Another minute passed, and the bone-like body of Tomie Kawakami's split body suddenly became alert.

The space energy column is blocked. It is no longer the gray energy blockage before, but other blocks. Has it encountered other worlds?

Tiandao Fujiang completely sunk his mind into the space energy column, sensing everything as if the energy column was part of his body.

It's mentally draining, but it has to be done.


There was an explosion in a very far place, and the space energy column was broken. It seemed that some taboo was violated.

"It's a new world. The energy column is partially cut off by the other party's way of heaven."

Tomie Tiandao was very excited and finally succeeded. Of course, if they failed, they would not give up so easily. If they change directions in the future, there may be a miracle!

Uchiha Tomie's eyes flashed with joy, and he quickly said: "What's the situation? Is that world strong?"

Tiandao Fujiang said helplessly: "How can I know from such a distance? Even if I use the space energy column, the induction will be very vague."

Uchiha Tomie expressed his understanding, but this is not a problem. Send Tomie to test it out.

I saw a newly born Tomie flying into the space energy column next to Uchiha Tomie.

The huge energy torrent is enough to swallow everything, but the new student Fujiang is not stupid. He has long drawn the runes that swallow the power of space, and uses the runes to weaken the impact of this energy torrent on himself.

At the same time, Tiandao Fujiang also assisted Xinsheng Fujiang and added a series of protective measures to him.

The new student Fujiang was quickly bombarded to the top of the energy column. He smiled because he sensed the breath of life, which was another world.

However, the atmosphere of this world seems familiar, but this world is not strong, not as good as the Naruto Multiverse.

The newly born Fujiang was just about to fly into this world when a beam of light shone on him. The powerful force directly wiped out his soul and body completely, leaving not a hair on his body, leaving him with no possibility of regeneration.

Tomie from the Naruto multiverse felt it, and they all projected their eyes on the new boy Tomie to observe the situation.

Tiandao Fujiang said: "When we get there, Xinsheng Fujiang will be weakened layer by layer. He will not even have 1% of his strength. He will be killed directly by the opponent's Tiandao, and he will not be able to invade at all."

yes! It is not easy to enter another world. The Fujiangs can only rely on their own strength, unlike other time travelers who can enter easily with golden fingers.

Uchiha Tomie said: "After thinking about it carefully, the atmosphere of the world just now seems to be somewhat similar to Devil Fruit. It is most likely the world of pirates."

Uchiha Tomie deprived many of the special abilities of those who entered the world of Naruto, including Devil Fruit abilities.

Aizen's split body's eyes lit up, "Perhaps we can make a new Tomie, remove all the abilities related to the Naruto world, including chakra, natural energy, and blood, and inject this Tomie with devil fruit abilities. Then send him to that suspected pirate world."

The other Tomie thought about it and thought it was okay. To be honest, except for a few very special ones, Devil Fruit abilities basically didn't help them much.

Next, Uchiha Tomie and Tendo Tomie joined forces to carefully create a Tomie without any atmosphere of the Naruto universe.

However, this comes at a price, and the price is that Tomie is no different from ordinary people except for the memories and rumors of many ninjutsu, swordsmanship, taijutsu, and secret techniques.

Uchiha Tomie said: "The first step is completed. Next, we need to inject him with the devil fruit ability. We must be careful and careful."

Previously, Tomie Uchiha used the Ten-Tails for transformation, converting the unique power of the Devil Fruit into a chakra fruit and then absorbing it. Now they want to extract the energy of the Devil Fruit again and inject it into the body of this ordinary person Tomie.

Devil Fruits are not simple. All Devil Fruits have a unique energy that is not found in the Naruto Multiverse.

On top of that, Devil Fruits are sprinkled with insignificant fragments of rules that are completely different from the Naruto Multiverse.

After Tomie Tendou completely took over the Naruto multiverse, these rule fragments were absorbed as long as they involved time and space, and some repeated fragments were also absorbed.

There have been many time travelers appearing in various Naruto universes in the past, many of them in different universes, but they have the same Devil Fruit abilities, so the rule fragments overlap.

Choo Choo Choo!

A few minutes later, dozens of streams of light penetrated into the body of ordinary man Tomie. These were the abilities of the animal-type Devil Fruit.

There is no need to absorb the natural type, it is just to use the power and elementalization of the elements. The regular sky fragments carried by the Superman type Devil Fruit, Dotomi Jiang, have basically been absorbed, and this time is just a trial, there is no need to invest too much cost.

Furthermore, with Fujiang's ability, as long as he reaches a new world, even an ordinary person can practice from scratch and grow into a top powerhouse or even invincible. It is only a matter of time.

