Kaido sneered: "That's right. If the World Government has subordinates of this level, how can it allow the four emperors to exist!"

After saying that, Kaido felt a little melancholy, what a bullshit Yonko, what the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, they are nothing in front of this kind of power.

Others were also very melancholy. They wanted Uchiha Tomie to win, but they didn't want him to win. In their opinion, it would be best if both sides suffered losses.

Jiang Wu, who was surrounded by the flaming dragon, was a little impatient. This was very draining, and he could feel the blood stored in his body draining rapidly.

Another point is that the bodies of Doflamingo, Bista and others he killed were all turned to ashes in the fire, and he didn't have time to suck their blood.

You're careless, you're too careless, you shouldn't be so complacent, and this guy is also at fault.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wu became irritable. He was a guy who couldn't keep his temper.

Jiang Wu said coldly: "I really thought I couldn't do anything to you."

Jiang Wu unfolded the corpse energy armor again. For zombies, corpse energy attacks are just one of them. The real danger is the indestructible body.

boom! boom! boom!

Jiang Wu moved quickly and punched a fire dragon. Although he would suffer some damage, he didn't care.

Jiang Wu quickly reached Tomie Uchiha, and hundreds of fire dragons could not stop him.

He had a sinister smile on his face, because he realized that this guy was fragile. Although he had some strong spell attacks, he was not as good as Kaido in terms of his physical body!

Don't ask him how he knew it. He was a zombie, so how could he not know the blood energy in living things?


Jiang Wu punched Uchiha Tomie through the chest, and his heart was shattered.

Uchiha Tomie has long understood Jiang Wu's thoughts. After all, who is he? He is stronger than the Heavenly Dao of the One Piece Multiverse.

But now he is just projecting a thought, and this body is not very strong.

Although he has insight, he cannot avoid it, which is the same as the two pillars in the original Naruto story being kicked away by Rock Lee when they activated their Sharingan.

Jiang Wu shattered Fu Jiang's heart and thought he had won. He was very angry and said quickly: "This is the fate of being my enemy."

He spoke very quickly, fearing that Fu Jiang would die and not be heard.

Uchiha Tomie sneered, "It's too early for you to be proud! Have you ever heard of Ultra Bomb?"

Jiang Wu was shocked, he knew about the Ultra Bomb! This is Ultra Old Six Taylor's move.

He didn't know if this guy could use an Ultra Bomb, but this guy definitely wanted to blow himself up.


Fu Jiang exploded, and Jiang Wu had no time to escape.

Uchiha had long understood Jiang Wu's thoughts, and was ready to use the Ultra Bomb when he knew he couldn't dodge it. He said the Ultra Bomb just now was to scare Jiang Wu.

There are many versions of the Secret Bomb. Most of the tricks in this series were developed by Tomie Kawakami's split body. However, even the original version of the Secret Bomb is powerful enough to severely injure Jiang Wu.

The flames quickly swept out with Uchiha Tomie as the center. Kaido and Marco immediately flew upwards. Although this was not directed at them, they felt the threat of death.

The flames continued to sweep across and quickly reached ten kilometers away. This force was so powerful that even the sea water was evaporated.

In the face of this power, everything like the Perfect Susanoo and the Senju Buddha are bullshit and will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

After tens of seconds, the flames completely disappeared, but the air here was extremely hot, and the seawater more than ten kilometers nearby was also extremely hot, like boiling water.

Marco and others who were originally in the air all fell into the water and were all severely injured by this force.

Even if it is not specifically aimed at them, this power is too strong. Let alone them, even the Six Paths Naruto in the original book will have to kneel when he comes, and the Six Paths Madara will not die because of the physique of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Aoki used his limited power to freeze part of the sea, and the people who were standing with him on Marco were all frozen.

However, this ice cannot last long, because the sea water nearby turns into boiling hot water.

Everyone on Kaido's side fell into the sea, and those without abilities did not save the ones with abilities, so they hurried to the ice made by Aokiji to adjust their condition.

Chapter 300

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A strong heart beats, and it exudes a strong aura of death.

This is Jiang Wu's heart. It stands to reason that zombies are transformed from corpses. They seem to be alive, but in fact they are just living corpses without a heartbeat.

