Purple-eyed Ma Xiaoling is very violent now. In addition to the influence of zombie blood and the power of fate, she also remembers that it was Riley who killed Kuang Tianyou.

"I do not believe!"

Quirrell roared angrily. He wanted to see Ma Xiaoling turn into a zombie, but he didn't want to see Ma Xiaoling have power over him. Zombies are all based on blood. Even if Ma Xiaoling mutates, she can still beat herself who has been a second-generation zombie for many years. ?

Quirrell punched Ma Xiaoling in the face at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. The power of the second-generation zombies was terrifying. Although their damage range was not large, their power was more concentrated.

With this punch, all the Four Emperors and Six Paths among Pirates and Hokages will die. They are not existences of the same dimension at all.

Even Jiang Wu, who had absorbed countless blood, could only be comparable to four generations of zombies when he came to this world.

Ma Xiaoling was not afraid, and struck out with a palm, which blocked all directions tyrannically and directly sent Quirrell flying a hundred meters away.

The power of the purple-eyed zombie is so terrifying. Even the fate that brought about all this is secretly frightening. This power is too strong, even more powerful than it predicted. Even the Pangu people can raise their power to this level. not much.

The Pangu people are all red-eyed, but not all of them can compare with the general and the human king Fuxi. The two generals in the stalemate easily inflicted heavy damage on the Pangu people tomorrow.

You must know that if she comes to meet the general on behalf of the Pangu clan tomorrow, then her strength is at least above average among the clan. It can only be said that the Pangu clan is powerful, but not in terms of top combat power.

Riley, who was shivering due to bloodline suppression, also stood up at this time. He knew that he was no match for Ma Xiaoling.

But he would not compromise, and Riley roared: "Ma Xiaoling, the more powerful you are now, the more others will fear you, and more and more people will kill you, hahaha! Hahaha!"

Ma Xiaoling's personality has changed drastically now, and she doesn't care about this, "You go and be buried with Tianyou!"

Ma Xiaoling struck out with a palm, and the unrivaled power hit Riley directly. It was fast, accurate, and strong, absolutely unstoppable and impossible to dodge.

Powerful energy passed through his chest, and this palm directly destroyed the zombie blood in Riley's body, erasing the source of his immortality.

It is difficult for zombies to kill zombies under the correct circumstances. It is difficult for second-generation zombies to kill third-generation zombies in the original book. Jin Mirai’s kind is a special case.

The power of maternal love made her explode, but the price was very high. Even if the general did not take action, she would not be able to escape death. The general only accelerated her death.

As a zombie's zombie, Riley is very aware of his current situation. He knows that he has no chance of survival.

Is this retribution? He killed Ma Ling'er back then, but today he and Xu Fu turned Ma Ling'er's descendant Ma Xiaoling into a zombie, and she was going to die in Ma Xiaoling's hands instead.

"Shiya, I'm here to accompany you."

Riley whispered, and then fell to the ground, completely dead.

Nothing is immortal. Zombies claim to be immortal and will not enter the six realms of reincarnation, but they will die as well.

The world of zombies is really strange. Even people like Quirrell and Crow who want to become zombies will become disgusted after being zombies for a long time.

Kuang Tianyou and Yamamoto Kazuo traveled through time and space and went back to the past, trying to prevent themselves from being bitten by generals and turning into zombies.

Many powerful zombies in this world hate the identity of zombies, while some people pursue the power of zombies. As expected, what is not available is the best.

For example, Yamamoto Kazuo never thought that if he really changed the past, given his age, he would probably die of old age if he didn't turn into a zombie.

No, he might even be seriously injured and die because he was not bitten by the general.

Riley is dead, and the next person Ma Xiaoling is looking for is Quirrell. Although it was Quirrell who turned himself into a zombie and gave him his current strength, she will not let him go.

However, Quirrell had already run away at this time.

He was defeated by one blow, and when he got up, he knew that he was no match for Ma Xiaoling, and even Ma Xiaoling only needed a few more moves to kill him, so he ran away decisively.

