However, Uchiha Sasuke is not a reckless man with all his strength, and the year of training and frequent sparring with Da Sasuke are not in vain.

Tsunade's operation made him a little confused, but it didn't make him unable to react.

Kakashi joined the battle without much hesitation. In any case, it was true that Sasuke killed the top brass of Konoha, and then killed several Konoha ninjas.

Sakura in the distance became even more anxious through Neji's broadcast. Isn't there any room for maneuver?

Why, why did it evolve to this point?

Sakura wanted to stop it, but she was powerless to change it.

To be honest, in the original work, when Team 7 fights Kaguya, Sakura is considered a dispensable character. Even without her, the outcome would not be much different.

Tomie agrees with this. In the Naruto universe he has been to, there is a world where the Fourth Ninja War took place. If there were no time travellers, not even one tenth of the world would be won by Team 7.

Now, in this world where Da Sasuke comes, the way of heaven has been assimilated, so it is up to Da Sasuke to carry that mark.

In fact, the assimilation was completed in three months, but it didn't matter if Sasuke wasn't ready to leave.

When the assimilation is completed, the two Tiandao Fujiang can adjust the time flow rate of the two worlds by working together.

Chapter 247 Sasuke’s Time and Space Journey 10

Da Sasuke still did not take action, and Uchiha Sasuke found an opportunity to switch the Thunder Release Chakra mode to Sage mode.

After fighting for a while, Uchiha Sasuke discovered that Tsunade was actually stronger than the Six Gate Kai. In terms of strength, she was not much different from the Seven Gate Kai, but there was a slight gap in speed.

And he also knew Kakashi's abilities. To deal with them, it was better to use Sage Mode than Thunder Chakra Mode.

Not everyone can be like Tomie and the others, who can use various ninjutsu at their fingertips in chakra mode.

At the beginning, Danzo's assimilated body relied on the Wind Release Chakra mode and the Wind Release Ninjutsu to suppress Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Uchiha Sasuke in sage mode is also a fierce one. It can be said that Sasuke in this form is no worse than Naruto who just learned sage mode in the original work.

The only thing that is not as good as Naruto is that the final killing move is not as good as Naruto's Rasengan Shuriken, but his other methods are much better than the Sensing.

Uchiha Sasuke was one against two, and soon fell into a disadvantage, but it was not that easy for the two of them to defeat him.

Boom! Boom!

The battle lasted for half an hour, and Metkai did not intervene. He was on guard against Sasuke.

At this time, many Jonin came, but Danzo and his roots did not come. Sure enough, Danzo still had the same virtue.

After another five minutes, Uchiha Sasuke was punched away by Tsunade, his internal organs were severely damaged, and he also had multiple burns and electrical injuries on his body.

Kakashi was also scarred, but Tsunade, on the other hand, was completely fine except for being a bit embarrassed and having consumed a lot of chakra. Her forbidden technique was too terrifying.

It can be said that before her chakra is exhausted, even if it pierces her heart and makes a big hole in her body, it will be useless.

"You guy, it's time to take action!"

Tsunade looked at the big Sasuke in the air and felt troublesome in her heart. This guy's power must surpass Uchiha Sasuke. It would be difficult to take him down!

Kakashi looked at Uchiha Sasuke who was lying on the ground covered in blood, his mood was very complicated.

With a wave of the assistant, Sasuke on the ground was attracted to him. He did not have the Samsara Eye and could not use the Tension of All Things, but someone had already developed similar tricks like this.

Yes, the basic abilities of the reincarnation eye and reincarnation eye, gravity and suction, have been dissected by people in the research department.

Nowadays, these two kinds of eyes can be used through training without the need of cultivation, but most people are definitely not as comfortable using them as those who have the samsara eye and reincarnation eye.

Da Sasuke caught Uchiha Sasuke in his hand, injected the power of Yang into it, and the injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sasuke, who was in the air, looked at Metkai and said, "Aren't you going to open the eighth door? If not, I will rush to kill Danzo?"

Kakashi and Metkai both looked at Tsunade, the Hokage. In fact, Kakashi did not want Metkai to open the eighth gate. It was not worth it for someone like Danzo.

Tsunade really wants to ask, is your target just Danzo? But as Hokage, she couldn't say such things openly.

"Lord Hokage, although I don't know what happened back then, but now that they are going to kill the Konoha ninjas, we have no way out. Now is the time for me to dedicate my youth to the Eight Gate Dungeon Kai!"