Soon, the ordinary man Tomie absorbed the energy of dozens of animal-type Devil Fruits. He did not explode. Now he should be called Devil Fruit Tomie, or Devil Tomie for short.

At this moment, even if he is not practicing, he can defeat most shadows with this power alone.

Uchiha Tomie and Tendou Tomie didn't give any more instructions. Everyone was Tomie, and the devil Tomie knew their thoughts.

There is no time to waste, and Fu Jiang will not be able to hold on if he wastes time.

Uchiha Tomie personally took action and set up various protections for the demon Tomie. For this reason, he collapsed directly, his body was completely annihilated, and most of his soul energy was consumed. However, it was a small problem and could be recovered soon. As long as Tomie did not die, Any injury is a trivial matter.

Tiandao Fujiang immediately took action and sent Demon Fujiang into the space energy column. The powerful energy torrent directly rushed Demon Fujiang into the end of the energy column.

Uchiha Tomie's protection was completely destroyed, and the devil Tomie himself was in danger.


Tiandao Fujiang began to vigorously mobilize the power of the universe, and the powerful force hit the demon Fujiang along the space energy column.

Tiandao Fujiang knew the rules and characteristics of Fujiang. He used this power to directly penetrate the chest of Demon Fujiang. Although this power injured Demon Fujiang, it also bombarded Demon Fujiang into a new world.

No matter whether the heart is broken or the head is broken, Fu Jiang will not really die, as long as he can reach the new world. In this way, the demon Fu Jiang fell into the new world, unlike the previous Fu Jiang who was killed by heaven.

Chapter 278 Pirate World

As soon as the demon Tomie entered the new world, the other Tomies stopped insisting and put away their power.

At this time, the situation in the Naruto multiverse was very bad. If Tomie Tendo had not deliberately controlled not to affect the only Naruto universe, the turmoil would have been great.

Now the Naruto multiverse is no longer composed of many individual Naruto universes, but a Naruto universe that is ten thousand times larger than before and is located at the center of the world.

Outside the universe is a desolate and dead space without any life.

The Tomies all felt uncomfortable. Except for Tomie Tendou, who was fine, the other Tomies had become the same as Tomie Uchiha, with only the state of their souls left, and their souls were half disabled.

This kind of injury to other people would be hopeless and just waiting to die! Unless Daluo Jinxian comes to the rescue, Fu Jiang and the others can return to their peak condition within two minutes.

After a while, Tomie and the others returned to their peak condition, and even the injured Hokage Multiverse recovered.

When Tomie, the Heavenly Dao, completely transformed into the Heavenly Dao of this world, this universe also possessed some of Tomie's characteristics.

"It seems that the plan is feasible. In order to speed up the assimilation into that world, we can transport Fu Jiang there every now and then."

Uchiha Tomie smiled and said, it would be great if the plan could succeed, otherwise, this would be unacceptable to all ambitious time travellers.

It's like being imprisoned in a small room, knowing that there is a wonderful world outside but unable to explore and experience it.

For Uchiha Tomie, the Naruto multiverse is this small room, and all the worlds are the big world.

Kawakami Tomie's split body said: "Maybe we should develop a forbidden technique. Once we assimilate the heavenly way over there, we can completely integrate the two worlds, become stronger, and increase the upper limit."

Kawakami Tomie's split body has changed. From the beginning she didn't like developing forbidden arts to now she is a little obsessed with it.

Other Tomie thought it made sense, but silently distanced themselves from the split body of Tomie Kawakami. Although they were both Tomie, their talents were in different places.

As for the split body of Hawkeye, he has now completely abandoned ninjutsu and forbidden arts, and specializes in swordsmanship. He doesn't even use the kaleidoscope eye technique very much.

On the other side, the demon Tomie landed uncontrollably after entering the new world. The blow from Tendo Tomie was a bit harsh.


I don’t know how long it took, but the demon Fujiang fell to the ground and landed on an unknown island.

Tiandao Tomie was bombarded by such a powerful force, even if the remaining power is less than one billionth, but coupled with the power generated by falling from the endless high altitude, the island where the devil Tomie fell was almost completely destroyed by this strong impact. Torn apart.

The island is in such a miserable state, and Devil Tomie will not feel better. You must know that the effect of force is reciprocal, and Devil Tomie directly turned into a puddle of meat.

However, this kind of injury is nothing but a trivial matter to Demon Tomie.

The flesh and blood continued to squirm, and all aspects of his body's functions began to recover. All the internal organs and bones that had been injured began to recover.

In less than a minute, a man with long flowing hair, who was a little too handsome but still masculine, appeared. The mud on the ground had disappeared.

This is Demon Tomie, he was made by Uchiha Tomie, so his appearance is exactly the same as Uchiha Tomie.

