After Kahn was defeated, he didn't even have the strength to use the Moon Step, and fell straight to the sea.

Because of his chakra, he floated on the water and did not fall into the sea.

Uchiha Tomie eliminated Susanoo, and Susanoo who maintains this level with his current power will suffer backlash every moment.

But it was not him who was in pain, but the demon Tomie. He was just a projection of his consciousness that temporarily took over this body.

"It seems that Hashirama and Madara's power is all your power, Shiro looks forward to it." Tomie Uchiha flew above Kahn and said condescendingly.

Kahn was very unwilling. If the system was still there, he would at least be able to awaken the Samsara Eye, not to mention the Sixth Level. When the Samsara Clone came out, this guy would definitely not be his opponent.

Uchiha Tomie said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

It is true that Tomie rarely kills time travellers. In the Naruto multiverse, except when all the Naruto universe's ten thousand dollars were unified, he would only kill a very few time travellers who were too disgusting.

However, the return of ten thousand yuan was not that Fu Jiang was targeting the time-travelers. At that time, everyone had to face death equally, and the same was true for time-travelers. Fu Jiang was sometimes very fair.

Uchiha Tomie directly read Kahn's memory. At this time, Kahn was frustrated one after another and could not exert any strength at all. Even Tomie was seriously injured, but serious injuries were normal operations for Tomie, and he had long been used to it.

On the other side, Kizaru and Aoki saw Kahn defeated and did not care about the difference in strength.

Kizaru was the first to break through Marco's blockade, which was also Marco's intention.

He ignored Kizaru and quickly flew to the execution platform. No, there was no execution platform anymore.

Under the power of the earthquake fruit, the execution platform had collapsed. If Sengoku hadn't protected Ace, Ace would have died.

Now that the navy has the upper hand, the Warring States Period will naturally not play any tricks of early execution.

It was really difficult for Whitebeard to fight one against two. Fortunately, he had fought the more powerful Kahn before, so he was still adaptable, but he would lose after a long battle.

"Hailou stone handcuffs are difficult to handle!"

Whitebeard knew that even if Ace was rescued, if he didn't solve the handcuffs problem, Ace would be a complete liability when escaping.

Although Ace is not weak without the fruit ability, he is only at the level of an ordinary lieutenant general, and this strength is simply not enough now.

"Then we can only execute him in advance."

Sengoku scowled, preparing to activate the fruit's power to kill Ace.

Kahn is too important to the Navy now. We must not let anything happen to Kahn. He is the future of the Navy!

Hearing the early execution, Whitebeard became anxious. He attacked like crazy, and Akainu couldn't stop him at all.

Garp was "in a trance" for a moment, and Whitebeard broke through the blockade.

Faced with the fists hitting his head, Seng Guo did not dare to gamble and could only hide.

"Very good, Whitebeard, you think you can save Ace. In fact, our target is you. Even if Ace is the son of the Pirate King, how can he compare with you? Garp, Akainu, leave Ace alone and kill them together." White beard."

Warring States said madly, this madness is just a pretense, and it is also a warning to Garp.

Sengoku is forcing Garp, and he can let Ace go, but Garp must use all his strength to kill Whitebeard with him, otherwise don't blame him for ignoring the past friendship.

In fact, the marshal in the Warring States Period was very aggrieved. No, it should be said that anyone who became this marshal would be very aggrieved.

Garp's expression changed. He and Seng Guo were old partners. How could he not be clear about Seng Guo's underlying words?

"Come if you want my life. You really think I'm afraid of you. Sengoku, Garp, and Magma Kid. Just show me what you're capable of."

Whitebeard is very arrogant, and he also understands the hidden meaning of the Warring States Period. He is an old rival of the Warring States Period.

Akainu looked at Ace, then at Whitebeard, and gritted his teeth to attack Whitebeard. As long as Whitebeard died, the Whitebeard Pirates would be useless, and he would have plenty of time to hunt down these captains.

Three against one, Whitebeard is in danger. It can be said that no one in the pirate world can survive the siege of Garp and the three. Not any legend can, nor can the resurrection of Roger and Rocks, unless that guy is not a pirate. The existence of the world of thieves.

Just like Tomie and Kahn.

Speaking of these two people, Tomie finished reading Kahn’s memory.

Uchiha Tomie was a little disappointed, he didn't get anything useful. This guy's system was just like the golden fingers of those who traveled through the Naruto multiverse, they all ran away.

