchiha Tomie was not in a hurry to take action against this fellow, but watched him perform.

But he yawned when he saw it, and that was right. He had experienced all these devastating battles over the years, battles that could explode stars. Watching these was like a child playing house.

Ten minutes later, Uchiha Tomie cheered up a little, because the one-tail jinchuriki came out.

"If I remember correctly, the current one-tailed Jinchuuriki can be regarded as a perfect Jinchuuriki. It's interesting. I don't know how you are going to deal with it."

Uchiha Tomie looked at the boy below, who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

Unknowingly, he is no longer young. He is now older than before time travel, but age is meaningless to him, and time can no longer leave any traces on him.

On the battlefield, the diamond-turned boy was not afraid at all when he saw Shukaku. On the contrary, he was full of excitement.

The boy released his diamond form and transformed into lightning, which reached Shukaku's head with a loud bang.

The lightning escape, which was comparable to an S-level ninjutsu, was completed in an instant, knocking Shukaku to the ground.

Uchiha Tomie became serious now, "Looking at it like this, it's likely that there are two devil fruit abilities, or even more."

He is not afraid, but what he is afraid of is the existence that allows the boy to hold multiple Devil Fruits at the same time. Maybe this boy has a golden finger like him. "

Travelers with golden fingers and those without golden fingers cannot be generalized, but Tomie Uchiha didn't understand what happened to his golden fingers.

Having the Fujiang template, he knows how powerful this template is, and from this, we can deduce how powerful his golden finger is.

But after giving him the power of Fujiang's template, Golden Finger withered and was offline for more than 20 years.

Is it because Fujiang's template is so awesome that its original power has been exhausted?

If this is the case, then what virtue and ability can I have? This golden finger is actually so kind to me.

Uchiha Tomie has many doubts, but he firmly believes that as long as he becomes stronger and strong enough, he will know all the truth.

If the Naruto Universe is not the strongest, then the Multi-Naruto Universe is the strongest. If the Multi-Naruto Universe is not good, then the Tenten is the strongest.

The time traveler boy is still fighting. Relying on the characteristics of the thunder fruit, any thunder escape ninjutsu used is several times stronger than others.

What's more important is that by performing Muji like this, Shukaku was crushed throughout.

Not long after, Shukaku was beaten back to the jinchuriki's body, leaving only the jinchuriki Bifuku to hold on.

"Sunagakure Village is nothing more than that. This kind of power dares to provoke a war in the ninja world. It is overestimating its own capabilities."

"As expected of that lord's grandson."

"Damn it, is the gap so big? Shimura Takeshi is too strong. Even a genius like Kakashi can't compare with him."

Watching the time traveler boy Shimura Takeshi defeat Ichibi, the Konoha ninjas cheered, admired, and couldn't believe it.

It’s really rare for people to cross paths and become the Shimura clan, but there are even people who cross paths and become Danzo, which is not unacceptable if you think about it.

Tomie Uchiha looked condescendingly at Takeshi Shimura from high in the sky, "Then I'll play with you!"

The shadow clone suddenly appeared without even forming any seals. Seals were formed to guide the chakra in the body, but they were not required. Ninjutsu was such an inconvenience.

"The Wandering Soul Technique!"

The shadow clone quickly took away the body of the first jinchuriki.

At this time, Shimura Takeshi was walking towards Fenfu who was lying on the ground.

Takeshi Shimura couldn't help but have a smile on his lips. This time he will be famous in the ninja world. From now on, he will not only be a genius, but in the eyes of others, he will also be a strong man comparable to Kage.

The Sunagakure ninja used the teleportation technique and shot quickly. How could they watch the Jinchuuriki being taken away.

However, how could the Konoha ninja let them get their wish? In addition, due to the previous battle between the two, the other ninjas were far away and could not be rescued for a while.

Shimura Takeshi's body suddenly trembled as he was moving forward. It was dangerous. The road ahead was extremely dangerous.

Shimura Takeshi stopped quickly and quickly elementalized. He trusted his intuition.

He traveled to the world of Naruto and gained the power of three Devil Fruits.

They are the natural thunder fruit, the superhuman diamond fruit and the animal python fruit.

As soon as he gets these three fruits, the fruit power will directly reach the awakening state.

Snake's premonition of danger is very accurate. He relied on the snake's instinct to avoid many plots, and only then did he grow to this point.

Although he is a Devil Fruit user, he is not afraid of water, and with his elemental form, he is almost invincible.

However, Takeshi Shimura is confident but not arrogant, because this world has sealing techniques, which are extremely buggy abilities.

At this time, "Funfu" who had fallen to the ground stood up again. He had been possessed by Uchiha Tomie's shadow clone.

"Endless sandstorm!"

As soon as the shadow clone raised his hand, the yellow sand washed away like a sea. The eyelids of both Konoha and Sunagakure ninjas jumped.

Especially for Sunagakure Jonin, it would take five or six Kazekages to create such a sand wave with this level of sand.


Takeshi Shimura directly penetrated through the elemental form. Even the most powerful Nine Tails among the nine tailed beasts could not ignore this move. However, he could ignore it with the power of the Devil Fruit.

"Elemental? Even if it's not afraid of water."

The shadow clone opened its mouth and spat out, and a huge wave of 100 meters surged out instantly.

Shimura Takeshi's face was slightly solemn, not because of such a powerful water escape, but because he had already experimented with it, and he would not be restrained by water escape, and he would not become a landlubber in the sea.

It doesn't matter if this simple water escape is several times stronger. Even if it is a super tsunami, he is not afraid. Elementalization is so awesome. In other words, he is not sure whether he can be immune to attacks from magic or natural energy.

Now Takeshi Shimura is wary of. The powerful sand waves and waves cannot be created by Fenfu at all. There must be something fishy in this.

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