Only by finding Levi's and Mr. Lan, and contacting the True Ancestor through Mr. Lan, can he survive.

Quirrell has been a zombie for so many years. He occasionally thinks that it would be good to die, but he cannot commit suicide. Now that he has the chance to die, he does not want to die. All intelligent creatures are so contradictory.

Ma Xiaoling couldn't find Quirrell and snorted coldly, "Did you run away? Good luck to you."

At this time, Peacock arrived after the battle was over, but there was nothing that could be done. If Wang Zhenzhen and Jin Zhengzhong were not sent away, Riley would definitely kill them due to his madness at the time.

When Peacock saw Riley's body, he couldn't help boasting: "As expected of a member of the Ma family, Nan Mao Bei Ma is well-deserved."

Peacock understands that it is difficult for him to make a big improvement without great opportunities after he has practiced to this point. But Ma Xiaoling is different. She is still young. No wonder the Ma family can keep chasing the generals. Maybe she has fully grown up to kill the generals.

Ma Xiaoling heard Peacock's voice and looked back at him to ask about Zhenzhen. At this time, Peacock also saw Ma Xiaoling's purple eyes.

"Ma Xiaoling, were you bitten?"

Peacock said in horror, he couldn't help but retreat, not because he was frightened, but because he couldn't believe that a member of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan was actually bitten by a zombie.

Also, why are they purple eyes? I’ve never heard of them! Aren't zombies graded in red, blue, yellow, green, white, and black? Is this a mutation?

Ma Xiaoling was now a little violent. She said coldly: "So what if the zombies, I didn't harm anyone, and I'm stronger than ever before. I'll get rid of demons more smoothly in the future."

Peacock's strength is not weak. At the level of a third-generation zombie, he can fight with a second-generation zombie for a while, so he can sense how strong Ma Xiaoling is now.

Even leaving aside Ma Xiaoling's strength, he didn't know how to deal with this situation.

Suddenly, Peacock thought of something and suddenly said: "By the way, can't the Ma family's dragon help you suppress the power of zombies?"

Ma Xiaoling said loudly: "Why suppress him? I am in good condition now. Maybe even the general is no match for me. When I find the general, I can eliminate him and complete the Ma family's mission for many years."

After saying this, Ma Xiaoling thought that the zombie with green eyes just now was a second-generation zombie. If she found him, she might be able to find the general.

"But if you become a zombie, you have to feed on blood. Should you restrain yourself?"

Peacock seemed to see that Ma Xiaoling's personality had changed because she had become a zombie. He also thought that Ma Xiaoling could kill Riley, so he could only lower his tone.

Ma Xiaoling's expression changed, she didn't want to suck blood.

Although her personality has changed, Ma Xiaoling is still the same Ma Xiaoling, who takes it as her mission to exorcise demons.

Ever since, Ma Xiaoling discussed with Peacock how to suppress the power of zombies.

However, how can things be solved so easily? What fate wants now is a crazy Ma Xiaoling, and a Ma Xiaoling who is an enemy of the spiritual world.

Chapter 330

Zombies in Zombie are different from zombies in other worlds.

First of all, regardless of whether they have red eyes, blue eyes, or white eyes, they do not take the initiative to expose themselves, just like ordinary people, unlike zombies in other worlds who have to practice to an extremely advanced level to look the same as ordinary people.

Of course, that's just the appearance. Even if the body's corpse energy is so rich that it can be hidden, it can deceive ordinary people, but it can't deceive powerful practitioners.

The deadlock is different. In the original work, Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling live in the same building, and Ma Xiaoling doesn't notice at all.

Ever since, Ma Xiaoling used the dragon's energy to suppress the power of the zombies and returned to normal. She and Wang Zhenzhen returned to Hong Kong Island and arranged for Kuang Tianyou's funeral.

Destiny sneered: "Suppress it! The more you suppress it now, the more powerful the rebound will be later."

