Destiny was shocked, this was impossible, all the immortals and Buddhas in the sky were buried under fate, how could such a terrifying existence exist.

Qianhe's split body didn't say much. He activated the ability of assimilation to assimilate fate, and then fired it into the heavenly book, allowing it to merge with the heavenly book.

At this moment, the Heavenly Book was truly complete, and the complete Heavenly Book was assimilated into Fu Jiang.

"Oh! The Book of Heaven actually has this ability."

Qianhe's split body was a little surprised. He didn't expect that after Tianshu was assimilated into Fujiang, he could actually assist other Fujiang to speed up the assimilation into this world.

In other words, if the book from the land and the book from the people are obtained, the assimilation speed will be very fast.

The Book of the Earth is in the hands of Our Lady of Yaochi, and Our Lady of Yaochi is still imprisoned in Pangu Holy Land.

The human book is in the hands of Ksitigarbha, and Ksitigarbha reincarnated as Ma Xiaohu. In other words, the human book is now hidden in Ma Xiaohu's soul.

When ordinary people know this news, they will definitely take away the Book of Heaven from Ma Xiaohu's soul, and they will definitely awaken Ksitigarbha's sleeping soul and return Ksitigarbha to his throne.

Ksitigarbha's powerful methods are not that simple. Unfortunately, after encountering Fujiang, Qianhe's split body can take away the human book from Ma Xiaohu's body without triggering Ksitigarbha's backhand.

The split body of Qianhe quickly took away the human book and assimilated it. Unfortunately, it was found that the human book could not help speed up the assimilation of this world. Only the heavenly book could. It seems that only the heavenly book is special.

However, under the characteristics of Fujiang, the Book of Heaven and the Book of Man are perfectly integrated into the new Fujiang. According to this situation, it is probably Fujiang who will eventually become the Heavenly Way of this stalemate multiverse, but in the end it will have to compete with the Heavenly Way of the Fujiang Multiverse. Fujiang merges into one.

Because the human book was not very helpful in assimilating the world, and the earth book was probably the same, Fujiang did not go to seize the earth book. Others coveted the power of the three books in one, but he did not need it.

However, after assimilating to fate, Chizuru's split body did know some secrets.

For example, the human king Fuxi could shoot down the Nine Suns, but why he couldn't destroy the earth after two battles with the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

This is because the earth is special, just like the earth in Saint Seiya is blessed by the gods. Even if the Saint Seiya has the power of exploding stars, the damage it can inflict on the earth is not very strong.

The dead earth is blessed by the three books of heaven, earth and man. This blessing cannot be reversed by fate unless it masters the three books.

This blessing is reasonable, otherwise, the universe is so vast, why would the three books appear together on the earth.

There is also the mystery of the disappearance of Tathagata and other immortal gods. The split body of Qianzhe now knows what is going on.

Chapter 336

Qianhe's splinter body did not interfere too much with Ma Xiaoling and others' affairs and returned directly to the mainland.

He Yingqiu was stunned, as if his fate had been taken away.

Soon, He Youqiu burst into laughter. If his fate was gone, then he could resurrect June.

However, it can only be said that there is no need to think too much. There are rules for the operation of heaven, and destiny only has part of the power of heaven.

What's more, Destiny is just assimilated into the split body of Qianzuru and returned to the Book of Heaven, not really dead.

Of course, there is still hope for He Yuqiu.

He couldn't resurrect June before, partly because his ability was not enough, and partly because of the intervention of fate.

Destiny doesn't like people modifying the established trajectory. He Youqiu only wants to return the sun in June. It would be strange if he is not targeted by fate.

Now, there is nothing to ask for. As long as you improve the Yang-Returning Forbidden Curse, June will be resurrected.

However, this is not the world of Naruto after all. Reincarnation and reincarnation can be used casually. There is a god of death in the underworld of this world, and it won't be long before a god of death comes to hold you responsible.

He Youqiu quickly went to find June. Ma Xiaoling was still practicing, and she didn't wake up until dawn.

By this time, Peacock and Kuang Guohua had already left, and they left in advance.

Peacock is not a fool, and he did not forcefully kill the demon. He just heard what happened to this zombie, and neither the South nor the North are targeting the zombie Kuang Guohua. Why should he stand out? Moreover, it is a second-generation zombie! He is 100% no match.

"Is everyone else gone?"

After Ma Xiaoling finished practicing, she realized that everyone else had left, leaving only her aunt and uncle Qiu.

Ma Danna said: "They are all gone, Xiaoling, what are your plans in the future?"

Ma Xiaoling said: "Kill the general to complete the mission of our Ma family. Moreover, once the general dies, maybe the zombie bloodline in my body will disappear."

Yes, Ma Xiaoling swelled up. She felt that her strength was enough to kill the generals. Even if she did not turn into a zombie, she was nearly ten times stronger than her previous self and was more than enough to deal with the generals.

Ma Xiaoling's support was not the divine dragon. The divine dragon was at most an auxiliary. Ma Ling'er's Taoism was the real terror. It was the Taoism to subdue the divine dragon.

Back then, even if Ma Ling'er didn't die, she couldn't kill the generals either, but with her qualifications, she could definitely become an immortal or a Buddha.