Just when Tsunade was hesitating, Metkay made the decision for her. Metakay didn't know how bad a person Danzo was.

"The eighth door, the door of death, is open!"

Metkai opened the doors one after another and reached the eighth door in an instant.

Blood-red steam wrapped around his body. At this moment, the aura emitted by Metkai was so terrifying that it was like a deep ocean. Even Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, felt that she was incomparably small.

Strong, too strong, this is not considered the power of a mortal at all, this is another level of power.

"Is this the power of Teacher Kai?"

Neji and Locke Li were deeply shocked. Even Locke Li, who had practiced the Eight Gate Dun Armor, didn't know that the Eight Gate Dun Armor could be so strong.

"It's too exaggerated! The seventh gate and the eighth gate are not on the same level at all!"

Even Sasuke was surprised. He had practiced the Eighth Gate himself, but he had never used the Eighth Gate, nor had he seen anyone else open the Eighth Gate. This was the first time he had seen it.

"Are you sure?"

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke was in a panic, because Metkai's current aura was so terrifying that he felt that Metkai in this state could kill him with one punch.

Sasuke said calmly: "The Eight Gate Dunjia is indeed powerful, but it is not my opponent yet. If you look at it honestly, this will let you see how powerful Uchiha is."

After speaking, Da Sasuke threw Uchiha Sasuke to the ground, then activated the Ultimate Sharingan and glared, and the barrier was instantly completed.

He wanted to see the power of the eighth gate. Although the chakra was terrifying, he still had to try which level it was.

Whether it is the level of the complete Susanoo or the level of the Six Paths, these are different concepts.

It only took Sasuke an instant to complete this action, and this time was enough for Metkai to launch an attack.

A transparent sustainable air cannon rushed towards Sasuke. This was Yuxiang. The power was at least ten times that of Hirutora. This blow was like a giant elephant stepping on it.

Facing this attack, Sasuke didn't activate any of his chakra modes, and Susanoo didn't use them either. He stretched his hand forward, and his chakra materialized and condensed into a shield.

Sasuke was so arrogant that he didn't even ask for Daodama.

Yu Xiang's power is powerful, and Sasuke's chakra shield is also indestructible.

During the collision, strong winds were set off, and powerful air waves came one after another. All buildings within a few kilometers were destroyed.

"Go back, stay away."

Tsunade yelled, she really didn't expect that just the noise of the battle would be so huge.

The Konoha ninja quickly retreated, joking, is this a ninja? This is clearly a fight between gods.

"Psychic art!"

Tsunade channeled the slugs and asked them to rescue others. In just a moment, some ninjas were injured.

During the battle, Metkai didn't care so much. If he failed, the price for Konoha would be even greater.

In fact, it was because it was Sasuke who came. If it were Fugaku, Shisui and others, even if they wanted revenge, it would not be like this.

This is also related to the fact that Sasuke wants to see the power of the Eight Gate Dungeon. Although Metkai in his own world has sublimated his physical skills to a very powerful level, he no longer needs to rely on the ultimate explosion of the Eight Gate Dungeon. Normally, he can rival the complete body. Zuonenghu is infinitely close to the Six Paths, and can even erupt with power that surpasses most of the Six Paths.

"The evening elephant has two legs!"

"Three legs!"

"Four legs!"

"Five legs!"

Metkai ran quickly in the air, blasting out air cannons one after another. This was a move that even Six Paths Madara could not ignore.

Even as Metkai continued to punch, Xi Xiang had the power to crush ordinary Tao-seeking jade.

Sasuke was still proud, his chakra shield expanded rapidly and turned into a chakra ball to protect him, as if he was strong enough to let him be strong, and the breeze blew over the mountains.

Five continuously attacking air pressure bombs bombarded the chakra ball, but the ball was still stable. Sasuke was indeed a being beyond the six levels.

Chapter 248 Sasuke’s Time and Space Journey 11

Sasuke felt the destructive power of the barometric bombs and roughly knew the level of Xixiang's power.

After a while, Yuxiang's sustainable attack disappeared, and Sasuke's chakra ball was still unharmed.

However, Da Sasuke still praised it: "Yes, it is indeed powerful. Although it has flaws, in terms of destructive power, it has reached the level of the Six Paths. Although it is not a powerful move among the Six Paths, it is not at the bottom either."

While he was talking, he had already used the Ultimate Sharingan to copy Metkai's movements.

Both the second magatama and the third magatama have copy functions, not to mention the ultimate sharingan that surpasses the kaleidoscope.