Destiny was intentional. It allowed Ma Xiaoling to be stable for a few days, and at the same time it also consumed the dragon energy. When the time comes, it makes Ma Xiaoling's destiny bloodline riot, and Ma Xiaoling will definitely turn into a zombie, and she will become even crazier by then.

In this way, Ma Xiaoling spent half a month smoothly, and Peacock also followed him to Hong Kong Island and stayed in the Jiajia Building where Ma Xiaoling lived. He was really worried.


On this day, Ma Xiaoling's destiny bloodline rioted, and in a chain reaction, the zombie bloodline also rioted.

The power of Ma Ling'er inherited from Ma Xiaoling is very powerful and can be regarded as the best in the world, but compared with the power of the zombie (Pangu) and the blood of fate, it is not as good as the investigation.

Ma Xiaoling suddenly transformed into a purple-eyed zombie, which really scared others. Peacock, who also lived in Jiajia Building, quickly noticed the abnormality. Only Ma Xiaoling had this amazing power.

"Master! You, what are you doing?"

Ma Xiaoling's apprentice Jin Zhengzhong was so shocked that he stuttered. In his heart, his master had many shortcomings, but he was absolutely first-class in conquering demons and demons. Many seniors were not as good as his master.

Ma Xiaoling was feeling dizzy. She suppressed her discomfort and said, "Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

Ma Xiaoling has not drunk blood since she became a zombie. She had no need at first, but then she quickly suppressed it with Shenlong's dragon energy. Now it burst out all of a sudden, and her bloodthirsty impulse was very strong.

Jin Zhengzhong was a little at a loss, and at this time, Ma Xiaoling's aunt Ma Danna appeared.

Ma Dannuo's strength is still good. At the same age, her performance is worse than Ma Xiaoling. If Ma Xiaoling was not the heroine, her final achievements would not be as good as Ma Dannuo.

"Purple eyes? It seems that Xiaoling's trip to the UK did not go well."

Madonna was a little confused. She had never heard of zombies with purple eyes. Is this a mutation?

Ma Danna thinks that Xiaoling was defeated by Riley in the UK, was bitten, mutated after turning into a zombie, and then killed Riley. Then she concealed everything and returned to China.

Ma Xiaoling was not in the mood to pay attention to this. Her bloodthirsty impulse became stronger and stronger, and she quickly teleported away.

Ma Danna's expression changed, "No, Xiaoling can't control herself anymore."

There was no time for Ma Danna to think too much now, so she hurriedly chased him out.

Peacock happened to encounter Ma Xiaoling who was rushing out of the door, but Ma Xiaoling was too fast and knocked her away.

Ma Xiaoling ran quickly and left Jiajia Building quickly. Her last rational thought told her that she could not suck blood here.

At this time, Chilo finally met the general through Lan Dali.

Before Nuwa returned, the general was too lazy to care about the second-generation zombies and the five-color messengers that he had bitten. Therefore, it was not easy for Lan Dali to meet the general.

In fact, if fate hadn't secretly guided him, Quirrell would never have seen how Riley was doing. Looking back now, Quirrell himself felt baffled.

The general listened to Quirrell's words while drinking. This zombie king liked drinking a little.

"Ma's family? Purple eyes? Mutated zombies? It's interesting to defeat you easily."

When the general becomes interested, he will become bored after a long time, so he always looks for some fun to pass the time.

The general has lived for so many years, and the Ma family has left a deep impression on him, and he is also interested in zombies with purple eyes.

The most important thing is the power to crush Xu Fu (Qiluo). Since he was bitten by him, Xu Fu has lived for so many years, which means that no practitioner can kill him. Now someone can crush Xu Fu, and now he Interested.

In fact, Lan Dali was also surprised. Their five-color messengers were stronger than Xu Fu, but they were limited. They couldn't kill the second-generation zombies.

"Where is Ma Xiaoling now!"

The general asked. At this time, the general was not paying attention to Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Guohua.