Speaking of immortals and Buddhas, we have to talk about the Great Sun Tathagata.

In the original history, on July 1, 1999, Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling successfully saved the world.

The Great Sun Tathagata decided to give Kuang Tianyou a wish, and Kuang Tianyou hoped that he would not be bitten by a general and turn into a zombie sixty years ago.

The Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara used their great magical powers to reverse time. However, it was at this time that fate took action.

The method used by Tathagata Tathagata and Guanyin to reverse time and restart all things is so powerful that even the Pangu clan cannot do it.

In Deadline 3, Ma Xiaoling's time travel to the Song Dynasty changed history, but it is not actually a change. Ma Xiaoling's time travel is a part of history. Only the Great Sun Tathagata can truly change history.

The Great Sun Tathagata and Avalokitesvara paid a huge price for doing so, but it was at this time that fate activated the power of destiny that had been accumulated for many years in the heavenly book.

Destiny consumed most of the power of destiny in the heavenly book, stole the power of Tathagata Tathagata and Guanyin, killed them, and killed the immortals and Buddhas all over the sky.

Only the underworld is left open by fate, because the underworld needs the God of Death to function.

Even so, many powerful gods of death also died. Ksitigarbha was very powerful and only escaped with the help of human beings. Later, he also arranged for his own reincarnation.

This is also the reason why the performance of the fate of Zongyue No. 3 Middle School is not up to the standard of Tianshu.

Getting back to the topic, Ma Danna persuaded: "Xiao Ling, you'd better be careful. You are so powerful just because you have mutated. As a zombie king, even if the general is not stronger than you in the zombie state, he will not be weaker than you."

He Yingqiu followed: "Yes, Xiaoling, you are currently practicing Qianhe Taoist Brother's soul-fixing technique, and it is actually still improving. There is no need to be so anxious. You should wait a little longer. After so many years of waiting, don't be anxious for a while, and It’s hard to find generals!”

Young people are supposed to respect older people because they have experience that young people don’t have.

But young people are Chaoyang and rebellious, especially purple-eyed Ma Xiaoling. She will not listen to He Yingqiu and the two.

However, the hidden dangers in her body must be eliminated. It would be bad if she loses control in the middle of the fight.

There are also some things she needs to know about Kuang Guohua, a person similar to Tianyou, and the mysterious Qianhe.

By the way, Kuang Guohua is a second-generation zombie, maybe he can help him find his generals.

I have to tell my great aunt about my ancestor Ma Ling'er. She is also from the Ma family and there are some things she needs to know.

However, it was definitely not in this desolate place. He Yingqiu, the worst of the three, was also a man of profound Taoism. It would be a shame to return to Jiajia Building.

Of course, He Yingqiu was always on the sidelines. These were Ma family matters, but he was from Nanmao.

However, everything should be said to others, and He Yingqiu had helped the Ma family a lot, and they were close to each other, so Ma Xiaoling and Ma Xiaoling did not go behind his back.

Just say that after Ma Danna died, Ma Xiaoling went abroad to slay demons for the first time, and He Yingqiu followed her to protect her.

After listening to Ma Xiaoling's story, He Yingqiu and Ma Dannuo couldn't help but sigh. They didn't expect Ma Ling'er to have such an experience.

After hearing this, Ma Danna was also dissatisfied with Ma Ling'er. If you arrest the generals, you will arrest the generals. Why should you issue such a vicious curse? Just because of your misfortune, the descendants of the Ma family will suffer.

Xiaoling still has hope, but she has been delayed her whole life by the Ma family's ancestral teachings.

However, Ma Danna can't resent Ma Ling'er too much, because the dragon they like to use to exorcise evil was caught by Ma Ling'er, and half of the Ma family's powerful Taoist techniques were developed by Ma Ling'er.

Now Ma Danna is also excited. She has obtained the soul-fixing technique and the Ma family's lost forbidden technique. She doesn't even have to catch up on her beauty sleep and starts practicing.

After all, Ma Danna is not an ordinary person. Even if she cannot stay in the human world for a long time, she does not have to be reincarnated. She can also hold important positions in the underworld. You must know that her high-end combat power is still in great demand in the underworld.

He Yingqiu left. After returning home, he wrote down his secret technique and prepared to send it to Qianhe's split body.

He Yingqiu felt that Qianhe might not like it, but a deal was a deal. He still valued the promise and was stubborn at the same time.

Otherwise, in the original work, he clearly knew what he wanted when he went to see the one possessed by fate, and it would probably be a disaster, but he still went, and he eventually died in the hands of fate.

However, in this time and space, he will not die in the hands of fate, everything has changed.

At this time, the generals came to Hong Kong Island with the five-color messengers Hongchao and Lan Dali and the second-generation zombies Xu Fu and Crow.

It's not fate that's playing tricks now. Fate has been assimilated. Tomie and the others will just let everything take its course without interfering too much.

Compared with the excessive interference in the worlds of Pirates and Naruto, the world of stalemate is different. This is a world controlled by fate, so Tomie is very interested in how the world will develop without fate.