Even if Eternal Madara copies Metkai's movements, he won't be able to use them, but Sasuke is different. He is an existence that transcends the six levels. He is no weaker than the clone of the divine form.

"Xi Xiang is completely useless!"

Metkay was surprised. Metkay's condition now is much better than during the fourth battle in the original work, and Xi Xiang can be used more times.

However, since it is useless, don't waste your time.

"This is my last youth, Ye Kai!"

Metkai roared angrily, and the aura on his body became more terrifying and more violent. This is a somewhat stupid person, and Danzo is not worthy of what he does.

But he was not only for Danzo, but also for those dead Konoha ninjas.

In Uchiha Sasuke's view, they deserved to die, but in Metkai's view, they were Konoha compatriots who were murdered by Uchiha Sasuke, and everything was caused by the guy in front of him who looked exactly like Sasuke.

Xi Xiang can only be regarded as an ordinary attack of the eighth gate, but Ye Kai is different. It is an ultimate secret level attack. The lethality is directly increased several times, but it also shortens Metkai's lifespan.

Without using Yekai, Metkai might have been able to live for a minute or two longer, but the moment he opened the Eight Gates, he put life and death aside.

Metkai, who was attacking Sasuke, was emitting red steam that was many times richer than before.

A giant blood-red dragon enveloped Metkai in Pentium, and as it moved, everything around Pentium was distorted.

"Awesome! The Eight Gate Dunjia is really extraordinary. But it also has major flaws. Although the attack level has reached the Six Paths level, some unique non-Six Paths ninjas can drag you to death."

Faced with Metkai's blow, Sasuke decided to give Metkai some respect. Although this was not the Kai teacher in his own world, this guy had been practicing Taijutsu for twenty years, and he only practiced Taijutsu. Otherwise, It is impossible to cultivate the Eight Gate Dunjia to such a terrifying level.

Facing the roaring bloody dragon, Sasuke raised his fist. Others could not see anything, but Metkai saw the clues.


Sasuke let out a soft sigh, and white air pressure bullets stepped out like an ancient giant elephant.

Metkai was really shocked. Just now he discovered that Sasuke's power-generating technique was exactly the same as when he used Xixiang.

I didn't expect that he would actually use it and it would be stronger than his own Xi Xiang. What kind of geek is this?

"Is this Gai's power? The guy he's fighting has surpassed Kage, right? Even Hashirama-sama, who is called the God of Ninja, can only reach this level at most!"

Kakashi couldn't believe that this was Kai's power. In fact, even Met Kai himself didn't know it, because Hachimen would die if he used it, and he had never experimented with it.

Let alone Kakashi, Tsunade felt that her grandfather was not necessarily a match for Metkai in this state.

"Not to mention being hit from the front, even if you just pass by, you will be seriously injured or even die."

This is the true thought in Tsunade's heart. If there is anyone among the living people in the ninja world who can survive Ye Kai, that person can only be Orochimaru.


The two extremely powerful forces collided together, and it was not a wonderful showdown as imagined. The pressure bullet representing Xi Xiang broke through the bloody dragon representing Ye Kai with a devastating force.

powerful! too strong.

This is absolutely invincible power. With Sasuke's power, even the god-like clone of this universe is not his opponent, because the research and development department of the ninja world has developed many weird techniques.


Metkai, who was as good as a god with a mortal body, fell. He was destined to die after opening the Eight Gates, and now he has suffered a blow from Xixiang, let alone him.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Sasuke injected the power of Yang into Metkai's body. This is the power of Yang that is more advanced than the power of the Six Paths of Yang. In just an instant, Metkai's injuries recovered.

"It won't be such a good thing next time."

After speaking, Da Sasuke took Uchiha Sasuke to find Danzo.

He used his Sharingan to copy the two moves of Xi Xiang and Ye Kai, and he could give them to Teacher Kai when he returned home, as a reward for teaching him the Eight Gate Dunjia.

Yes, in that world, Metkai reached the peak of Super Shadow, and even approached the Six Paths, but he never opened the eighth gate, and he didn't use the two tricks of Xi Xiang and Ye Kai.

Sasuke felt that by copying these two moves back, Teacher Kai's taijutsu skills should be able to improve them.

From Sasuke's point of view, Teacher Kai's taijutsu attainments in his own world are definitely ten times that of Metkai here.

Metkai was alive, and he was in a daze. He even wondered if his battle with Sasuke was caused by Sasuke's illusion, and it was all virtual.

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