Uchiha Tomie suddenly felt that if he assimilated into the Pirate Multiverse, he should not be like Naruto and get the Ten Thousand Dollars to Unify.

The unification of ten thousand yuan can indeed increase the power of Heavenly Dao, but not by much.

Instead of doing this, it is better to keep those universes, use them to attract the traversers and their golden fingers, and finally rob the traversers of their achievements.

However, Tomie has no idea that there will be no time travelers in the Naruto multiverse in the future, at least no time travelers with golden fingers.

Because the Heavenly Way of the Naruto multiverse has been assimilated by Tomie, this world has a strong smell of Tomie, and those golden fingers can't hide in time, so how can they come to patronize it.

"Have you ever been kicked by a light?!"

Kizaru's movements were very fast. He aimed directly at Uchiha Tomie and kicked out fiercely.

As long as Tomie dodges, he will immediately turn into light particles and walk away from Kahn.

People should not be judged by their appearance! No one expected Kahn to be so strong, but the one named Tomie was even more terrifying, as strong as a monster.

No, these two are scarier than monsters.

Chapter 288 The world changes from this

Uchiha Tomie allowed Kizaru to rescue Kahn. In his heart, this pirate world and even the entire pirate multiverse belonged to him.

It just takes some time to get it, so he has a high tolerance for these people, and they are all his high-quality property.

"I just love to play. If it were me, I would have ended all this long ago." Danzo's assimilated form of the Hokage Multiverse peeped at the battle and muttered.

Indeed, Tomie Uchiha did not use soul attacks, otherwise Kahn would have been defeated long ago.

In addition, it is not impossible for Uchiha Tomie to use empathy, injury transfer, and curse power. Even without the Sharingan, he can still use most of the Mangekyou Eye Techniques, but he needs to pay more.

Uchiha Tomie has many tricks, but he loves to play as Danzo's assimilated body said, but he is here to play.

"Then let me play with you! Thunder Chakra Mode·Open!"

The Thunder God Armor quickly covered Tomie Uchiha, and his speed increased to an incredible speed. If Kizaru was faster, he would match his speed.

It is said to be the Thunder Release Chakra Mode, but the actual energy used is not Chakra, but the thunder power of this world.

Danzo's assimilated body can only look at it with envy. Not to mention Danzo's assimilated body, Hawkeye's split body and Tomie are also envious!

Other Tomie can only come through consciousness projection, and only Uchiha Tomie has the ability to seize control of other Tomie.

Uchiha Tomie was powerful when he exploded, constantly bombarding Kizaru with punch after punch.

Sorry, this face feels like it needs to be beaten, I can't help it.

It didn't take long for Kizaru to be severely injured. This power was too strong.

At this time, Qing Pheasant arrived late. Qiao Zi, Qing Pheasant's opponent, went to help Whitebeard and Marco.

Aokiji himself also wanted to help Kahn and Kizaru, so the two people who had no intention of fighting quickly separated.

Aoki's face turned green when he arrived. At this time, Porusalino, please stop playing me!

Aokiji very much hoped that Kizaru was acting, but he knew it wasn't, because his Haki of Knowledge clearly sensed that Kizaru's aura was very unstable.

Although Uchiha Tomie's face was very pale, Aoji vaguely remembered that this guy named Tomie had always been like this.

His status kept jumping back and forth between seriously injured and intact. What kind of monster was this?

"You must not be a pirate!"

Qingzhi did not take action immediately, but spoke politely.

Qing Zhi is stalling for time, because he really can't stand it alone! He thought that after the Warring States Three defeated Whitebeard, they should be able to compete with the four of them, but he did not believe that the opponent could really hold on using so many high-intensity tricks.

But Aokiji didn't know that Tomie Uchiha didn't play him. He was really weak, but he recovered quickly.

Uchiha Tomie said: "I am indeed not a pirate, nor a revolutionary army, but I am here, and from today on, the world will change."

Aoki feels that Tomie Uchiha is really arrogant. Although he is powerful, the World Government's eight hundred years of heritage is no joke.

It can be said that even if the two super monsters Tomie and Kahn join forces, the chance of overthrowing the world government is only half, maybe even less.

"Even if a person is powerful, he cannot be an enemy of the entire world. Although you are not an enemy of the world, but if you are an enemy of the world government, you have no chance of winning."

Aokiji still tried his best to delay the time by talking to Uchiha Tomie. At the same time, he also wanted to get to know Tomie's bottom.

Qingzhi wants to know Fu Jiang's origins, know Fu Jiang's next plans, and know whether he has any companions or subordinates.