Jiang Wu was different. He was about to reach the point where the yin pole generated yang and turned death into life, so his heart resumed beating.

Not all zombies are like this, but the zombies in the world before Jiang Wu traveled through are like this.


A powerful energy burst out suddenly, and his heart squirmed rapidly. Soon, Jiang Wu was resurrected, but his aura dropped a lot, and he fell to the level of only the Four Emperors.

"Fortunately, some blood energy was transferred to the heart at the critical moment, but I won in the end, hahahaha! From now on, I am the king of this world, the unique zombie king."

Jiang Wu laughed, even if he was a fellow countryman, he was the strongest.

Although his strength has declined, it can be restored by sucking some blood, and it doesn't take a lot. He is restoring strength rather than improving it.

Green Pheasant and the others on the ice were confused when they heard the laughter, no way! Survived an explosion of this magnitude.

Yu Bo alone severely damaged the four emperors and generals. They could not imagine how terrifying the power at the center of the explosion was.

Although this power does not contain domineering energy, when the energy reaches an extreme, it can hurt natural fluids.


A small pillar of fire suddenly enveloped Jiang Wu, burning him continuously.

"You're so happy, I'm not dead yet!"

Many flames condensed in front of Jiang Wu, and finally transformed into Uchiha Tomie.

That's right, with Uchiha Tomie's ability, if he really uses the secret bomb, then Jiang Wu will definitely die. This is not what he wants to see.

So he slightly weakened the power of the secret bomb, and the side effects were correspondingly reduced.

Qingzhi and others were even more shocked, what kind of monsters are these!

At the same time, they were completely desperate. If these two people fought, they would not be able to resist Yu Bo. They had no strength.

"It's really shocking! An absolute monster."

Countless light particles condensed on the ice to form Kizaru, and he still looked like he needed a beating.

Kizaru is a user with the Flash Fruit ability. No one can be as fast as him under extreme bursts, so he ran the farthest and suffered relatively minor injuries.

Of course, it is relatively light. When it comes to fighting, it can barely cope with ordinary lieutenant generals.


Jiang Wu, who was wrapped in flames, shouted violently, and the flames quickly disappeared.

Jiang Wu didn't fight back immediately, and Uchiha Tomie didn't take action immediately. Both of them were weak, but Tomie was weaker.

But Jiang Wu is afraid! He was afraid that this guy would explode again, in which case he might not be able to survive again.

Uchiha Tomie was also happy to stand in a stalemate, and the injuries on his body recovered quickly.

Jiang Wu immediately sensed that something was wrong. In his perception, Uchiha Tomie's blood energy was at a critical stage. How could he recover three or four percent of it in just a short time?

"Super speed regeneration!"

Jiang Wu's face was ugly. After uttering these four words, he immediately turned around and flew away, leaving the green mountains behind and not worrying about running out of firewood.

Tomie Uchiha did not pursue him immediately. After fifteen seconds, Jiang Wu had fled far away, but his injuries had fully recovered.

With just a chirp, Tomie Uchiha turned into a golden light, traveling ten thousand meters in an instant, and caught up with Jiang Wu.

Jiang Wu looked at the shining golden Uchiha Tomie, and his face turned dark. This was clearly the ability of the shining fruit.

This is Kizaru's ability, but Kizaru is still alive, how could this guy have it?

"This guy can't be a dual-fruit or even multi-fruit ability user! The fire of that level just now can't be the power of the natural devil fruit awakening!"

Jiang Wu had some guesses in his mind, and the more he guessed, the more desperate he became.

Because the fellow opposite is likely to have a system, and he is only a zombie bloodline, how can he be such a stupid opponent.

Even if he is temporarily suppressed, he will soon be counterattacked.

As a time traveler, Jiang Wu knew very well how perverted the system was. Some were fine, but some directly signed in and clocked in, and their power increased rapidly. How could he be his opponent?

"You don't even dare to kill the fish and break the net. What a waste!"

Uchiha Tomie was very disdainful of Jiang Wu's performance. With this kind of mentality, he was among the bottom three time travellers he had seen.