It's funny to say that the general is the ancestor of zombies, but he doesn't know much about zombies, such as the classification of red, green, yellow, blue, white, and black. He also heard what the world said, and through the world's understanding of zombies, that is, his descendants Only then did he realize the difference between himself and other zombies.

After all, the general only bit a few people and spent most of his time sleeping. He only decided to enter the world and experience the world of mortals decades ago.

It is precisely because of this that he fully understood his feelings for Nuwa and realized the power of love.

Otherwise, although the generals who did not understand the power of love crushed the second-generation zombies, they would never be the invincible zombie king. They would not even be called the strongest Pangu tribesman by people in another world, surpassing the human king Fuxi.

Xu Fu quickly said: "Ma Xiaoling is on Hong Kong Island. She has settled there in the past few years. As long as no one asks her to go out to exorcise demons, she will be there most of the time."

At this time, the general was in the mainland, and he said: "Let's book a flight! It's not in a hurry anyway."

Although the general is a zombie king, he is very graceful. It can be said that Jiang Wu is not even one percent as graceful as the general, and his strength is even worse than the general.

On the other side, Ma Xiaoling ran to a remote and uninhabited place. She screamed to the sky and vented her anger. She kept telling herself that she could not suck blood. Once she sucked blood, there would be no way back.

"Hey! Drink this! It will make you feel better."

Kuang Guohua appeared at this time, and he threw the blood bag. He appeared in time, but this was not an arrangement of fate, and fate did not expect this situation. It can only be said that it was really a coincidence.

Kuang Guohua and Kuang Fusheng drank the blood of dead people during the war these years. After the war, they endured it. If they couldn't do it, they drank the blood packs from the hospital. They didn't steal them, but traded them privately with others.

Due to the interference of fate, Kuang Guohua did not go to the UK and did not replace the identity of his grandson Kuang Tianyou. However, he still found out that his grandson was dead and investigated secretly to find out some things. He also knew that this person was from the Ma family.

Ma Xiaoling took the blood bag and saw Kuang Guohua's face, which made her surprised and happy, "God bless, aren't you dead?"

Soon, the bloodthirsty instinct affected her again. She couldn't suppress it anymore and drank the blood directly.

Even though the original trajectory of fate was destroyed, these two guys still met together, and this also broke the plan of fate. He was worthy of being the person who broke fate many times in the original trajectory of fate.

Chapter 331 The backhand of fate

The fate in the dark gritted its teeth bitterly, because too many changes had occurred, and he had taken over He Youqiu's body in advance.

However, even if Destiny is strengthened by the power of the Book of Heaven, the power he exerts with the help of He Youqiu's body is still not strong enough to compete with a strong man of the general level. At most, he can only deal with it.

Ma Xiaoling feels much better after taking the blood. Although this is not fresh human blood, she has dragon energy to help suppress the zombie bloodline, and her need for blood is much smaller than other zombies.

Just as Ma Xiaoling was about to speak, she suddenly felt that her need for blood had increased.

This is fate's last resort. Although it created the Ma family's bloodline, Ma Xiaoling's current power is too powerful and cannot be controlled by it.

The bloodline that controlled fate just now forcibly affected Ma Xiaoling, accelerating the digestion of blood by the zombie bloodline, making Ma Xiaoling hungry again.

The price is that it will not be able to use the destiny bloodline to influence Ma Xiaoling in the future, but it feels it is worth it.

The unknown is the scariest thing. To fate, the Pangu clan and the Ma family are all known, and it has endless time to spend with them.

But Qianzhe is different. He seems to exist outside the world. There is no record in the heavenly book. What is even more terrifying is this guy's powerful strength. Even it cannot detect the bottom line. It is definitely more than the second generation zombies and can even be compared with Fuxi. .

Destiny has overestimated the Chizuru Split Body as much as possible, but its overestimation is actually an underestimation.


Ma Xiaoling roared again, and the zombie teeth were exposed.

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