Speaking of Uchiha Tomie, no, Uchiha Tomie's direct consciousness projection came and took over this body.

"Damn it! Why did this guy end up in this pirate world? It's not fun. No, it's not just not fun. Is Tomie coming back completely?"

A golden finger lurking in this world's traveler is a little panicked.


Goldfinger turned into a stream of light and quickly left the world. Just kidding, creatures like Fu Jiang were not something he could deal with at his level.

At the same time, it is grateful for its choice. Fortunately, it left the Naruto multiverse early. When you discovered Fujiang, Fujiang had already flooded and became a disaster.

When this golden finger left, he was still thinking about whether the Naruto multiverse was completely ruled by Tomie now, and it would not doubt Tomie's terrifying ability.

This golden finger feels that the Naruto multiverse is not powerful. Although ruling this multiverse is nothing, what is really scary is Tomie's characteristic of not obeying the law of energy conservation, which it envies.

This golden finger didn't know that Fu Jiang didn't simply rule the universe, but assimilated the entire heaven.

Uchiha Tomie, who took over the body of the demon Tomie, didn't know that much, and he didn't know why the golden fingers of those time travelers were so afraid of him.

The first thing Uchiha Tomie had to do was to determine what kind of world this was.

"An isolated island? Fortunately, I have already considered this situation."

After Uchiha Tomie finished speaking, he turned into a goshawk and left. This body is not very strong, and even the ability to fly depends on the devil fruit ability.

Demon Tomie did not dare to compete with Uchiha Tomie for control, because Uchiha Tomie could kill him with just a thought and occupy this body permanently.

"How slow! I haven't been so weak for a long time."

Uchiha Tomie said with emotion during the flight that such a weak period seemed to only last two or three years. After that, he quickly matched and surpassed the Six Paths, and the speed was much faster than now.

Not to mention, traveling across the universe and jumping through space will be infinitely higher than what they are now.

Just fly and fly like this, even if you don't have to worry about flying at full speed, it still took more than an hour before you met a living person.

When Uchiha Tomie saw a ship, he didn't even need to read the memories of the people on the ship. He just looked at the appearance of the ship and the style of painting of those people, and he knew that this was the world of pirates.

Of course, it also has something to do with devil fruits.

Tomie wanted to land in this world before, but was rejected. However, the devil Tomie who absorbed many devil fruits was not resisted by this world, so the probability of this world being a pirate world is particularly high.


Uchiha Tomie quickly descended on the ship. This was a pirate ship, not a warship.

"He's a devil fruit user, so be careful."

The pirates on the ship were instantly on alert, as every Devil Fruit user was difficult to deal with.

Speaking of which, being a pirate is really miserable. The navy is the enemy, and pirates are also enemies. However, there are so many people who go to sea to become pirates.

This is a deformed world. The Naruto world is deformed enough, but this world is several times more deformed.

In the world of Naruto, Nagato, Obito, and Madara pursue peace after all, but it is the revolutionary army that pursues peace in this world. The world government that maintains world stability is even more corrupt. Even if the revolutionary army overthrows the world government, it will only be a new world after many years. government.

The funniest thing is that when a Celestial Dragon is offended, a general will take action. This is equivalent to the world of Naruto. If the son of a daimyo of any country is offended, the top fighting forces in the village such as Jiraiya, Darui, and Huangtu will have to take action. It's ridiculous and totally impossible.

You must know that in the world of Naruto, the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water has been assassinated many times, and Danzo has also threatened the Daimyo.

Of the three worlds in the Dead Fire Sea, the Pirate World is the most deformed, and the other two are far behind.

Chapter 279

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Uchiha Tomie chuckled, he had already passed the stage of fighting and killing.

Moreover, the people on this ship are too weak and inferior. There are no people with the strength of a lieutenant general or even a major general.

That is to say, Uchiha Tomie has just arrived in this world, and he is not sure about the level of combat power of the people in this world, but these people are really weak.

"Yes! There's no need to get into a tense situation."

The pirates put away their knives and guns with a smile, because Uchiha Tomie activated the ability of Midori Desire, and under the suppression of his strength, the pirates could not resist at all.

It is terrifying to take the ability of Meicheng Desire to its extreme, and it can even make people fall in love with Tomie across genders and species.

Uchiha Tomie smiled, it was not force that could solve the problem.

Seeing Tomie's smile, the pirates were completely addicted to it.

Uchiha Tomie is still a little uncomfortable with it. It seems that Hancock's split body is more adaptable to this kind of thing.

Uchiha Tomie asked: "Are there any big events recently?"

The pirates thought for a while and expressed themselves one after another.

"The Navy is going to publicly execute Firefist Ace, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division."

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