Chapter 337

"True Ancestor, let's go see Ma Xiaoling now and take a short rest." Xu Fu asked respectfully, but his tone was a little urgent.

The general was very indifferent, "Shh! After all, you have lived for a thousand years, please relax."

The general has a different kind of charm, and it is very comfortable to be friends with him. In the original work, even if Kuang Guohua is his enemy, he can't find any fault with the general.

Xu Fu didn't dare to say anything, he just waited a little longer.

In the past, Lan Dali would have sneaked away to find Ma Xiaoling and others. Now that he knew that Xu Fu was seriously injured with one move, Lan Dali would not dare to go.

The five-color messengers are born powerful and have surpassed most practitioners since their birth. However, their power is stuck there and difficult to improve. Zombies are not bad and can rely on love and hate to explode.

As long as the five-color messenger can increase his power, these five guys will definitely increase their power at all costs and then kill Nuwa.

It can be said that the five-color messengers are the people who hate Nuwa the most in the world. Although Nuwa created them, they themselves symbolize the five bad qualities of human beings.

But Nuwa didn't care about them long after she created them. It's strange that they can obey Nuwa.

Even according to human terms, the kindness of nurturing is greater than nurturing, so among the five-color messengers, Hong Chao respects the generals more than Nuwa.

At night, the general found a random place in the wilderness. He showed his fangs, his eyes turned red, and wings sprouted from his back.


The general roared, and the two nearest second-generation zombies knelt on the ground in disobedience. This was the suppression of the bloodline.

There is no doubt that the general is very strong, otherwise he would not have been sent by the elders of the Pangu tribe to monitor Nuwa. After understanding the power of love, the general's power has been improved again, and at the same time, his suppression of zombies with his bloodline has also become Bigger.

"How is this kind of power possible? The general's power is no less than the master, and may even be stronger than the master."

Lan Dali was frightened and unwilling at the same time, because he represents power, he likes to play with everything, he doesn't like others to be above him, and he is also the fastest among the five-color messengers to rebel.

Originally, Lan Dali only thought that the general was stronger than them, because the general had never made a move in front of them, and the five-color envoys did not know the general's true power.

At this time, all the zombies on Hong Kong Island could not control themselves. They transformed into zombies uncontrollably and knelt on the ground as if worshiping the great king.

Kuang Guohua and Kuang Fusheng couldn't control it, but they were far away, so the impact was slightly less, and they were second-generation zombies, so they didn't kneel down.

But at this moment, Kuang Guohua recalled his fear of the generals.

The zombies are affected, but ordinary people are not. Even Taoist masters like Ma Danna and He Yingqiu don't know that generals have arrived on Hong Kong Island.

Unbeknownst to these two people, Ma Xiaoling sensed that she was also a zombie now!

However, Ma Xiaoling is a mutated zombie, and she is not suppressed by the blood of the generals.

The pregnant Jin Future in the original work is not affected by the generals, because she is pregnant with Mo Xing. Mo Xing has strong potential and even has the opportunity to grow into a real Pangu tribe member. Ma Xiaoling's bloodline is more advanced than Mo Xing.

Ma Xiaoling was not affected, but she was a zombie and could sense the general direction of the generals, so she took the guy and set off.

This was also intentional by the general. The general knew that the Ma family wanted to kill him, and that Ma Xiaoling had turned into a zombie, so he directly released his momentum and asked her to come to him.

"Xiao Ling, where are you going so late?"

Ma Dannuo came out quickly. She didn't know what was going on, but she was not stupid. She had to bring so many guys with her so late at night, so something must have happened.

Ma Xiaoling really wanted to go alone, because if her aunt died, her soul would be scattered, but her aunt was a woman from the Ma family! And she hunted down the generals earlier than she did.

Ma Xiaoling said helplessly: "The general has appeared."

Ma Danna's eyes lit up. She had hunted down the generals several times. She felt that she and Xiaoling were now strong enough to kill the generals she had met before. The premise was that the generals' power had not improved much over the years and they did not hide their strength back then.

In fact, the more Ma Danna thought about it today, the more something was wrong. Xiaoling was so strong as a mutant zombie, and there was no reason why Jiang Chen was so weak as a zombie king.

In this case, were the generals teasing Ma's family before? All this will be revealed tonight.

Ma Xiaoling and Ma Danna set off quickly, with a tacit understanding not to call He Yingqiu.

He Yingqiu helped the Ma family too much. This matter was very dangerous. Even if Ma Xiaoling's strength improved greatly, she was not 100% sure. There was no need to let He Yingqiu accompany them to take risks.

One was a ghost and the other was a zombie. They were extremely fast. In less than five minutes, Ma Xiaoling found the general by following his bloodline.

"Are you a general?"

Ma Danna was surprised. She didn't have the sense between zombies, but she could tell which one was the general by looking at their positions.

Makna had hunted down generals before, more than once, but the generals at that time were so slovenly that some fans who watched the show called the generals at that time beggars.

The general chuckled and said: "Long time no see, things are really different!"

The general was also filled with emotion. He remembered that when Madonna first chased him, she was just like the one next to her. Later, she slowly aged and became fatter, until now she was completely obese.

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