As soon as Fu Jiang raised his hand, light suddenly shone, and golden light enveloped the world.

The golden light was so bright that even Aoki Pheasant and the others on the other side of Malinfando could see it.

The golden light spread across the entire space, constantly compressing and squeezing Jiang Wu.

Unlike Kizaru's light, which is somewhat scattered, Tomie directly merges with the world and uses his most original power. These lights also have a restraining effect on zombies.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

Jiang Wu in the center of the light was constantly emitting thick black smoke, and the corpse energy on his body was melting. These lights did not kill him directly, but washed away his corpse energy, causing his strength to continue to decline.

For zombies, even if they lose all their corpse energy, they will only lose their consciousness and ability to move. As long as the corpse is not destroyed, they will one day make a comeback.

Jiang Wu, who only had the power of the Four Emperors, could not break through the golden light at all. He kept roaring, but to no avail.

As the corpse energy decreased and his strength continued to decline, Jiang Wu even lost the ability to fly. If the golden light hadn't compressed and wrapped him, he would have fallen directly into the sea.

Uchiha Tomie slowly weakened the power of the golden light. He had some guesses about the characteristics of the zombies, but he did not dare to bet. Jiang Wu's death would not do him any good.

After most of the golden light in the sky dissipated, Jiang Wu's strength dropped to the point where he was not even as good as a major general.

"Let me go! I am willing to surrender to you. I am very useful."

Jiang Wu began to beg for mercy, which looked really ugly.

Uchiha Tomie was even more disdainful when he saw this. It was just good luck for this kind of guy to grow to this point!

This is indeed a dimensionality reduction blow. If Fu Jiang hadn't arrived and Jiang Wu had continued to absorb the blood of the strong men in this world, he would have been able to match or even be stronger than the Six Paths strong men in Naruto.

Seeing that begging for mercy was in vain, Jiang Wu began to curse. What a pity! No matter how much he scolded him, it was useless. His corpse energy continued to weaken. In the end, the corpse energy was very insignificant, and he was only a little stronger than ordinary people. Any naval soldier was stronger than him.

"Interesting! No wonder you can survive the weak period."

Uchiha Tomie looked at Jiang Wu who was still cursing and couldn't help but said, this guy is so weak and still retains his wisdom. This is not an ordinary zombie!

The golden light that restrained Jiang Wu at this time was just ordinary light particles and would not restrain Jiang Wu. After all, as it washed away, his corpse energy was completely gone.

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Wu said feebly, he had been weak to the extreme, and he could also see that this fellow seemed to be plotting something.

But he is a zombie and has no soul. Others cannot take him away.

Chapter 301 Zombie Fu Jiang

Uchiha Tomie looked at Jiang Wu with a smile, and soon Jiang Wu was no longer Jiang Wu.

Although even if you assimilate Jiang Wu, it won't be of much help in exploring other worlds, but you always need to have some fun in life.

For the boring Uchiha Tomie, apart from appearing in public, his only interest is collecting.

Just hearing a bang, a shadow clone appeared.

The shadow clone made a strange gesture and pointed it at Jiang Wu. It soon turned into a burst of energy and penetrated into Jiang Wu's body, and the Wandering Soul Technique was activated.

The now weak Jiang Wu was unable to resist at all. Let alone at his peak, even if he had the strength of a general, he could quickly force the shadow clone out. After all, it was just a shadow clone.

Uchiha Tomie waved his hand, and all kinds of restraints were released, but Jiang Wu also fell down.

The shadow clone immediately took over Jiang Wu's body, made a pair of natural wings, and quickly flew in front of Uchiha Tomie.

Uchiha Tomie stretched out his hand, and the shadow clone unceremoniously controlled Jiang Wu to bite Uchiha Tomie's hand.

Jiang Wu, who lost control, sneered again and again. Although I don't know what you are thinking, you are really smart. By absorbing your blood, I will not only recover, but maybe I can reach a higher level.

squeak! squeak! squeak!

Jiang Wu's body continued to absorb Fu Jiang's blood. As soon as the blood entered the body, it was quickly transformed, and Jiang Wu's corpse energy increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The corpse's temperature nourishes the corpse's veins and strengthens the body in all aspects.

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