Uchiha Tomie was very disdainful of these words. He was a person who believed that power was everything.

Even without the ability of Midori Desire, with Uchiha Tomie's power in the Hokage Multiverse, he can control other people's lives at will.

He can even modify other people's memories, impose emotions on others that do not belong to others, and play with other people's emotions wantonly.

Because of this, he knew that the strong could dominate the weak, so he wanted to become stronger.

"In that case, let me show you the real power."

After Uchiha Tomie finished speaking, he launched a soul storm on Aokiji, just like the normal one.

This body's physical strength is not as strong as Aoki's. Rather than squeezing itself to burst out and use soul storm, it can injure Aoki's body, but it will not cause serious damage to his soul.

Soul attacks are very rare in the world of Naruto and Pirates. Soul Storm is not a simple attack that simply releases soul energy at the beginning. It has been improved many times.

The soul storm mainly focuses on tearing. It uses special means to combine and sequence and finally explodes. It draws on the techniques of many power systems and is extremely clever.

The powerful invisible storm caught Aokiji off guard. This storm even deceived his perception of the power of sight and color, and directly bombarded his soul.

ah! ah! ah!

The pain in his soul was unbearable and he screamed.

Even a green pheasant with severed arms and legs can endure physical injuries, but the pain to the soul is extraordinary.

Uchiha Tomie himself was also moved, but this injury would not completely cause Aokiji to lose his fighting ability.

The free energy between heaven and earth was quickly condensed into a small knife by him.

Whoosh whoosh!

In just a few seconds, Uchiha Tomie used a knife to kill the Aokihiko.

As for the elementalization of the natural system, just kidding, Tomie's domineering skills are the strongest in this world, and every hit is real damage.

At this time, Qingzhi was freed from the damage to his soul, but the damage to his body made him kneel down, with blood flowing loudly.

Although he was hit by hundreds of knives, he avoided fatal injuries. With the physique of people in the pirate world, this kind of injury cannot be cured.

At this moment, Qingzhi's expression was very bitter, and he said weakly: "It seems that everyone underestimated you. As long as you wanted to, you could have killed me just now."

yes! Uchiha Tomie can make Aokiji's soul be traumatized and lose consciousness. He can stab him a hundred times in an instant, and of course he can blow his head off and penetrate his heart in an instant.

No matter how terrible the human physique of the people in the pirate world is, they are not the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki in Naruto. This kind of injury will definitely lead to death.

At this moment, Qingzhi no longer doubts that Tomie can deal with the World Government. This kind of power that can kill generals instantly is enough if you are careful. It can at least severely damage the World Government. If you cooperate with the revolutionary army, you have a greater chance of winning.

More importantly, this guy is still so young. Unlike himself, he is already at his peak. Even if he can improve, he will at most be at the level of Marshal of the Warring States Period and Whitebeard.

Kizaru and Aoki were defeated one after another, and they were defeated so quickly that no one expected them.

But it's normal to think about it. If faced with Kahn's Susanoo Buddha, Kizaru can still survive with his own speed, but everyone else has to rush to the street quickly, even Garp is no exception.

At this moment, the war stopped completely. Compared with Whitebeard, the lives of two admirals and a lieutenant general whose strength surpassed the generals were more important.

Moreover, we must find out where this guy came from and what he thinks.

However, the balance is broken. This is not only the idea of ​​the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, but also the strong people watching the battle.

Chapter 289 Other Gods

The two sides, the navy and the pirates, were instantly divided, and there was no fight between life and death.

The pirates had rescued Ace and felt there was no need to continue fighting.

The navy is too lazy to deal with Whitebeard and Fire Fist Ace. To put it bluntly, the sudden appearance of Tomie is a greater threat than Roger, and the power of one person is stronger than that of the Yonko Pirates.

Sengoku even suspected that even if Kahn, Kizaru, and Aokiji recovered, they might not be able to win with him, Garp, and Akainu to kill Tomie. Even if they could win, they would only be able to repel him but not kill him.

Just as Uchiha Tomie said to Aokiji, because he came, the world changed.

In fact, for the five old stars in the Holy Land, they would be happy if all the high-end naval combat forces such as Sengoku and others were killed so that Tomie Uchiha could die.

It is true that the Navy is the most powerful institution under the World Government, but in the end it is just an institution. The World Government hides too deep a secret.

Otherwise, would the Four Emperors be so honest?

Whitebeard's dream has never been to be a world hegemon, but to be with his son. He will not pursue too much.

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